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Nohr chapter 20 is stupid and i hate it

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what the hell is up with the damn wind, i can't figure out a single strat to overcome it what so over, i'm on Hard mode for the record.

after losing 4 characters in a single turn (these damn 70 and 80 hit rates are the death of me) i just don't know what left there is to do other then turtle up at the start and wait for the stage to wear itself down.

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What I did to rush the chapter was stick my strongest units in the winds that would push them towards Fuga, while keeping my weaker ones behind. I'd simply navigate in or out of the wind depending on who I wanted to move up or down. If you want to avoid the wind moving your units all together, just use the dragon veins; That'll move enemies, and then the wind won't come back for a couple turns IIRC.

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If it helps:

- rightmost chest is Dragonstone+

- top left chest is 10k gold

- lower left chest is Rescue staff

What I did was let the wind carry my guys up to Fuga for the first few turns. As far as I can tell, the wind directions are predetermined. You can get up to Fuga by like Turn 4.

If you don't use the Dragon Veins, only your units will be moved by the wind. If you use the Dragon Veins, everyone moves.

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I'm on this chapter right now too. I've managed to sort of get a strategy going until those freaking flyers come at me and kill someone. I can't send Camilla around to deal with them because most if not all of them are Kinshis with bows. I loaded everyone up on tonics but I still got surrounded thanks to the wind and Elise went down. Not sure how to deal with this chapter.

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If it helps. the Dragon Vein you can trigger moves ONLY the enemies and the wind itself will subside until YOUR next turn. As long as you have someone hit the Dragon Vein when the wind would otherwise screw you up, it makes things quite a bit more bearable.

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Chapter 19 and 20 are two of Conquest's worst maps.

Then 21 comes and it's glorious if you're slightly masochistic; I just beat it on my second try without anyone dying, and I'm not ashamed of that restart.

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Ngl 20!conquest is probably my favorite chapter in fates, it just feels really smooth to play once you learn the pattern. You really do just have total control over the map.

But I use birds bows and nos.

Edited by joshcja
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If you're struggling, I'm pretty sure it's easier to do the chapter slow than fast; most of the enemies have fairly passive AI and waiting on the wind lets you make aggressive plays to tear up formations quickly. You probably want all three of the chests going forward: the Rescue staff is half the available charges in Conquest, gold is gold, and the Dragonstone+ can be very useful in chapter 21 if Corrin has the rank and Magic to use it.

Also, bring plenty of fliers to save people if you get blown into bad positioning. They don't even need to be good fliers; I was using Malig Knight Niles in this chapter on my first run.

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Chapter 20 isn't stupid, it's brilliant

ly evil.

In seriousness it's tricky as hell because it's a difficult puzzle involving the wind and dragon vein use but it's one that can always be puzzled out, at least. Probably the map that took me the most resets in Conquest, though.

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Went into it more defensively and I was almost done when Camilla died to an Onmyoji critical. ._.

Such rage. At least I have a better idea now of how to approach it.

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Ride the wind :B):

If it's useful for you, the kinshi + Lance master formation won't move until you get in range of one of the lancers (which aggros the kinshi as well), this means that you can get in the kinshi's range with a flier and as long as you aren't in the range of one of the Lancers, the Kinshis won't move. Same goes for the top left formation. The enemies near the boss will move only when you get on their range, one by one.

And when an ally unit reaches the boss' platform, reinforcements will spawn in the next turn on the top left and in the boss platform, and they are a lot so be careful. I'm not sure if you have to end a turn in the platform or attack a unit in it, but be wary of that.

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I sent Camilla carrying units to the top above Fuga, so that if the wind blew it would knock them off the platform. Use the dragon veins' they are really useful because they get rid of the wind blowing on the enemy turn, so your units don't get blown around. The best thing to do is to take this level really slow, inch slowly towards the goal. Use the dragon vein to push enemies toward you or away from you when needed, and pair the slower units like Benny or Keaton with one of the mounted units for faster movement. If I remember correctly its almost split in half with the left side having more casters, and the right having more physical, so split them up accordingly. Send your more resistant units to the left to take care of the casters, and any of your more defensive units to the right.

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  • 7 months later...

Ngl 20!conquest is probably my favorite chapter in fates, it just feels really smooth to play once you learn the pattern. You really do just have total control over the map.

But I use birds bows and nos.

Reading through the topic I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who actually likes this chapter lol.

I've done it twice now, once on Classic, and don't recall having TOO much trouble with it...? I wanna say being proactive about activating the Dragon Veins (or otherwise staying out of the way of the wind) makes it a lot easier, then turtling up or luring out the Kinshis to take them out. They are easily the trickiest part of this map, since fliers help with it so much, but I always found it manageable....

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You guys need to stop with these thread necros. I don't even know what possess people to look up threads that are 5 months old.

oops. $#!7 sorry man, I didn't realize it was necro'd when I replied .-. I DIDN'T DO IT

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