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Second Batch of Fates DLC Coming

Ema Skye

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It will probably come in the last batch.

What I really want are more classes or skills.

More Classes = More Skills. In general, the reclass system from Awakening got nerfed in Fates. I would rather prefer if they offered unique weapons from DLC Chapters since every unique weapon is locked to a certain character normally.

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Huh, did I miss something?

What's this about evil Shigure? I only see normal Shigure talking to Azura's ghost/spirit.

By the way, dunno if this was mentioned, but Shigure mentions a forbidden fourth song.

Sorry didn't know what it was but I thought I read that Shiro and friends were targeting him. Led me to think he's evil.

Just like how in Female Kanna's picture she's holding her father's blade, Yato (in it's base form). Both which were only usable by their parents before and only. I don't think Shigure got captured, more likely talking with the 'spirit' of her mother on how to bring hope to those in despair. All I can say regarding the area that Female Kanna appears to be in...could be the same location where her Paralogue Chapter takes place in. Most likely the children are in their own realms or locations where they first appeared in as they weren't allowed to join their parents, only for their parents to perish or disappear before they could see their children again. As the DLC appears to be a mix of both routes, Revelation makes most sense for these alternative events to occur.

*Might be that in the case of Shigure that he landed in the real world while trying to escape and he managed to relocate he mother's necklace and kept it for a tragic keepsake when he realized she died. Shigure might be at the lake where Corrin first saw Azura (which is now all gloomy due to the bad events of the alternate timeline). Azura's spirit and Shigure talk to each other on how to save the lives of those who are still alive.

*In Female Kanna's area if it is her Paralogue Chapter in the alternative timeline, she was left there by her father's (Corrin) will instead of traveling with him. As time went by, Corrin disappeared and perished and only his blade, Yato remained. Someone then went to Kanna's realm and gave Corrin's daughter the Yato before leaving her again all alone. Later when things only went worse, Female Kanna is outside crying while looking around for shelter as she's lost and all alone with little to no hope for survival all while she holds onto her father's legendary blade for her dear life.

*Regarding the picture of Siegbert and Shiro, I'm guessing the two of them are debating on how to lead all the survivors to safety and how to rule over them (granted that both of their fathers tried to rule over their respective nations without causing harm to them).

If Kana can have Yato does this mean that the other royals children will have their parents weapons? Shiro with the Raijin :)

in that pic Shigure is also wearing Azura's necklace..

good find. Maybe thats why he's being targeted.

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Sorry didn't know what it was but I thought I read that Shiro and friends were targeting him. Led me to think he's evil.

If Kana can have Yato does this mean that the other royals children will have their parents weapons? Shiro with the Raijin :)

good find. Maybe thats why he's being targeted.

I have no idea really, all that I can tell is...

That the DLC featuring Female Kanna, Rhajat, Selkie, Mitama (and any other child unit that was shown in the trailer) are working with each other to keep each other alive from the increasing amount of Faceless and Invaders. There are theories floating around now on forums on the events that led up to these alternative timelines. Female Kanna so far is the only revealed child character who can use a character-locked weapon that belonged to another playable unit in Fates (not taking into account the amiibos and their sale items) Also, from what other people have been saying, Shiro and Siegbert want to help keep Shigure alive since they care about him but are unable to keep his pursuers away from him for a long time. Shigure most likely isn't evil just that since he has his mother's pendant, I think that they (his pursuers) want to use him to accomplish their goals.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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If Kana can have Yato does this mean that the other royals children will have their parents weapons? Shiro with the Raijin :)

Of course! Look at this picture:


The upper part, you can see a small pic of Kisaragi with Fujin Yumi.

I wonder how Shiro will appear, as a Samurai/Swordmaster with Raijin or his normal Spear class? Also... For the "scramble/festivities" map, I hope you can play them with the three routes, because I want more Nohr-Hoshido interactions, like really, I would like to see Peri talking to Oboro or Laslow with Hinata or Oboro with Foleo c'mon they need to talk!

Edited by SniperGYS
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^Really cool find :). Kisaragi with Fujin XD. I think Shiro might have a Raijin in his spear class or just a modified samurai model (spear fighter costume but sword) just so his mug matches with his ingame model. Maybe at the latter end of the DLC he can use it. Hopefully the more Nohr-Hoshido interactions as well.

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Maybe they'll be promoted at the end. So Forrest will be a strategist. Maybe Shiro will be a Master of Arms, but hopefully they make him red. It could be like a transition to adulthood/maturity storyline of the characters where they promote and stuff.

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Maybe they'll be promoted at the end. So Forrest will be a strategist. Maybe Shiro will be a Master of Arms, but hopefully they make him red. It could be like a transition to adulthood/maturity storyline of the characters where they promote and stuff.

We'll never know what will happen until that DLC is released, best to be patient and wait for Japan to release it to the Japanese versions so we can see for ourselves.

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I hope Soleil is okay.

I hope all the children are ok. Then again, I wonder if they use their base skills and none of the inherited skills that their 'dead' parents gave them. Because if they use their base skills that they begin and no inherited skills, their DLC Chapters went from a bit hard to very complicated giving it a whole new level of difficulty which is something most of us might want.

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Hmmm for the Children's map I wonder if the Children's hair color will be the same as your pairing or if it gets defaulted to a certain color. If it gets defaulted to a certain color, we may be able to see what were the intended pairings for the children.

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Hmmm for the Children's map I wonder if the Children's hair color will be the same as your pairing or if it gets defaulted to a certain color. If it gets defaulted to a certain color, we may be able to see what were the intended pairings for the children.

Judging by the trailer that was shown...

The each of the children's hair color is the same as their main parent for the most part. Such as Female Kanna and Shigure keep their main parent's hair color (Corrin and Azura), Siegbert and Shiro keep their fathers hair color, Selki and Mitaka (I spelled her name wrong, I know) also keep their fathers hair color.

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Judging by the trailer that was shown...

The each of the children's hair color is the same as their main parent for the most part. Such as Female Kanna and Shigure keep their main parent's hair color (Corrin and Azura), Siegbert and Shiro keep their fathers hair color, Selki and Mitaka (I spelled her name wrong, I know) also keep their fathers hair color.

Ah... yea that makes sense.

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Ah... yea that makes sense.

Well...when it's meant to be similar to Awakening's Future Past except with the fact that none of the parents are alive (well to be more precise it sounds like the only survivors are only the children), it's going to be gloomy and dark (possibly). I'm just curious on how those DLC Chapters will play out. Also, since these DLC Chapters (translated to 'Memories of Foam' thanks to others who were willing to do translations from Japanese) take place where the parents all died after their children were sent to the Deeper Realms, it makes sense that each of the children retain their main parent's hair color to avoid spoiling information on who their other parents were.

I'm more excited for the Festival DLC Chapters. Also, Anna being happy to help (hopefully not try to embarrass Corrin like how her other sister, Anna embarrassed Robin in Awakening).

That said and done...if Fates had DLC such as Apotheosis and Wellspring of Truth at any point, the game just had it's difficulty on those two places cranked up to eleven. Some people have already posted that Apotheosis in Fates would be a wonderful idea, I can agree (in a way). Apotheosis was already hard as it was in Awakening (Counter and Dragonskin abuse on enemies, enemy Snipers who made you think twice or more [they all had Dragonskin, Luna+ and Counter] while the suicide Berserkers were a complete pain), Fates version would become a complete nightmare. If Fates had a Wellspring of Truth DLC, time to make some very complex and complicated strategies. Dialogue quotes for every unit you control when battling every mirror clone (the dialogue only happens once per mirror clone during the same battle so you won't get dialogue from facing a mirror clone Laslow twice or more using the same unit such as Soliel unless you repeated the DLC Chapter) would be a very nice addition as well. As of normal, allow DLC Chapters like these to be repeatable.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Must say I'm quite happy the children will get their own ''Future Past''.

I've grown to actually like most of them as characters even though I hate how they come into play.

Harvest Scrable 2.0 looks nice too. Probably won't buy all the DLC for Fates like I did for Awakening, but this batch has gotten my attention.

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I was hoping for an AU where possessed Takumi flips the situation so that Hoshido is the violent aggressor and Nohr is the invaded nation. I'm fine with the kid thing, but that's a hypothetical I really want to see.

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If it ever happens, that was just an idea that I thought of since I liked some of the Spotpass Maps that Awakening had.

Who would be good choices for those? Only Zola and Kotaro come to mind for me.

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I was hoping for an AU where possessed Takumi flips the situation so that Hoshido is the violent aggressor and Nohr is the invaded nation. I'm fine with the kid thing, but that's a hypothetical I really want to see.

That would be awesome, and the kid thing could legit work with this idea. In the hypothetical, Corrin does not survive Takumi's initial strike in Conquest endgame, allowing Possessed Takumi to easily kill Conquest's gen 1. Conquest's gen 2 with some help from members of Hoshido's gen 2 who don't support Takumi's methods, must now stop him and Hoshido

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That would be awesome, and the kid thing could legit work with this idea. In the hypothetical, Corrin does not survive Takumi's initial strike in Conquest endgame, allowing Possessed Takumi to easily kill Conquest's gen 1. Conquest's gen 2 with some help from members of Hoshido's gen 2 who don't support Takumi's methods, must now stop him and Hoshido

Except that Conquest Takumi (possessed) isn't really sided with Hoshido at all since it's not even Takumi. Therefore the Hoshido children wouldn't really have a reason to attack their home nation. Either way, that's a really good idea, if it was for the Conquest Alternative Future (minus that Takumi really shouldn't be a boss in the DLC Memories of Foam since no parents are alive during that time).

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