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Annoying Niggling Nitpicks from a Snarky Nohrian Knight.


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Sorry for being so present here, but I just thought of something, building on the first item from my last post.

I think something that would've been awesome is that when [certain] characters reclass to an unfamiliar class family, especially if they change the weapons they use, that the animation reflects this. Ways this could be reflected in the gameplay is a lower hit rate until weapon proficiency is gained, missfires of certain weapons like spells or arrows, or even dropping the weapon during an attack because of a poor grip. As the user gets more used to the weapon, their stances, effectiveness, and even post-kill flair would increase.

Let's use Mozu as an example. Recall the way she's shaky and unsteady when using her lance in the Villager class? During my Birthright run, I had her gain an A+ rank with Oboro, giving immediate access to the Lance Fighter class upon getting a Friendship Seal. Being a progression that felt rather natural for Mozu, especially with how often I had her fight with Oboro, I could easily buy her increased comfort in using the naginata.

The thing I'm still pondering are other ways this could be (more reasonably) reflected in gameplay, and how the rate of weapon familiarity would be gauged - either through number of uses or weapon proficiency. Or perhaps class level?

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Still no personalized armor palettes for characters with unique armor colors like in the GBA games. I get that coloring character models is significantly more difficult than sprites, but swapping someone to a different class only for them to become the default boring blue bollocks is always pretty disappointing.

Yay time for some nitpicking even if I love this game

The character creator for Corrin feels much weaker then the one in Awakening, the older build of the male Corrin looks so... eh... compared to Awakening, and sadly in alot of classes he looks weird, like the Blacksmith

^ This. Male Corrin especially has virtually no passable-looking hairs outside of the default, and female physical appearances are way more limited than they were in Awakening. (My wife complains that she can't be tall as even the 'tall' female Corrin is quite petit.)

I do sort of get the very archaic elven look they were going for that sort of permeates most of the hairstyles, and I think that's a cool stylistic choice, but it'd be nice to have some more variety than THAT and not have to be restricted to it...

We can't capture retainers. Seriously, this would have made the prison system so cool! They could even only decide to join you if a certain character persuaded them.

I like this idea.

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Oh yeah, the other thing that bothers me about the prison system. Why do the weapons disappear when you capture someone?! (Outside of the obvious reason that it would make enemy-exclusive weapons available to the players and mess with game balance)

I've always felt that the characters in FE would (usually) leave a fallen enemy's weapon with their grave as a token of battlefield respect, but if you capture someone that logic doesn't apply. Furthermore, they already have unequipable weapons programmed into the games through the amiibo data. So they could have easily made it so that any balance breaking weapons you might get through capturing somebody would be locked onto the character they were captured on.

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You can get around Counter and Countermagic by using bows, hand axes, javelins, any ranged melee weapon. Counter only activates if you're directly next to the person and Countermagic only triggers if you use magic. It's a pretty big weakness to an annoying set of skills.

Or just flat one shot.

Given how saturated fates (and conquest in particular) is with the best combat units in FE history it's not hard.

My nitpick has to be arthur losing his unique costume as a zerker/cav/draco QQQQQQ

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Just remembered a really nitpicky nitpick I have with the UI.

First, the bonus damage weapons have their icons to show what kinds of units they deal bonus damage to, but they didn't use those icons anywhere on the unit summary to tell the player which classes/characters fall under those categories. It doesn't really affect me, since I'm experienced enough to know by heart, but I can imagine how confused a new or intermediate player could be trying to figure it out through trial and error.

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I wish Corrin had better red hair options. Not more, just better. I mean, there is an entire column for pink hair, yet at least one of the options is practically pink as well. I'm not colour-blind or anything like that, but when I look at the 'red' colour options, I think of characters such as Titantia, Roy, and Hinoka, compare their hair colour to the options and think "Those options aren't really red." I mean, they seem less red than Rhys' hair colour (which is really orange). I am a redhead, and I want a red-haired customizable character without having to give him the Oni Mask accessory.

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Just remembered a really nitpicky nitpick I have with the UI.

First, the bonus damage weapons have their icons to show what kinds of units they deal bonus damage to, but they didn't use those icons anywhere on the unit summary to tell the player which classes/characters fall under those categories. It doesn't really affect me, since I'm experienced enough to know by heart, but I can imagine how confused a new or intermediate player could be trying to figure it out through trial and error.

Yeah. I think they did it to avoid interface spoilers, but it could still come as a shock to the player that Corrin is vulnerable to Wyrmslayers and Dragon Spirits regardless of his/her current class. Also, the Golem type (possessed by Automatons, Stoneborn, and Mechanists) didn't exist in past FE games.

Edit: Oh yeah another nitpick: Corrin's portrait is mirrored from the actual character model when facing right. Also the face highlights (scars, tattoos etc.) you can add in the character creator don't show on the character model with the exception of the eye patches. And male Corrin can't get a hair accessory in the character creator.

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Starting with E weapon ranks upon promoting/reclassing and the tedium it takes to get to a usable level. Honestly, they should just go back to Genealogy's fixed weapon rank system; they've already borrowed unique rank caps from it.

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-Certain class design choices (Looking at Fem!General and Fem!Cav specifically among others).

-The lack of unique weapon icons.

-The extreme lack of custom pallets. I mean even in FEA, most units had custom pallets for both of their base class promos, now we only have one, and some don't have any (Peri).

-Gunter's lack of supports in Rev.

-Some characters not joining in Rev.

[spoiler=Rev spoilers]I get Scarlet and Izana since they die, but why not Yukimura!? I mean he is perfectly alive by the end of the game. Is it because they need someone to look after the castle since they had no problem with that in Birthright.

-The lack of a custom promo for Corrin in Rev. It makes no sense since you aren't fighting for Nohr or Hoshido so why should you become a noble of said countries.

-The lack of a Scarlet x Ryoma and Flora x Jakob supports.

-Continuing from above, the fact that if as a Male!MU you marry a non-corrinsexual first gen female, you are screwed out of a kid. This could easily have been fixed by the above since Scarlet and Ryoma actually have chemistry and Flora has a crush on Jakob and they a re presumably close since they work together.

-The bullshit explanation for allowing S ranking with the Hoshidan siblings. I also dislike being able to marry the Nohrian siblings.

-Having little to no warning for the end of B!Ch. 15 is you don't A rank Kaze.

-You don't get kids from gay marriage.I mean Nina even looks adopted.

-Furthering my annoyance with the above, the bullshit explanation for kids. Elise, who is like 12 (Shut up Leo), can have sex during the main story, get pregnant and give birth. You can say all you want about feeling weird for marrying off Rikcen, Lissa and Nowi, but at least they have children after the main plot presumably when they grow up. Only Chrom and his wife (Who are all older looking women minus Fem!MU build 2) have sex during the story.

-Conquest not actually following what was advertised. Revolutionizing a country from within my ass.

-How Corrin's dragon powers are never brought up ever again after Ch. 5. Why even bother existing?

-Tome animations on any class but Sorcerer, Dark Mage, Strategist and Onmyoji. You count staff animations on there too for most non-base class staff classes.

-Garndmaster, why are you male only!?

-Soldier being called Lancer.

-E ranks upon promotion and or class change. It is frustrating. At least give us D rank upon promotion.

-Where's my bride class bitches?!

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IS still hasn't figured out how to make recruiting people realistic/fun (look at Nyx: "You have no friends? We can be your friends." "Hmm, OK.") and we still recruit (nearly) everyone with MU.

We can't capture retainers. Seriously, this would have made the prison system so cool! They could even only decide to join you if a certain character persuaded them.

I swear,, just the other day, I was thinking about how a certain character could've been recruited using another member of my merry little band... Can't remember who for whom, but still...

I discovered the second item just yesterday when I tried to capture Selena and Beruka after taking down Camilla...


Goodness gracious - that could have been an amazing thing, capturing those two after defeating their charge - imagine the conversations/interrogations/whatever we could have had with them while trying to break them - imagine how it would be to have broken them in the process of convincing them to turn coat!

Maaaaan, this is a prime example of a truly missed opportunity!


And the disappointment mounts...

-The lack of a Scarlet x Ryoma and Flora x Jakob supports.

That's something that left me in a BSOD state for like five minutes upon realizing it. I mean, you learn from one of the villagers when raiding their houses visiting their houses that the newcomer to the resistance was quite the stand-out trooper. Even before he revealed his true identity to her, I imagine Ryoma and Scarlet would've had some great platonic chemistry - and being someone who turned coat on Nohr and was happy to join the Hohsidoan cause should've peaked Ryoma's interest! Don't get me wrong, I rather like the supports with Scarlet and Corrin so far, her creative side is cute. But still, the leader of a resistance movement who both embraced and yet still had to turn back on the legacy of her parents, certainly not without regrets, getting to know the prince who had to shoulder the burden of both losing his sister and his mother to a blood-thirsty king, and feeling responsible for having to help bring his nation to a state of peace and security...

That is so obvious...why didn't they do it?

Really, how hard would it have been to have Scarlet have only a handful of supports? It's not like they haven't done it before - Anna from Awakening, Gunter in Conquest! There's really no reason for them to have not taken advantage of such an obvious opportunity!

How disappointing of IS...

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Another thing I wish the game had was unique conversations for at least some of the mother-child combinations beyond copying and pasting with a few minor changes. Ideally I'd like them for every combination, but because heaven forbid we not be able to pair up almost every male with almost every female, I can understand why that might not be feasible.

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Another thing that irks me is the fact that DLC skills cannot be bought at all. At the very least, they could just be buyable only from the Unit Logbook to save on grinding time (no need to farm a map).

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-Corrinmui-locked supports. Going further, the vast amount of supports Corrinmui can have—limit the supports all characters can have, IS. I'm telling you, it will be beneficial for you in the long run, IS.

-No same sex marriages outside of Corrinmui. I realize this was the first time they implemented the feature and I'm not ragging on them for that—but I want my Niles x Arthur and Hinoka x Setsuna ships to sail for reals, dammit!

-Elise can't support Hayato, the only other shota character in the game. Rhajat would have been an absolute beast.

-No unique weapon icons. I believe all the characters have their own unique weapons now but I have to equip them and use the unit close up to see them.

-Enemy ninja. I hate those sneaky bastards with their shuriken and lunge death combo-wombo.

-The lack of aesthetics for both male and female Corrinmui. Skin tone and hair choices, in particular. I only use one hair for each sex. I'm not about to shout discrimination or anything such like that but I would like to play as a darker skin main character, as well. I also wish darker skin tones would pass to the children (see Nina and Niles)—I played Awakening, married Basilio and waited for my dark-skinned Morgan but to no avail. I'm not saying it isn't possible to get a lighter skinned child with a darker skinned parent but... you know.

-The fact that all characters don't have unique color palettes for their class changes.

-Midori's green eyebrows. All they had to do was make all the characters have light grey eyebrows so it would not clash as badly.

-Shinonome to Shiro. Kisaragi to Kiragi. Tsubaki to Subaki. The last two make me rage so damn hard, ya'll. Single letter changes. Two f*cking letters. I'm getting triggered.

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-Shinonome to Shiro. Kisaragi to Kiragi. Tsubaki to Subaki The last one two make me rage so damn hard, ya'll. Single letter changes. Two f*cking letters. I'm getting triggered.

You keep those Tumblrisms out of my thread, Buster Brown! xD

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Weapon icons? IS, hello?


Another thing that irks me is the fact that DLC skills cannot be bought at all. At the very least, they could just be buyable only from the Unit Logbook to save on grinding time (no need to farm a map).

Arr. I rightfully have that Galeforce. Why cant i just use it on my own guys when i already got it?

Rhajat being our femui gay marry option. Not only is she somehow worse than Tharja ever could dream of being, but shes a second gen unit. :///// Some of us arent just really down with marrying second gens, yo.

No neutral gay marry option.

Ryoma and Scarlet not getting a support is stupid and wrong.

-How Corrin's dragon powers are never brought up ever again after Ch. 5. Why even bother existing?

Ommmgggg. SO much. It doesnt even make sense.

Not enough exposition in parts of the story.

We dont know what the name of that continent is.

Kana's continued existence.

-Conquest not actually following what was advertised. Revolutionizing a country from within my ass.

Ha! The fact my MU has to spew this pacifist BULLSHIT is just as bad, if not worse. He would just never say that shit. Why didnt we have dialogue trees or at least a silent MU option. :|

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Some things everyone have mentioned (so I won't explain) but just say it really irritates me:

- No unique weapon icons.

- Male Corrin losing a child if he marries one of the 1st gen women.

- Yukimura not in Rev.

- E rank weapons being the sh*ttest things ever (and being forced to grind with them).

Some thing I want to elaborate on:

Romantic support conversations.

Why can't a male and a female have a platonic support conversation anymore? In other games it didn't always end in marriage... Some characters don't even make sense for getting married - but they make perfect sense for being friends! (Big example: Niles x Azura - that made for a good friendship, not lovers).

Additionally, some of these romances come out of left field at 'S' rank. (Big example: Saizo x Hinoka - letter delivery = great foreplay?)

Battle supports.

Supports have always had a funny edge about them, but some tied to the very story. This happened because you had the supports on the battle map, meaning you could talk about certain events that just took place. There are tons of world-shattering events in this game (and a whole host of personal world shattering events) that go uncommented on by important members of the team.

You're allowed to talk to Chrom and company on the DLC map - why not implement that on other maps? Like talking to Felicia on the Ice Tribe map, or the Hoshido siblings on the map with their father? Or literary anyone after the jump into the magical kingdom between kingdoms? No one has anything to say about that? I mean, outside of "I just trust Corrin, you guys".

No unique mother supports.

Some mother supports are silly considering the parent. Would it really have been that hard to write up different scenarios for each woman? Hell, I'll work for free. I'll write up a hundred different short stories if you'll add them to game to make it feel more complete.

No mention of significant deaths outside the battle map.

After Flora dies no one gives a damn in the MyCastle segment. They don't even mention it. Same with Scarlet. The list goes on. It's a nitpick but I really wanted someone to say something regarding any of the major personal blows, but nothing.

Spouse has no role in story/outcome of story.

I already made a thread about this but... Why does your spouse not matter at all? At the end of Conquest Leo doesn't care Azura died, despite being married with two kids. Same with Takumi on Birthright. They both are like "Well, she was like a fart on the wind I suppose". Fantastic husbands.

I mean, some significant stuff happens to the MU - you'd think their spouse would be there to support them or at least comment on the things in their life. Would it really have been that hard to add a few lines of dialogue to huge story moments to account for your significant other?

No unique endings.

All the endings are genetic - some even contradict each other (Elise leaving with Odin, yet in Effie's end she mentions how she says friends with Elise for the rest of her life). Again... maybe they just need more writers at IS? I'd be more than happy to write out unique things for and every pair. Were they strapped for time? It just makes the ending feel... weak. Especially after you've beaten the game just once.

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I'd say that the lack of unique endings is far more than a nitpick; it's supposed to make the players feel like they have done well by hearing how the characters and certain pairings fared after the war, yet it's all the same and, like mentioned numerous times, often contradictory, which robs the player of a feeling of accomplishment. That's far worse than a little nitpick.

But hey, maybe I'm just nitpicking what nitpicking means.

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No shota build for Corrin.

Seconding. I'm basically an IRL shota, why can't I be one in-game? Also, referring to the person who posted below you, if the reason Corrin can't be a shota is because he is a middle child, then how come she can be a loli? :) This is something that actually really pisses me off. I feel no connection to my Corrin whatsoever because he's bigger/older looking than me. I wouldn't be so upset if shota builds weren't a thing in Awakening, however.

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Another nitpick: The artist used a very distinct way to shade the character portraits. Several of Corrrinmui's hairs do not have the same shading—as a matter of fact, only the two default, promotional hairstyles have it. This really is a nitpick but it takes me out of the game, more so than a lot of the other things, when I look at my character's portrait in comparison to the others; it's like the game is sending subliminal messages to get me to choose those horrendous default hairs.

Like, if I don't choose those hairs, my Corrinmui does not belong. We are legion.

EDIT: Someone made a thread about it but also Mitama's portrait is weird, as well. There are some size inconsistencies with her body in comparison to the other characters and something is different with the outlining of her hair in comparison to her body.

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My Castle would have been perfect for reimplementing base conversations from PoR and RD. People really seem to underestimate how much those short little skits flushed out the characters and story.

We're still having trouble getting good critical/skill animations since the jump to portable 3D. Fates is much better than awakening in this regard, but the animations still lack the impact seen in FEs 6-10.

There's no reward for maxing your bond with your S rank partner... it just resets the meter... like wut?

Odin, Selena, Laslow Spoiler

The supports do a fantastic job at hinting that they're actually the same people from awakening, and the Before Awakening DLC flat-out confirms this, but there is no reaction whatsoever to Robin and Lucina einherjars. I know they're einherjars, but still...

By the time I finish Ghostly Gold to get money for Eternal Seals several more of my characters have leveled up enough that I then need more money to buy eternal seals for them as well, and it just repeats from there.

I know there are still other things that bother me, but I can't remember any that haven't already been said off the top of my head.

EDIT: Just remembered another. Birthright gives absolutely no explanation about the Outrealms. They're just kinda there as magical hyperbolic time chambers for kids.

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Odin, Selena, Laslow Spoiler

They actually do react to Robin and Lucina but only if they face off against them in their Hero Battles. All it does is confirm that the Robin and Lucina they've spoken to are not the ones they know.

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I'd say that the lack of unique endings is far more than a nitpick; it's supposed to make the players feel like they have done well by hearing how the characters and certain pairings fared after the war, yet it's all the same and, like mentioned numerous times, often contradictory, which robs the player of a feeling of accomplishment. That's far worse than a little nitpick.

But hey, maybe I'm just nitpicking what nitpicking means.

I was waiting for you to show up, Thane. Welcome. ^_^

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Still Odin, Selena, Laslow spoilers

They actually do react to Robin and Lucina but only if they face off against them in their Hero Battles. All it does is confirm that the Robin and Lucina they've spoken to are not the ones they know.

I just realized that I confused myself in a very silly way. I haven't even done my hero battles in Conquest lol. Of course they didn't react to Lucina/Robin during my Birthright playthrough, they aren't playable in Birthright! ;P Although, it would've been really really cool if they had said something when I was using Lucina/Robin against them in Birthright.

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