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What if Smash Bros. didn't exist?

Ema Skye

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Saw this on reddit and I thought it was an interesting idea.

Suppose that the idea of using Nintendo characters in Smash Bros. was rejected back in 1999. What would Nintendo (their company, producers and games) look like in 2016?

Starting with the obvious, there'd be no FE in non-Japan regions. We'd also be without Kid Icarus Uprising. I also don't think amiibo would've been conceived for a while (and they definitely wouldn't be as popular as they are right now).

Mario vs. Sonic would never have happened (ignoring those shitty olympics games).

Kinda wonder if F-Zero would've died sooner. Falcon wouldn't have his meme status.

I wouldn't have discovered Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby, Star Fox, F-Zero, Earthbound, FE and basically every video game series in Smash with the exception of Mario and Pac-Man.

What do you guys think?

Edited by Scrub Lord Doof
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Some things like FE wouldn't have taken off as well, but then again IS's test to see if they wanted to localize FE was the successes of Advance Wars so we may have still gotten it, but we'd lack the infamous

"Is Marth or Roy in this game?" line and I'd have missed on quite a few older franchises.

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You hit the nail on the head WRT Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem (although I imagine that Fire Emblem would eventually get localized, probably starting with Shadow Dragon or Awankening depending on how much FE's inclusion in Smash actually helped WRT them localizing FE7). I don't think Smash did much for F-Zero honestly, all things considered (it might have helped it get more popular but it certainly didn't help WRT the production of the actual games themselves). I think that...

-Obviously, its style of gameplay wouldn't be as popular and none of its clones would have existed (or, at least, they'd resemble Smash Bros. less than they currently do).

-Earthbound wouldn't be as popular, and the pushes for the other games in its series to be localized would be significantly less so. I'm not sure if it would actually impact Nintendo's decision to localize them or not, but I'd imagine it'd be so.

-Sakurai wouldn't be nearly as prominent or well known as he is now. I mean, he'd still be fairly known (inventing Kirby is some cool shit), just not as much as he is now.

-People would have less awareness of Nintendo's lesser known brands in general. Noone would give a fuck about the Ice Climbers, for starters.

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Dragon King might've happened, but it's a big if.

Fan favorite characters, like Marth and Pit, wouldn't have gotten a NA release or a new game. Or at least they would've had a very low chance of doing so. (Now imagine what this site would be if FE didn't come out in the west?!!)

I also wouldn't have discovered some games like Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Earthbound, F-Zero... pretty much anything other than Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Pokemon until much MUCH later. *shutters*

And Sakurai would be stuck with Kirby.

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We'd also be without Kid Icarus Uprising.

Why? It's not as though Smash's existence contributed to KI:U being made or anything. Sakurai still could have left HAL, founded SORA, and got given the go ahead to make a new Kid Icarus game.

As for me, I wouldn't have got into Fire Emblem... not that that's necessarily a bad thing, because it would mean that I wouldn't have any memories associated with Shadow Dragon.

Also. Melee wouldn't exist, which is another positive.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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the greatest game of all time, melee, would not exist.

nintendo wouldn't have made ties to sega and what not for the inclusion of third party characters (they already did for actual games of their respective series, but i think that's a bit different than smash).

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Why? It's not as though Smash's existence contributed to KI:U being made or anything. Sakurai still could have left HAL, founded SORA, and got given the go ahead to make a new Kid Icarus game.

Actually it did a lot. Nintendo's hire-ups only became interested in the character of Pit after Brawl, and they even contracted other companies to make a game about him in his new Smash Bros. design, though they were all cancelled over the course of development and eventually they hired Sakurai. They wouldn't have done it at all if it weren't for Super Smash Bros. sparking interest in the Franchise again.

I guess as a negative, without Smash Bros, I wouldn't have known what Metroid, F-Zero or any other Nintendo franchise not named Mario, Zelda or Pokemon were.

As a positive, the internet would be less cancerous.

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mangonation wouldn't exist. someone go back in time and convince sakurai and iwata not to make what would become smash 64

I don't want to think about it, to be honest. I joined a clan back in 2008 because of Brawl, which got me involved with a bunch of great people. During the last years of that clan one of my friends from there convinced me to try the Fire Emblem: Awakening demo. That got me into FE and, eventually, I found myself here. Funny to think about, really: if I wasn't making awful 240p videos on YouTube about me messing around in Brawl I may not even be here making this post. Crazy

Myself aside, I think you pretty much nailed it, Doof

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Fire Emblem's popularity would of never kicked off over here, and it would be a Japan only release with the likelyhood of it being a dead series by now due to Awakening not selling near as many copies. Its funny how the smallest things can effect things in such large ways because we really have Smash Bros to thank for Fire Emblem's popularity growth. The idea of putting a character in a game as advertisement works very well, its even working for Fates and Corrin.

Sakurai also would of likely never gotten to the height he has now. He would still be producing games for Nintendo, but he wouldn't be near as popular as he is now, and likely not in charge of such large projects in the way he is now, practically having full creative control over the game he makes.

Edited by Tolvir
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  • 4 weeks later...

Fire Emblem would've not had a Western Release until Path of Radiance, which could've doomed the series to just those two games. Earthbound wouldn't go beyond a cult classic, and F-Zero GX might not have been released outside of Japan.

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We wouldn't have 6 FE characters in smash 4

I think we would've gotten more Sakurai developed Kirby games, which, based on stuff like Superstar, wouldn't be a bad thing in the least. Oh and we probably would still have Uprising since I don't think Pit's... er... popularity in Brawl affected that game's existence.

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Well, they didn't make a new Kid Icarus game because Pit was in Brawl, they made Pit the main character of Uprising because he was the perfect fit for the kind of gameplay that they were going for. Pit did get his modern design from Brawl, though.

Edited by BrightBow
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if smash bros didnt exist maybe i wouldnt exist

no but really if it didnt exist you could probably forget Fates or even Awakening altogether

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Also. Sakurai wouldn't have arthritis in his hands. I heard that was an issue he developed while making Smash 4.

I think he might've developed this anyway, at least maybe at a later date. Pretty sure Smash 4 isn't the cause of arthritis.

Edited by Power Master
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I stand corrected it was actually a shoulder problem that manifested in February 2013. Who knows...


either way its definitely effected his ability to work on Smash to the extent he has in the past. I really think what they need to do is when they create Smash 5, bring in Sakurai one last time, but this time with an "apprentice" of sorts so that Sakurai can teach a new lead developer how he made his decisions, choices, and overall how he designed things so that this new guy/girl can take over with the knowledge of how Sakurai did things in the past. Of course I wouldn't mind the new person to put a bit of their own flair on it, as some new fresh ideas wouldn't be a bad thing for Smash moving forward.

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