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Any of you ever play a no reset run?


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It's exactly as it sounds, take everything as it happens and run ends if you get a game over. I generally go for keeping everyone alive, but the times I have done no reset runs have been some of the most invested I've ever been in it. It hurts when a character dies, even more so if you write a log along with it. It really gives the game a whole different feel.

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No, but I think it's a good idea and an Ironman Mode should be a feature in FE games going forward. If I got back into the series, it'd probably be an ironman run.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the first time, always. Also when I didn't play it for a long time. If Casual is a mode, Ironman should be one too. X-COM 2 is a great game with this feature.

Although I disliked the Casual mode when it was first released, I'm using it now in Awakening. It's great when you want supports for specific characters, want to do silly reclasses on harder difficulties and already beat the game 6-7 times.

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I'm doing a blind ironman run of Fates as we speak. It's a very different way of playing the game. One thing I notice is that it makes you basically completely distrustful of the RNG and really makes you devalue the worth of the more agile and evasive fighters. It makes you want to go with hard defense and resistance just so you have certainty that you aren't gambling the lives of your units. It makes you treat every non-0% critical or proc chance as 100%. that can be annoying, but once you get past it, it's fun.

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I started playing Fates via an ironman run, and I've really been enjoying it so far. I think it'll become my default way of playing FE games in the future. I want to go really in-depth about the reasons why in a blog post sometime, but some of them are:

1. Immersion. Actually accepting permadeath makes everything much more real. Some people feel it's too much pressure, and just want to play a chill game. And that's fine for most games, but in a narrative-based game which is trying to make you feel emotions, I think the immersion is important. I don't want to "frustrated" by a death, I want to be emotionally affected. I've been saddened by deaths in an ironman run. I've gritted my teeth and said, "You bastards! You'll pay for this!"

2. Less Tedium. Replaying the same chapter is tedious to me. I don't like grinding in games, and it feels like that. I worry less about missing out on content, then wasting my scarce free-time on the same content over and over.

3. Makes Each Playthrough Unique. I don't like RPGs where you can get 100% completion, because that means every playthrough comes to rest at the same static point. I want to miss some supports. I want the characters to live different lives than they might have. I want to make choices with irrevocable consequences.

4. Forces You to Adjust Strategy. Oboro and Kagero were both awesome units in Birthright...but then they died. Hard-hitting deaths will force you to rethink the tiers of your units, and push some to the forefront who'd otherwise be neglected.

5. And on a more personal level...I find it very poignant to learn about accepting loss in a video game. Very few games play with that concept. I'm actually an orphaned adult, and dealing with deaths in Fire Emblem resonates with me in a good way. It's kind of like it takes a big scary part of life, and puts it in a safe, contained, piece of plastic which is much easier to swallow (if that makes any sense).

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I only wish that fire emblem were actually built with this feature in mind and actually gave thought to how characters would behave with other characters dead. It seems like at least with the latest fire emblem games the developers assumed a death meant a reset, otherwise you didn't care about them. And this has some rather immersion-wrecking consequences.

My first death in my ironman run was utterly brutal on me. Then I got back to My Castle to find his newly widowed wife wanting to talk to me... only to bitch about not having enough accessories. Then I just couldn't stop laughing at the total lack of foresight.

Edited by Alastor15243
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just did two in randomized FE7 and 8, actually enjoyed it quite a bit more than regular playthroughs of those games, because it tested my flexibility instead of just having me use my best units and restart to optimize the strat when I lose them. Playthroughs generally get really easy when I always restart for my strong characters, so it was a refreshing experience.

I failed a bit after halfway through on both and surprisingly enough, it still felt like a complete playthrough even though I deleted the save file afterwards.

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Only recently. Beforehand I figured I would have to start over eventually anyways and usually between using different characters, restrictions, outcome randomness, and strategy change ups were enough variation for me.

I learned two things in the process:

1) If a character I care about ends up falling, my playing skill falls drastically and more people end up getting killed.

2) I seem to be playing more carelessly in the first place. I can't understand why because the consequences are supposedly harsher, but I guess before a perfectionism drive would kick in and make me pay more attention.

Anyways, I still want to keep going to try and kick these bad habits

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Doing an FE6 HM randomized ironman right now, I'm obsessed with those

Chapter 7 also allowed me to meet deployment limits without unfielding units!



I'm horrible and OP douglas and lance are the only reason I'm getting this done, I even killed a wagon of the bard train off

Edited by Gradivus.
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I haven't attempted one yet although I really like the concept for reasons that Lore has already pointed out. However, I plan on iron-manning Birthright Lunatic once I'm done with Conquest. The above post also makes me tempted to start one right now for FE6.

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I did I no reset run of randomized FE7 at the same time as my friend to see who could get the better rating. I won. But I cheated like three or four times. So no, I havent done a real no reset run. Also lets hope he doesn't read this post at any point

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The closest I've come was FE10 where I let the dawn brigade die if they perished. Meg died very early on she got one turned by the enemy in part one I believe... I did play out maps until their end state victory or defeat lets be honest when people start dieing things went downhill fast as only Jill and Noland or Aran with investment(I hear Fiona can be babied to decency though)can even take a hit among the later DB chapters... Especially against transformed Laguz lead to way too many party wipes (It says something when Michiah has one of the highest defense stats among the entire Dawn Brigade during part one(discounting the obvious OP exceptions they give you)

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