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Could Mother 3 come to the west?

Water Mage

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Be warned that this is just a rumor.

However I thought it be interesting to discuss the idea and the possibility.

Could they really localize it?

And if they manage to localize this game that, if I'm not mistaken, never had an localized version and unlike the first one, doesn't have a unreleased localized version, what could this mean for FE6 Sword of Seals?
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I'll remain skeptical. After EBB though, I wouldn't put it past Nintendo, and this year is M3's 10th anniversary. I could see the effort going into translation, but I won't get my hopes up.

FE6 is literally the only reason this interests me.

If it's real, I'll buy it, not because I care for Earthbound, but because I want them to do the same for FE6 and 3/12.

This is some mighty selfish reasoning. Buy the game because it's one of the best ever made, not for some ulterior motive. EarthBound =/= FE. Not to mention that this topic is for Mother 3, not FE6.

Edited by Ms. Andrews
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And if they manage to localize this game that, if I'm not mistaken, never had an localized version and unlike the first one, doesn't have a unreleased localized version, what could this mean for FE6 Sword of Seals?

probably nothing, since there's nowhere near as much demand for that

fire emblem is probably decently up there in old nintendo games that people want localized but nowhere near mother 3, which is probably the highest up in priority

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I'll remain skeptical. After EBB though, I wouldn't put it past Nintendo, and this year is M3's 10th anniversary. I could see the effort going into translation, but I won't get my hopes up.

This is some mighty selfish reasoning. Buy the game because it's one of the best ever made, not for some ulterior motive. EarthBound =/= FE. Not to mention that this topic is for Mother 3, not FE6.

So what if it's selfish, I have no experience with Earthbound, and the prospect of it's rerelease doing well making a localized FE6 possible is convincing me to try out the series. Is that really that big of a problem?

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probably nothing, since there's nowhere near as much demand for that

fire emblem is probably decently up there in old nintendo games that people want localized but nowhere near mother 3, which is probably the highest up in priority

Perhaps, but you can't deny that if this is true, it raises the chances for a FE6 localization.

Is there any other Nintendo game that is having an 10th year anniversary?

I believe Diamond and Pearl are 10 years old now, but they wouldn't remake them now.

Edited by Water Mage
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I don't give much on such rumors but I think a release of Mother 3 might actually be possible. With the Virtual Console releases of Earthbound and Earthbound Zero, Nintendo should have a pretty good idea about how many people would buy Mother 3. And the chances for a localisation are probably higher now then they ever will be, considering how ridiculously successful Undertale was. So if Nintendo ever plans to publish the game internationally, now is probably the best time to do it.

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Perhaps, but you can't deny that if this is true, it raises the chances for a FE6 localization.

It would raise it by less than 1%.

Outside of the FE fanbase, the demand for FE6 localization is a drop in the water compared to Mother 3

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This might just be me, but i'd be more likely to believe that aliens are going to invade and turn my family in to bread than believe Mother 3 will be localized. If I recall correctly Nintendo's already not very interested in adding more games to the VC. Doing a full translation, especially for a text-heavy game like Mother 3 doesn't seem very likely to me. I'm not going to believe it until it's confirmed, but hey, who knows?

and Binding Blade will never be localized, that's just not going to happen under any circumstance.

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I never thought Mother 1 would be released in the US or Cloud will be in Smash bros. But both of those things happened. So I wouldn't say it is impossible. Only time will tell, and E3 is in a few months.

I would not be surprised with Mother 3, but I would be surprised with Binding Blade.

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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This might just be me, but i'd be more likely to believe that aliens are going to invade and turn my family in to bread than believe Mother 3 will be localized. If I recall correctly Nintendo's already not very interested in adding more games to the VC. Doing a full translation, especially for a text-heavy game like Mother 3 doesn't seem very likely to me. I'm not going to believe it until it's confirmed, but hey, who knows?

and Binding Blade will never be localized, that's just not going to happen under any circumstance.

pretty sure they're still adding games to VC. i've seen plenty of gba games get added recently. don't own a Wii U myself but they're definitely still releasing them

it's the 3ds that's gotten like no new VC games. i think they're just done adding them now.

It would raise it by less than 1%.

Outside of the FE fanbase, the demand for FE6 localization is a drop in the water compared to Mother 3

yeah, pretty much this

it'd make it so it's a possibility, but it wouldn't really improve its chances of happening.

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I don't think it will happen, but I feel that a worldwide release would be one of the best tributes to Iwata because with out him EarthBound would have been scrapped.

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Hahh... I'm not getting my hopes up.

I don't trust rumors about this game anymore x_x

Because well, they never happen.

If it did, FE6 probably still wouldn't, it's nowhere close to near the demand of Mother 3.

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Eurogamer have reported that Mother 3 is being released on Wii U's VC later this year as a celebration of its 10th anniversary. It's also important to note that they said NoE is translating it, implying the game won't be using Tomato's translation

If this does end up being true, I'm honestly not surprised; Nintendo have been teasing it for a while

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Eurogamer have reported that Mother 3 is being released on Wii U's VC later this year as a celebration of its 10th anniversary. It's also important to note that they said NoE is translating it, implying the game won't be using Tomato's translation

If this does end up being true, I'm honestly not surprised; Nintendo have been teasing it for a while

Watch it not come out in the west because the localizer who suggests it got blasted by Reggie Filsamech's eye lasers.

I want to believe it to be true, but I just don't see it. Mother 1's release was literally a ROM from a long-dumped prototype cartridge. Hell, in Japan, they used it as the basis for Mother 1 in the Mother 1+2 GBA cart.

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it's something i would definitely like to see as mother 3 is one of my favourite games and i'd like more people to play it.

it also makes sense since the teased it back in E3 2014 and lucas DLC in smash 4.

at the same time if it doesn't happen i'd be ok cause i still have the great fan translation to play the game.

I'm hopeful.

Skeptical, but still hopeful.

I'm not crying until the end

i'll also try to not cry until the end but knowing this game i probably will

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Personally I HIGHLY doubt it. Nintendo never seemed interested in localizing older games that never crossed the Pacific.

...I would like both (Mother 3 and FE6) though, partly so I can FINALLY COUGH UP THE CASH FOR THEM

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its possible

but there is loads of games that i want to come to the west as well...

2 of them that i did before that i thought may never are which are Dragon Quest 7 and 8 on the 3DS which are now coming west :)

and there is a few others that may never like the ace attorney games that were never released out here.... capcom wont budge on them... which peeves me but whatever

and all of the tales series games namco bandai never brought west or the ps3 version of tales of vesperia

but... mother 3 seems possible... i wouldnt count it out yet... there is always hope... at least it looks like nintendo is listening to its fans... trolling them a bit... but listening none the less

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