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Fates 4Koma Kings Translations (COMPLETE)


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This little comic series makes me think that a short anime series based around Fates that is just all little skits with the characters would work quite well. Like short little 12 minute episodes with about 4 or so characters involved with a comical situation or something. I would watch.

I would watch the crap out of that.

I absolutely adore comedy/slice of lifey animes.

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Page 18 is up! Dwyer being scary and Shiro being a stinker!

This little comic series makes me think that a short anime series based around Fates that is just all little skits with the characters would work quite well. Like short little 12 minute episodes with about 4 or so characters involved with a comical situation or something. I would watch.

Yep, Lucky Star style may be pretty amusing. xD

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Wow, Jakob and Hana should really stop fooling around or...or, uh...

Crap, that's all I got for that.


The joke in that first 4koma was really dwy in my opinion. Call me scentomental if you want, but I've always thought a good smell joke was always a hoot. Let it be said, by odour of me, that the first 4koma isn't that good. Back on topic though, I'm surprised Shiro didn't see that coming. You'd think he'd have more common scents than that.


These puns really stink, don't they?

Edited by Phillius
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Wow, Jakob and Hana should really stop fooling around or...or, uh...

Crap, that's all I got for that.



The joke in that first 4koma was really dwy in my opinion. Call me scentomental if you want, but I've always thought a good smell joke was always a hoot. Let it be said, by odour of me, that the first 4koma isn't that good. Back on topic though, I'm surprised Shiro didn't see that coming. You'd think he'd have more common scents than that.


These puns really stink, don't they?

Let me just get my drum set.

Oh here I found it.

Badadadadadadada Tssssshhhh

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Plot twist: Ganz, Macbeth and Zoura are having a face rubbing tournament to see who rubs the best. /s

In all seriousness, though, gosh darn that first comic is creepy. The second one is kinda cute though.

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Aww, poor Zola. The great part about the skinship one is that we almost had all three of those scenarios in-game. I would totally support romance-able Zola, I actually liked him during Birthright.

Edited by AzureSen
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Aww, poor Zola. The great part about the skinship one is that we almost had all three of those scenarios in-game. I would totally support romance-able Zola, I actually liked him during Birthright.

Hell, he's the most level-headed character in Conquest, too.

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I honestly can't imagine Iago, Hans, and Zola as playable characters, but Zola comes dangerously close to being one.

I wouldn't mind Hans as a playable character since his methods of attacking stick out compared to the main crew (let's stop and think about what to do when we could have already gotten closer to our objective just by smashing all opposition in our way). I would not like seeing Iago be a playable character (stop hiding all the time coward). Zola I have mixed feelings about.

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I'd marry Zola. Fight me.

I would totally support romance-able Zola, I actually liked him during Birthright.

Me too. I think he should have been like

Kaze. He joins you in the chapter he appears, but he'd die unless he has at least a C-support with Takumi (Only C because the chapters when he joins and dies are pretty close).

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An option to date the enemies sounds fun to me!

I would marry the living shit out of Iago. Please IS .... please give me my raven haired husbando. Cries.

The other two can be my side bitches.

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Page 20 starts a new chapter by making fun of Effie's meat love. xD

Aww, poor Zola. The great part about the skinship one is that we almost had all three of those scenarios in-game. I would totally support romance-able Zola, I actually liked him during Birthright.

It would have been something! I've seen some nice parody/fan art images of Iago/MacBeth in the skinship xD

Hell, he's the most level-headed character in Conquest, too.

xD!!! This is unfortunately true...

I'd make a pun, but it looks like Zola's got things covered.

Take a break! You earned it!

I would marry the living shit out of Iago. Please IS .... please give me my raven haired husbando. Cries.

The other two can be my side bitches.

Fully support this. xD

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