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Cipher Series 6 - Info, News, Leaks, & Discussion: Sep 29: Happy release day! Good luck with your pulls everyone!


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cuboon is definitely one of my favorite artists for Cipher (his/her female Kana cards are amazing), I think the Lyn card shown for the next set is also from them judging from the art.

I also have a question, does anyone know why the motifs for the yellow cards are the Sun and the Moon ? If it has any meaning of course, I never played Genealogy of the Holy War so I'm curious.

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cuboon is definitely one of my favorite artists for Cipher (his/her female Kana cards are amazing), I think the Lyn card shown for the next set is also from them judging from the art.

I also have a question, does anyone know why the motifs for the yellow cards are the Sun and the Moon ? If it has any meaning of course, I never played Genealogy of the Holy War so I'm curious.

It probably is just emphasizing the battle between light and dark (naga vs lopt). The games dont mention sun/moon, just an imagery thing.

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ha, I knew it. Female myrm always gets the SR. Sigurd, Arvis, Diadora and Ayra. Levin possibly gets an SR too. I wonder who will be the 6th SR... My money goes to Cuan since he's important.

Can't really guess on the SR (although I still think Finn... or Cuan), but I am going to guess that the hidden x card is going to be a Seliph from set 8.

Eliwood was related to Roy, and while that's not an established trend, it would make a lot of sense.

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It is not Finn, his R is 12 and Ethlyn's R is 10 and she has N/HN unpromoted form (we have art for it) taking that 11 spot.

And yeah, it's probably going to be Seliph with Sigurd's N card referring to it as well if they do an +X card again.

Honestly, I thought Sigurd/Ayra/Levin were givens. Deidre/Arvis make a lot of sense (well I thought Eldigan before Arvis earlier but it's obvious he's getting that spot now). Rachesis is a good bet for that last spot. Need a 3rd female (as their SRs tend to be more expensive than the male); Adean/Ethlyn/Ferry are most likely out (already have promoted HNs/R) so that leaves Sylvia/Briggid/Tailto and Raquesis and I think she has the best shot.

Edited by Draxal
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We know Sigurd and Ayra are SRs, and Alvis should be, so that's 3 left.

good SR candidates are Levin, Fury, Tilyu, Eltosian and maybe Sylvia (I don't see a dancer getting an SR slot, even if she is popular) if you go on the figures. Levin is pretty much a guaranteed SR, so really it's only 2 up for grabs. So Elto and either Fury or Tiltyu are my guesses. I would prefer that those 2 were Cuan and Elto (so you have the whole trio together), but we all know how they base these on popularity more often then not.

I will be happily surprised in Cuan gets an SR in this set.

Fin, though popular has 2 other series he can get an SR in, and the most logical one would be the Thracia cards (same with Lief and Nanna. Sety is in that game too, but he'll be an SR in series 8).

the secret card has to be Selice. I can't think of anyone else it could be.

I wonder if they will take advantage of the fact that Sigurd, Cuan and Eltosian all went to military school together and do a 3 card image of their 1 cards.

Edited by Aquantis
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I'm torn between Quan, because of his connection to Leif, or Eltshan because of his Camus status. It could very well be Lachesis but I do not know if she has enough waifu status in japan to warrant it. I love how we're all using different spellings of these characters all the time. FE4 is a game I suspect most fans take it a bit too seriously and that might spare it from too much waifu fanservice and more story-driven fanservice. I may completely be wrong, though.

I wonder if they will take advantage of the fact that Sigurd, Cuan and Eltosian all went to military school together and do a 3 card image of their 1 cards.

Better yet, they can make a 3 card spread with Seliph, Leif and Aless with ghosts of their parents. I did caught on that detail in the final chapter because those 3 were your strongest mounted units.

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I greatly await the releasing of Set 6.

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The more SRs I get hyped about the more I fear my single booster box will not contain the SRs I want. Namely freaking everything Jugdral, I love FE4 and 5 so much. I do have good luck with pulls, but dat IRL RNG, man.

Don't worry - I have historically have had terrible luck as well, but I managed Roy Sr+ (my most wanted card of all time) in one of my two boxes for set 5.

Sometimes the dice does roll in our favor favor, friend :p

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Yeah, that's one of the reasons I splurged and went up to 4 boxes of this set myself. I'm so excited for everyone and everything. I mean, I was one of the first people disappointed with yet more Fates cards, too, but even those ones all look super nice (even if I still like the FE4 ones more).

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Don't worry - I have historically have had terrible luck as well, but I managed Roy Sr+ (my most wanted card of all time) in one of my two boxes for set 5.

Sometimes the dice does roll in our favor favor, friend :p

Thankfully I do have good luck, the only other times I bought Cipher cards were along two other friends we bought Set 1 and Set 3 and the very first pack we opened was mai waifu in R+. Then on the other set one of the characters I had dibs in also was R+. Then one other friend came along who had bought Pokemon cards and I asked him to let me open a pack and I apparently pulled a very rare card (Shaymin EX).

But usually when it comes to luck right after you get 3 good level ups on a row someone dies to a random crit and you have to start over again, so I'm wary. I want my SR Ayra, she was way too good.

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