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Opinions on the Localized Names.


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Where have you seen that?

Or it was just a joke?

/s means it is not a serious

tbh I kinda hope they change shinonome to shinon just because it'd be funny

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Or Shin.

Shin Scorpion Tensei.

i should stop this

Oh right, I wasn't paying attention.
I wrote it before looking at it better.

nah its fine, it originally didn't have the /s on it, but i added it a second later in case something like this happened

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No matter how cool Shinonome may be, no one in Fates is cool enough to deserve to be called Shin!

Shin's the most badass nomad in FE6! :P:

Stupid jokes aside, it wouldn't be the first time a name from a previous FE showed up. . .but I'd be a little sad if Shinonome's name was shorted!

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Shin's the most badass nomad in FE6! :P:

Stupid jokes aside, it wouldn't be the first time a name from a previous FE showed up. . .but I'd be a little sad if Shinonome's name was shorted!

… Not gonna lie, I TOTALLY forgot that Shin existed >_>

FE6!Shin's cool, though.

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Shin's the most badass nomad in FE6! :P:

Stupid jokes aside, it wouldn't be the first time a name from a previous FE showed up. . .but I'd be a little sad if Shinonome's name was shorted!

"Sir, how far should we shorten it?"



"His name is now No."


No matter how cool Shinonome may be, no one in Fates is cool enough to deserve to be called Shin!


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Like the one on my friend's list who happens to be the most awesome SF user there is.

Anyway, to get back on-topic, whose names have we not seen a localization for yet? Some of the kids? Have we seen all of the localizations for the parents then?

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Like the one on my friend's list who happens to be the most awesome SF user there is.

Anyway, to get back on-topic, whose names have we not seen a localization for yet? Some of the kids? Have we seen all of the localizations for the parents then?

Flannel's the one that comes to mind. He's the only first-gen parent we don't know, and then there's Asyura plus most of the kids.

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Like the one on my friend's list who happens to be the most awesome SF user there is.

Anyway, to get back on-topic, whose names have we not seen a localization for yet? Some of the kids? Have we seen all of the localizations for the parents then?

Ah I see. That's sweet of you. c:

The kids, Flannel, catch a boss, and I believe Asyura?

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Man I really like Shinonome's kanji though

for the hoshido characters I see their names in Kanji half the time bc I'm a chinese person so I'll be sad if he goes, even though I'll expect it

I'll miss those Shinonononononome jokes too

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Aqua to Azura I don't like, purely because "azure" has more sky connotations than water, and it's my understanding that the (admittedly obvious) water connotations of Aqua were very much intentional and significant. I don't actually mind Azura as a name, I just think it was a kind of negligent localization decision.

Benoit to Benny is kinda strange. They should've either kept it as Benoit or had his name be Benjamin or Benedict and had people just call him Benny, similarly to Donnel/Donny.

The "ou" to "o" thing isn't really a big deal considering the new audience, but some of the Hoshido name changes are just kinda weird. Just "Kaze" by itself sounds like some twelve-year-old's Naruto OC, and "Subaki" reeks of "Americans don't understand the whole 'ts' thing" despite "tsunami" being a well-known word over here. Hayato is alright I guess, if a tad pointless, but Kaden and Reina are straight-up changing Japanese names of characters from a Japan-based nation into Western names for no real discernible reason.

"Caeldori"? Really?

Rhajat is a real name and retains the theme of the cameo kids' names so I can't really complain. I don't mind it, personally.

Laslow doesn't actually bother me all that much. Selena... I get what they were going for, but like with the next character, the overlap with a previous Fire Emblem character's name is not appreciated. Harold to Arthur was a bad choice; in addition to the the reasons others have mentioned, "Harold" just fits a hammy, overtheatrical hero-type better than "Arthur" does. Marx to Xander, ehhh, don't really care that much. I probably would've gone with something that Max could be short for (Maximilian, Maximus, etc.) but it works. Leo is really weird to me because I'd think that usually to make a name sound royal you'd go with something kinda complex, but they just made it simpler. Leonid or Leonidas or or something would've worked better for a prince, I feel.

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Laslow doesn't actually bother me all that much. Selena... I get what they were going for, but like with the next character, the overlap with a previous Fire Emblem character's name is not appreciated. Harold to Arthur was a bad choice; in addition to the the reasons others have mentioned, "Harold" just fits a hammy, overtheatrical hero-type better than "Arthur" does. Marx to Xander, ehhh, don't really care that much. I probably would've gone with something that Max could be short for (Maximilian, Maximus, etc.) but it works. Leo is really weird to me because I'd think that usually to make a name sound royal you'd go with something kinda complex, but they just made it simpler. Leonid or Leonidas or or something would've worked better for a prince, I feel.

"THIS. IS. NOHR!" -punts-

... Sorry. But I honestly would never have been able to take Leon seriously if that happened. I did however think the drop of the n at the end of his name was extremely unnecessary. I didn't understand it whatsoever.

Marx to Xander also annoyed me, as was stated a few times. It just does not sound like a prince's name. It sounds like a boy's name. A young boy. Alexander would have been more appropriate. While I get it was a mouth-flap thing more than anything, I just... I couldn't get behind it well. I think I might be one of those authors accused of being a weeb for preferring to call him Marx throughout my writing. -shrug-

Also and lastly, I have to ask. How exactly is Camilla's name being pronounced? I've been calling her Kah-milla, but in the GameXplain videos, the emphasis on her name is more Cam-illa (reminds me of Camelot). Am I doing something wrong, or was that just a weird quirk?

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Also and lastly, I have to ask. How exactly is Camilla's name being pronounced? I've been calling her Kah-milla, but in the GameXplain videos, the emphasis on her name is more Cam-illa (reminds me of Camelot). Am I doing something wrong, or was that just a weird quirk?

I think that just may have been how GameXplain pronounced it. I pronounce it Kah-milla as well. But, you know, different strokes for different folks.

I'm going to miss Shinonome and Kisaragi if they change them. I absolutely loved their names.

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Also and lastly, I have to ask. How exactly is Camilla's name being pronounced? I've been calling her Kah-milla, but in the GameXplain videos, the emphasis on her name is more Cam-illa (reminds me of Camelot). Am I doing something wrong, or was that just a weird quirk?

Spanish speaker here, so I tend to emphasize Kah-MEE-Lah

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I think that just may have been how GameXplain pronounced it. I pronounce it Kah-milla as well. But, you know, different strokes for different folks.

I'm going to miss Shinonome and Kisaragi if they change them. I absolutely loved their names.

Plus, Derrick of GameXplain has said in the past that he's not the best when it comes to pronouncing names correctly. There were plenty of times where he butchered names in Fire Emblem 7 and so far The Sacred Stones during his streams of those games.

Spanish speaker here, so I tend to emphasize Kah-MEE-Lah

That's how I've been pronouncing her name.

Ah I see. That's sweet of you. c:

The kids, Flannel, catch a boss, and I believe Asyura?

The kids, Flannel, Asyura, all Capturable bosses (minus Llewelyn and Lloyd), and a few NPC characters.

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If pronounced with Latin spelling--since the name Camilla goes back to the Aeneid--I don't know if it's the first instance of the name but it's definitely a name there

It's Kah-mil-la using classical latin pronunciations, and that's the one I use bc my first encounter with the name is in the Aeneid

But since Camilla is such a widely used name in many european countries, I'm sure several pronunciations depending on where you're from are all valid

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Marx to Xander also annoyed me, as was stated a few times. It just does not sound like a prince's name. It sounds like a boy's name. A young boy. Alexander would have been more appropriate. While I get it was a mouth-flap thing more than anything, I just... I couldn't get behind it well. I think I might be one of those authors accused of being a weeb for preferring to call him Marx throughout my writing. -shrug-

There's a lot of people saying that Xander sounds like a young boy's name, but wouldn't all young boys with that name eventually grow up anyway?

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Shin's the most badass nomad in FE6! :P:Stupid jokes aside, it wouldn't be the first time a name from a previous FE showed up. . .but I'd be a little sad if Shinonome's name was shorted!

let's go a step further

name him shinon

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