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Least Favorite Characters?

Elibean Spaceman

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To go back on topic I think the top two characters I dislike the most so far (That being only having played through Birthright for the most part) for me are Xander and Sakura.

Xander not for his attitudes when facing against him but how he interacted with the family in general. Personally I just wasn't very fond of it really.

Sakura is such a bland boring character. It's another case of a character who's too pure of heart to ever do anything wrong. Perish the thought of the writers actually trying to make her have flaws. Ugh > >

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The only character I'm not particularly fond of thus far is Oboro, for the same reason I disliked Panne and Lon'qu to an extent (And outside of FE, Boze from Xenoblade Chronicles X).

I don't like the whole "Oh, this character is unrepentantly bigoted but don't worry! They have a Tragic Absolving BackstoryTM that makes it totally acceptable!" archetype, at least not if you expect me to see them as anything other than a villain.

Edited by Anomalocaris
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The only character I'm not particularly fond of thus far is Oboro, for the same reason I disliked Panne and Lon'qu to an extent (And outside of FE, Boze from Xenoblade Chronicles X).

I don't like the whole "Oh, this character is unrepentantly bigoted but don't worry! They have a Tragic Absolving BackstoryTM that makes it totally acceptable!" archetype, at least not if you expect me to see them as anything other than a villain.

But how was Lon'qu even remotely bigoted? In any way at all?

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Not even close to finishing Conquest yet, but if I was going into the story blind I would have expected either Xander or Corrin to have a "fuck you, dad, I'm foiling your plans" moment after going through so much shit to subvert his obviously evil machinations. Hell, I get the distinct impression Xander trusts daddy the least out of all the siblings, so I would have made that his cut scene death in Conquest if I had been in charge of the story. But no, he's been incredibly spineless so far and by the sounds of it he doesn't get any better.

Not really impressed with Takumi so far, but I think that's more because of his immaturity than his reasoning behind distrusting Corrin. I was kind of expecting a less shrill skeptic for some reason. He hasn't descended into my 'hate' category yet, though.

I suspect Pieri will, though, and I just got her.

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I suspect Pieri will, though, and I just got her.

I didn't like Peri myself at first, but after I did her supports with Laslow (A very good set) my opinion changed, although it could be thats one of the only supports that actively challenges her general attitude in a positive way.

Not sure.

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But how was Lon'qu even remotely bigoted? In any way at all?

"Heh. To think I could love a mere woman."

Or something along those lines. I just remember "a mere woman" in his S-rank with Robin.

Besides, even if you disagree that gynophobia constitutes a form of misogyny, there are times when he dips into it anyway (The name calling and condescension when his buttons are pushed, namely) and clearly has issues going beyond simple fear.

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"Heh. To think I could love a mere woman."

Or something along those lines. I just remember "a mere woman" in his S-rank with Robin.

Besides, even if you disagree that gynophobia constitutes a form of misogyny, there are times when he dips into it anyway (The name calling and condescension when his buttons are pushed, namely) and clearly has issues going beyond simple fear.

My issue with is that it doesn't seem like he has any real reason to have it. So his childhood crush died, so now he's afraid of all women? The whole thing smacks of Hollywood Psychology...

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Okay in defense of Xander here, like he had a choice here. Multiple times in Conquest, which you have stated that you will not play so it is giving only one side of the story, Xander talks about how there have been many times that he thinks his father goes to far, and that he knows what his father is doing is wrong. He can't stop it though because his father is essentially a dictator. He will be executed if he even speaks against him, let alone act against him. I suggest reading the Xander and Corrin support, it gives you some insight on what Xander's situation is.

Stop, i've seen this argument before and it doesn't work. If Xander is as honorable as the game wants me to believe then he'd be willing to risk his life to stop the suffering that is being caused by his own hands. After all, he was willing to get executed to protect Kamui from Garon, so why won't he stop the suffering of the victims of his own actions? Because he's a selfish little shit, that's why(which i would be ok with if the game acknowledged it and didn't try to make me like him).

And i am actually going to be playing Conquest, because even though the story is a big pile of shit, i know the gameplay is top notch. But even if i wasn't gonna play it, what does that matter? I already know the entire conquest story.

You have a bit of a double standard here, because in reality, Nohrian soldiers are innocent as well. They have a dictator called a king practically holding them at the tip of a sword and telling them to attack, but I guess its okay because they are just Nohrians, who cares about those guys?

How do i have a double standard? Did i say they are not innocent? No, i said no such thing and it doesn't even have any relevance to what i'm saying.

What even is your point here?

Edited by BruceLee
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While I would't say I dislike her, after playing both Birthright and Conquest, my opinion of Elise lowered quite a bit.

She feels so flat, like she only exists in the story to be cute and when she's important to the story, it's usuallly her being the victim.

Which is strange when you compare her to Sakura.

While Sakura mostly appear shy, when she's important to the story, it's usually her being courageous, like in Conquest when she decides to fight against Corrin, and in Birthright Chapter 25,

where she attacks Iago, when he's controlling Takumi, we don't see what she does, but she definitively attacks him.

I like to imagine that she whacks him with her staff.

And it's not just in the main story either,

Elise's supports are mostly about her being cute, naive and talking about how much she loves her family. None of her supports really stood out for me.

While Sakura's supports, while usually have her being shy, they tend to flesh out her character, for example her support with Azura reveals that she's afraid of ghost stories, her support with Takumi shows they are both bad at social gatherings they usually help each other, and other of her supports have these little details as well.

Also, Sakura's friendship with Hana feels more genuine that Elise's friendship with Effie.

It sounds like I'm bashing Elise and prasing Sakura to much, but I'm really not.

It's just that I knew how popular Elise was and how almost everyone in fandom love her, I was expecting more out her, I don't know what exactly I was expecting, but I wasn't her just being cute and being a victim most of the time. I was kind of underwhelmed.

Sakura was the opposite, I was expecting little out of her, but I was plesantly suprised.

Is Elise really just very popular becuase she's cute and because she loves her family? What is it about her that makes her so overwhelmingly popular among the fandom?

Actually, I could say that about all of the royal sibilings.

I've always heard the fandom talking about how Nohr sibilings were interesting and complex characters and about how the Hoshido sibilings were bland.

And yet, I found just the opposite, the Nohrian sibilings, other than Leo, seemed very bland, while the Hoshido sibilings were much more interesting.

Edited by Water Mage
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"Heh. To think I could love a mere woman."

Or something along those lines. I just remember "a mere woman" in his S-rank with Robin.

Besides, even if you disagree that gynophobia constitutes a form of misogyny, there are times when he dips into it anyway (The name calling and condescension when his buttons are pushed, namely) and clearly has issues going beyond simple fear.

You know it's bad when I find myself agreeing with Tharja of all people.

Lon'qu: Can you truly release me from this crippling aversion to your kind?

Tharja: Only if you promise to never refer to women as "your kind" again.

On the bright side, he did give me a new respect for Guy from Tales of the Abyss. Despite his gynophobia, he was a perfectly nice person who was never treating women any differently then men.

Anyway, his justification for his hat is bullshit. Having a girlfriend die might explain why he is afraid of a close relationship but not why he is always such an asshole to women.

Edited by BrightBow
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You know it's bad when I find myself agreeing with Tharja of all people.

Lon'qu: Can you truly release me from this crippling aversion to your kind?

Tharja: Only if you promise to never refer to women as "your kind" again.

On the bright side, he did give me a new respect for Guy from Tales of the Abyss. Despite his gynophobia, he was a perfectly nice person who was never treating women any differently then men.

Anyway, his justification for his hat is bullshit. Having a girlfriend die might explain why he is afraid of a close relationship but not why he is always such an asshole to women.

All of this. Seriously, the first time I heard of his reason for it my first thought was 'wait, that's it'. If he just didn't want to be close to anyone, I could buy it, but being afraid of only women because he lost his girlfriend seems really dumb. You don't see Batman running around with a crippling fear of parents, now do you?

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All of this. Seriously, the first time I heard of his reason for it my first thought was 'wait, that's it'. If he just didn't want to be close to anyone, I could buy it, but being afraid of only women because he lost his girlfriend seems really dumb. You don't see Batman running around with a crippling fear of parents, now do you?

I'd watch/read such a depiction.

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Elsie: weak and gets saved....???

Isn't Elsie the one that on the very first post split chapter of nohr runs into the middle of a hellforest in direct opposition to Mr "mmmm Executions" and then immediately puts her life on the line....again in ch9? All while being a noncom unit? Elsie has some massive brass balls yo.

Sakura: help i've fallen in the prolouge and cant get up

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Elsie: weak and gets saved....

Isn't Elsie the one that on the very first post split chapter of nohr runs into the middle of a hellforest in direct opposition to Mr "mmmm Executions" and then immediately puts her life on the line....again in ch9? All while being a noncom unit? Elsie has some massive brass balls yo.

Sakura: help I've fallen in the prolouge and I cant get up.

Yes to the Elise bit, but here's where things go haywire

[spoiler=conquest/birthright spoilers]She still needs to be rescued at least once during Conquest during that infamous pot chapter, however, Sakura ALSO needs to be rescued early on in Birthright, they both just get lucky that they happen to be with Corrin at the time

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I'd watch/read such a depiction.

Gah! Middle-aged business accountants! My one weakness!

Yes to the Elise bit, but here's where things go haywire

[spoiler=conquest/birthright spoilers]She still needs to be rescued at least once during Conquest during that infamous pot chapter, however, Sakura ALSO needs to be rescued early on in Birthright, they both just get lucky that they happen to be with Corrin at the time

I find Sakura to be the more likable of the two, since I find the 'shrinking violet' archetype to be more preferable than the 'hyperactive young girl' archetype. I like them both, but I can't help but feel Elise would be exhausting to deal with on a daily basis.

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I know they've been bashed heavily and this might not be the thread for this complaint anyway, but I just can't get over Conquest chapter 15.

Garon: "Kill all the singers in this independent city/duchy/whatever that's known for its rich cultural life!"


Garon: "Shit I don't know, storm a union meeting or something. Unfortunately for us having bright teal hair that's almost as long as youre entire body is the most common hairstyle in this world."

Corrin: "Hm...if ONLY we knew a singer that fit that description".

Like, is the game being serious right now? I swear Azura must've taken classes from Clark Kent and Team Rocket to learn how to stay incognito in spite of the worst costume in history. And how WOULD Garon plan on killing every single singer in that neutral town?

Also, Corrin saying "you want to win peace through death? That's madness!" or whatever it is just reeks of hypocrisy.

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Yes to the Elise bit, but here's where things go haywire

[spoiler=conquest/birthright spoilers]She still needs to be rescued at least once during Conquest during that infamous pot chapter, however, Sakura ALSO needs to be rescued early on in Birthright, they both just get lucky that they happen to be with Corrin at the time

Yeah I'm aware of elsie getting down with the sickness, but that's not due to incompetence or weakness on her part, its just deus ex machina so conquest can show off "hey what if corin wasn't around to curb ryoma's over-weaned pride"

Sakura is just a flat out retarded puppy, sure its cute and you feel bad if you kick it, sure its got the unconditional love thing going on. But damned if it woln't stop slamming its head into the wall.

Edit: dude azura's stripper dance "disguise" has nothing on FE12's "I AM NOT CAMUS" who just wears really swag glasses then just casualt rides up to ogma on his horse, carrying his lance, and wearing his armor. Ogma "hmmmm you're not that guy we watched fight a god dragon for like, a week straight right?" Sirius, Nope gonna save my waifu's kids now.

Nobody suspects a thing <.< >.>

Also have you actually seen the nohr cast? Long blue hair is actually the most common hairstyle

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My problem is that after Elise saves you at chapter 7, she doesn't get anymore moments at the story other than just being victim.

She gets shot by Takumi in Chapter 11, gets sick in Chapter 12 and then nothing more.

Sakura gets kidnapped, true, but she's not make to look like a victim like Elise does.

And like I said, that's not my real problem with Elise.

My problem is that she only exist to love her family, and that's it.

She doesn't show concern for her country or the war and such, something like "I will help the people of Nohr" or something.

Edited by Water Mage
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I know they've been bashed heavily and this might not be the thread for this complaint anyway, but I just can't get over Conquest chapter 15.

Garon: "Kill all the singers in this independent city/duchy/whatever that's known for its rich cultural life!"


Garon: "Shit I don't know, storm a union meeting or something. Unfortunately for us having bright teal hair that's almost as long as youre entire body is the most common hairstyle in this world."

Corrin: "Hm...if ONLY we knew a singer that fit that description".

Like, is the game being serious right now? I swear Azura must've taken classes from Clark Kent and Team Rocket to learn how to stay incognito in spite of the worst costume in history. And how WOULD Garon plan on killing every single singer in that neutral town?

Also, Corrin saying "you want to win peace through death? That's madness!" or whatever it is just reeks of hypocrisy.

I had that same problem, the entire time I was trying to figure out how Corrin and Azura were going to get out of that situation, then she just shows up like nothing happened and no one pays attention to the fact that she looks just like that singer.

I am torn between Sakura and Elise. I really like them both, I like how Sakura is kind of the more mature of the two, and I really liked how Sakura was really the only Hoshidan sibling willing to talk to Corrin still even after the split. Elise on the other hand I feel is only there for the cute factor, and nothing else. She really doesn't bring much to the story outside of being the cute little sister. So in a way Sakura is a bit of my favorite of the two, but I still really like Elise as well, a lot of her supports made me laugh, and her support with Corrin was pretty good. In Revelation I am likely going to use Sakura over Elise, partially because I like her design better than Elise.

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My problem is that after Elise saves at chapter 7, she doesn't get anymore moments at the story other than just being victim.

She gets shot by Takumi in Chapter 11, gets sick in Chapter 12 and then nothing more.

Sakura gets kidnapped, true, but she's not make to look like a victim like Elise does.

And like I said, that's not my real problem with Elise.

My problem is that she only exist to love her family, amd that's it.

She doesn't show concern for her country or the war and such, something like "I will help the people of Nohr" or something.

I cant spoiler tag to save my life so just gonna say uuuuh, ch 9 and....really constantly all the way to endgame. Royal's get a lot of screentime. (25 is great)

Ofc Elsie doesn't care about the big picture, she's like the nhorian red cross man. I mean going to be an ambulance driver in the warzone for love of family and friends is about as normal as choices get if your balls hang as low as Elies's do.

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Also, Corrin saying "you want to win peace through death? That's madness!" or whatever it is just reeks of hypocrisy.

While I don't really like you Thane, I cannot help but agree with you on that one. That whole line was ridiculous. The entire chapter was dumb except for the cutscene and the fact Leo joins up with you. I get that Corrin is naive but.. come on that was sloppily done.

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