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Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion: Official Site updated to include every new 'mon

The DanMan

Sun and Moon Poll 2.0  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is your favorite?

    • Rowlet -> Dartrix ->Decidueye
    • Litten -> Torracat ->Incineroar
    • Popplio -> Brionne ->Primarina
    • Still can't decide -> unsure ->make up your mind
  2. 2. Sun or Moon

    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Who's your favorite Island Gaurdian?

    • Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy)
    • Tapu Lele (Psychic/Fairy)
    • Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)
    • Tapu Fini (Water/Fairy)

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First, emotes aren't funny, and second, you haven't buttressed how you feel at all.

I know opinion blah blah blah, but Klefki's design is inherently clever and deserves props just for the amount of thought that went into it. Way more thought than Honedge by far. Klefki exists to represent a myth. That's like saying that Sneasel and Froslass are bad designs because they're based on Yokai but you don't understand their designs. Designs must be looked at objectively yet people never tend to do that.

So something like Growlithe is uninspired while something like Sableye which has an interesting basis is typically better. Even if they aren't aesthetically appealing.

Eh, Growlithe and other animal-based designs are fine too. Not everything needs to have a mythological basis. I think Growlithe is a really nice appealing design even if there's not much depth to explore into why it was made (though it actually has some elements of shisaa myths considering Arcanine's borderline legendary base stats). But I also think Trubbish, Garbordor, Klefki, Stunfisk, and Dunsparse, and a bunch of other strange mons people don't really like much to still be good designs. You don't have to love them but having strange garbage and sludge monsters and possessed inanimate objects roaming around adds an element of variety. They also have gel well with existing Pokemon as even gen 1 dipped into the inanimate object come to life pool with magnemite and voltorb.

I think a better example of bad design is Vanilluxe, whose design sticks out like a sore thumb with features that don't look particularly Pokemon-ish. Its face doesn't seem to match up with anything else in the game. People make fun of it for being ice cream but it just looks out of place. Or the evolved elemental monkeys who have a theme through their line but don't communicate the theme well in their 2nd form. Again, their poses and design elements don't seem to fit in well with other Pokemon. Druddigon is another offender with its odd and garish colour palette. And as to not just pick on gen 5 for poor design choices (probably spurned on by a need to populate the Pokedex again fully), gen 4 had Ambipom who just had weird phallic fingers on its hand tails... Or hell, gen 1's Mr. Mime and Jynx. Truly bizarre humanoids who gave way to other bizarre humanoids...

That said gen 5 may have had the least consistent good designs but we got some pretty godly ones in Whimsicott, Liligant, Golurk, Solosis line, Archeops line, Litwik line, and the Deerling line, off the top of my head. There's a lot of good.

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Gurdurr (the hell is that name btw?),

It sounds the same as girder, which happens to be what it uses as a weapon (Timburr uses timber, Conkeldurr uses concrete).

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I appreciate Growlithe for the same reason I appreciate Lillipup.

It's an adorable little puppy. That's enough to make me like it as an animal person.

Vanillite is cute, as is Klefki. Don't really care for Trubbish one way or another. Garbodor doesn't even qualify as ugly cute to me. It's just ugly and possesses a terrible stat/moveset combo. IRL Persian cats are ugly cute. Not...that.

These are my opinions.

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So GameXplain made this video regarding a certain theory they came across; and ooohhhhhhhhhhh boy, strap yourselves in for this one, it's quite a ride:

Oh, and something of note in regards to alchemy, youtuber dookieshed, having no knowledge of the theory, made a video about Solgaleo's typing,

...And just take a guess at what one of the topics brought up is.

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I don't completely buy into it being a major part of the plot, more just a symbolism thing. Sorta like how Zekrom and Reshiram represented the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang, or how Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde represented the creatures living in Yggdrasil.

It's pretty interesting though, as someone who doesn't really know much of anything about alchemy.

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It sounds the same as girder, which happens to be what it uses as a weapon (Timburr uses timber, Conkeldurr uses concrete).

But it also sounds like the sound I make when someone clear his throat. I can sorta get behind Timburr and Conkeldurr (thy're ugly cute, and I grew fonder, like Stunfisk) , but Gurdurr is just the worst. It's not only because he's ugly, but he looks unfinished as well.

He looks like he took to many steroids and hitted himself against the wall too many times.

He just srcream to be mercy killed to ends his suffering.

I'm so glad no one mentioned the Klink evolution line yet.

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I wasn't going to link the theory because parts of it are so farfetched. There's definitely symbolism there, but this is reading into things a bit *too* much.

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Yeah, definitely looks like the alchemy thing isn't a coincidence. But as Glac said, it could just be symbolism, not anything to do with Sun/Moon's plot, but we'll see in time.

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I wasn't going to link the theory because parts of it are so farfetched. There's definitely symbolism there, but this is reading into things a bit *too* much.

You mean Farfetch'd.


But yeah, I'd have to echo Glac, I would initially assume it's more symbolism than anything. But time will tell as more is revealed!

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I don't completely buy into it being a major part of the plot, more just a symbolism thing. Sorta like how Zekrom and Reshiram represented the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang, or how Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde represented the creatures living in Yggdrasil.

It's pretty interesting though, as someone who doesn't really know much of anything about alchemy.

Wasn't there a squirrel too or am I misremembering things? Might be since I remember neither a bird nor a reindeer.

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Wasn't there a squirrel too or am I misremembering things? Might be since I remember neither a bird nor a reindeer.

According to Bulbapedia:


Xerneas's appearance is based on a cervid (more specifically a stag) in the shape of the letter X (known as a saltire in heraldry) or an X mark. It may incorporate elements of Eikþyrnir and the four stags Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór. Eikþyrnir resides in Valhalla eating the foliage of Læraðr with glowing horns that drip with dew. According to the Poetic Edda, the four stags resided in the trunk of the World Tree Yggdrasil and ate its branches and fresh shoots. Xerneas's tree form may be based on Yggdrasil itself.


Yveltal's appearance is based on an avian in the shape of the letter Y, and as such has many similarities to the long-tailed widowbird. It may be based on the giant Hræsvelgr, or "Corpse Swallower," which takes the form of an eagle and sits at the end of the world, creating wind as it flaps its wings. It may also be based on the Hawk Veðrfölnir or the unnamed eagle. According to the Poetic Edda, the unnamed eagle resided at the top of the world tree Yggdrasil, with Veðrfölnir sitting between its eyes. Yveltal also may draw inspiration from carrion birds such as crows and vultures. It may have some basis on the wyvern of European legend and folklore.

And from Wikipedia:

Creatures live within Yggdrasil, including the wyrm (dragon) Níðhöggr, an unnamed eagle, and the stags Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór.

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First, emotes aren't funny, and second, you haven't buttressed how you feel at all.

I know opinion blah blah blah, but Klefki's design is inherently clever and deserves props just for the amount of thought that went into it. Way more thought than Honedge by far. Klefki exists to represent a myth. That's like saying that Sneasel and Froslass are bad designs because they're based on Yokai but you don't understand their designs. Designs must be looked at objectively yet people never tend to do that.

So something like Growlithe is uninspired while something like Sableye which has an interesting basis is typically better. Even if they aren't aesthetically appealing.

Tone it down.

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Well, I guess I didn't remember those two.

But I wasn't wrong about the squirrel


Was there a squirrel Pokemon in gen 6?

The only Squirrel I can think of is Pachirisu so... no, I don't think so. At the very least, there is no legendary squirrel...
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The only Squirrel I can think of is Pachirisu so... no, I don't think so. At the very least, there is no legendary squirrel...

Isn't Emolga a flying squirrel? Pachirisu wouldn't be the only squirrel if that's the case. But yeah, there is no legendary squirrel.

I hope this gen's Pikachu is an electric bunny. A bunny is a rodent, and we don't have an electric one yet. We only have one Water rabbit (Azumarill) and two Normal ones (Buneary and Bunnelby).

An Electric type rabbit would make sense too. Its long ears could function as antennae for absorbing and emitting electricity. I'm actually planning to design one. It'll evolve into a jackalope whose horns are actual antennae as well as its ears.

I think I'll call it Buntenna. And it'll evolve into Joltalope, maybe?

Edited by Anacybele
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So what's our Pikachu clone gonna be this time? I mean I don't want one since I despise them all but we all know there will be one.

I'm hoping for a chinchilla. They're so adorable. And really soft too.
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So what's our Pikachu clone gonna be this time? I mean I don't want one since I despise them all but we all know there will be one.

Just break tradition and put an end to them; outside of Pacharisu, they don't have much going for them.

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Don't we have two electric bunny Pikachu clones already

Um, no.



Plusle and Minun




None of them are rabbits. They're all mice except for Pachirisu and Emolga, who are squirrels.

Edited by Anacybele
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I hope this gen's Pikachu is an electric bunny. A bunny is a rodent, and we don't have an electric one yet. We only have one Water rabbit (Azumarill) and two Normal ones (Buneary and Bunnelby).

Actually, rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents.

Still, doesn't really mean there can't be an electric bunny for the Pikachu clone of the Gen.

But if I were to bring up my own guess... maybe the Polynesian Rat would fit more thematically?

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