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Resource Management in Nohr/Conquest


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I have heard that the Conquest campaign is rather limited in the amount of gold you receive (not just in the sense that you can't infinitely grind gold, but that the limited amount they give you is rather small). Can anyone attest to how much gold you receive during the campaign? Also, are you given enough weapons through the story, or do you find yourself needing to buy weapons from the armory?

I'm trying to get an idea of how many seals and forged weapons I can afford as well as maybe buy a skill or two.

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Incomplete List:

Counting only items in Chapter 6 and onwards

C7: Heal, Freeze, Iron Sword, Bronze Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Axe, Hand Axe

C8: Thunder, Vulnerary, Iron Bow, Talisman

C9: Parallel/Heart Seal, Rescue, Brass Naginata, Vulnerary, Fire, Fimbulvetr

C10 Inventory: Steel Axe, Thunder, Iron Axe, Iron Sword, Bronze Sword, Vulnerary

C10 House Items (I don't recall which, but two of them are a bit of a pain to get):

Master Seal, Dracoshield, Reverse/Dual Club, 10,000 G

C10 Drops: Elixir X1 from Boss, it's unlikely to get in my opinion

C11: Weakness, Spirit Dust

C12: Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Iron Sword, Vulnerary. Secret Book if you can beat the boss.

C13: Secret Book, Master Seal, 5,000 G, Blessed Lance, Steel Axe, Steel Lance

C14: Iron Sword, Seraph Robe, 10,000 G, Beaststone, Guard Beaststone

C15: Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Javelin, Vulnerary

C16: (Killer Bow + Mend) OR (Speedwing?). I'm not too sure. Plus 10,000 G (minus 300 per turn)

C17: -

C18: Master Seal, Energy Drop, 10,000 G

C19: Beaststone+

C20: Dragonstone+, Rescue, 10,000 G, Secret Book

C21: -

C22: Gold Coin (Missable on Hard/Lunatic), 5,000 G, Spirit Dust

C23: Goddess Icon, 10,000 G, Boots

C24: Speedwing

C25: Dracoshield, 10,000 G, Wind Summon

C26: S Rank Tome, S Rank Axe, S Rank Staff, Expert Yumi, 20,000 G, Warrior Naginata, Seraph Robe

C27: -

E: -

Master Seals: 3

Gold: 90k Total. Though realistically for most of the game you will only have the 60k, so it's more of don't splurge your money like an idiot when you first get it

But anyway in general money isn't so much tight. It's more like, you can't just buy whatever you want. (Like for me, in FE10 Endgame I had 100k Gold just sitting around with nothing to buy)

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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20000g from chapter 26

10000g from chapter 10, 14, 18, 20, 23, 25

5000g from chapter 12, 13, 17, 19, 22

3000g from chapter 9

In chapter 8 you can get 10000g if you visit at least 3 villages.

There are always people saying "XXX is not worth getting" as if it is hard to get. I don't know why.

In chapter 16, you will start with 10000g, but the more turns you use, the less money you will finally get.

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Incomplete List:

Counting only items in Chapter 6 and onwards

C7: Heal, Freeze, Iron Sword, Bronze Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Axe, Hand Axe

C8: Thunder, Vulnerary, Iron Bow, Talisman

C9: Parallel/Heart Seal, Rescue, Brass Naginata, Vulnerary, Fire, Fimbulvetr

C10 Inventory: Steel Axe, Thunder, Iron Axe, Iron Sword, Bronze Sword, Vulnerary

C10 House Items (I don't recall which, but two of them are a bit of a pain to get):

Master Seal, Dracoshield, Reverse/Dual Club, 10,000 G

C10 Drops: Elixir X1 from Boss, it's unlikely to get in my opinion

C11: Weakness, Spirit Dust

C12: Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Iron Sword, Vulnerary. Secret Book if you can beat the boss.

C13: Secret Book, Master Seal, 5,000 G, Blessed Lance, Steel Axe, Steel Lance

C14: Iron Sword, Seraph Robe, 10,000 G, Beaststone, Guard Beaststone

C15: Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Javelin, Vulnerary

C16: (Killer Bow + Mend) OR (Speedwing?). I'm not too sure. Plus 10,000 G (minus 300 per turn)

C17: -

C18: Master Seal, Energy Drop, 10,000 G

C19: Beaststone+

C20: Dragonstone+, Rescue, 10,000 G, Secret Book

C21: -

C22: Gold Coin (Missable on Hard/Lunatic), 5,000 G, Spirit Dust

C23: Goddess Icon, 10,000 G, Boots

C24: Speedwing

C25: Dracoshield, 10,000 G, Wind Summon

C26: S Rank Tome, S Rank Axe, S Rank Staff, Expert Yumi, 20,000 G, Warrior Naginata, Seraph Robe

C27: -

E: -

Master Seals: 3

Gold: 90k Total. Though realistically for most of the game you will only have the 60k, so it's more of don't splurge your money like an idiot when you first get it

But anyway in general money isn't so much tight. It's more like, you can't just buy whatever you want. (Like for me, in FE10 Endgame I had 100k Gold just sitting around with nothing to buy)

C12: Explosive Shuriken, Kodachi, Armourslayer, 5000g.

C15: Goddess Icon, Speedwing, Spirit Dust

C16: Master Seal, Parallel Seal. Not a Speedwing but a Boots.

C17: 5000, Master Seal, Speedwing(?)

C21: Arms Scroll

C26: I always get Expert Shuriken, not Expert Yumi.

Edited by Tooru
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In chapter 16, you will start with 10000g, but the more turns you use, the less money you will finally get.

How fast would that chapter need to be cleared to get the maximum?

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Thanks Tooru and CocoaGalaxy, that information is really helpful. So it's just like a more traditional Fire Emblem game; they give you a reasonable amount of gold, you just can't be careless because it's limited. That is good news, some people made it seem like you had barely any to work with. It also looks like they give you a fair amount of weapons, so I shouldn't need to buy any bronze, iron or steal weapons.

CocoaGalaxy, why do you say that realistically you only get about 60k, is it just because some are hard to get?

you can still grind money and exp through DLC though.

And it isn't that expensive for those two

I actually already have the whole Map Pack 1 pre-ordered, but the gold dlc doesn't come out until 2 weeks after release. I will most likely be done with my first play-through of Conquest (playing it first) by then. Besides, it will be more fun without the grinding. I plan on mainly using the grinding DLC during Revelations when I'm building my online team or trying to catch up certain characters that have late join times with terrible starting lv/stats.

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CocoaGalaxy, why do you say that realistically you only get about 60k, is it just because some are hard to get?

The last 10k+20k are from chapter 25 and 26.

It is too late. You may have already paid for all the weapons/seals you want before chapter 25.

Edited by Tooru
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Don't forget paralogues! In particular, Lutz's can get you quite a bit of cash. Can be a case of easier said than done, though.

Also chapter 8's villages can get you some funds. Maxes out when you visit 3 of 5 villages I believe.

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The last 10k+20k are from chapter 25 and 26.

It is too late. You may have already paid for all the weapons/seals you want before chapter 25.

Ah right, that makes sense. That would probably be a good time to purchase the Stat Boosting items from the MC vendor, then.

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you can still grind money and exp through DLC though.

Grabbing the EXP and money DLCs does help you significantly in Nohr playthroughs since you really can't grind outside of the main battles. But I would like to remind you that the money and EXP DLC maps are much harder than the ones in Awakening since the enemies actually deal damage to you and some may actually fight back in the enemy turn. The enemy stats and levels in the said DLC are also scaled based on your story progress. Meaning that if you have an incredibly weak unit in your party and try to train him/her in the EXP map when you are somewhere in let's say...chapter 21, you're pretty much screwed yourself over.

Also, you don't have to limit yourself to the level 1-2 shops that you have and need to wait until the later chapters to get a level 3 shop. You can also visit other players' My Catles where they have level 3 item shops to get the infinite class changing seals that you need.

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you can still grind money and exp through DLC though.

Which is a delusion for the weak. Do it after Ch26 or after game completion.

Incomplete List:

Counting only items in Chapter 6 and onwards

C7: Heal, Freeze, Iron Sword, Bronze Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Axe, Hand Axe

C8: Thunder, Vulnerary, Iron Bow, Talisman

C9: Parallel/Heart Seal, Rescue, Brass Naginata, Vulnerary, Fire, Fimbulvetr

C10 Inventory: Steel Axe, Thunder, Iron Axe, Iron Sword, Bronze Sword, Vulnerary

C10 House Items (I don't recall which, but two of them are a bit of a pain to get):

Master Seal, Dracoshield, Reverse/Dual Club, 10,000 G

C10 Drops: Elixir X1 from Boss, it's unlikely to get in my opinion

C11: Weakness, Spirit Dust

C12: Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Iron Sword, Vulnerary. Secret Book if you can beat the boss.

C13: Secret Book, Master Seal, 5,000 G, Blessed Lance, Steel Axe, Steel Lance

C14: Iron Sword, Seraph Robe, 10,000 G, Beaststone, Guard Beaststone

C15: Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Javelin, Vulnerary

C16: (Killer Bow + Mend) OR (Speedwing?). I'm not too sure. Plus 10,000 G (minus 300 per turn)

C17: -

C18: Master Seal, Energy Drop, 10,000 G

C19: Beaststone+

C20: Dragonstone+, Rescue, 10,000 G, Secret Book

C21: -

C22: Gold Coin (Missable on Hard/Lunatic), 5,000 G, Spirit Dust

C23: Goddess Icon, 10,000 G, Boots

C24: Speedwing

C25: Dracoshield, 10,000 G, Wind Summon

C26: S Rank Tome, S Rank Axe, S Rank Staff, Expert Yumi, 20,000 G, Warrior Naginata, Seraph Robe

C27: -

E: -

Master Seals: 3

Gold: 90k Total. Though realistically for most of the game you will only have the 60k, so it's more of don't splurge your money like an idiot when you first get it

But anyway in general money isn't so much tight. It's more like, you can't just buy whatever you want. (Like for me, in FE10 Endgame I had 100k Gold just sitting around with nothing to buy)

And having Great Merchants in the process. Mozu will take some good forges to get her going as you can get her to LV7-8 by the end of her starting map to get her going from there! :)

Midoriko can become one too for her personnel making getting 300G bars easy.

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You don't need that many weapons. For the most part you'll get from enemies and recruitment pretty much everything you need and the game dumps you a lot of cash, though most of the stuff you would want comes from enemies, chests and villages so make sure you don't miss any of those. You will want to forge Irons and Steels in the late game which aren't that expensive by then, plus many weapons you can get by talking on the My Castle can be rather useful (Specially the Robber tome and the Nohr Black Sword).

Make sure you don't make impulsive purchases when you see cool weapons you might end up not using. I carried around a Killer Sword I didn't used until I recruited a children character for like 5 chapters, for instance, and I never found a good recipient for a Killer Lance. Do get Armorslayer, Hammers and Beast Lances as even though you're in Nohr you'll fight a lot of Nohrian enemies. I never found an occasion in which I needed a Silver weapon either, you can always make up for stats on the Cafeteria.

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You don't need that many weapons. For the most part you'll get from enemies and recruitment pretty much everything you need and the game dumps you a lot of cash, though most of the stuff you would want comes from enemies, chests and villages so make sure you don't miss any of those. You will want to forge Irons and Steels in the late game which aren't that expensive by then, plus many weapons you can get by talking on the My Castle can be rather useful (Specially the Robber tome and the Nohr Black Sword).

Make sure you don't make impulsive purchases when you see cool weapons you might end up not using. I carried around a Killer Sword I didn't used until I recruited a children character for like 5 chapters, for instance, and I never found a good recipient for a Killer Lance. Do get Armorslayer, Hammers and Beast Lances as even though you're in Nohr you'll fight a lot of Nohrian enemies. I never found an occasion in which I needed a Silver weapon either, you can always make up for stats on the Cafeteria.

Yea, that. The only reason for getting the Weapons DLC is getting multiple copies of a particular weapon for forging (the forging mechanic works differently in this game since you need multiple number of the same weapon to level up and increases incrementality) and even so, the weapons you get from that DLC is totally random as well.

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Yea, that. The only reason for getting the Weapons DLC is getting multiple copies of a particular weapon for forging (the forging mechanic works differently in this game since you need multiple number of the same weapon to level up and increases incrementality) and even so, the weapons you get from that DLC is totally random as well.

well that sucks tho, i mean when you want to do for example killer shurikens you might even now get those for a long time, cause it's random right?

Can't help it, however i like that forging needs much more effort than in awakening tho.

Also story-wise in Nohr, when you won't play at lunatic you don't need to forge weapons, at least not for higher lvls.

Edited by Eriotto
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Yea, that. The only reason for getting the Weapons DLC is getting multiple copies of a particular weapon for forging (the forging mechanic works differently in this game since you need multiple number of the same weapon to level up and increases incrementality) and even so, the weapons you get from that DLC is totally random as well.

Weapons DLC is easily the most worthless DLC ever. You can't choose the weapons you get, for the most part you'll be getting weapons you don't want, and on top of that you have to compete for chests and worry about not dying as enemies scale in power. Just get the money DLC and buy some skills or forge Irons. A +3 Iron Sword has more power than a Silver Sword, however you need like 8 normal Iron Swords to get one (that's like 8000 gold), and if you know where to find online skills like Sol and Luna costs like 750-1000 gold, which is really nothing. You can get some nice skills even if you don't plan on buying DLC.

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Weapons DLC is easily the most worthless DLC ever. You can't choose the weapons you get, for the most part you'll be getting weapons you don't want, and on top of that you have to compete for chests and worry about not dying as enemies scale in power. Just get the money DLC and buy some skills or forge Irons. A +3 Iron Sword has more power than a Silver Sword, however you need like 8 normal Iron Swords to get one (that's like 8000 gold), and if you know where to find online skills like Sol and Luna costs like 750-1000 gold, which is really nothing. You can get some nice skills even if you don't plan on buying DLC.

I know about lower weapon, but if i would like to upgrade like shining bows or killer ones then i don't have any other way to do so >.>

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I know about lower weapon, but if i would like to upgrade like shining bows or killer ones then i don't have any other way to do so >.>

Well you will be able to buy a second and third Killer weapon after a while and a +1 Killer weapon is almost overkill as they give 4x Critical damage, so you're pretty much killing anything with a crit of those.

Killer weapons aren't so hot anymore because they reduce 20 evasion, which makes your dodgetank not dodge anymore, it has about as much power as an Iron, rather than more power than a Steel in Awakening, and it only gives 25% crit which means that unless you have someone with high crit on their own it probably won't be a good idea to use it altogether on more powerful units. I only ever use Mjolnir on Ophelia, Killer Bow on Mozume and a Killer Axe on Charlotte and neither ever needed to upgrade them until the very endgame.

I really can't think of good recipients of the magical weapons since you still need bloody C rank to use them and Zero doesn't get enough magic to make the shining bow work. The only one I can think of is Felicia with an Exploding Shuriken, and even then it's better to just reclass her to Strategist if you wish to give her damage (don't forget she and Jakob get up to level 40).

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Well you will be able to buy a second and third Killer weapon after a while and a +1 Killer weapon is almost overkill as they give 4x Critical damage, so you're pretty much killing anything with a crit of those.

Killer weapons aren't so hot anymore because they reduce 20 evasion, which makes your dodgetank not dodge anymore, it has about as much power as an Iron, rather than more power than a Steel in Awakening, and it only gives 25% crit which means that unless you have someone with high crit on their own it probably won't be a good idea to use it altogether on more powerful units. I only ever use Mjolnir on Ophelia, Killer Bow on Mozume and a Killer Axe on Charlotte and neither ever needed to upgrade them until the very endgame.

I really can't think of good recipients of the magical weapons since you still need bloody C rank to use them and Zero doesn't get enough magic to make the shining bow work. The only one I can think of is Felicia with an Exploding Shuriken, and even then it's better to just reclass her to Strategist if you wish to give her damage (don't forget she and Jakob get up to level 40).

Maid Felicia has higher Atk and Spd than Strategist Felicia.

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Maid Felicia has higher Atk and Spd than Strategist Felicia.

Strategist Felicia gets better mov which is far better for them crazy staves and can forge tomes with more ease for better damage. There is only 1 point of speed lost in the reclassing and the difference in growths is 5%. Not to mention if you reclass after level 15 you get more skills so her Battle Command stacks with Demoiselle on top of keeping Tomebreaker which can be ridiculously helpful in Nohr. It's still very viable to keep her a maid and just keep the Exploding Shuriken, I won't deny it, but I feel she's much better off as a Strategist.

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Strategist Felicia gets better mov which is far better for them crazy staves and can forge tomes with more ease for better damage. There is only 1 point of speed lost in the reclassing and the difference in growths is 5%. Not to mention if you reclass after level 15 you get more skills so her Battle Command stacks with Demoiselle on top of keeping Tomebreaker which can be ridiculously helpful in Nohr. It's still very viable to keep her a maid and just keep the Exploding Shuriken, I won't deny it, but I feel she's much better off as a Strategist.

You immediately lose 3 Spd, not "only 1": don't forget that Explosive Shuriken is a Shuriken.

Explosive Shuriken has 9 Mt; the bonus from C/B rank on daggers is +1/+2 Atk.

Fire has only 3 Mt, Thunder has only 5; no bonus from D/E rank on tomes; a lv1 forge adds +2 Mt and requires another weapon.

Tomes have better WT to fight bows/axes, while there are already many other tome/sword users that will be used in most playthroughs.

Daggers have better WT to fight lances/daggers/swords/tomes.

We are talking about "her damage", right?

Skills and mov can be good, but these are what you give up "her damage" for, not "her damage" itself.

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Nohr has a lot of money, you just have to go out of your way to get it. You'll be fine.

The problem with Conquest is knowing (on a blind first run) how to spend properly and where to spend during the game. Some units aren't really that good to be promoted (my Lazward was a big waste of 2K worth of Master Seals, Odin has his ridiculous Awakening growths despite not being a damn Myrmidon, Benoit is doubled by anything that hits him, Charlotte is awfully mediocre for the point she joins and I think she's a waste of a spot if you're not willing to grind with her in the EXP DLC chapter, Nyx dies if anything touches her ever slightly), and some items are not worth spending (yes, I bought steel weapons before I got steel weapons in the next chapters because I couldn't foretell this convenient generousity).

I rather like silver weapons, most of the time they're handy and necessary for OHKills. Elfie's great with a silver lance, since the -2 str penalty doesn't even bother her, and it actually manages to OHKill mage units that could've doubled and ORKilled her. Luna needs a silver sword since her strength is horrible (not sure about her actual growths, I'm just saying her strength was bad in my run). Zero also does, for the same reason. Azura (not Aqua) also benefits from this, but I don't think it is necessary for him. Kamui has the Yatogami, and usually it + a Dragonstone [+] is enough, thus a silver weapon is also optional.

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