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Jokes and Memes about Fates


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Well, I normally kinda roll my eyes at the Tumblr-y elements in the game (Wolfkin, really? Why no warewolf? Vampires are already modified as far as their lore in every passing generation - why not make Keaton a warewolf?! Or make the spelling Warewulf so it's cooler?!), I can only love this parody!

Ohhhhh man this is a perfect fit for Niles! xD

Also, this song should be everywhere!


(three caps-lock-shouts away from meeting my daily quota)

Also, why does Oboro's bit fit so well?!

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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...Is this a manip, or who does Selena have to marry toget Nina as her spawn?

Also, nice to see her apparently active in her kid's life; it's weird how distant Soleil's mom is in their supports...

Also also, I am certain I'm constantly misspelling Soliel...

(looks up)

dammit. Can someone combine these for me?

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This... This is so fitting! It nearly had in me in tears. Because it is so correct as well from most British people's perspective.

...Is this a manip, or who does Selena have to marry toget Nina as her spawn?

Also, nice to see her apparently active in her kid's life; it's weird how distant Soleil's mom is in their supports...

Also also, I am certain I'm constantly misspelling Soliel...

(looks up)

dammit. Can someone combine these for me?

Fairly sure Nina says this in all Mum supports... yep:

Nina: Mmm...that was really something. The way those men were chatting like old friends... What could they have been talking about? The mind wanders...

Selena: Hey there, Nina! I was wondering when you'd get home.

Nina: Gah! Mother?! What are you doing here? I thought you were training! You didn't hear me talking about...stuff... Did you?

Selena: Huh? Was I...supposed to?

Nina: Nope! It's nothing! Don't worry about it! Whew...

Selena: Hey, it might cheer you up to know I picked up that pigsty you call a room.

Nina: Mother! That's my private space.

Selena: Yeah, yeah. Those books stuffed into the corner of your closet are on your desk now.

Nina: Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods... PLEASE tell me you didn't open any of those books...

Selena: What are you mumbling about? You can be such a weird kid sometimes.

Nina: My diaries and journals, Mother! Did you read them or didn't you?

Selena: Of course not. But if I did, what would it matter? I'd still be your mom, right?

Nina: What's that supposed to mean? It sounds like you DID read them! Well? Did you or didn't you? ARRRRGH!

I do like the fact that they made mum's lines and reactions different in each PC conversation to reflect their personalities though. My favourite is Kana's pressed flower book with Peri; which appears to have also become a bloodstain collection.

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I'm not sure if this has been posted yet, but...





Lol, I thought the helms looked great in this, wish they were in the accessory shop, but yes, in reality you wouldn't be able to see your own hand in front of you with those things on.

Both the videos posted were great btw. The Niles one made me laugh the most of the two, so fitting.

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You thought Takumi memes would end but....

-Takumi as Dio-

Made by this guy or his sister.

Oh finally! Been looking for that pic! Hate how it's buried in art dumps on pixiv.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Warning: I'm a killjoy in this post. Take my words with a cake of salt and a gallon of water.


I'm missing something here. Is Tumblr really this stupid - the petite posing, the long hair, the round, supple face, the color scheme of her outfit, the frilly shirt, the bottom portion that is clearly a skirt - this is clearly a girl. A girly girl, even.


Tumblr just wants everyone to be fucking trans, don't they?


...I usually don't care, but is it common for Rated R posters to feature obvious fucking...on the poster?
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Tumblr just wants everyone to be fucking trans, don't they?

is it a joke or are you actually missing something.

Edited by Axie
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is it a joke or is selena4lyfe actually missing something.

Sadly, I'm seriously in the dark on the joke.


It should be noted I haven't unlocked but two children between the two paths - Soliel - AKA the girl who's name I'll never spell right - and Dwyer...AKA insert stoner joke here.

Also, fuck your sig! It makes me feel guilty and uncomfortable! :(:

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