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Final Fantasy CVIII: Sign-ups and discussion.


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Erm. Well... If having Not!Au Ra is really impossible I'm willing to discuss the matter, though I don't want it to become a 'I wanna be a Lalafell! So let me be one!' type thing.

I'll review Euzzeth when I get home as well.

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...I feel as though, at this point, joining would kind of defeat the purpose of the RP, which is...to be a small-party thing like Final Fantasy. I did have ideas but I don't know if any of them necessary fit well with everyone else, so...y'all enjoy that.

It's perfectly fine. Come on in! The RP's just getting warmed up!

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...I feel as though, at this point, joining would kind of defeat the purpose of the RP, which is...to be a small-party thing like Final Fantasy. I did have ideas but I don't know if any of them necessary fit well with everyone else, so...y'all enjoy that.

Join us you fart >:c

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I am mostly looking over concepts at the moment, though honestly Elf was the only real other thing I was interested and having a handful of a supposedly dying race seems suspect at best. Another thing I was wondering is whether we would be allowed to start with spells associated with our given magicite, even if they weren't necessarily related to the given class(rough idea was a thief dipping into such things as Sleep/Slow/Haste/Stop, that sort of deal) though I'm not sure whether such a thing would be supported in this system(FF has so many intricacies I can honestly never follow it all)

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...I feel as though, at this point, joining would kind of defeat the purpose of the RP, which is...to be a small-party thing like Final Fantasy. I did have ideas but I don't know if any of them necessary fit well with everyone else, so...y'all enjoy that.

Ah, don't let party size detriment you. After all, some FF games do have larger casts... it's not like this is looking to be IV:TAY large...

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Ah, don't let party size detriment you. After all, some FF games do have larger casts... it's not like this is looking to be IV:TAY large...

Yea. I mean FFX alone had Tidus, Wakka, Khimari, Yuna, Lulu, Rikku, and Auron.

I am mostly looking over concepts at the moment, though honestly Elf was the only real other thing I was interested and having a handful of a supposedly dying race seems suspect at best. Another thing I was wondering is whether we would be allowed to start with spells associated with our given magicite, even if they weren't necessarily related to the given class(rough idea was a thief dipping into such things as Sleep/Slow/Haste/Stop, that sort of deal) though I'm not sure whether such a thing would be supported in this system(FF has so many intricacies I can honestly never follow it all)
We can talk about it later then. There isn't too big an issue with you knowing a non-standard spell (that IS the point of magicite after all). Just... have it make sense and be logical for the set-up.
Edited by Snowy_One
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In that case, which magicite would you say makes the most logical sense in order to those sorts of spells? My gut says Wind?

Probably, though keep it to one spell for now. Not gonna be stingy after all.

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Yeah, starting at one and then branching into more later on, of course.

EDIT: Though before I dig any deeper, I would like to know whether the race thing is a possibility or not. I kind of base a lot of my characters around a basic design so I need to know what that design can/can't be, etc.

Edited by Satin. Dark Lord of Fabric
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Yeah, starting at one and then branching into more later on, of course.

EDIT: Though before I dig any deeper, I would like to know whether the race thing is a possibility or not. I kind of base a lot of my characters around a basic design so I need to know what that design can/can't be, etc.

Alright. Since my WHM is too cute and a Mi'qote I'll allow this. Give me a moment to pesudo-retcon (is it a retcon if it hasn't started?) and then fine. This is the only time though, so no battle-bunnies, Cetra, red dogs, or the like.

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It's perfectly fine. Come on in! The RP's just getting warmed up!

Join us you fart >:c

Ah, don't let party size detriment you. After all, some FF games do have larger casts... it's not like this is looking to be IV:TAY large...

I am as receptive to peer pressure as I am my own impulsiveness.

Name: Lulimine Aslin

Race: Dirty Commie Human

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Class: Wealth Redistributor Thief

Magicite: People's Fire Shard

Skills/Spells/Abilities: Steal, Pick Lock, Flee/Some Other Manner of Agility Bonus

Inventory: Knife (weapon), Cloth Armor (Chest 'Armor'), Thief's Gloves (Hand 'Armor')

Backstory: Fantasy kingdoms can be home to incredible, wondrous and unbelievable things. Alas, not even in the most fantastical of lands can true freedom be reached from the Red Scare. Lulimine was born to a more-successful-than-average merchant father and his wife, more or less making her an eighth class Hellis citizen. As a young girl, Lulimine grew to find the fact that those with magical talent, probably due to their blood, had far more opportunities than those without it...bothersome. Her father and mother were very charitable people, who gave a decent portion of their wealth to those in need in Hellis. Lulimine looked at this and then all the money and power that the upper classes had, and concluded that if everyone were so charitable, then there would be no one in need in Hellis. Over time her view points became increasingly critical of the upper classes, their wealth and their power. In her teenager years she began to think the people in need of a champion, and decided to become that champion. Her philosophy is to take the excess of the fortunate and give to the less fortunate, steal from the rich and give to the poor, and maybe rouse enough discontent to topple what she sees as an outdated society in the process.

Obviously, Lulimine is a bit extreme, and has a severe case of Ends Justify the Means thinking. Her demeanor is enthusiastic, often childlike, constantly eager for and seeking adventure with a purpose. As quick with her wits as she is on her feet, Lulimine likes to her hear herself talk almost as much as she likes talking about her thoughts on society. Her talents for thievery, trickery, deceit and related skills have served her well in stealing money, avoiding capture, and giving her ill gotten gains to the poor. While she does care for some people, those close to her and the less fortunate, she's also very judgmental when it comes to aristocrats and a bit cautious of those with magical talents. However, he desire to stir up trouble can easily erase that bias. Rarely does she actually display restraint with her opinions, nor in her actions either. Say what one will about her methods or ideals, Lulimine is at least honest to them, and most of what she takes she does actually give.

Appearance: A young woman, obviously, with particularly dark clay red hair cut to the shortest point it could be while still being considered feminine. She has a generally thin build and thin face, fitting for a thief or, as she insists, a justified redistributor of wealth. Generally, if something on her person wasn't gifted by grateful commoners, it was stolen. Even her fire magicite is a stolen item. Her 'Cloth Armor' is a simple light blue shirt lacking any distinctive patterns aside from the hood and the six buttons going down the front, a fairly loose garb which can make her form hard to make out when not looking at her from the front. Her gloves are far fancier, a tight fit and made of stained, worn white silk, soft and comfortable without sacrificing mobility of the fingers. It's one of the few instances of her stealing and then keeping a luxury item.

Focus: Due to an anarchic streak, Lulimine is naturally more sympathetic to Thyme, and it would take very little convincing to get her to join the party. Her ultimate goal is more or less to cause a revolution, or at least serious reform, within her home city of Hellis.

Yep...a character with completely different economic beliefs than me as her star characteristic. What could possibly go wrong?

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Hahahaha, communist thief... too bad not always equality equals justice...

It's sort of a Robin Hood type thing. I was never really fond of Robin Hood, honestly...for the reason that he and Lulimine are alike.

If you've others in mind, it might be helpful, rather then me trying to start from scratch.

Well, I had ideas for an archer and a monk, though I probably have to talk about the idea I had for the monk.

Speaking of talking, for those involved without my skype, it is, as with this website, AnonymousSpeed.

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It's sort of a Robin Hood type thing. I was never really fond of Robin Hood, honestly...for the reason that he and Lulimine are alike.

So she be embarking on a holy crusade eventually as well?

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I appreciate it man, thanks a bunch~

You're welcome, I suppose.

So she be embarking on a holy crusade eventually as well?

On the chance she ends up existing, in her own eyes, yes. Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Name: L'Veyi Zin

Race: Miqo'te(Seeker)

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Class: Thief

Magicite: Wind

Skills/Spells/Abilities: Sleep, Steal, Steal Heart, Flee, Pick Lock

Inventory: Weapons(Curved Shortsword, Hunting Knifex2) Apparel(Dancer's Clothes, Headdress, Bangles) Misc(Lockpicks, Leather Sacks, Bag of Caltrops, Rations, Water Flask, Rope, Flint & Steel, Bedroll, Unlit Torches)

Backstory: A Seeker of the Sun born in the Southern plains, L'Veyi was always an adventurous sort, frolicking about with friends near the borders of their land. Well-liked as most any well-mannered young one ought to be, L'Veyi took well to the closer settlements outside her tribe. However, as time went on, she couldn't help but notice... disappearances. The whole affair seemed rather hush and kept quiet, which disgruntled the growing Miqo'te. Older and older she grew, faces she had always known one day gone, never to again appear. It was a troubling affair, and one that stirred in her heart until she came of age, at such time gathering a troupe of like-minded and like-worried individuals, and setting off into the world in pursuit of adventure and discovery. Or so it seemed at the surface, at the least. For one fateful night not too long before saw the disappearance of L'Veyi's beloved mother, and such was to be the last straw for her to hold herself back.

Sadly, the real world was nary so nice as the plains of her youth. It did not take long for them to come across their first banditry, slavers and their ilk. It became abundantly clear what fate had befallen so many others of their kind, and with tears in her eyes, the Miqo'te fled into the night as her troupe scattered, to regroup later on, numbers dwindled so far from a single raid. They were never to suffer so heavy a loss again, but things were never quite the same. As time passed, the youthful Miqo'te grew more matured, wary. Between splintering and slavers, soon L'Veyi's company was all but gone, and within time, gone entirely. Still, she had learned to outsmart the brigands and slavers by this point, using her natural advantages to evade them. Granted, that was not enough to survive in a harsh world, one needed Gil. GIl was obtained easily enough, her widely-considered cute appearance a boon to jobs as a dancer or performer, and her agility well-suited to low-profile thievery, or more grandiose, searching for treasure.

But what type of life was that, really? She knew of Miqo'te slavery, and when she mentioned it, people seemed sympathetic, but was there truly nothing to be done? No, giving up was not an option. Not only for her own vengeance but for the future of her people, all the lives she might save! She needed to gain fortune, clout, fame... but how...? A well-liked treasure seeker and entertainer could hardly change the world, could she?

Focus: To pursue that which she finds interesting and obtain a collection of personal trophies. All that glitters is gold, and gold is valuable, as gold buys freedom and influence. Perhaps enough influence to shed greater light on Miqo'te slavery...



Assuming that I end up with thief, here it is. Things may be changed around if necessary, though this is likely close to the final draft if all goes well.

Edited by Satin. Dark Lord of Fabric
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If snowy allows it, I don't see a problem with having 2 thieves, provided that they change to different classes later on.

I'm changing the wind shard to earth.

My skype is simply Enaluxeme.

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L'Veyi would also work perfectly fine as an archer. Only change that would be needed is switching her main weapon to a bow. I'm not unwilling but I would much rather adhire to the sign-up.

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My main problem with running archer(I had considered it) is that it would require completely scrapping her entire skillset and play pattern, and I don't really have anything else at the ready. As Mel said, Anon seemed fine with using his archer or monk instead.

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As Mel said, Anon seemed fine with using his archer or monk instead.

Or a mechanist, which is actually what I think I'll go with. It's not that I don't like the idea I had for the archer or the monk, but the idea I had for a mechanist brings a little more diversity to the cast.

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