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Royal Siblings Bias Order


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He orders Takumi to shoot an innocent little sister named Elise, with a poison freaking arrow. That crosses the line. Marx doesn't lay a hand on Sakura. But this lobster takes it too far.

This rumor has been proven false long ago, seriously.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Okay if you don't like lobster I can't make you but please do not read tv tropes for his character

someone on that site has it out for him or sth and spreads blatant lies

also don't simplify his characterization down to two things either I didn't write several essays for that :c

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Also, he's not really crazy about getting Kamui back.

He does ask for Kamui to come back when they meet, but that's it.

While were at it, the whole story about Ryoma chasing Corrin in the third path is also a big freaking lie.

He never chases after Kamui because he's busy with the war.

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I think saying Takumi doesn't get hype on this website is erroneous, though. He got quite a few firsts on this topic, for starters. And last time I checked the pre-popularity poll, he was reigning first.

Regarding hype, I think it's Xander and Takumi, and then Leo afterwards. I agree with you that a lot of people here seem to find Ryoma bland, though.

Yes, I think this site is the one that gives Takumi's character the credit that he deserves, but I was basing my statement on what I've seen over the internet, and there's quite a bit of Takumi hate elsewhere. Also, Leon getting first in the Nintendo popularity poll, while not a perfect indicator of his popularity, shows that he has a pretty large group of dedicated fans. But I certainly don't mind, since he is a well-written character.

Wow, why are the rumors about Ryouma still going around? Sure, you don't have to like him, but some of the things that a certain someone at TV Tropes has come up with are just... wtf, please find something better to do with your time than bashing characters with blatant lies.

[spoiler=] He is more willing to listen to Kamui than Marx does in Revelations. Also, in chapter 16, he states that he envied Kamui because Kamui had the qualities of a ruler, and he thinks that his feeling of jealously got in the way of him saving Kamui from getting kidnapped, so he feels really guilty about it

All in all, there is more to his character than on the surface, and I'm hoping the localization will help more people see that.

Here's the collection. If they're under a readmore they usually contain some degree of spoilers and they can get a bit rambly because I'm a shit writer and don't know how to not use run on sentences

This is gold

[spoiler=] I agree with you that Ryouma was probably a lot like Shinonome when he was younger, since based on Fuuga's support, it seems that Sumeragi wasn't that serious of a person in his youth, either. It runs in the family, but Ryouma is the one who doesn't have the luxury of goofing off. Oh the feelz

Edited by Tsuky
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Thanks I worked hard on them

There was once where I had a thought about Ryouma at like 1:30 am and I was tryna sleep

So I got up and turned the internet back on and wrote one of those posts I have a problem

You're not alone; I think I have a problem too

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just a fair warning all of these are completely arbitrary and i dont know their personalities at all

1. Takumi

Yep I always love assholes

Also +10 bc he's blond

2. Elise

SHE'S SO CUTE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF. I wish I had her hair. Her outfit. Her everything

3. Sakura

She's also so cute. She's my little baby egg. I'm going to cringe when I choose Conquest.

4. Camilla

It takes guts to wear an outfit like that and even more cunning, because I'm gonna tell you right now, that outfit is probably the most distracting thing I've seen. I'll definitely love being her faithful little sis in Conquest, as I've never had a big sister in real life.

5. Leon

He's only up here because of his son.

6. Xander

I have a feeling I'm going to grow to like him a lot more in Conquest. His hair is glorious.

7. Hinoka

She looks super cute, and she reminds me of a puppy. ...That's it.

8. Ryouma

What the fuck is that on his face

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1. my anikis and otoutos

2. camilla, my yandere aneki!

3. elise, my cute adult imouto!

4. sakura, my adorable healer imouto!

5. hinoka, my flat chested buttercup aneki?

6. foleo, my lovely girly waifu!

7. shinonome, my arm wrestling champ!

8. kisaragi, my bear hunting son!

9. siegbert is ok i guess

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Based on what I've seen on this site and various other ones, I'm pretty sure Marx and Leon are the ones who get more hype... On the other hand, a lot of people hate Takumi and find Ryouma bland. It's fine for you to dislike them, of course, but I'm not really seeing the hype around them.

It's more them being in classes that get disproportionately hyped than anything else.

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It's more them being in classes that get disproportionately hyped than anything else.

Ah, that's understandable. I'm not complaining because they are in two of my favorite classes, but it's certainly fair for people to be annoyed at the hype.

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This is so arbitrary, based on what little I know about them / first impressions:

Leo > Takumi > Xander > Sakura > Elise > Ryoma > Camilla > Hinoka

The little brothers intrigue me the most personality-wise, Xander has an amazing design and Sakura's "shy, but has a lot of inner strength" personality feels very relatable.

The last four could be in any order, I don't dislike any of them. I actually forgot Ryoma when I first typed this list, idk if that means anything...

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You are aware that Ryoma never does that?

The whole poison arrow thing was a big freaking lie.

It never happens in the game. EVER.

This rumor has been proven false long ago, seriously.

Also, he's not really crazy about getting Kamui back.

He does ask for Kamui to come back when they meet, but that's it.

While were at it, the whole story about Ryoma chasing Corrin in the third path is also a big freaking lie.

He never chases after Kamui because he's busy with the war.

Oh! I'm so sorry everyone! I feel like a complete idiot! Sorry, I didn't know it was proven false. Please, accept my sincerest apologies.
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Oh! I'm so sorry everyone! I feel like a complete idiot! Sorry, I didn't know it was proven false. Please, accept my sincerest apologies.

It's okay, don't worry about it.

The one at fault was the guy that spreading the false rumor.

That guy really seemed to hate Ryoma and Hoshido.

Edited by Water Mage
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  • 2 weeks later...

Takumi = Leo -> Xander = Ryouma -> Hinoka -> Camilla -> Elise = Sakura

I like all of them but Takumi and Leo are my top 2. (I'm so sad I won't have dual audio to hear Yuki Kaji and Mamoru Miyano voice them ;_;) I love the little sisters too, just not as much as I like the others.

now that I've actually played the game, my bias order has changed a lot lmao

Leo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elise > Camilla > Ryouma > Hinoka > Sakura = Takumi = Xander

honestly they're all great

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I kinda biased of the Nohr siblings since I played the JP version of Conquest & now playing NA Conquest. I skipped birthright twice already and have Revelation all ready to go once I finish my Nohr playthrough, so I won't judge Hoshido sibling cause I only know their appearances from Conquest side.

Camilla > Leo > Elise/Xander

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Sakura > Ryoma > Camilla > Hinoka and Takumi > Xander and Elise > Leo

I haven't played Conquest, so my bias is currently tilted towards the Hoshido royals. Hinoka got bumped up from below Takumi because she's an amazing tank. If we're disregarding gameplay, Sakura and Camilla are my top two favorite royals.

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Takumi -> Leo -> Sakura -> Hinoka -> Camilla -> Elise -> Xander

I was surprised by how much I ended up liking Takumi given my first impressions of him, but all of his supports so far have been really nice, and his A Support with Corrin and S Support with Oboro in particular really won me over. Leo had me pretty much won over when he was first revealed and so far he's done nothing to change that. Sakura I found to be surprisingly likable thanks to her maturity and not acting like your typical imouto character. Hinoka I like but not as much as the others. Camilla's a very tragic figure to me and I wish the game had explored that more, but otherwise she's not very interesting. Elise is pretty much the antithesis of everything I like about Sakura. Xander I've explained my hatred for elsewhere, so needless to say he's firmly at the bottom of the list.

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