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Exactly how the dual guard system works.


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1) Whenever an attack is made by a pair, or against a pair, regardless of whether it misses, 2 shields are generated. One of each of these shields belongs to each of the units in the pair.

2) Shields cap at 10. When at 10 shields, the next attack against the pair will be automatically blocked. This seems to happen before checking if the attack will actually hit. This means that an attack with a 10% chance to hit will always burn your shield bar, whether it would have hit or not. Likewise, 0 damage attacks also burn your shield bar.

3) A dual attack made against a pair will always be blocked. A dual attack made against a pair does not generate 2 shields.

4) When separating a pair, each unit takes their own shields with them (usually half of the shields, but not always).

5) When unpaired, a unit's shields are hidden in the unit stats window, but can be found in the pair up preview window.

6) When unpaired, a unit loses 1 shield per turn. A pair loses 2 shields per turn that they are not in combat.

7) When pairing up 1 or more units that already have shields, the shields from each unit are added together to create the new shield bar. For example, a unit that has 8 shields pairing up with a unit that has 2 shields will create a pair that is immediately ready to dual guard.

8) However, each shield in the bar is associated with the unit that brought them to the pair. If you were to separate these two units again, before they were attacked, each unit would take the number of shields they brought in, that is, the first would take 8, and the second would take 2. See #4 above

Knowing this, a player can make more strategic decisions, and plan ahead, when using the dual guard system.

Edited by bighatjustin
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I think having Dual Guard up also negates Attack Stance strikes (as in, the second strike).

I've never been able to land an Attack Stance hit against two units supporting each other, regardless of how many shields they have.

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I think having Dual Guard up also negates Attack Stance strikes (as in, the second strike).

I've never been able to land an Attack Stance hit against two units supporting each other, regardless of how many shields they have.

This is true.

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Yo, I know a lot of people struggling to figure this out.

Can I post this elsewhere to share?

Also I recall having Suzukaze and Aqua on Hard mode ready to dual guard on Chapter 5. I wanted to be silly and do it to the boss, but their shields weren't full anymore even though they were paired up after a turn. Can I ask someone experiment with this? I'm at work.

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Nice work! I love how some of these basic mechanics can get pretty complicated when you delve into them : P

It is great how a seemingly insignificant mechanic can make such a big difference. I for one, would have killed to have the shelter, lunge, swap, and shove commands in Awakening.

Edit: sorry for double posting. But I can't seem to delete this post to merge it with my last one.

Edited by bighatjustin
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Most of people won't have problem with those mechanics but for new players? Sure this is helpfull.
Nice guide for newbies for sure. :P
I might send this to my friend which want to play Fates, whenever EU will get this game~

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Gauge also lowers while paired up if the pair was not involved in battle in one? turn cycle (1 Player and Enemy Phase). read this somewhere before and also confirmed it myself but I forgot the rate. prob 2 per? if it's 1 per then I don't know which unit loses the gauge

also, probably not 100% obvious to all but Astra and possibly Aether will add to the gauge per attack (so 1 Astra can fill the whole gauge by itself potentially)

Edited by GoXDS
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Gauge also lowers while paired up if the pair was not involved in battle in one? turn cycle (1 Player and Enemy Phase). read this somewhere before and also confirmed it myself but I forgot the rate. prob 2 per? if it's 1 per then I don't know which unit loses the gauge

also, probably not 100% obvious to all but Astra and possibly Aether will add to the gauge per attack (so 1 Astra can fill the whole gauge by itself potentially)

That's what I thought it was with shields going down even while paired up.

So essentially, you get one free full gauge for one turn cycle before you lose it.

Also, Astra goes through Dual Guards. It's not like Awakening where it guards the entire 5 strikes.

Downside is that while it could potentially fill up your gauge, it fills up the opponents' just as fast on a guard stance vs. guard stance situation.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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For newbies who are just starting to play this game that just came out.

No, i mean for people didn't played even Awakening and don't really know what Attack stance and Guard Stance is.

This game isn't much diffrent from Awakening but there are people which didn't even played older ones~

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Gauge also lowers while paired up if the pair was not involved in battle in one? turn cycle (1 Player and Enemy Phase). read this somewhere before and also confirmed it myself but I forgot the rate. prob 2 per? if it's 1 per then I don't know which unit loses the gauge

also, probably not 100% obvious to all but Astra and possibly Aether will add to the gauge per attack (so 1 Astra can fill the whole gauge by itself potentially)

Astra adds 2 shields per hit for sure. If i remember right when you have guard stance ready and then someone uses astra on you one attack is blocked? I belive it was, if someone could check it (don't have game right now, EU kappa) i would appreciate it.

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Yes, Astra vs Full Gauge, the first hit is blocked, the other four go as per normal.

I'd like to add that, with Attack + Guard Stance (which is currently enemy only anyway), the pair with AG stance gains +2 shields when the supporting unit dual strikes. If the gauge is full and the opposing team dual strikes, the dual strike will be blocked, expending the shield.

To be honest, it seems like, absurd that I never noticed the shields dropping. I don't know.

And yes, attacks with a 0% hit rate will also consume your shield gauge.

(If you ask me, they could have balanced it out more by making only attacks that hit and do damage fill up the gauge)

On the topic of AG stance, this is how they interact with AS and GS

AG vs AS

Attack Stance dual strikes fill the AG stance shield gauge, if AG stance has a max shield gauge it will be consumed to block a dual strike

AG vs GS

AG will still dual strike, it will be blocked, but AG will still gain +2 shields. GS will not gain any shields from the dual strike.

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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