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Ace Attorney 6 Thread


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So Maya is back after over a decade, not too much else was shown aside from her being involved in a case but that's just kinda obligatory really(also Pearl's back too). While everyone is freaking out over Maya, there's actually something else I'm more interested in here...

This game seems to have dual story-lines, Phoenix and Maya doing stuff in this Kurain country(details on that are still vague), and Apollo and Athena holding the fort while he's away. Again, this is actually what I'm most interested about. Back when this game was announced I expressed some disappointment that Apollo wasn't the lead, because at this point in the story I felt the best direction to take would be to further develop him and tie up loose ends from his game. It seems that still may end up happening though, and hey this concept could lead to some actual character development for Athena too. It's unclear at the moment how the dual stories will be split up(separate episodes? episodes having more than one case that the player switches between?), there does seem to be about a 90% likelihood that they end up converging at some point, based off the previous trailer that showed Apollo in the foreign court and this other trailer that seems to show a new character in both settings:

...Said character being the new prosecutor. Aside from that, this trailer shows brief glimpses of other characters and confirms the return of the Mood Matrix, not enough footage was shown to tell if there's been any sort of changes to it.

So looking at all we have now, I can definitely say that I am more excited than I was at the announcement, though some apprehension still remains. I just hope I'm not disappointed with the Apollo and Athena side of the story.

EDIT: Oh yeah, that DLC Phoenix outfit is kind of amazing.

Edited by DavidSW
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The real question is, will they ever address the end of AA4. And from the looks of it, probably not. Oh well, older Maya looks so good and the Tigre costume for Phoenix is fantastic.

Edited by Samias
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I'm glad Maya is back, I really am, but I don't like the look of this game at all. The setting seems incredibly strange and ripe for classic Yamazaki asspulls and convoluted climaxes.

The thing I want to see the most is Apollo and Trucy finding out they're related; them not knowing makes not only Lamiroir look bad, but Phoenix as well. I'm much more interested in Apollo's story than Phoenix's at this point in time since he's got some loose threads left hanging. Hopefully Athena won't steal all the time in the spotlight again.

...Also, Athena Cykes. Ugh.

Edited by Thane
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Its about damn time Maya & Phoenix are properly together again outside of crossovers, I haven't actually really touched the series since Trials and Tribulations partly due to the odd choice to have her vanish, (I know thats a shallow reason, but part of me felt T&T was a good ending to the storyline, but I do know fans of the post T&T games, quite a number actually, I've also had tons of other series to pay attention to).

Consider me interested again.

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I want to see Gumshoe again. He appearing just for one case is enough for me.

Since AA 4, I was curious about Maya's grown up appearance. Pearl appearing in Dual Destinies made me happy and now we got to see Maya. I'm getting hyped!!

Edited by Daniel Santos
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I hope they can come up with an excuse for why a Kurrain Country exists, because it makes no sense. Also, I'd prefer to play Shin Gyakuten Saiban, but since this is what we're getting, then sure, why not.

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If there's really a dual path thing going on here, then is it safe to say the Western title for AA5, Dual Destinies, predicted this game?

Maybe Capcom accidentally used the wrong title. :P

Edit: Can't wait to see how localization handles the locations this time haha.

I hope they can come up with an excuse for why a Kurrain Country exists, because it makes no sense. Also, I'd prefer to play Shin Gyakuten Saiban, but since this is what we're getting, then sure, why not.

I like Janet Hsu's (localization lead as of the second game) head-canon as to why California is so "Eastern".

From: http://www.capcom-unity.com/zeroobjections/blog/2014/10/31/ace-attorney-trilogy---surprising-tidbits-you-never-knew

When I took over the series’ localization direction starting with the second game, one of the first things I had to deal with was what to do with Maya’s hometown and all the mysticism surrounding the Fey clan. It was then that I created a little headcanon for myself (which I suppose is actually real canon now for the localized version): while “Gyakuten Saiban” takes place in Japan, the Los Angeles that “Ace Attorney” takes place in is an alternate universe where anti-Japanese sentiments and anti-immigrant laws were not enacted, and Japanese culture was allowed to flourish and blend into the local culture in the same manner as other immigrant cultures.

Not counting budget and time restraints, this little headcanon has pretty much dictated what I would keep as Japanese and what to completely localize. For example, anything related to Maya’s clan and the Kurain Channeling Technique is pretty much guaranteed to stay Japanese because that’s her heritage while Japanese foods that are not commonly known in the West will probably be localized in the interest of keeping the game from needing a 50-page explanatory booklet.

By the way, random facts: I adore the fandom name “Japanifornia”, and imagine my surprise when I first saw the “Big Hero 6” movie trailer! No matter what anyone says, Japanifornia will always be THE ORIGINAL San Fransokyo to me. *grin*

Edited by Jacien
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No, I mean, Kurain Village was supposed to be unique and their technique was also supposed to be unique, but now we have a whole country dedicated to Kurain. This isn't really bad (well, other than a criminal drama abusing too much of magic, but then again 3-5 was awesome), just a nitpick that will probably we answered with Maya saying that it's where Kurain came from before it became a thing in Japanfornia.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ema Skye and Trucy Wright are confirmed to return:


We may have seen Trucy earlier, but she shows up in several places here, including the detention center. Knowing Ace Attorney, that might mean she's being accused of something, but she could also just be accompanying Polly.

I'm infinitely more interested in Apollo's side of the story since I think Phoenix should take the backseat already. I just hope they don't repeat the same mistakes Dual Destinies did and include way too many characters, or let Athena steal the spotlight from characters who need it more.

Edited by Thane
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yessss ema

I love Ema and I'm really happy she's coming back. Combined with Maya's return, the cast is starting to really look good.

All we need now is Franziska in a capacity similar to Edgeworth in previous games.

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The return of Ema makes me super excited! I thought she had some really cute chemistry with both Apollo and Klavier and was disappointed when she just kinda vanished after Ace Attorney Investigations...

I pretty much like all of AA4's characters and reaaaally hope they don't abandon what they built up during those games. I know a lot of people would disagree about continuing that plot but there's just a bothersome amount of loose ends.

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The return of Ema makes me super excited! I thought she had some really cute chemistry with both Apollo and Klavier and was disappointed when she just kinda vanished after Ace Attorney Investigations...

I pretty much like all of AA4's characters and reaaaally hope they don't abandon what they built up during those games. I know a lot of people would disagree about continuing that plot but there's just a bothersome amount of loose ends.

I would say we have seen Klavier, but we did that in Dual Destinies as well and his role in that game was forgettable to say the least; he didn't even appear in a real court.

However, since Trucy seems to be involved with a case about magic, Ema is returning and Klavier looks like he's in court again, I can't help but hope the Apollo Justice characters and loose ends will get some development. What worries me is that, again, we've got so many characters around, and Athena might be there to steal the spotlight again; she has more or less taken over Trucy's job in the fourth game.

...What is up with this game and cute teenage girl assistants?

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I absolutely love Ema and I'm so ridiculously happy that she's coming back. Also excited for Trucy, but she can't hold a candle to my MUNCHing science gal.

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Speaking of Ema, it's seems that band in her arm implies that's she not a detective anymore, but rather she's finally seems to be a scientific investigator.

She's does seems more cheerful than usual as well, which could imply that she realized her dream.

And Trucy seems to be the defendant?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured I'd just make this a general Ace Attorney 6 thread, so here's some miscellaneous information that hasn't been posted yet:


There will be two short pre-order bonus episodes, one with Phoenix and Edgeworth(what exactly would be the justification for this though?) and another with Apollo and Klavier.

This video shows some of that, as well as multi-witness testimonies:



A couple scans were shown earlier(that revealed Trucy and Ema), here's the rest:

[spoiler=full scans]






-Most of the screenshots come from episode 2, which involves one of Trucy's shows; she's also the defendant

-Ema has indeed achieved her dream of becoming a scientific investigator(if there will be a detective character aside from her(she technically isn't a detective anymore) hasn't been shown); video tape segments appear to have multiple angles(more than one camera I guess)

-Something of note shown in the 5th scan is that Apollo's bracelet can be used outside of court(not sure why that wasn't a thing to begin with, but whatever)

Most of the new stuff looks good to me, though I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that pre-order bonus.

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Ooh, does Trucy have a new sprite? That's neat, I didn't see that before.

Honestly I'm still a bit skeptical; the split path (Fates hurt me deep, man), many returning characters and an entire country with an overdramatic subplot and magic mumbo jumbo that will allow for all kinds of bullshit make me uneasy.

Still, I'm glad to see both Maya and Ema again, but I don't think we need many more people than that; I'm struggling to see what Athena is going to do in this game since her entire plot ended in Dual Destinies, and Trucy and/or Pearl could fill the mandatory cute teenage girl assistant role.

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Somehow, every confirmed character seems to click with me. Maybe I'm not critical enough of AA character writing? :P My real concern is the whole cult religion idea they're going for. It's ok to use games to explore the religious experience, but I feel it's displayed negatively too often. I know these religions are fake, but media tends to sway opinions on real-life things regardless, so the more positive portrayals the better.

Well... all that aside, get hyped y'all!

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Really I just don't know what to expect from or even what to think of the Kurain stuff. It just feels so out of nowhere.

Honestly I'm still a bit skeptical; the split path (Fates hurt me deep, man)

Well to be fair that's not exactly accurate, this game doesn't seem to be about choosing between separate paths.

My biggest concern with it at the moment has to do with game-length; if there will be enough time to properly flesh everything out without making the game seem like it's dragging.

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