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What If? thread

Wayward Alchemist

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What if the lore made sense?

What if you really couldnt S support the Hoshidans, but COULD the Nohrian siblings?

I don't think I would like to live in a world like that. Not because I want to marry the Hoshidan siblings, but because of the fan reaction. Ugggghhhh.....

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What if the game had S ranked pairing that weren't explicitly romantic in nature?

What if the children were just trainees/apprentices of other characters instead of their offspring?

What if the lore made sense?

What if you really couldnt S support the Hoshidans, but COULD the Nohrian siblings?

What if incest was treated with the gravity it's due, mindful of where these feelings came from and the social consequences of such a union?

What if Camilla's incestuous feelings towards Kamui were examined in greater detail and she wasn't flanderized into "my kooky sister who probably wants to fuck me"?

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isn't this A+?

Not really. A+ has no support, no ending and is available immediately after achieving A rank. It is juts there for Buddy Sealing and nothing else.

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What if the game had S ranked pairing that weren't explicitly romantic in nature?

What if the children were just trainees/apprentices of other characters instead of their offspring?

What if incest was treated with the gravity it's due, mindful of where these feelings came from and the social consequences of such a union?

What if Camilla's incestuous feelings towards Kamui were examined in greater detail and she wasn't flanderized into "my kooky sister who probably wants to fuck me"?

yo! Im working on it! I gotta play the game first to really know the story. Then ill write a retelling of Conquest. But seriously, yeah that would be neat. Its what i wanted tbh, incest being as heavy in theme like in A Song Of Ice And Fire, and Camilla being a lot nicer version of Cersei. :(

I don't think I would like to live in a world like that. Not because I want to marry the Hoshidan siblings, but because of the fan reaction. Ugggghhhh.....

lmao i would just laugh at fan reaction.

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What if Charlotte had decent armor? Based on supports, she's probably one of my favorite characters (she's really funny), but every time I see art with her whole body I'm like, "Oh dear, why? That's so illogical. Why? And Camilla, for that matter. Pants are so important when you're riding a scaly, flying lizard. I will always question and bemoan these terrible design choices.

Ah yes, I agree, what if. And also, what if they weren't designed to instantly be sexualized? I have yet to read any supports/info about them, but honestly I see their designs and feel like they were made for the eye...and bouncing boobs...

What if Camilla's incestuous feelings towards Kamui were examined in greater detail and she wasn't flanderized into "my kooky sister who probably wants to fuck me"?

I understand where you're coming from, but I'm 99% sure Kamui and Camilla are not related?

[spoiler=Concerning Hoshido family members and S rank]I'm also 99% sure Kamui isn't actually related to Hoshido members either, but I could be wrong about this one; it's what a friend told me.

What if there was a way to have twin Kannas?

This is just me wishing I could have both of my cuties at once lol

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Not really. A+ has no support, no ending and is available immediately after achieving A rank. It is juts there for Buddy Sealing and nothing else.

Oh, I didn't know he wanted the endings with em too. I would agree, it'd be nice.

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What if Ryouma said this to Garon at the end of Birthright in localization:

"I am Ryouma, Crown Prince of Hoshido. You killed my father, King Sumeragi. King Garon of Nohr, prepare to die!"

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What if Ryouma said this to Garon at the end of Birthright in localization:

"I am Ryouma, Crown Prince of Hoshido. You killed my father, King Sumeragi. King Garon of Nohr, prepare to die!"

Laslow would have sworn his loyalty to Ryoma and Birthright would be the most popular route.

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I understand where you're coming from, but I'm 99% sure Kamui and Camilla are not related?

Not by blood but socially they are siblings. The odd thing about them is, while Camilla is the only sibling to canonically be attracted to Kamui, Kamui straight up tells her he thinks of her only as a sister. In their C-A (for both genders) Kamui wants Camilla to stop being so affectionate because he doesn't want others to get the wrong idea about what kind of relationship they have (platonic siblings). The S rank flips that on its head by saying that Kamui is in love with Camilla.

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What if Corrin had shoes?

I would like them even less. I don't wear shoes. Corrin doesn't wear shoes. We get along in this regard.

i feel like pepole find this gross, that's fine

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I would like them even less. I don't wear shoes. Corrin doesn't wear shoes. We get along in this regard.

Remind me to drop a bunch of pinecones, thumb tacks, and other pointy objects in your path if we ever walk past each other on the street.

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Not by blood but socially they are siblings. The odd thing about them is, while Camilla is the only sibling to canonically be attracted to Kamui, Kamui straight up tells her he thinks of her only as a sister. In their C-A (for both genders) Kamui wants Camilla to stop being so affectionate because he doesn't want others to get the wrong idea about what kind of relationship they have (platonic siblings). The S rank flips that on its head by saying that Kamui is in love with Camilla.

Oh, I had no idea! I haven't read supports for most of the characters. I didn't even know Camilla was actually attracted to Kamui; from what I've seen in trailers/playthroughs recently, I thought she was just very protective of Kamui.

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Maybe Camilla was originally a Cavalier like her big bro and that's why she still rocks the battle panties.

Yeah, Elise!Forrest would be a nuke. He'd be slow, though. And also with Elise's age and personality, I could totally see her raising Forrest like a daughter due to not really knowing how to interact with boys.

Crimson!Shiro would be pretty nuts. Lancefaire/Astra/Flamboyant/Overbearing/Deadly Breath Wyvern Lord? Yes please!

well Camilla can give all those skills to Shiro, but I would prefer the beautiful Scarlet blond hair rather than Camilla's purple hair

What if the amiibo units had full supports with Corrin?Though that'd get weird if you married Robin and Corrin together. Like... would that count as reincarnation-selfcest?

I completely love this idea, and give a child to each amiibo unit (even Lucina) would be hilarious!!
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Remind me to drop a bunch of pinecones, thumb tacks, and other pointy objects in your path if we ever walk past each other on the street.

aww, why so hostile D:

its not like i walk on the streets with bare feet, i only keep that in my house

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aww, why so hostile D:

its not like i walk on the streets with bare feet, i only keep that in my house

But you implied that you'd walk on the streets with bare feet since Kamui goes everywhere with no shoes and you said you didn't like shoes

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But you implied that you'd walk on the streets with bare feet since Kamui goes everywhere with no shoes and you said you didn't like shoes

... true you got me there. If I had Kamui's padded feet of steel I would probably do it.

I stopped walking in the yard when I cut my foot open on a rock after being chased by my brother.

At least I don't think there's any lava stages this game...

if you really wanna threaten someone shoeless just use legos, they hurt worse then any of the three mentioned above

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What if Corrin amiibo unlocks the same gender Kana allowing the twins? I think that would be interesting (one of them should be renamed though).

And what if the European version didn't cut the special clothing (swimming suits and all). I mean, they were in the game beforehand. Or at least they could have made other class costumes to be buyable, like getting Corrin to be a hero with the Nohr prince look (or priest look, just for laughs).

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Every time I see a post from you, Ebony, you remind me more and more of a close friend of mine. Aside from having a brother.

So what if (Yes, I will bold it every time) all of the game's Corrinsexuals were part of the first-gen genepool? What would Izana, Shura, Gunter, and Yukimura's kids be like?

What if Anna had her own kid (making her DLC two characters for the price of one), and it was another Anna who looks biologically identical to her mother and is also named Anna (Though perhaps with a different starting class and portrait, to feel like less of a ripoff)?

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So what if (Yes, I will bold it every time) all of the game's Corrinsexuals were part of the first-gen genepool? What would Izana, Shura, Gunter, and Yukimura's kids be like?

Fun fact, I already have an OC son for Yukimura named Yuuichiro. That said, Yuuichiro is also supposed to be Yukimura's son with Yuugiri and Yuugiri only. I wish we could have had some playable characters who were already married in here >:/

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Every time I see a post from you, Ebony, you remind me more and more of a close friend of mine. Aside from having a brother.

So what if (Yes, I will bold it every time) all of the game's Corrinsexuals were part of the first-gen genepool? What would Izana, Shura, Gunter, and Yukimura's kids be like?

What if Anna had her own kid (making her DLC two characters for the price of one), and it was another Anna who looks biologically identical to her mother and is also named Anna (Though perhaps with a different starting class and portrait, to feel like less of a ripoff)?


Anna should have Jake instead. If we can't have him as a romance option, at least have cute mother/son stuff with a tiny Jake.

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