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Least Favorite Characters?

Elibean Spaceman

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I completely agree. I don't like seeing the amount of hate Nohr and its characters get because everyone blames the characters and story itself rather than the shoddy writing of IS.

Its why I am a little jaded towards the Hoshidan royals because everyone loves to point out the flaws with Nohr, while completely ignoring the problems of the Hoshidans. I want to like them, but its hard to do that when they are toted around all the time as being the definition of perfection and can do no wrong.

Overall my least favorite characters at the moment are Garon, his two lackeys, and Takumi.

Garon annoys me because he is just so much wasted potential to be a great villian. They could of gone in so many different directions with him that would of made him one of the best villians of Fire Emblem, but they threw all of that away.

Iago is kind of in the same boat. He could of been easily the bad guy that you really just hate the entire time. The nemisis character that you just cannot wait to kick his ass later in the game, but once again they wasted that potential and made him the saturday morning cartoon villian.

Hans is just a dumbass, and could of been taken out of the story with no effect.

And then Takumi. This is where I always receive flak, but I really do not like his character right now. I hope this changes once I play through the entire game, all three versions included. He is like Shinon 2.0 for me, and it annoys me because I wanted to like him. Before this game released I found him interesting, I thought his distrust of Corrin made sense, and added layers to his character. But in Conquest, in my opinion they really failed with his writing. They should of made me feel sympathetic towards him, understand his situation, and feel bad for having to fight him. No, instead they did the complete opposite, and made me hate him more than I do the main bad guy that I am supposed to hate. The fact that he was so ready to put an arrow in Corrin's skull was off-putting to me. Distrust I can understand, but he doesn't even give Corrin a chance when he first shows up in Hoshido.

His anger towards Corrin leading to his mother's death was reasonable as well. and even being the first to encounter Corrin on the battlefield when you make a choice, but its the fact that he doesn't have any remorse for the fact that he is having to fight you. In no way does he give a hint that he wishes you didn't make that choice No, he acts more like he wanted you to make that choice so he could kill you. How the hell am I supposed to view that, and then feel sorry for the character later?

He is the only one in Chapter 18 that I didn't want to save. I was hoping that he was dead already before I got the chance to save him so I could be done with that character.

So overall, my dislike for Takumi comes from the shoddy writing of Conquest so far. I really hope that this changes at some point, since I am still not through Conquest all the way, but I am under the impression I will have to play through Birthright or Revelation in order for his character to be salvageable for me.

Like Tsuky said, you can't take the blame off the character and call it bad writing. I definitely agree that the shitty writing fucked a lot of things up, but that's what we got.

I don't see how you can blame Takumi for how he acts in Conquest. You're writing off the death of his mother way too easily. If i was in Takumi's position, getting your mother killed because of Kamui, and then he goes back to the people invading your country, i wouldn't have acted any differently. I couldn't give less of a shit what he has to say. If anything, the other Hoshido siblings are to be criticized for not acting more like him. Takumi is the one i can sympathize the most with because of how realistic his reactions are.

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That's fair, especially if you've already played Conquest. To me, he, Leo and Oboro are probably the characters that feel most real or at the very least more relatable. They've got solid supports that deal with a lot of different subjects and Leo and Takumi have large roles in the main story that I found interesting.

Yeah, with so many main characters they really wrote themselves into a corner; like I said earlier, Leo and Takumi are the ones who get handled the best while Hinoka is essentially left and forgotten in all three routes. I don't think the racism is necessarily that important though, and what there is to explain has already been, what with Garon turning Sumeragi into a porcupine, but maybe I'm being biased here.

Yeah Leo's probably my favorite sibling.

I wasn't talking about an explanation but rather the characters actually talking about it. Corrin's main goal is to change how Nohr works and how the world see them so you'd think there would be a couple times where he's like, "not everyone in Nohr is an asshole you know" and then there could be some interesting dialogue and maybe some character development. But instead what happens throughout the game is, "Nohr sucks but boy that Corrin, what an amazing guy."

In fact Corrin not saying that before the split bothers me too.

Edited by DavidSW
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Yeah Leo's probably my favorite sibling.

I wasn't talking about an explanation but rather the character sactually talking about it. Corrin's main goal is to change how Nohr works and how the world see them so you'd think there would be a couple times where he's like, "not everyone in Nohr is an asshole you know" and then there could be some interesting dialogue and maybe some character development. But instead what happens throughout the game is, "Nohr sucks but boy that Corrin, what an amazing guy."

In fact Corrin not saying that before the split bothers me too.

I always found it strange how Nohr is supposed to be darker but really, it's only Garon that's a giant prick. While the Nohrian characters tend to be a tad stranger, they're never portrayed as being anything other than good (which is just a problem in Pieri's case, but hey).

You know, now that you mention it, Corrin does just go with the flow when he gets to Hoshido doesn't he? "Look guys, you all seem really lovely but I gotta get ba-...hey, what smells so nice?"

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Like Tsuky said, you can't take the blame off the character and call it bad writing. I definitely agree that the shitty writing fucked a lot of things up, but that's what we got.

I don't see how you can blame Takumi for how he acts in Conquest. You're writing off the death of his mother way too easily. If i was in Takumi's position, getting your mother killed because of Kamui, and then he goes back to the people invading your country, i wouldn't have acted any differently. I couldn't give less of a shit what he has to say. If anything, the other Hoshido siblings are to be criticized for not acting more like him. Takumi is the one i can sympathize the most with because of how realistic his reactions are.

And that is the problem for me, I don't find his reaction reasonable before Conquest, and even during Coquest. Overall, to be completely honest, I don't understand his hate of Corrin before the split. Maybe its because he is jealous for the fact that Corrin being kidnapped taking up so much of his siblings lives, but to me, in a way I find him a little less relate-able. He acts like Corrin growing up in Nohr was his fault. It wasn't his fault at all, if it was anyone's fault it was his dumbass father thinking its a good idea to take a 2 year old to a diplomatic meeting where it could easily come to blows and people could die.

That is one of my biggest problems with Takumi, is I actually think his reaction to Corrin is a little unreasonable, because he acts as if 2 year old Corrin chose Nohr over Hoshido. Sure, if you choose Nohr, it is completely reasonable for him to hate you, but before hand, to be completely honest, it is not. He even gives Azura shit for being from Nohr, though she grew up in Hoshido her entire life. What the hell has Azura done to warrant that kind of hate against her? She hasn't done anything to Takumi, yet he treats her like shit, while the rest of the siblings treat her like family. I do not, in any way, find that relate-able. After Conquest, sure I can understand it to a point, but before the split, it doesn't make much sense to me, and in my eyes paints him to be a little spoiled shit that gets jealous when someone else is taking the spotlight away from him.

Do I want Takumi to be a little ass-kisser like everyone else? No, but I don't find the amount of hate he has for Corrin relate-able, because in that situation, I would not act like that. Sure a bit of anger towards Corrin is completely reasonable. He doesn't know who he is, and after staying there for maybe a week, he ends up getting his mother killed. Now it wasn't Corrin's fault, he had no idea, but I can see it further angering him when he joins the side that had supposedly did it. But to wish death on one of your own? Someone who shares your own blood(was supposed to before the lame excuse to allow you to marry them came in), someone who you are supposed to call family. I do not in any way find that relate-able, understandable, or in any way a good trait that makes me want to like the character.

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And that is the problem for me, I don't find his reaction reasonable before Conquest, and even during Coquest. Overall, to be completely honest, I don't understand his hate of Corrin before the split. Maybe its because he is jealous for the fact that Corrin being kidnapped taking up so much of his siblings lives, but to me, in a way I find him a little less relate-able. He acts like Corrin growing up in Nohr was his fault. It wasn't his fault at all, if it was anyone's fault it was his dumbass father thinking its a good idea to take a 2 year old to a diplomatic meeting where it could easily come to blows and people could die.

That is one of my biggest problems with Takumi, is I actually think his reaction to Corrin is a little unreasonable, because he acts as if 2 year old Corrin chose Nohr over Hoshido. Sure, if you choose Nohr, it is completely reasonable for him to hate you, but before hand, to be completely honest, it is not. He even gives Azura shit for being from Nohr, though she grew up in Hoshido her entire life. What the hell has Azura done to warrant that kind of hate against her? She hasn't done anything to Takumi, yet he treats her like shit, while the rest of the siblings treat her like family. I do not, in any way, find that relate-able. After Conquest, sure I can understand it to a point, but before the split, it doesn't make much sense to me, and in my eyes paints him to be a little spoiled shit that gets jealous when someone else is taking the spotlight away from him.

Do I want Takumi to be a little ass-kisser like everyone else? No, but I don't find the amount of hate he has for Corrin relate-able, because in that situation, I would not act like that. Sure a bit of anger towards Corrin is completely reasonable. He doesn't know who he is, and after staying there for maybe a week, he ends up getting his mother killed. Now it wasn't Corrin's fault, he had no idea, but I can see it further angering him when he joins the side that had supposedly did it. But to wish death on one of your own? Someone who shares your own blood(was supposed to before the lame excuse to allow you to marry them came in), someone who you are supposed to call family. I do not in any way find that relate-able, understandable, or in any way a good trait that makes me want to like the character.

I think saying that Takumi hates Corrin before the route split is really exaggerating. He's mistrustful and resentful, yes, but otherwise he's not particularly hostile to Corrin aside from a few snide comments. And being mistrustful is part of Takumi's character in general, so him being suspicious of Corrin just showing up out of nowhere is completely justified for multiple reasons. And honestly, I think you're overreacting to Takumi behavior towards Azura as well. Azura even says in Conquest, paraphrased, "we were never on the best of terms but he was never cruel to me." And on Birthright, he does apologize to her in their support and resolves to try to get closer to her.

Even if Takumi's extreme hatred of Corrin wasn't explained later in Conquest...was Takumi just supposed to sit by and let Corrin invade his homeland? Kill his friends and family? (Supposed) blood aside, Corrin was an enemy and had just sided with the King that they had more than enough reason to hate and mistrust. While I almost admire Hinoka and Ryoma's bone-headed attempts to get Corrin back, Takumi was perfectly reasonable in wanting to kill Corrin given Corrin's dogged determination to not only not return to Hoshido but also siding with the aggressors that want to kill Takumi and everyone he loves and cares for.

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I think saying that Takumi hates Corrin before the route split is really exaggerating. He's mistrustful and resentful, yes, but otherwise he's not particularly hostile to Corrin aside from a few snide comments. And being mistrustful is part of Takumi's character in general, so him being suspicious of Corrin just showing up out of nowhere is completely justified for multiple reasons. And honestly, I think you're overreacting to Takumi behavior towards Azura as well. Azura even says in Conquest, paraphrased, "we were never on the best of terms but he was never cruel to me." And on Birthright, he does apologize to her in their support and resolves to try to get closer to her.

Even if Takumi's extreme hatred of Corrin wasn't explained later in Conquest...was Takumi just supposed to sit by and let Corrin invade his homeland? Kill his friends and family? (Supposed) blood aside, Corrin was an enemy and had just sided with the King that they had more than enough reason to hate and mistrust. While I almost admire Hinoka and Ryoma's bone-headed attempts to get Corrin back, Takumi was perfectly reasonable in wanting to kill Corrin given Corrin's dogged determination to not only not return to Hoshido but also siding with the aggressors that want to kill Takumi and everyone he loves and cares for.

I agree with the first part. Besides, remember that Takumi, who has an inferiority complex, has to deal with the sibling whose disappearance deeply and negatively affected his family just waltzing back into Hoshido. Not only would he be pissed off at the special treatment but he'd also be rightfully suspicious of someone who had grown up in enemy territory - and rightly so, considering Conquest.

As for the second part, I think it's explained rather well. I mean, combine what I mentioned earlier with the fact that Corrin goes back to the nation responsible for both his parents (who gave their lives to defend Corrin) and a lot of civilians' deaths, all while carrying their sacred artifact, and then returns to invade Hoshido. What would've been out of the ordinary would be if he WOULDN'T have been pissed off - you know, like his siblings.

[spoiler=Conquest finale]And then he forgives Corrin anyway after murdering his men, running wild through Hoshido, killing his brother etc. Ah, player worship.

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As for the second part, I think it's explained rather well. I mean, combine what I mentioned earlier with the fact that Corrin goes back to the nation responsible for both his parents (who gave their lives to defend Corrin) and a lot of civilians' deaths, all while carrying their sacred artifact, and then returns to invade Hoshido. What would've been out of the ordinary would be if he WOULDN'T have been pissed off - you know, like his siblings.

Sorry, I think I didn't make my point as eloquently as I wanted. I totally agree with you that Takumi's hatred of Corrin is justified regardless of the later Conquest spoilers.

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Try going to YouTube; the way people talk about Awakening there makes it sound like it's the spawn of the devil.

Oh I know, apparently Fates has done everything right and Awakening didn't do anything right. But hey, it's YouTube; moronic comments are to be expected.

-Ryouma's trip to Chevalier during Birthright was an insanely risky thing for a future king to do. He went by himself, undercover and without his retainers, into enemy territory to aid a plucky resistance group, leaving his siblings to basically figure things out for themselves. Right after getting seperated from Takumi during a dangerous battle, without trying to find out if his little brother was alright or anything. He just got extremely lucky that everything turned out alright in the end. I think this demonstrates how reckless Ryouma can be despite his appearance as the wise crown prince.

Oh yeah, Ryoma is pretty damn reckless. I really wanted Hinoka or Takumi to call him out on all that BS during the reunion scene, but sadly, that didn't happen. And he can be pretty demanding towards his siblings in regards to their capabilities, like what you talked about with Takumi and with Corrin; he just kinda expects them to be able to handle themselves in a lot of situations.

If we are criticizing individual Hoshidan characters, then there are a lot that can be said, such as Hinoka and Kaze, which I've already touched on before.

I agree with the first part. Besides, remember that Takumi, who has an inferiority complex, has to deal with the sibling whose disappearance deeply and negatively affected his family just waltzing back into Hoshido. Not only would he be pissed off at the special treatment but he'd also be rightfully suspicious of someone who had grown up in enemy territory - and rightly so, considering Conquest.

As for the second part, I think it's explained rather well. I mean, combine what I mentioned earlier with the fact that Corrin goes back to the nation responsible for both his parents (who gave their lives to defend Corrin) and a lot of civilians' deaths, all while carrying their sacred artifact, and then returns to invade Hoshido. What would've been out of the ordinary would be if he WOULDN'T have been pissed off - you know, like his siblings.

[spoiler=Conquest finale]And then he forgives Corrin anyway after murdering his men, running wild through Hoshido, killing his brother etc. Ah, player worship.


[spoiler=] Ryoma forgives Corrin for killing Takumi, Takumi forgives Corrin for killing Ryoma, and Hinoka and Sakura forgive Corrin for killing both of their brothers. Oh, and their spouses if any of them married Oboro, Hinata, Saizo, or Kagero. What wonderful sibling love.

Also, about Takumi being hostile to Azura: I think part of it is his tendency to be suspicious of others (which is a character flaw), but also because Azura always acts really mysterious and distant towards everyone. I'm not faulting her for this, but it doesn't mesh well with Takumi's personality, and adding on the history between Nohr and Hoshido, tensions are bound to arise.

Edited by Tsuky
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Oh I know, apparently Fates has done everything right and Awakening didn't do anything right. But hey, it's YouTube; moronic comments are to be expected.

If we are criticizing individual Hoshidan characters, then there are a lot that can be said, such as Hinoka and Kaze, which I've already touched on before

Methinks the passage of time will both soften people's view on Awakening (not ignore its flaws, just not consider it the literal anti-christ of gaming) and harden their opinion on Fates' awful story, but hey, I've been wrong once or twice before about these kinds of things.

Hinoka has a character to criticize? No kappa.

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Serenes Forest is probably the most biased place I have seen when it comes to this subject. All other places point of the flaws of both sides, but here I see the majority pointing out flaws in Nohr, while for the most part ignoring Hoshido's, lightly touching on them, or finding some stupid excuse to justify their favorite character/side.

Everywhere is Nohr bias. Unless you haven't dug deep enough into some of the threads on SF, or you think that everyone should hate on Hoshido and people not doing so is being "biased", I can't take this seriously at all. There are other sites far biased than we are.

EDIT: On the topic of Takumi's hostility to Aqua, the game itself doesn't seem very consistent with this. In both Birthright and Revelations, he comes around pretty fast to trust her. In Conquest, Aqua says that he'd never been that hostile towards her and had even been kind to her on some occasions. In the Japanese C-support, it seems to imply that there is some degree of trust between them. Nothing that suggests what happened in chapter 5 is what they were always like.

Part of me wonders if part of Takumi's hostility towards Aqua in that chapter had something to do with Kamui. This strange person who's supposed to be his elder sibling shows up, and they were raised as and believe that they are a Nohr royal. All of his negative feelings about Nohr are coming up to the surface. Notice how whenever Takumi snaps at Aqua, Takumi was snarking at Kamui first and then Aqua tried to interfere. Not saying that Takumi yelling at Aqua is okay, but it sounds like Aqua put herself in his line of fire when Takumi was saying something to Kamui, which drew his ire towards her instead.

Edited by Sunwoo
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[spoiler=] Ryoma forgives Corrin for killing Takumi, Takumi forgives Corrin for killing Ryoma, and Hinoka and Sakura forgive Corrin for killing both of their brothers. Oh, and their spouses if any of them married Oboro, Hinata, Saizo, or Kagero. What wonderful sibling love.

I'm pretty sure Ryoma killed himself

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The writing for characters just seem to be really bad to the point where any complaints I have about them are more extensions of my hate towards the writers than the actual characters. So much wasted potential. The potential wasted is enough to fill 1/4th of the Grand Canyon.

Though I do dislike Jakob and Felicia. Their loyalty to Corrin destroys any other traits they have. Jakob's loyalty goes to the point where he's a dick to anyone else, and Felicia betrays her own people for Corrin. Everyone else is either bland/I'm indifferent to, somewhat redeemed by their supports, or I don't know enough about to properly judge.

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Methinks the passage of time will both soften people's view on Awakening (not ignore its flaws, just not consider it the literal anti-christ of gaming) and harden their opinion on Fates' awful story, but hey, I've been wrong once or twice before about these kinds of things.

Hinoka has a character to criticize? No kappa.

I hope so. Awakening wasn't without flaws, but it does not deserve the s*it that it gets.

Lol, true. And the one chapter in Conquest that she got to herself, she completely squandered her opportunity in the spotlight by saying some of the stupidest things in the game.

Everywhere is Nohr bias. Unless you haven't dug deep enough into some of the threads on SF, or you think that everyone should hate on Hoshido and people not doing so is being "biased", I can't take this seriously at all. There are other sites far biased than we are.

EDIT: On the topic of Takumi's hostility to Aqua, the game itself doesn't seem very consistent with this. In both Birthright and Revelations, he comes around pretty fast to trust her. In Conquest, Aqua says that he'd never been that hostile towards her and had even been kind to her on some occasions. In the Japanese C-support, it seems to imply that there is some degree of trust between them. Nothing that suggests what happened in chapter 5 is what they were always like.

Part of me wonders if part of Takumi's hostility towards Aqua in that chapter had something to do with Kamui. This strange person who's supposed to be his elder sibling shows up, and they were raised as and believe that they are a Nohr royal. All of his negative feelings about Nohr are coming up to the surface. Notice how whenever Takumi snaps at Aqua, Takumi was snarking at Kamui first and then Aqua tried to interfere. Not saying that Takumi yelling at Aqua is okay, but it sounds like Aqua put herself in his line of fire when Takumi was saying something to Kamui, which drew his ire towards her instead.

I agree. This is the only place I've seen that actually bothers to think critically about the story. Everywhere else acts like Nohr is best thing that happened to the franchise.

I haven't read the Takumi and Azura support, so I was just going off of their interaction in chapter 5 there, but that's some interesting points you brought up.

I'm pretty sure Ryoma killed himself

[spoiler=] Yes, technically, but Corrin was the one to force him (or at least played an active part in forcing him) into that situation in the first place with his "brilliant" plan. Also, if he didn't do it himself, Corrin would've still done it because "Welp, can't go against Garon." So I would say it's quite fair to count his death against Corrin. Otherwise, we could make the same argument about Takumi (or any of the deaths that Corrin was responsible for in Conquest, for that matter), who technically threw himself off of the castle walls.

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To give my two cents on the Xander issue.

The game does have some inconsistencies in story telling, which does kind of hurt Xander a bit. Personally, I think he really is a man who wants justice, but is unsure if such a thing is realistic, hence his "justice is an illusion" lines.

Honestly, I kind of wonder if Xander, Camilla, and Leo all somewhat bought into the idea that Nohr had to flex it's muscle against other nations in order to live, even as the expense of the people of those other nations. One thing I'm curious about is how they all felt about Garon killing Sumeragi because I don't think it's ever brought it up around them.

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And the drama comes back again.

Anyways, as for the actual thread discussion: Orochi and Peri. Orochi is borderline useless with her poor sped, while Peri is still Peri. I was hoping Peri would become something like Reina in the localization (you know, like how she was described in the initial press release), but instead she sounds like she belongs in a horror movie. That, and her stats are kinda sucky; Dread Fighter Kaze is much better as an anti-mage unit who also has utility besides, while Silas is a bog-standard cavalier that obviously outclasses Peri as a bog-standard cavalier.

I love Orochi, but yeah her speed is a thing. You need to baby her to get her usable and able to Capture properly. Even then, you need to set up Captures for her. Peri, yeah shes really an acquired taste. As a unit, she needs to be fed, but shes also a growth unit. If shes given the chance to grow, she will outclass Silas. Its just that requires effort. Galeforce is great on her because of her personal skill lmao.

I do take some issue with Takumi(not because he doesn't like the avatar) but I haven't played Birthright yet


Oh I don't take much issue with his role in the story, most of his behavior and actions are fine(in a story-telling sense), my issues with Takumi are more with the character itself than how he's handled in the story(opposite of how I feel about Xander basically). He just came off as unlikable and not endearing any particular way. This is why my disclaimer is so important though, I've literally only seen one side of the story.

One story problem I do have is that his kinda racist, narrow minded view of Nohrians is never actually touched upon, but that hardly applies to just Takumi.

Yeah i feel this. Ive played both routes and finished them and i can say that Takumi was given a bunk hand in terms of styling with writing. What i mean is, they wrote him sounding like a petulant little child more than a frustrated young man with an inferiority complex. The character himself is not an issue. Its what comes out of his mouth that sucks. Its written in this juvenile manner, it makes me roll my eyes. While in Birthright, we see the softer side of Takumi, hes still got this issue where some of the stuff he says sounds like hes 7. ;/

Like Tsuky said, you can't take the blame off the character and call it bad writing

Watch me. The inconsistencies with certain characters are the fault of dodgy writing more than anything. Xander would have been fine as he is, if there was more consistency, and better reactions from all characters on the Conquest end of things. Xander is supposed to be stubborn and even a wee bit cynical at times, but it just doesnt make sense too much because the plot is so haphazard, it doesnt allow it to make sense.

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Watch me. The inconsistencies with certain characters are the fault of dodgy writing more than anything. Xander would have been fine as he is, if there was more consistency, and better reactions from all characters on the Conquest end of things. Xander is supposed to be stubborn and even a wee bit cynical at times, but it just doesnt make sense too much because the plot is so haphazard, it doesnt allow it to make sense.

But the inconsistent Xander is what we got. We're discussing the Xander we got, not your fanfic Xander where he's consistent.

You can blame his faults on the writing. But we're discussing the Xander we got here, victim of bad writing or not.

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While in Birthright, we see the softer side of Takumi, hes still got this issue where some of the stuff he says sounds like hes 7. ;/

I don't see the problem; he's technically an adult then, isn't he?

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Watch me. The inconsistencies with certain characters are the fault of dodgy writing more than anything. Xander would have been fine as he is, if there was more consistency, and better reactions from all characters on the Conquest end of things. Xander is supposed to be stubborn and even a wee bit cynical at times, but it just doesnt make sense too much because the plot is so haphazard, it doesnt allow it to make sense.

See, here's the thing. I would be perfectly willing to give Xander some slack regarding bad writing, except given that he's fairly consistent (for lack of a better word) in his inconsistency across both Birthright and Conquest. The more likely thing is that IntSys wrote him but didn't realize the implications of his behavior when they were writing him which, while can be partially attributed to IntSys's writing, still means Xander is not a good character.

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Yeah i feel this. Ive played both routes and finished them and i can say that Takumi was given a bunk hand in terms of styling with writing. What i mean is, they wrote him sounding like a petulant little child more than a frustrated young man with an inferiority complex. The character himself is not an issue. Its what comes out of his mouth that sucks. Its written in this juvenile manner, it makes me roll my eyes. While in Birthright, we see the softer side of Takumi, hes still got this issue where some of the stuff he says sounds like hes 7. ;/

The most I've seen of Birthright is chapter 6 and some of 7:

"Stupid Nohrian jerks!"

Actually kinda kills the mood a little.

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But the inconsistent Xander is what we got. We're discussing the Xander we got, not your fanfic Xander where he's consistent.

You can blame his faults on the writing. But we're discussing the Xander we got here, victim of bad writing or not.

Where the living fuck did i mention fanfiction? Im discussing the fact the character sucks because of bad writing. Im not going to hold it against the character because he makes moral choices that i dont agree with. Not when its a result of inconsistency across the board because the writing resulted into chicken-shit route. If i disliked characters because i didnt agree with their moral choices, and held it against them, well...my favorite characters would be a bunch of white bread do-gooders, and what fun is that?

See, here's the thing. I would be perfectly willing to give Xander some slack regarding bad writing, except given that he's fairly consistent (for lack of a better word) in his inconsistency across both Birthright and Conquest. The more likely thing is that IntSys wrote him but didn't realize the implications of his behavior when they were writing him which, while can be partially attributed to IntSys's writing, still means Xander is not a good character.

I just cant hold it against the character. If you want to, fine, but dont ask me to. I saw him as a sad, broken man who couldnt realize he was making the worst mistakes of his life during Birthright. In Conquest, i saw him as really stubborn who finally came around a bit too late in Conquest.

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Oh dear God, I'm sharing my opinion again. Hopefully there won't be major flames this time, right?

Having only finished Conquest, and started Birthright and Revelations, the only character I flat out dislike is Azura. I can't stand this girl

[spoiler=Early Revelations and mid-Conquest Spoilers/rant]ESPECIALLY AFTER what she reveals in Revelations chapter 7, why the fuck did you not tell anyone about this shit. The curse aside, it's clearly not that difficult to get people to Valla seeing as you do that by COMPLETE FUCKING ACCIDENT in Conquest 15, and for that matter, why didn't you tell Conquest! Corrin about what's going on in Valla when you had the chance

I also dislike Rhajat, because I dislike Tharja

Takumi, I'm sorry, but I can't stand this guy. His actions in Conquest are understandable, but I felt no sympathy for him unlike the other 3 Hoshidan siblings. I just really didn't like him.

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Oh dear God, I'm sharing my opinion again. Hopefully there won't be major flames this time, right?

Having only finished Conquest, and started Birthright and Revelations, the only character I flat out dislike is Azura. I can't stand this girl

[spoiler=Early Revelations and mid-Conquest Spoilers/rant]ESPECIALLY AFTER what she reveals in Revelations chapter 7, why the fuck did you not tell anyone about this shit. The curse aside, it's clearly not that difficult to get people to Valla seeing as you do that by COMPLETE FUCKING ACCIDENT in Conquest 15, and for that matter, why didn't you tell Conquest! Corrin about what's going on in Valla when you had the chance



The thanian prophecy is coming true!

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