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We Found Out What Happened To Skinship!

Captain Karnage

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this is a lot better. I don't feel like I would be embarrased to play this game in public. I do wonder how this is going to effect the event in My Room where you see your spouse sleeping and are supposed to wake them up. I guess it would just skip to them waking up, but who knows.

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i'm actually really glad they did this

like I like the character models and hearing them... say things?

but i would feel way too awkward touching their faces

so this works out pretty well for me

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This turned out way better that what I had even expected. Best case scenario.

There was a caption indicating that different events take place for spouses.

I actually look forward to seeing the events that occur when you invite your spouse.

I actually think that this is a million times cuter and less tedious than rub-rub-rub~~~ GIVE ME +1 ALREADY.

Edited by Grapemaster Raisin
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Well I'll be darned...they actually still have it (somewhat)! :3

I was kinda hoping they would replace it at least, but they just decided to alter it a bit and quite honestly...I'm happy.

I can understand people being a bit upset about cut or changed content because that seems to be a bad business practice thing (localization and all that), but......I prefer it this way. Besides, either way that Nintendo went, people would still be upset regardless.

If they kept it whole (kept it the same): Some of the Old time fans and some others would be upset (because some found it creepy) and/or worry about the series direction.

If they cut it entirely: Those who hate that kinda of stuff are upset and don't want the game because they feel like buying would be supporting it (and I can understand that).

The best choice they could have chosen was this middle one. They needed to appease to both side somehow, even though they were in a losing position anyway.

I just want the game to come out dang it (and I want the SE too)! That and I want the next FE game to not be so controversial because all this can be quite a headache!

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The lack of salt in this thread shows how well handled this was in the end. I am content with this result

Alternatively, people already reached maximum saltiness and nobody decided to drink some Gatorade and replenish.

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I'm definitely okay with this, I'll actually use the feature now. This is what it should've been in the original Japanese game too, imo. Touching the characters is just so f-ing dumb and disturbing.

Although, I heard that Ryoma says his hair is his pride and joy and I'm assuming that's out because there's really no reason for him to talk about his hair now and that kind of disappoints me. xP Ah, well...

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Alternatively, people already reached maximum saltiness and nobody decided to drink some Gatorade and replenish.

It's like the deal with the Phoenix Mode thing (somewhat). People got tired of complaining, especially since this went on for like 3-4 days without any real confirmation.

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Well, while SF is behaving naturally and relatively sodium-free (or maybe that's unnatural?), other places are filled with people complaining.

Really, if this is the sole deciding factor for your buying the game, then... I honestly don't think we'd get along well as people.

It's just a small, optional feature that has been tweaked; I'm not sure where the "Japanese developers are infallible" mindset came from in the first place.

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Honestly, there was really no way that they were going to replace it full, since there could have been backlash from all the Japanese people who thought it was weird as well as all the extra work required to add something new in.

Despite that, I think a lot of people are happy with this, because those who didn't want skinship saw it removed, and those who were worried the whole darn thing would be removed (I'm in that camp, and I wouldn't have liked such liberties to be taken) are both satisfied by what's there, because what ended up being taken out was very minor. And the people who actually wanted the touching to stay in got all their anger out when they heard it wouldn't be in at all.

It's not like it even got removed really. The only thing altered was a minor detail.

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I'm definitely okay with this, I'll actually use the feature now. This is what it should've been in the original Japanese game too, imo. Touching the characters is just so f-ing dumb and disturbing.

Although, I heard that Ryoma says his hair is his pride and joy and I'm assuming that's out because there's really no reason for him to talk about his hair now and that kind of disappoints me. xP Ah, well...

Edit:I was wondering when you would appear on here. :3

Maybe if you're lucky the line will be there still! :3

Edited by Busterman64
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I'm fine with this, now it will be less awkward to get support bonuses (which I think would be vital on a no dlc nohr run). Now the question is though how do you unlock the unlockable thing

was it a swimsuit?

with your spouse?

I guess the unlocking method is the same for all versions, minus the petting part for the NA and EU.

It should literally be just a matter of spamming skinship on your partner.

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I'm mixed. One part of me is pleasantly surprised with having such a weird thing getting out of the way, but another part of me was attached to it. It was funny.

The joy of being used to something, and the joy of having multiple opinions on one subject.

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we still can't actually touch people though

fuck reggie fils aime, im going to back to my playstation 4 and grand theft auto v, cancelling pre-order right now i mean seriously you can actually fuck people in that game, blessed be rockstar games

-Half of the community

On a serious note though, I don't the feature being out. I don't think touching made sense anyway, for Fire Emblem at least. Cancelling pre-orders? Over a missing feature? Good grief, don't some of these people have girlfriends/boyfriends?

Edited by larverto365
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we still can't actually touch people though

fuck reggie fils aime, im going to back to my playstation 4 and grand theft auto v, cancelling pre-order right now emot-argh.gif

-Half of the community

well if half the community is cancelling their pre-order and half of them ordered the SE, I'll gladly take it off their hands

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On a serious note though, I don't the feature being out. I don't think touching made sense anyway, for Fire Emblem at least. Cancelling pre-orders? Over a missing feature? Good grief, don't some of these people have girlfriends/boyfriends?

You can also poke strangers faces while out in the street if they are disappointed over not being able to rub the stylus on the DS screen.

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