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Which Do You Prefer?


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Okay, so I've been deciding the past few days about which one I like better: PoR or RD. I ended up deciding on RD, and I was curious as to whether or not I shared this with anyone else. So tell me what you think, and why...

As for myself I prefer (again) RD because:

+More Challenge

+(In my opinion) More fleshed out characters

+Broken Skill Chains (hehe Trueblades are silly in RD)

+Longer game, more fun to be had... except for levels in part four. (Stupid Izuka and his Rewarp staff)

+More broken units to mess around with.

Tell me whatchu think :3

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Path of Radiance. Radiant Dawn is my least favorite game in the series.

I like Path of Radiance's maps, while I think Radiant Dawn has some of the worst in the series. I like PoR's story and think RD's is terrible. I don't like the RD changes of teams.

The only thing RD has over PoR is that Part 1 on Hard is challenging, something that PoR lacks even on maniac.

Edited by Nobody
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Path of Radiance. Radiant Dawn is my least favorite game in the series.

I like Path of Radiance's maps, while I think Radiant Dawn has some of the worst in the series. I like PoR's story and think RD's is terrible. I don't like the RD changes of teams.

The only thing RD has over PoR is that Part 1 on Hard is challenging, something that PoR lacks even on maniac.

This pretty much, tho I do prefer RD to FE4.

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RD, you can recruit Oliver

PoR because I like its maniac mode more than RD HM and I way prefer its maps. PoR's mastery skills don't instantly kill an enemy (I do prefer the flexibility of RD's skill system though). Plus, in PoR a full level costs something close to 100-200 BEXP. RD's BEXP scaling is really weird, but that's not exactly my biggest problem with it.

EDIT @OP, 4-5 is probably the best part 4 map lol.

Edited by Gradivus.
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PoR. While RD is definitely more interesting to play, its also a huge pain in the ass if i want transfers for a lot of reasons. My current Wii does not have the backward compatibility thing so i cant just shove my memory card for the Cube in there. I still have my old Launch Wii that barely reads disks. So, if i want transfers (which i usually do), i have to go through this convoluted process of putting the Launch Wii up so i can grab the transfer real quick, pray to all the gods the disk for RD reads just long enough for the transfer to go through. Thats not counting the whole business with moving the actual save files for RD between Wiis.

POR is just easier to deal with lmao. The worst part is, its hard for me to play one and not the other.

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I totally agree with the people who say PoR is better, you guys have solid points because the map design is slightly better in PoR but something just clicks with me in RD that I can't quite explain... But no I feel. Maybe it's the soundtrack.... I forgot to mention RD has my favorite soundtrack in the series right up there with Sacred Stones.

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I totally agree with the people who say PoR is better, you guys have solid points because the map design is slightly better in PoR but something just clicks with me in RD that I can't quite explain... But no I feel. Maybe it's the soundtrack.... I forgot to mention RD has my favorite soundtrack in the series right up there with Sacred Stones.

The Soundtrack of RD is easily my favorite part of the game tbh.

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Ok, I try to summarize.


  • easiest FE game in this series.
  • excellent story and character writing
  • very good character balance (each one is usuable)
  • good map design
  • no light magic and magic triangle


  • harder difficulty, especially DB chapters
  • best game mechanics in this series besides FE5
  • hard mode has no weapon triangle
  • no magic weapons
  • most main story maps of all FE games
  • largest variety of mission objectives of all FE games (including two fantastic defend missions)
  • unbalanced character availibility; some characters are unusable because they join too late or are off for too long
  • unbalanced difficulty; DB chapters are very challenging while the other two groups are OP
  • story is great but hard to understand, if you haven't played 9 before

FE9 has the better story while FE10 has the better mechanics (excluding hard mode).

I like 10 more, because gameplay > story for me.

I played 10 first, but I recommend to start with 9 to enjoy the full story of Tellius.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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(And I just beat my 2'nd playthrough of RD the other day too! :3 )

The Telleus games are my favorite era of FE games and playing through both are a blast (and I, for the most part, can actually remember who is who in the games).

I actually had to sit down and really think about this for a bit.

Both have great stories (that has everything come back around, a.k.a. every loose end is tied up by the end. Most of them in PoR and all of them in RD) and both play great. RD builds off PoR and make much, MUCH better ( my favorite being the change to how skills work because I always hesitate to equip skills in PoR since taking them off will erase them for good. RD gets rid of the crap and lets you keep them)!

I also love how both really make you feel B.A. at the end of it all. I have. A similar feeling with the other games, it feels more epic with the Telleus games (and it isn't the 3D because Awakening didn't get that quite right honestly...then again, I was on Hard mode :3 ).

In the end though...I think I prefer FE:PoR(FE9). I do really like RD... A lot(especially since it actually fills in the last piece of someone's backstory that I wasn't expecting at the end), but there are a few gripes of mine that hold it back just a bit.

While I've gotten over RD not having support conversations (...although still a bit salty ), I'm not a fan of how you get and see everything.

In order to unlock or get certain stuff, you have to do some things that seem a bit difficult and kinda a bit...discouraged. In order get a certain scene that fills in the last of a certain character's backstory at the end of the game (and recruit a certain character in the last chapter) ...on you're second playthrough and onward, Ike needs to fight the Balck Knight on a certain chapter...who can actually kill him really easily (both need to live through the battle). Not only that, but you need Soren to attack their commander...who is near the Black Knight. That's kinda nuts, so unless your Ike can survive on his stats alone and you can rescuse Soren, your gonna need that Soren support (and/or luck) and someone really close by to save Soren immediately after.

The other thing is the last part of the game. On your second playthrough, it isn't so bad since you know it's there, but on your first playthrough, you won't know about the last few bosses having area attacks and (for the last two) long range attacks that can hit you just about any where and hurt...really bad.

You especially won't know that thr Final boss has that and a paralyze move that paralyzes EVERYONE...AND, the killing blow NEEDS to come from Ike or the boss will revive themselves!

Now I'll be honest, I do like the final boss because I have to stay on my toes big time (heck, I won in 5 turns), but it can feel a bit cheap the first time and if your team got a bit RNG screwed(a.k.a. bad levels) at the end. Poor Sothe on my first playthrough...didn't stand a chance, I had to bench him for the final boss. He was MUCH better on my second, but my point still kinda stands.

The only thing that keeps it from being a lot worse is the battle save feature ( I love that thing SOOOOOO much)!

Those are my only real gripes with RD, it's still a great game, but those make me enjoy PoR more.

I can play PoR hwoever I want and I don't have much to gripe about it (...except maybe how you recruit Shinon and maybe Devdan...or was it Danved, I forget...also, I do wish it had mania mode, it would've been fun because hard mode is "normal mode" for me in PoR). Then again, PoR got me to fall in love with the series (FE7 introduced me), so I may be a bit bias! :3

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Radiant Dawn, since it has much better gameplay than Path of Radiance, and has a much more interesting story in my opinion (unlike PoR's which is cliche, predictable and dull).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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It's really as simple as better narrative vs better gameplay.

For me, I still feel like PoR has the better gameplay simply because the scenario is more consistent. You don't have your parties being changed up constantly, so you can actually plan your team out and what you want to use. RD just gives you units and you're not sure what the unit is going to do so you can't really plan much. You're too afraid to take off skills your first time around because you don't know how the campaign is going to go.

The mechanics or RD are definitely superior, but the general scenario of PoR makes for a better game.

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Huh, that's kind of true - though I guess I've re-played RD so many times that it's never been much of an issue beyond the first time.

I find Radiant Dawn much more replayable, just because there's so many different ways you can go about arranging your party, and especially setting up a 10-unit endgame team from the what 75 characters you're given. PoR just feels extremely tedious and easy now days. I had to abort my last playthrough out of boredom.

Edited by Radiant head
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I like 10 the best because thats kinda where the story all comes together. The mechanics are a bit more refined too although I do dislike the crap support system and unbalanced character availability of some units. I do love PoR too and play the hell outta it but 10 wins out for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer POR

better storyline, and Ashnard is the best FE villain ever

did I mention Radiant Dawn has the worst support system in the entire series?

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  • 2 months later...

Probably RD.

-Better personalities (But they ruined Astrid tbh)
-More broken units to destroy stuff with (Lol@Trueblade Edward with capped stats and Astra, Adept, Vantage, and Wrath)

-More difficult, you really have to watch your back in this game. In POR, I could stick Soren in the front lines and he would be completely fine

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Radiant Dawn, as it is my favorite in the series for multiple reasons.

-More difficult. I could probably beat PoR with my eyes closed

-The tremendous amount of characters. This includes the shitty ones, as I still find it fun to try and give them a role on my team on subsequent playthroughs for "the shits and the giggles." I enjoy having like 5 potential trueblades, each with their strengths and weaknesses, to choose from. Same goes for Archsages and Paladins. Replay value is high because of this.

-The expanse of the story. I loved how it told multiple stories at a time, especially across the different nations of Tellius. Gave you more perspective than you typically get in an FE game. Though some say PoR was executed better (I won't say I disagree... but I kind of disagree) RD had a multiple-faceted plot with enough going on to keep you preoccupied thinking about the story rather than predicting each and every event. I guess overall it felt more ambitious.

-Great Soundtrack. I don't normally care much about this unless it really stands out to me.

But of course... the support system is absolute trash. So PoR wins in that respect.

For me, gameplay > story. I just happened to also enjoy the story in this case.

All of that said, PoR is still my second favorite game in the series.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer Radiant Dawn

- A intense game (in pretty much every aspect).

- The game has some interesting ways to finish the chapter and are overall really fun.

- I love Micaiah, she is a magician lord and like her personality and design.

- The Sountrack is great (This has PoR and RD OST combined in one Disc!).

- I like more the way the BExp works in this game (let me work bad stats in character that have really extreme growths).

- I really love Micaiah, even with her weakness she can always can find a way to be useful (usually using her Thani or Staves).

- I don't lose the skills when I want to put something else in a character and I can trade the skills

- Have I already mentioned I love Micaiah?


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