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Please tell me this isn't true... (Saizo/Beruka C Support)

Daniel Santos

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In that case, they could just change that one line and keep the rest of the dialogue. They need to remember that this game is rated "T". I also noticed that the warning about "Alcholic References" present in Awakening's case is not in Fates'.

There's no mention of mild language on Fates' rating either.

I've seen "damn" thrown around much more than it was in Awakening.

The ESRB 'aint perfect about catching things.

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1. As your resident Weeaboo representative if this forum, I am slightly upset at this BS, because I agree that Treehouse is testing how much they can get away with.

2. That said, I think you all are over-reacting. The quality of the entire product is still pretty good for the average FE consumer that doesn't go to this forum.

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If you really care about this, than say things elsewhere; get the word out. If a couple semi-big gaming sites post it, it will catch on. The Soleil crap happened and got her changed (for better and for worse); it's clear they're paying some attention. So really, go and try to get the word out if you truly care about it this much.

Edited by The DanMan
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That said, I think you all are over-reacting. The quality of the entire product is still pretty good for the average FE consumer that doesn't go to this forum.

Hit the nail on the head. It truly baffles me how there are people out there who get exasperated over something as simple as this.

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If you really care about this, than say things elsewhere; get the word out. If a couple semi-big gaming sites post it, it will catch on. The Soleil crap happened and got her changed (for better and for worse); it's clear they're paying some attention. So really, go and try to get the word out if you truly care about it this much.

I don't know much about Soleil. What I heard is that she was an lesbian character that could only S Support with males and there was something about drugging her so she could like men. While I do think this situation lacks context, I didn't went on to check to avoid spoilers but I'm pretty sure Nintendo of America would still change the support even if there weren't people making a big deal out of it.

And like I said on the first post, I've been swallowing all the changes and removal until now, only complaining about it with some friends. I don't have issues with any of the localized names save Kazahana/Hana, Tsubaki/Subaki, Leon/Leo and Kanna/Kana. And I really think the skinship is better in the localization, even though I find the change to be unnecessary. But the bad and nonsensical changes don't stop even when we think we saw the last of them.

Edited by Daniel Santos
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I don't know much about Soleil. What I heard is that she was an lesbian character that could only S Support with males and there was something about drugging her so she could like men. While I do think this situation lacks context, I didn't went on to check to avoid spoilers but I'm pretty sure Nintendo of America would still change the support even if there weren't people making a big deal out of it.

And like I said on the first post, I've been swallowing all the changes and removal until now, only complaining about it with some friends. I don't have issues with any of the localized names save Kazahana/Hana, Tsubaki/Subaki and Kanna/Kana. And I really think the skinship is better in the localization, even though I find the change to be unnecessary. But the bad and nonsensical changes don't stop even when we think we saw the last of them.

That post was more of an open letter to the vocal complainers in general; going on about whatever here won't get anything accomplished. If you put that time into talking about it elsewhere, you'd at least raise awareness. As-is, complaining about localization changes on this forum won't do much.

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To be fair, when I made the topic my intent wasn't to complain but to confirm if this change was real as I was in disbelief. And my country doesn't have much of a voice anymore as Nintendo abandoned us a while back. I don't think there's much I can do about it.

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lol this is brilliant. possibly they just forgot to add the localised text, but if this was on purpose: brilliant. the original support only introduced them to each other and added some generic guilt trip. the new support still conveys the same message and also that sometimes you don't need words. good job treehouse.

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1. As your resident Weeaboo representative if this forum, I am slightly upset at this BS, because I agree that Treehouse is testing how much they can get away with.

2. That said, I think you all are over-reacting. The quality of the entire product is still pretty good for the average FE consumer that doesn't go to this forum.

I'm going to have to agree with this. While I wouldn't want the localization to alter too much so that we end up with two completely different versions in terms of supports or what have you, I feel like this is a very mild transgression, if you could even call it that. It even fits the characters and as far as I know it's a completely unique support in the Fire Emblem series; I'd even go so far as to say I find it quite funny - as long as they manage to cram in some personality, possible character development and chemistry in the remaining supports.

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1. As your resident Weeaboo representative if this forum, I am slightly upset at this BS, because I agree that Treehouse is testing how much they can get away with.

2. That said, I think you all are over-reacting. The quality of the entire product is still pretty good for the average FE consumer that doesn't go to this forum.

I'm with you here, but let's be honest on the second point. The ones who are over-reacting have already ''decided'' the localization was garbage ages ago. Anything they find as this point only reinforces their view.

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Seems like a clever joke to me and it fits the characters, though I'm pretty lenient with the liberties that localisers can take to the script when it's their own creative choice. Fan favourite lines like "You Spoony Bard!" from FFIV and Treehouse's "I love going on message boards and complaining about games I've never played!" from Super Paper Mario would never exist otherwise. They aren't the same in the original Japanese scripts.

Edited by arvilino
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Maybe I'm missing something but where are all these "overreactions"? All I'm seeing is people saying it's a bad change and not liking that Treehouse took out dialogue for no good reason and replaced it with a 5 second cheap joke. I see no "I'm returning the game" or "I won't buy Revelations now" so I'm really puzzled.

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In that case, they could just change that one line and keep the rest of the dialogue, but it would still be silly and they need to remember that this game is rated "T". I also noticed a while back that the warning about "Alchohol References" present in Awakening's case is not in Fates'.

What people can do and actually do are often 2 different things, that doesn't necessarily change the reason why it was changed how they decided to change it though.

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1. As your resident Weeaboo representative if this forum, I am slightly upset at this BS, because I agree that Treehouse is testing how much they can get away with.

2. That said, I think you all are over-reacting. The quality of the entire product is still pretty good for the average FE consumer that doesn't go to this forum.

The fact that treehouse is testing how much they can get away with is reason enough for people to be upset. People are realizing that they are willing to completely change things for no reason. Not even for the excuse of being potentially "offensive" or "controversial." People are not overreacting. They are saying that this is a change for the worse. Do you think this is a good support? If you do, fine, but you should be able to see why others wouldn't.

Maybe I'm missing something but where are all these "overreactions"? All I'm seeing is people saying it's a bad change and not liking that Treehouse took out dialogue for no good reason and replaced it with a 5 second cheap joke. I see no "I'm returning the game" or "I won't buy Revelations now" so I'm really puzzled.

They just want to seem more reasonable or something.

Edited by Glyth
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I don't think it's a good change. But if you look around, people are piggybacking off this to say that the localization is "death by a thousand cuts".

I hate this support conversation change. But I'm not going on a crusade to point out every single flaw this game has on localization. I hate both extremes on the subject. Moreso to the people complaining about changes that aren't actually changes. I immediately doubt people's ability to take the JP information and calmly compare it, judging it for the context properly. Because otherwise, we wouldn't have had the "controversies".

I'm tired of negativity from both sides pointing fingers at each other.

I hate this change. I dislike no dual audio. I dislike random name changes. I dislike the removal of the swimsuits.

But the crap people fling at each other over this game?

I can link you overreactions. They're all over the place. A few examples in the translation patch thread even.

They just want to seem more reasonable or something.

Are you actually implying that voice acting in a story-driven game is merely a "small aspect"? The English voice acting is arguably awful and I just want my first playthrough of the game's story be the authentic experience.

And we're not being more reasonable responding to negativity like this over and over?

Guys, I know this is a difficult task and translating, bug fixing, and all that is taking a long time. Is there any way to know how much longer the supports are gonna take to be completed? Not getting frustrated or anything, just wanted to know the status because this is just horrendous and I want it to end:



There's only so much of this I can take before having a migrane.

You can only take so much of the complaints until you become a little annoyed.

The funny part is that they didn't realize that support conversations don't have voices in JP or in English.

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Maybe I'm missing something but where are all these "overreactions"? All I'm seeing is people saying it's a bad change and not liking that Treehouse took out dialogue for no good reason and replaced it with a 5 second cheap joke. I see no "I'm returning the game" or "I won't buy Revelations now" so I'm really puzzled.

I've not seen any yet. Actually I've seen more people lamenting how they're 'outliers' because they like the change and mocking people for trying to question them about it...

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I don't think it's a good change. But if you look around, people are piggybacking off this to say that the localization is "death by a thousand cuts".

I hate this support conversation change. But I'm not going on a crusade to point out every single flaw this game has on localization. I hate both extremes on the subject. Moreso to the people complaining about changes that aren't actually changes. I immediately doubt people's ability to take the JP information and calmly compare it, judging it for the context properly. Because otherwise, we wouldn't have had the "controversies".

I'm tired of negativity from both sides pointing fingers at each other.

I hate this change. I dislike no dual audio. I dislike random name changes. I dislike the removal of the swimsuits.

But the crap people fling at each other over this game?

I can link you overreactions. They're all over the place. A few examples in the translation patch thread even.

If this was one in few bad changes, and if treehouse didn't censor the game, people would not be as upset. I'm definitely not saying the translation is all bad since I haven't seen much to compare, but while there may be good changes, there are extremely stupid ones that I know of. There may be some overreactions, but from what I've seen, there aren't too many, relatively. I mean, this is pretty bad. Link me if you can so I can see if they really are, but I don't think they will consist of what most people are legitimately complaining about if they are.

And we're not being more reasonable responding to negativity like this over and over?

You can only take so much of the complaints until you become a little annoyed.

I was specifically talking about what people are saying on this change. I personally haven't seen too many contrived reactions. I think the negativity is warranted. I am one of the people who is definitely not a fan of the localization, so changes like this naturally enforce my opinion. I just see too many people try to defend every change and whenever someone has a negative impression, they say they are exaggerating. There are people who are, but that doesn't mean everyone or even the majority are. People's feelings towards changes will vary. That side gets frustrated for similar reasons and uses things like this as ammunition, as the defenders of the localization use the extreme examples to look better.

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If this was one in few bad changes, and if treehouse didn't censor the game, people would not be as upset. I'm definitely not saying the translation is all bad since I haven't seen much to compare, but while there may be good changes, there are extremely stupid ones that I know of. There may be some overreactions, but from what I've seen, there aren't too many, relatively. I mean, this is pretty bad. Link me if you can so I can see if they really are, but I don't think they will consist of what most people are legitimately complaining about if they are.

I was specifically talking about what people are saying on this change. I personally haven't seen too many contrived reactions. I think the negativity is warranted. I am one of the people who is definitely not a fan of the localization, so changes like this naturally enforce my opinion. I just see too many people try to defend every change and whenever someone has a negative impression, they say they are exaggerating. There are people who are, but that doesn't mean everyone or even the majority are. People's feelings towards changes will vary. That side gets frustrated for similar reasons and uses things like this as ammunition, as the defenders of the localization use the extreme examples to look better.

I'll list off a few changes that I've seen generally recognized as improvements:

Azama/Kagero almost completely rewritten, doesn't focus on her breasts

Niles/Elise pretty much drops the pedophillia

Jakob in general is less of a dick

Hoshidans in general are a tad more aggressive and racist towards Nohr

Corrin doesn't instantly start doubting their choice to side with Nohr (they simply hope their Hoshidan siblings can forgive them)

As for your second point: maybe, while it's generally the same people complaining about the localization, it's generally different people defending different parts of it?

For example, I'm not a fan of what happened to Hisame, and can see why people are upset about Effie (and don't like the change this thread was made to discuss, for that matter). On the other hand, I'm pretty fine with Leo's change and am pretty neutral to a lot of other stuff.

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I understand changing things, but that support is ridiculous. It just seems lazy; we can guess that quiet assassins aren't quick to start conversations with each other, but making the whole conversation nothing but "..." when the two can have 4 conversations maximum with each other is such a waste. >_>

Edited by Lann La Mirah
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This is PERFECT.

Am I honestly the only one who loves this change. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME.

you know what? i love it mostly out of irony. Its so A Thing, its funny and i love it.

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I'm seriously hoping that this is a forgotten placeholder and it's getting patched in the future, probably when Revelations is released as DLC for everyone.

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I'll list off a few changes that I've seen generally recognized as improvements:

Azama/Kagero almost completely rewritten, doesn't focus on her breasts

Niles/Elise pretty much drops the pedophillia

Jakob in general is less of a dick

Hoshidans in general are a tad more aggressive and racist towards Nohr

Corrin doesn't instantly start doubting their choice to side with Nohr (they simply hope their Hoshidan siblings can forgive them)

I can see the two bottom ones being improvements. The other ones are more about personal preference.

People may like dick jacob. I personally like how unabashed and bold zero is. I know that's something many won't like, and I knew there was no way in hell treehouse would let his line about her body through. I don't know what that azama support is like. It was probably treehouse wanting to avoid any references to the female body. I don't know about the quality of the support now.

As for your second point: maybe, while it's generally the same people complaining about the localization, it's generally different people defending different parts of it?

For example, I'm not a fan of what happened to Hisame, and can see why people are upset about Effie (and don't like the change this thread was made to discuss, for that matter). On the other hand, I'm pretty fine with Leo's change and am pretty neutral to a lot of other stuff.

I don't pay attention to usernames wherever I go for the most part. I haven't notice a pattern like that.

I was trying to say that the other side is annoyed as well. Then there are of course all the trolls and stupid arguments that cause it. Both sides are annoyed with each other, and it's led to bad things.

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