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"i dont drink or smoke or do any of that"


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inb4 10 pages of edges and straight-edges arguing over alcohol and cigs and the devil's lettuce

edit: or is that what you wanted *gasp*

Edited by Esme
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actually i have a friend who doesnt drink because if he does he will die

because chrones disease meds and all

also he is the coolest TA i know

Edited by Sparks
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Hey, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. But you know what? It's MY Choice! If you buttheads think they are cool, then let me give you a good taste of reality!

nice cringe post btw

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Hey, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. But you know what? It's MY Choice! If you buttheads think they are cool, then let me give you a good taste of reality!

Idk most functional and successful adults out there have drinks once in a while, i don't see how someone drinking a beer or a shot of vodka during the weekend will make them take "a taste of reality"

Unless you mean reality tastes good like a cold beer in a warm afternoon

Edited by Nobody
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I am incredibly sensitive so my tongue is incredibly sensitive so alcohol is really painful for me to drink and carbonated alcohol is even worse (so I don't have soda either) and it's not worth trying to toughen up just to drink alcohol imo

I wonder what "any of that" stands for

oh does it mean sex

does she not have a sex life wow nerd

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I don't drink or smoke, or smoke wed because I'm unstable enough already and I don't need anything else impairing my senses or my body.

Plus I had second hand smoke when I was younger, and it's already harder for me to breathe sometimes because of that, so fuck that.

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prolly means she doesnt sleep around as often idk

this thread is to target people that think they have a higher moral standing just because they are straightedge.

where's the part where they were thinking they have the higher moral standing?

i mean if they're being a pretentious twat about it (which unfortunately extends to more things) then fair enough but it just seems as though they're just telling you what they're not into which is fine

i need the context

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but it just seems as though they're just telling you what they're not into which is fine

definitely not the case

i said i didnt think my college feels like an actual campus. i was thinking more along the line of size and more than one big library, but i guess she might has misinterpreted it to me thinking the campus is too dry. so she starts talking about how there are two parts to a campus and how greek life "for stupid people" is the other part. now she did mention that she is not into that sort of thing. which is fine. neither am i, i prefer drinking in small groups. however she didnt leave it at that. from what i can recall from her rant is her complaining how frat people are so stupid and how they have no future and how she is better off. but im pretty sure most successful people today have gone out to social gatherings which is a point i tried to make but she simply ignored it. so i just blew her ego and told her how great she is until she left. she definitely had a superiority thing going on while she was talking about it.

its a non issue though. thats why i posted it in fftf.

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