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What are you looking forward to about Fates/Let's talk positives


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So tired of seeing people being negative about Fates, and seeing that the last positives thread has died, I decided to start a new one.

List what your looking forward too about Fates here, and spread the positives. I don't think this fanbase can take much more salt anyway

I'm personally looking forward to:

Infinite Weapon Durability

Conquest's level design

The New Weapon Effects system

The fact we're basically getting three FE games

Online Multiplayer

Screwing around in My Castle

Recruiting the Amiibos

The characters having feet this time

The Music



Shipping characters

Manakete main character

Edited by MCProductions
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Niles and the whole, ya know, gay marriage thing. That's gonna be great.

Aside from that, I am looking forward to having to actually think and do real strategy. It was kind of intimidating at first but now I'm sure that I can do it.

I also LOVE how much better the cinematics look than Awakening's. They're a lot.. softer? It really fits. I also like Fates' art style overall. Its a lot more memorable. I mean, its virtually the same, but has its own uniqueness.

PVP is gonna be interesting to. I wonder if I can do it, even with my severe social anxiety. I'd hate to embarrass myself by only losing.

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Pretty much everything that's going to be in the game is what I'm looking forward to. I can't wait to dive into a new Fire Emblem game and experience the story, characters, supports, level designs, etc. It's been three years since Awakening and while I've gone back to play Fire Emblem 7 and Radiant Dawn, I'm looking forward to a new Fire Emblem game. Plus, the three different paths adds such an interesting twist. And yes, I'm even looking forward to the English voice acting even if there's some not-so-grand ones.

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-The shops, cafeteria, field/mines, battles and other features from "My Castle"

-The infinite durability and buff/debuff capabilities of certain weapons like kunai

-The new classes like the Butler/Maid combo and Malig Knight, as well that almost every class in the game is genderless which makes things more interesting.

-The introduction of same-sex marriage, albeit it being so limited now, because it opens up the posibilities of it expanding and improving in the future

-Being able to put on accesories on units, just for the sheer playful silliness of it

-That enemies can also use Pair Up.

-Breakable walls are back!! (I remember doing it in Sacred Stones, or being tense when the enemies started chipping them and I had made a mistake when placing my units)

Edited by soranauta
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TC, you're cool.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a lot of stuff:

- Supports. Yes, it's weird, but I really want to see if the Fates characters get as much personality fleshing-out as Awakening. I also want to see how man people will read things on the most basic level, assume things without analyzing what they read, and run with that.

- All those new skills and classes! How will a flying bow unit affect my strategies? What about those unique skills? Or any of the myriad combinations out there.

- Streetpass~! Perhaps I'll make another shopping team for whoever gets mine.

- . . .and last but not least, the actual levels. Who knows what kind of crazy strategies I'll come up with as I play~!

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I'm gonna waste hours on my castle and the sheer amount of content (3 separate stories and paths to choose) will be fun. I like how the pair up mechanic is refined between offensive and defensive stances. I know this is something not for everyone but I'm looking forward to use my FE amiibos to use some of the older characters.

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Ooh, a thread bereft of salt?! I WANT IN! And thank you for creating this. This really made my day after browsing through so many topics today.

My Castle.
Unbreakable weaponry.
New classes.
Art evolution. (The new cinematics look gorgeous, as was stated above me. I can't wait to see them on my 3DS.)
Multiple paths. I got myself the special edition. Three games in one. I am so stoked.
More character customization.

And last but not least... fanfiction material. Goodness gracious, all the fanfiction material.

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I'm gonna waste hours on my castle and the sheer amount of content (3 separate stories and paths to choose) will be fun. I like how the pair up mechanic is refined between offensive and defensive stances. I know this is something not for everyone but I'm looking forward to use my FE amiibos to use some of the older characters.

Using the amiibo will be fun. Though, I don't know how well I'll fair against them given the fact that they're supposed to be hard to beat.

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Ooh, a thread bereft of salt?! I WANT IN! And thank you for creating this. This really made my day after browsing through so many topics today.

Your welcome, I normally welcome salt because I like to watch the world burn, but even I have gotten tired of it.

I've read some of your fanfics btw, they are rather good imo

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Honestly, 90% of things in the game. Biggest ones being.

-Localization changes, I've like almost all of them so far.

-My Castle and everything about it. I'm going to spend forever just adjusting where buildings are for battle, before changing it because it's not just right.

-Better Skills system, Pair up, and pretty much all the gameplay changes.

-Online Multiplayer. Probably not going to use multiplayer PvP though since it sounds like a mess.

-Level design seems to be vastly improved over 90% of Awakening.

One problem when I get it though.

-I'll be too busy playing to be salty.

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-Conquests story

-Online Multiplayer(Hoping that they do so in a safe way for everyone to enjoy)

-The weapon names

-The character names

-The area names

-The My castle conversations


-Abusing the Museam Map for godsend Brave+6 and Killer+6 forges.


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But no for real, I remember being so HYPED when Awakening came out, but considering that Fates has changed things up and added some features to enhance gameplay, these games are going to keep me soooooooooooooo busy for months on ends. I also really like a lot of the characters in Fates and I'd have to say even more so than Awakening for some reason.

I spent so much time playing Awakening that I can only imagine how much will be used on THREE GAMES.

Edited by carefreejules
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Let's seeeee:

- Gameplay, it's p much the only reason I've been watching those Fates videos on YouTube. It looks so good!

- My Castle/Wireless Battles: I'm gonna spend way too much time in My Castle and I can't wait to get my ass wrecked play against other people

- Supports and hair color

- Oh, and fanfiction. Yes.

There's more, but those are the ones I'm most excited for/can remember.

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Most of all, I'm looking forward to finally playing the game and experiencing the stories myself. When I get Fates, I'll most likely take a very long break from the fandom and just focus on having fun with the game. No, wait! It's three games!

Unbreakable weapons, improved pair up, the new weapon triangle.

The characters, the support conversations, the English voice acting and the localization changes.

My Castle. I love how I now have an excuse to play FE even when I'm not in a mood for the actual chapters (I'm a little worried about how many hours I will sink into this game...). It reminds me a little of Animal Crossing, I'll probably put a lot of effort into making my castle look really nice. Visiting other players' castles sounds like fun.

The combat animations look ridiculous and flashy. I like it.

Conquest's challenge and Birthright's new classes.

Everything, really.

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Your welcome, I normally welcome salt because I like to watch the world burn, but even I have gotten tired of it.

I've read some of your fanfics btw, they are rather good imo

Did someone see my post in the Dual Audio thread?

And oh my god, I knew your name sounded familiar.

Oh, I also wanted to add that Personal Skills is something I'm actually really excited by as well. A running joke between a few of my friends and I was about "personality skill builds" for our avatars in Awakening, and it was actually a very interesting exercise in headcanoning and avatar building. It was kind of funny to see every character now in Fates come with a skill that was an odd, but amusing kind of shout out to their personality traits. I hope that's kept for future games.

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You're a cool guy TC; I really needed this thread after the shitstorm that this last week has been in regards to Fates news.

To be honest, I'm looking forward to pretty much everything Fates has to offer. The gameplay from what I've seen looks stellar on all 3 Routes and I can't wait to get to know this new cast.

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1.) I am looking forward to the story. I've been spoiled on very, very minor things, so I have no idea how the story is going to play out. I haven't seen any chapter maps aside from Chapter 13 Hoshido and Chapter 10 Nohr, and some of the E3 Treehouse demo, so this will be an extremely fresh experience for me.

2.) Gay marriage.

3.) PvP. Hell yes. Prepare to get wrecked y'all.

4.) Gameplay. I think this might be more fun than Thracia 776 (for me). This game just might become my favorite fire emblem.

5.) Support conversations. I can't wait to learn more about Corrin's allies.

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