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Does anyone else have a hard time choosing Nohr (conquest)?


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No, I just didn't choose Nohr as its inferior to Hoshido in every way but difficulty.

You would have to pay me a good amount to get me sit through Nohr's horrid campaign again.

No i just chose Nohr

Like if you choose nohr you are saying you are sticking by the people that raised you and corrin here is wanting to make changes. He also spares lifes, from waht i heard in hoshido he is actually killing nohrians not leaving them unconscious which seems funny given that you would expect the hoshido side to be the most peaceful which it is but i think nohr corrin seems more peaceful

That's untrue. The Hoshidian way isn't to kill those who aren't a threat and Corrin spares a few Nohrians and tries diplomacy when he can on the Hoshido route.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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I feel like most people here just don't give the Hoshidans a chance.

A lot of Hoshidan units have depth in them and are generally quite sympathetic. Feel free to prefer the Nohrians and dislike Hoshdio, but a lot of the discussion on here feels like people just never bothering to look past their initial impressions when it comes to the Broshidos.

Both sides have their appeal, and the decision is supposed to be a hard one no matter what you choose. Liking the Nohrians doesn't preclude you from liking the Hoshidans or the other way around.

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From a more realistic perspective

I'd think the majority of people would choose Hoshido, because the events of chapter 5 take place almost immediately after chapter 6. Even if they haven't come to terms with the queen being your mother, they would probably admit she's a wonderful person. Having to hold her in your arms as she died would be a really strong and possibly traumatizing memory. So when the choice arrives, I'd find to hard to believe most people would rejoin the the kingdom that was responsible for such a memory. But this is just from a real life perspective. You wanna make your choice from a game perspective, that's fine.

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I always planned on picking Nohr first anyway, but what makes that choice no problem at all is simply xqva7lo.png

[spoiler=THE HERO WE DESERVE]HCWu80l.jpg


For real though, Conquest has been a blast so far(chapter 10 right now), most fun I've had with a Fire Emblem game in a while.

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I'm honestly torn between the two, in a way.

[spoiler=early chapter spoilers]

On one hand, the fact that Garon used my character as a pawn to kill the Hoshidon queen and get through the barrier REALLY ticks me off and makes me want to turn against him with all my being--and that's really what influenced my choice. (besides the fact that I DID get Birthright--I still have the money to go buy Conquest if I so desired.)

On the other hand, I find it really hard to believe that after such a short time of being with the hoshidon family, your character has developed enough of a bond to actually do the whole emotional breakdown+Roaring Rampage of Revenge that he/she does after her birth mother is murdered.

Since I came into this knowing full and well that the story has horrific plotholes, I'm just going to headcannon it as 'the reason my character flipped out was because she realized Garon had been using her as a pawn all this time, without care for the value of ANYONE'S life'

Wow. I chose Hoshido for the aesthetic. I'm the rarity then. .-.

This is why I bought Birthright. "I'm gonna end up with all three anyway. Which game's aesthetics do I like most?"

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I'm honestly torn between the two, in a way.

[spoiler=early chapter spoilers]

On one hand, the fact that Garon used my character as a pawn to kill the Hoshidon queen and get through the barrier REALLY ticks me off and makes me want to turn against him with all my being--and that's really what influenced my choice. (besides the fact that I DID get Birthright--I still have the money to go buy Conquest if I so desired.)

On the other hand, I find it really hard to believe that after such a short time of being with the hoshidon family, your character has developed enough of a bond to actually do the whole emotional breakdown+Roaring Rampage of Revenge that he/she does after her birth mother is murdered.

Since I came into this knowing full and well that the story has horrific plotholes, I'm just going to headcannon it as 'the reason my character flipped out was because she realized Garon had been using her as a pawn all this time, without care for the value of ANYONE'S life'

This is why I bought Birthright. "I'm gonna end up with all three anyway. Which game's aesthetics do I like most?"

To be fair, Kamui doesn't have a mother in Nohr and her 'father' is abusive. That she was used by that abusive father to kill her actual mother would be traumatic, even if she didn't remember her (and she does get her memories back later). Kamui will never get to reconcile with her mother because of Garon so the rage is understandable.

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I feel like most people here just don't give the Hoshidans a chance.

A lot of Hoshidan units have depth in them and are generally quite sympathetic. Feel free to prefer the Nohrians and dislike Hoshdio, but a lot of the discussion on here feels like people just never bothering to look past their initial impressions when it comes to the Broshidos.

Both sides have their appeal, and the decision is supposed to be a hard one no matter what you choose. Liking the Nohrians doesn't preclude you from liking the Hoshidans or the other way around.

I agree. The Hoshidan characters seem to have more subtle characterization, overall, except for Takumi, but that's fitting for a teenager who is angry and confused :) It seems that a lot of people wrote them off immediately because they were "boring" and never really gave them a chance. And I saw someone saying that Ryoma doesn't really show affections or any real emotions for Corrin. Um, that's just not true.

Also, a lot of people are criticizing how the Hoshidan siblings are written overall. While those are certainly valid and I have my own problems with them too, the Nohrian siblings in Conquest aren't really written better, especially Xander. Bro, do you even know what you want?

No i just chose Nohr

Like if you choose nohr you are saying you are sticking by the people that raised you and corrin here is wanting to make changes. He also spares lifes, from waht i heard in hoshido he is actually killing nohrians not leaving them unconscious which seems funny given that you would expect the hoshido side to be the most peaceful which it is but i think nohr corrin seems more peaceful

Okay, gonna try to not spoil, but sparing a few lives on the side is just so insignificant compared to what he ends up doing in Conquest.

Someone else mentioned that they should explore what the Hoshido did to elevate the tension between the two countries. While that would certainly be interesting to explore in the overall narrative, there is also a possibility that Nohr just, you know, wanted to invade without any wrongdoing from Hoshido. It's not like that hasn't happened in real life, right? Ah, good ol' Imperialism.

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Those who bought Birthright for aesthetics, I'm kind of in that category too. First I wanted it for Ryoma. Then I was like "hey, these other Hoshido peeps look cool too!" and etc. etc. Then Nohr's characters appealed to me less and less over time. And then I heard a bunch of people say Nohr's story is the worst of the three routes.

And now that I've played Birthright up to chapter 8, I so far don't regret my decision at all. I still love porcupine lord and I don't feel at all like I made the wrong choice, even if I would really prefer not to fight either side at all. Elise is so innocent and sweet, she alone would possibly be enough for me to not really want to have to fight the Nohr siblings.

Edited by Anacybele
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My biggest problem in choosing Nohr is Mikoto's sacrifice.

Your mother just died protecting you, and you repay that by destroying the kingdom she loved?

Not only that, but there's Sumeragi's sacrifice as well, he died protecting Corrin, a child that wasn't even his.

Taking in account both sacrifices, choosing Nohr over makes Corrin be an incredible ungrateful bastard.

Corrin's destroying the kingdom of the people who gave their lives so Corrin would live. You can't deny that it makes Corrin quite ungrateful.

Yes, the Nohrian sibilings loved you and raised you, but don't forget that it was because you were kidnapped in the first place.

And even worse, Nohr even put two war prisioners to help raise Corrin, who is a war prisioner as well. That's really wrong and twisted,

I'm aware that I'm coming as anti-Nohr in this argument, but these are facts that I just can't ignore.

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Not at all. I don't see anything wrong with choosing to go home with the siblings that have always been by your side and have always been kind to you.

Especially since you don't mean any ill intention towards Hoshido when you decide to leave. You want to support the siblings you have always known and get to the bottom of what is going on in Nohr so that you can bring peace to your siblings in Hoshido as well.

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My biggest problem in choosing Nohr is Mikoto's sacrifice.

Your mother just died protecting you, and you repay that by destroying the kingdom she loved?

Not only that, but there's Sumeragi's sacrifice as well, he died protecting Corrin, a child that wasn't even his.

Taking in account both sacrifices, choosing Nohr over makes Corrin be an incredible ungrateful bastard.

Corrin's destroying the kingdom of the people who gave their lives so Corrin would live. You can't deny that it makes Corrin quite ungrateful.

Yes, the Nohrian sibilings loved you and raised you, but don't forget that it was because you were kidnapped in the first place.

And even worse, Nohr even put two war prisioners to help raise Corrin, who is a war prisioner as well. That's really wrong and twisted,

I'm aware that I'm coming as anti-Nohr in this argument, but these are facts that I just can't ignore.

Your comments more or less sum up my feelings. I kinda kept my distance on story stuff for the game so that when I got to the point of choosing I'd pick the one that felt right (based on what I'd seen so far) and choosing Nohr just... yikes.

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My biggest problem in choosing Nohr is Mikoto's sacrifice.

Your mother just died protecting you, and you repay that by destroying the kingdom she loved?

Not only that, but there's Sumeragi's sacrifice as well, he died protecting Corrin, a child that wasn't even his.

Taking in account both sacrifices, choosing Nohr over makes Corrin be an incredible ungrateful bastard.

Corrin's destroying the kingdom of the people who gave their lives so Corrin would live. You can't deny that it makes Corrin quite ungrateful.

Yes, the Nohrian sibilings loved you and raised you, but don't forget that it was because you were kidnapped in the first place.

And even worse, Nohr even put two war prisioners to help raise Corrin, who is a war prisioner as well. That's really wrong and twisted,

I'm aware that I'm coming as anti-Nohr in this argument, but these are facts that I just can't ignore.

I agree with this so much. SO much.

I always felt that there are situations where your morals should take priority over those you care for. If people I care for are doing things I believe are wrong, even if it's to complete strangers, you can bet everything you have I'd turn against them for it. I won't support actions I believe are wrong. And I came to believe that what most of the Nohrians did was wrong. Particularly Garon and Xander.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't really care about morals or anything.

Birthright has more classes I like such as Basara, while Conquest has characters like Niles, Charlotte, Keaton, Arthur, Effie, and Camilla. The only Hoshido characters that I REALLY like are Kaden, Azama, Sakura, and Rhajat. Picking was basically choosing classes vs characters

I'm still going to play through both and skip Revelation though.

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I think that some of these problems could have been solved if they had just given us an opening history of the two countries.

Like maybe 100 or so years ago Hoshido was a war hungry kingdom and that Nohr was the victim of many atrocities.

And having the avatar know that history could have made him or her think about his decision

Kind of like how Plegia was to Ylisse

Edited by Captain Karnage
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Politically, I agree that siding with Nohr makes zero sense. I love my family and all, but if my family expected me to report directly to an imperialist sociopath who maybe tried to have me assassinated, I would get the hell out of there.

That said, Corrin is basically a latchkey child, understandably going through a lot of emotional turmoil after, their first day out, they're expected to perform executions and be an "instrument of power" and so on. So perhaps they convince themselves Garon can't possibly be that bad, as a way of coping. But for sure, I'd prefer if the game did more to stress "I have to change Nohr from the inside" in Conquest Corrin's thinking.

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Yeah, the fact that the narrative tries to crap on you so hard for making this choice was a large factor in me not buying the game. I chose Nohr because I like Nohr; why I do I have to watch my avatar cry about how he made the wrong choice? This doesn't reflect my thoughts at all. I would be completely fine if Nohr had some sort of terrible ending where the player fails, but don't make me into a whiner until that happens.

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My biggest problem in choosing Nohr is Mikoto's sacrifice.

Your mother just died protecting you, and you repay that by destroying the kingdom she loved?

Not only that, but there's Sumeragi's sacrifice as well, he died protecting Corrin, a child that wasn't even his.

Taking in account both sacrifices, choosing Nohr over makes Corrin be an incredible ungrateful bastard.

Corrin's destroying the kingdom of the people who gave their lives so Corrin would live. You can't deny that it makes Corrin quite ungrateful.

Yes, the Nohrian sibilings loved you and raised you, but don't forget that it was because you were kidnapped in the first place.

And even worse, Nohr even put two war prisioners to help raise Corrin, who is a war prisioner as well. That's really wrong and twisted,

I'm aware that I'm coming as anti-Nohr in this argument, but these are facts that I just can't ignore.

Sums up my thoughts.

I agree with this so much. SO much.

I always felt that there are situations where your morals should take priority over those you care for. If people I care for are doing things I believe are wrong, even if it's to complete strangers, you can bet everything you have I'd turn against them for it. I won't support actions I believe are wrong. And I came to believe that what most of the Nohrians did was wrong. Particularly Garon and Xander.

Exactly, i always saw this as common sense, but apparently not. Like, fine if you prefer Nohr for gameplay/characters or whatever, but to see people actually defend the things that the Nohrians do ticks me off.

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If people I care for are doing things I believe are wrong, even if it's to complete strangers, you can bet everything you have I'd turn against them for it. I won't support actions I believe are wrong.

Would you not try to talk with your friends and encourage them to stop doing wrongs?

but to see people actually defend the things that the Nohrians do ticks me off.

I haven't seen anyone defend the Nohrian actions in this thread.

People appear to be choosing Nohr because to them the idea of "adopted family you've known your entire life vs. blood family that just showed up one day" has them siding against the blood relations.

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Would you not try to talk with your friends and encourage them to stop doing wrongs?

I haven't seen anyone defend the Nohrian actions in this thread.

People appear to be choosing Nohr because to them the idea of "adopted family you've known your entire life vs. blood family that just showed up one day" has them siding against the blood relations.

Obviously you would try to talk them out of it first, but(spoilers):

Nohr Kamui does the opposite of that....

Maybe not in this thread, but they are definitely here on this forum. And as i already replied to you in the other thread, that line of thinking is very shallow. But i don't think i should say anymore cause of spoilers.

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I have few problems choosing Nohr, though I only did one chapter and switched to Revelations.

Simply put- those guys raised the MC. I began to feel really crappy about Conquest, however, after the Queen died. Up to that point I was all for it. Takumi had reinforced my choice- be a jerk to me I understand but don't be a jerk to Azura. Up to that point the Nohrians (besides King Jerkface and Hans) had seemed cool- so did Hinoka and Sakura. But when the queen died... And I realized how I truly liked 2/4 Hoshido siblings... That's why I changed my mind about Conquest and just started with Revelations.

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Would you not try to talk with your friends and encourage them to stop doing wrongs?

Yeah, but I was more so referring to a scenario where I already did that and it didn't work.

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well i did say in a thread weeks ago that if i was basing off of real life morals, id pick Hoshido.

As for the topic, nah i didnt have that hard of a time picking Conquest. And any sliver of regrets i had about it, are all gameplay related. Im such a goon, i like to grind and stuff and Nohr doesnt...allow that lmao.

And then I heard a bunch of people say Nohr's story is the worst of the three routes.

Im half-way through it, and tbh...it kinda is

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I know it is the superior campaign, but man, narrative wise it was really hard to turn on Hoshido. A huge part of why SS is my favorite entry is the awesome story (and amazing artwork), and I worry I might enjoy Fates less due to choosing Nohr.

Is anyone else experiencing a bit of narrative dissodance?

No, if the option came up in real life I would go with Nohr

1. It is where I was raised and am used to

2. I would consider my adoptive siblings to be my real siblings since I grew up with them

3. F*** TAKUMI!!!!!!

4. and I would have a better chance of ending the war from the side that caused the conflict

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