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Kids, and the logic behind them. Also, "Skinship"


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Enjoy your confession, SF

[spoiler=Kids]The "Deeprealms", in the sort of Castle's Astral Realm, experience faster time progression. This is the reason why children grow up, so fast. Kids are I guess "left" here, to grow up, since it's not safe to be a kid.

Video also lists Kanna as Kana

*Edit* I like Kana's voicework. Felicia's is still as dopey as ever

[spoiler=Skinship]You literally just scratch their sleeping face a bit until they awaken. It's pretty underwhelming

Edited by Elieson
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Just something I wanna point out, Felicia saying 'I love you' was the most cringyest yet hilarious line ever spoken. XD

Besides that, it was nice to see (Also, for some reason I am less bothered by the whole Alt Dimension babes now then when I saw it in the fan translation). I also noticed M!Corrin can still S rank Niles (Even though knew it would not be removed, I still wandered).

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In short, the whole "shove the kid in the hyperbolic time chamber dimension" thing has not changed, and the parents only do it under the assumption they'll be safe.

And in Kana's (Was there a need to take out the other n?) paralogue, Corrin goes all over-protective papa on the enemies, Kana awakens to her dragon abilities on accident, and she's too cute for words.

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Bwahah. Another "they're adults!!!" line.

That explanation for why they're not babies is total garbage. I really hope this is the last time they force children in. It feels like the characters are just breeding cannon fodder.

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Yeah, the "hyperbolic time chamber", or rather, the Deeprealms, is a stupid contrivance, but I'm interested enough in the mechanical/gameplay aspects of tinkering around with the kids, builds, pairings for stats/skills/classes/etc. that I'm willing to look past just how stupid it really is….

But yeah, next time they have kids, they need a major (roughly 20 year) timeskip, or they should just not have kids in the first place…

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I feel like they could have done something better than the Deeprealm as an explanation, but NoA only had so much to work with. This can be blamed on IS for including children characters without coming up with a GOOD explanation for them. I think a time-skip would have been more intriguing to see.

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In short, the whole "shove the kid in the hyperbolic time chamber dimension" thing has not changed, and the parents only do it under the assumption they'll be safe.

And in Kana's (Was there a need to take out the other n?) paralogue, Corrin goes all over-protective papa on the enemies, Kana awakens to her dragon abilities on accident, and she's too cute for words.

Might as well make Piccolo raise em too while they're at it.

Bwahah. Another "they're adults!!!" line.

That explanation for why they're not babies is total garbage. I really hope this is the last time they force children in. It feels like the characters are just breeding cannon fodder.

Well unless they do a legitimate time skip like they did in FE4.

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So nothing has changed? It really is amazing that they wait nine months and then shove a baby into a hyperbolic time chamber in the middle of war time - with plenty of time to make casual visits too, no less.

That explanation for why they're not babies is total garbage. I really hope this is the last time they force children in. It feels like the characters are just breeding cannon fodder.

Honestly, could they have done much else? The crap is already there; re-coloring it would still leave it as crap.

We can only hope that IS has been reshuffled after certain past instances and we'll have less of this.

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Bwahah. Another "they're adults!!!" line.

That explanation for why they're not babies is total garbage. I really hope this is the last time they force children in. It feels like the characters are just breeding cannon fodder.

No joke. if I want children as weapons with a system like that, I'll just stick a bomb on them, before launching them at my enemies.

Huh, now that's an interesting strategy and not at all creepy, suck on that Robin !

Seriously though, I agree, it's tiresome, but they couldn't really improve it much, so I'm fine.

Still, thank you for the info ! It's always a good thing to have !

I still feel embarassed by the skinship even now though, my face is all red, I just can tell.

Edited by B.Leu
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the problem I have with this whole deeprealms business is that there already a safe place for the kids it's uh I don't know if they know it but it's the base your group was introduced to since chapter 3 why not just have them grow up there.

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Honestly, could they have done much else? The crap is already there; re-coloring it would still leave it as crap.

We can only hope that IS has been reshuffled after certain past instances and we'll have less of this.

Well yes, I was referring to IS with that comment. Such a half assed explanation...

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"YOU!You dare touch my child?! I'll soak these fields with your blood!"

Was he this overprotective/violent in the japanese version?

not gonna lie i'd do the same with if my daughter was in danger

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While the kids were all but confirmed to have been put in at the last minute, I do kind of like the fact that they've had to grow up all on their own without their parents. In particular, it kind of explains why the younger ones are still super happy to see their parents, while the older ones (I think Nina and Grey) are a bit rebellious. I dunno, I guess I'm trying to make the most of a pretty shoe horned in explanation is all...

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I don't like the hyperbolic time chamber thing either, and I'm writing it completely different in my fanfic.

Here's a weird idea. What if, when the wife gets pregnant...they go in the "Deeprealms" too? At least, just until the baby's born, and then they leave?

I'll admit, it's a huge friggin' stretch, but that's the only way that the Deeprealms can be incorporated without any hassle.

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I don't like the hyperbolic time chamber thing either, and I'm writing it completely different in my fanfic.

Here's a weird idea. What if, when the wife gets pregnant...they go in the "Deeprealms" too? At least, just until the baby's born, and then they leave?

I'll admit, it's a huge friggin' stretch, but that's the only way that the Deeprealms can be incorporated without any hassle.

It's not necessarily that much of a stretch? I and a friend were thinking the same.

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It was an unneeded addition, but oh well, not much we can do. Its extra characters and content so as annoying as it is, its still more stuff. I like the way Fire Emblem is moving for the most part. The combat is really developing well, the level design is good, and aside from a few underwhelming armor designs the art style looks good. I really hope My Castle stays in though, it feels like something that truly belongs in Fire Emblem compared to the other additions.

And as poor of an excuse it was to bring in the children, I can't say I would of done any different if in that situation. To be honest I would have a bit of self control and avoid the chance of having children, but if it happened putting them in an area I know is going to be safe really isn't that bad of an idea.

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