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What are you looking forward to about Fates/Let's talk positives


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You're a cool guy TC; I really needed this thread after the shitstorm that this last week has been in regards to Fates news.

Thanks, you're a rather cool guy yourself.

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Oh! Another thing I'm looking forward to about Fates is being able to discuss it with my boyfriend. We met after Awakening came out, so the idea of being able to discuss a brand new Fire Emblem game with him is exciting.

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Literally EVERYTHING tbh, there are so many things!

-3 ROUTES, i sunk so many hours on awakening holy hell, i can't even imagine how many i will sink on those three

-So many support convos, especially the ones added on the third route! I'm playing radiant dawn rn and it itches me so bad to not have proper convos

-Conquest's difficulty, radiant dawn is kicking my ass rn and i love it because i'm going in blind, going in blind and figuring out what to do is going to be so much fun with the return of ballistae and brekable walls

-Gay marriage. It's so limited but i read the supports and they're actually really cute? And it also makes way if we have marriages in later games even if we return to A supports, maybe they could even be between normal charas and not including MU? Or at least more than two options ahah

-DRAJ. I mean she's not really important story wise but i'd love for more diversity of bodytypes in chara design and including one is always good for including more in later ones.

-Dragon vein looks like an amazing gamechanger tbh, i can't wait to try it out and figure out my way with it

Basically just everything of a new fe game

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Here's what I'm personally looking forward to. :

1) My Castle.

2) The music.

3) Infinite weapon durability.

4) The new classes, skills, and weapons.

5) Being able to put on accessories on units.

6) Being able to mother not!Tharja and not!Cordelia for the lols.

7) Playing with my mother and grandmother.

8) Beating the game with a team made of maids and butlers.

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Thanks, you're a rather cool guy yourself.

I'm so neglected :P:

Forgot that I'm also looking forward to utilizing my friend list again! Why bother playing with the people in my area, when I can play with cool people from around the world?

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TC, you're cool.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a lot of stuff:

- Supports. Yes, it's weird, but I really want to see if the Fates characters get as much personality fleshing-out as Awakening. I also want to see how man people will read things on the most basic level, assume things without analyzing what they read, and run with that.

- All those new skills and classes! How will a flying bow unit affect my strategies? What about those unique skills? Or any of the myriad combinations out there.

- Streetpass~! Perhaps I'll make another shopping team for whoever gets mine.

- . . .and last but not least, the actual levels. Who knows what kind of crazy strategies I'll come up with as I play~!

Sorry I missed this one, you're pretty cool yourself. Forgive me for taking too long to figure out what TC meant

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Gameplay gameplay GAMEPLAY GaMePlAy

Also the characters, music, and My Castle

I'll probably be playing this way more than the 3DS games I got for X-Mas

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Playing it

Amiibo(Fates is the main reason I am buying the adapter)

My castle looks fun

PVP online ( I never had anyone to play the GBA FEs with and I want to give it a go)

decently priced DLC (I have yet to buy all of Awakening's DLC because of the price)

Pair up being more balanced and seeing it used by enemy units

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Actually I wanna come back and point out another tihng. Still super super happy about unisex dread fighter. It's been my favorite class for a while and NOW I CAN BE ONE

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Actually I wanna come back and point out another tihng. Still super super happy about unisex dread fighter. It's been my favorite class for a while and NOW I CAN BE ONE

Ooooh that reminds me about the Great Lord. I was pissed in Awakening when Chrom and Luci were the only Lords (and he didn't pass the class down why), and now someone of choosing can be Great Lord…yes.

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TC, you're cool.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a lot of stuff:

- Supports. Yes, it's weird, but I really want to see if the Fates characters get as much personality fleshing-out as Awakening. I also want to see how man people will read things on the most basic level, assume things without analyzing what they read, and run with that.

- All those new skills and classes! How will a flying bow unit affect my strategies? What about those unique skills? Or any of the myriad combinations out there.

- Streetpass~! Perhaps I'll make another shopping team for whoever gets mine.

- . . .and last but not least, the actual levels. Who knows what kind of crazy strategies I'll come up with as I play~!

Though there are some of the former, there are a handful who'll assert that the characters are made with a singular gimmick in mind and most any development is, while not accidental, not at the forefront of the design process.





Exploiting the heck out of forging and rarely using steel/silver weapons

Laughing at the story

The realistic chance that Bandit Weapons/a certain personal skill will no longer strip opponents for no reason other than blatant fanservice in a game that's already got that all over the darn place

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1. Actually playing it.

2. Getting my ass handed to me in PvP (how else am I supposed to get better?)

3. Can't believe I'm saying this but completing the support log, this was my favorite thing about post-game in Awakening even though I'm still not done.

4. Infinite durability.

5. More balanced pair up(and enemy pair up).

Forgot to mention: 6. Capture.

Edited by Griffonite
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- Gameplay. Specifically the return to varied objectives and thought-intensive maps. :3

- Music. This game seems to have a lot of it - and it's really good.

- English VA. I like it so far and really want to hear the rest.

- Supports. Fire Emblem stands apart from other games of its type by having memorable characters. Can't wait to read these.

- My Castle. Doing bizarre stuff between battles sounds interesting. Can't wait to see how it plays out. :3

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I think another thing I look forward to is expanding My Castle and unlocking different features and some of the characters. I feel like having to utilize My Castle in order to unlock a few characters is ingenious and it adds something different than just having to recruit a character in chapters.

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Since I have already played the Japanese version extensively, I'm mostly looking forward to doing another post-game playthrough following the release of Revelations. I have all the pairings and buddy supports planned out (including the 2nd generation), having learned from my mistakes and experimentation with the JP game.

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What I'm excited for:

  • Building My Castle and look around other people's Castles. Chillin' in My Castle in general.
  • And, in My Castle, I especially am excited for the accessory shop! It looks fun. I wonder how good Belka would look like with an eyepatch... and other fun stuff.
  • The characters I like! Like Shigure, Azama, Elise, etcetc.
  • Shipping Arthur and Effie together. Yes, more than any other couple.
  • I wanna marry Azama.
  • The bad english dub! <- opinion

What I almost can't wait for:

  • Playing Conquest and mastering the hardest difficulties!
  • Playing the other two routes! (but it's less exciting than Conquest)
  • Try out the new classes and reclass myself to be an OP Basara!
  • Have my ass kicked by Conquest's difficulty!
  • Use characters I like that are also bad units for maximum babying and favoritism!
  • Having a team full of Generics!
  • Capturing all the bosses!
  • Listen to the soundtrack more than I do now!
  • And probably more.
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Everything ever.

Building my team of 12 generic Adventurers.


Finally hearing all the music people are raving about.

Draj (who will lead the team of 12 generic Adventurers)

Finally getting to write that glorious fanfiction of my really psychologically fucked up MU.

Putting stuff of Marx's head.

Puppeteer/Mechanist class.

Goofing off in My Castle to the point where in-between battles is like, an hour long.

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