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Someone posted Soleil's English Support Conversation.


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Oh wow, this is actually a pretty stellar localization job! Even if it's kinda silly and not really all that deep, it was still a pretty cute set of supports. Definitely a step up from the original version, or what I've heard of it, at least.

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Soleil's voice is very cute.


The support is still containing the essence of the original. It is a little surprising they kept so much of Soleil's original personality intact, tbh. However, the truly uncomfortable aspect about it is gone and now very much consensual. Its very difficult to misunderstand whats going on here, and it also makes MU look less like a creep. Also, Xandra.

Treehouse, you did gud here. /pats their heads

(the person who made the video needed to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN with the progression though. I didnt get to read ALL of it because of the quickness)

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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it's a shitty support

...purely because the original support was terrible. in fact I'd say it's good that it's still... bad, since it keeps the essence of the original while removing a lot of the bad things about it

it's still not good, but they did a damn good job making it better while keeping the original idea intact. good job treehouse guys localization seems like it's gonna be great

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They did well with this one. Still not a great support, but that's more out of content than writing. The things that they changed are my favourite things about it, and they managed to do it without altering the original course/storyline of the support. Very well done.

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Well...being a grandkid to Olivia

and Laslow being her son

It is why that Soleli is afraid of women. Treehouse handled it nicely as they've salvaged something from the garbage can.

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You know what I love the most about the localized version of this support? (Granted, it's still not the best support, but it's SOOO much better.) You know, other than Xandra? It was how the S-Rank felt like it belonged with the rest of the conversation. It was organic, it flowed pretty well with the characters and their respective mindsets, and A CHARACTER IN A SUPPORT ASKS TO TAKE IT SLOW! It fits so well with the progression, and honestly, I'm happy with that nice little touch. I'm glad they didn't just change the B-Rank convo, but rather sought to make a more well-written, cohesive conversation.

In other words, it's true localization.

I agree. It's not just the "magic powder" support, they vastly improved the S-rank support convo.

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I actually feel a lot more comfortable with the idea to marrying her to Gen 2 male. I mean, I'd want to read the supports she has with them first, but I'm not entirely against it now. I did read the Japanese supports and they made me very uncomfortable. They're more on the silly side than the weird/creepy side which is a major improvement.

Also her voice is one of the cute things the world, just sayin. And like a lot of people here it's also vaguely familiar to me too.

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Well done, NoA. The original support was admittedly kinda creepy, but you stayed true to the original content while making it much more acceptable for western audiences and morality in general. You made it so that this apparently bisexual character can enter a genuine relationship with a male character in a more natural way, without any implications of foul play (along with giving her an AMAZING English voice. One of my personal favorite so far, along with Azura, Leo, Hinata, and Arthur). Score one for Treehouse. Also Xandra, LAWL.


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I am pleasantly surprised. The blindfold is a bit silly but accomplishes the same purpose as the magic powder in the original, and they made it consensual and less wierd. They even made it flow a bit better and the S-Rank is a bit more natural, although it still is rather awkward. I didn't have any problem with the original Japanese support, though I acknowledge the Japanese support was not particularly well written.

Her confession is incredibly cute, as is her voice. I'm pleasantly surprised. They turned an awful S-Rank chain (I mean in terms of writing, I have no problem with the actual content of the original) into a decent one.

This was handled very well.

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Also her voice is one of the cute things the world, just sayin. And like a lot of people here it's also vaguely familiar to me too.

IKR!!! I'm thinking maybe Cassandra Lee Morris, but considering her doing work for XenoX it's hard to tell. Plus my memory of her Suguha act is kinda vague since I only watched one ep of SAO dubbed (whished I could say the same for the entire series in general aside of the SomethingWitty abridged) so there's that as well.


So maybe I might have been way off on this one. I wished I could remember what dubs I have watched and what the VAs were to narrow things down. Oh well.

Edited by Kanethedragon
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IKR!!! I'm thinking maybe Cassandra Lee Morris, but considering her doing work for XenoX it's hard to tell. Plus my memory of her Suguha act is kinda vague since I only watched one ep of SAO dubbed (whished I could say the same for the entire series in general aside of the SomethingWitty abridged) so there's that as well.

Ugh...be thankful you only saw episode of SAO. Looking back, I have no clue how I got through 20 episodes of that show.

But back on topic, Cassandra Lee Morris seems to be the popular speculation so far looking at the Youtube video itself and some other places.

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Ugh...be thankful you only saw episode of SAO. Looking back, I have no clue how I got through 20 episodes of that show.

But back on topic, Cassandra Lee Morris seems to be the popular speculation so far looking at the Youtube video itself and some other places.

I saw both seasons in Japanese, and I wish I never watched it either. The SomethingWitty abridged is GOLDEN though.

Anyways, I edited in that I'm more or less unsure now after listening to some more quick clips of the SAO dubbed, but glad to know I'm with the popular speculation. If it turns out to be true that'd be awesome though considering I did physically meet Cassandra irl one time at a con a few years back, and I already am glad she voiced Lyn in XenoX, and considering Soleil as a romanceable option and one that I've been ticked on ever since the Japanese release, it'd just make me super excited to know I met one of Soleil's voices in person one time.

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Looks like this got sorted out quite well. There are way too many other pairings I want to do for Corrin, but it's nice to see what happened here. Also, the "Xandra" line was hilarious. In the back of my mind I had Xander walking up behind them and going, "Corrin, what is she talking about...?" Hello, awkward.

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You know what I love the most about the localized version of this support? (Granted, it's still not the best support, but it's SOOO much better.) You know, other than Xandra? It was how the S-Rank felt like it belonged with the rest of the conversation. It was organic, it flowed pretty well with the characters and their respective mindsets, and A CHARACTER IN A SUPPORT ASKS TO TAKE IT SLOW! It fits so well with the progression, and honestly, I'm happy with that nice little touch. I'm glad they didn't just change the B-Rank convo, but rather sought to make a more well-written, cohesive conversation.

In other words, it's true localization.

As S supports go, this might be one of the best I've read for these reasons. Organic relationship progression? Somebody pinch me!

The bait-switch lesbian trope and fainting around girls subject matter is pretty lame but they tackled a lot of the problems of the Japanese version with grace.

-no more drugging

-clearer indication that Soleil is bisexual/no gay conversion

-no "you should treasure yourself more" line.

They turned a seriously problematic support to a somewhat humorous one. Well done, localization.

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As S supports go, this might be one of the best I've read for these reasons. Organic relationship progression? Somebody pinch me!

The bait-switch lesbian trope and fainting around girls subject matter is pretty lame but they tackled a lot of the problems of the Japanese version with grace.

-no more drugging

-clearer indication that Soleil is bisexual/no gay conversion

-no "you should treasure yourself more" line.

They turned a seriously problematic support to a somewhat humorous one. Well done, localization.

Let's not forget how cute her confession line is as well. That really seals the deal.

There were a lot of things that could have gone wrong with Soleil in the localization, but judging from her support chain with Kamui, they did a pretty good job.

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