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One Way Heroics

Dr. Tarrasque

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Cousin's playing it right now

It's a nice little game with a bit more depth than what you'll see at a glance. It often goes on sale on Steam for $0.87. The classes and perks are nice to play around with and it has a "Dimensional Storage" that basically allows you to move items from previous runs, one of which you can use to recruit people you'd never expect to be possible to recruit.

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Ah, THAT game!

I'm beholden to whatever I find, and I usually pick up way too much food. Starving to death ain't fun!

Did you find out the secret of the Demon Lord?

Did you also recruit DL and beat the real boss?

Edited by Sirius
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Nope and nope.

Didn't unlock all of the classes, nor did I finish the game with all of them! Can't do it now, because sitting up too long is bad for my health. Will give it a shot later (when I want to make a sexy character).

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I have 64 hours into that game. That tells how much I loved it back then (and I still love it, but it's been a long time since I've played it). At first I thought it was meh because the concept is simple and the trailer wasn't appealing enough, but it really surprised me with its simplicity and addictiveness when I got to play it.

The Hero class is broken. All the others are challenging to an extent, but that one just breaks whatever difficulty you're playing on, especially if they don't use weapons. A Hero character can easily oraoraora the DL into submission because of their high str and spd. The def penalty doesn't even matter because of ORKOs.

Edited by Rapier
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Yeah I've used the Hero and did the skill that removes armor and boosts attack, it so broken. Occasionally I like to play as pirate and grab multiple of the mountain climbing perk just to fool around.

Although I think Bard may be the best long term class but you need to get lucky or setup a run where you recruit the best party.

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Took me one research on google, then 'ting', ' oh, that game'.

I want to play it so much, alas, I'm too poor... and my computer is almost dead.

It's too bad, it looks like the kind of game I would enjoy.

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