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That Soleil/Kana Conversation...


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Well, part of it apparently.

[Kanna: Ahaha! Mother, you too are wonderful! So much that I almost want to eat you!

Soleil: Thank you! Since today is a Festival for Children, I really want to make my cute Kanna even happier. Is there anything I can do…Ah. Perhaps I should use that Magical Powder…

Kanna: …Magical Powder?

Soleil: Yeah. I got it from Kamui back in the past. If you drink this powder, everyone will appear as their opposite sex!

Kanna: What? That sounds fun!

Soleil: Isn’t it!? If we drink it, those undesirable bunch…e-veryone will turn into cute girls! Of course, Kamui too…Your Father was insanely cute…

Kanna: Let’s do it Let’s dooooo it!

Soleil: Gotcha! Then, wait until this Festival is over. Those guys wearing nothing but loin cloth over there, and every single man in our army will look like cute girls, so do look forward for it…

Kanna: Even those guys in loin clothes too!? How embarassing! But, I am so excited! I will be waiting for you after we have taken those thieves down, then. My cute Mother!]


What do you think the USA and European versions will be changed to? After all, the Western Support is FAR superior than the cruddy Eastern version and omits the drugging. Kinda hard to reference something no longer there, no?

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Well, part of it apparently.

[Kanna: Ahaha! Mother, you too are wonderful! So much that I almost want to eat you!

Soleil: Thank you! Since today is a Festival for Children, I really want to make my cute Kanna even happier. Is there anything I can do…Ah. Perhaps I should use that Magical Powder…

Kanna: …Magical Powder?

Soleil: Yeah. I got it from Kamui back in the past. If you drink this powder, everyone will appear as their opposite sex!

Kanna: What? That sounds fun!

Soleil: Isn’t it!? If we drink it, those undesirable bunch…e-veryone will turn into cute girls! Of course, Kamui too…Your Father was insanely cute…

Kanna: Let’s do it Let’s dooooo it!

Soleil: Gotcha! Then, wait until this Festival is over. Those guys wearing nothing but loin cloth over there, and every single man in our army will look like cute girls, so do look forward for it…

Kanna: Even those guys in loin clothes too!? How embarassing! But, I am so excited! I will be waiting for you after we have taken those thieves down, then. My cute Mother!]

They'll probably just change it to the mental exercise. Also,


What do you think the USA and European versions will be changed to? After all, the Western Support is FAR superior than the cruddy Eastern version and omits the drugging. Kinda hard to reference something no longer there, no?

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Here's a thought, maybe you should wait until the whole thing has been translated before you make up your mind that it is a horrible conversation right off the bat.

Edited by December Knight
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Typical Japan, typical Soleil.

Given that Soleil and Kamui's support were changed, of course this one is going to be changed. I didn't mind the original Japanese supports between Soleil and Kamui but I'm also alright with the English ones, one of the few localization changes to supports that I'm actually okay with.

I don't get how it's "disgusting" though. Wasn't the problem with the Soleil Kamui support that he used the powder on Soleil behind her back, so it was non-consensual drugging? If Kanna knows what it does and knowingly agrees to use, what's the deal? If anything Soleil doesn't seem to suggest it to Kanna, Kanna seems to decide on her own to want to try it.

Edited by XaosLogos
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If Kanna knows what it does and knowingly agrees to use, what's the deal?

Exactly. The way the conversation plays out makes it worlds apart from the Corrin x Soleil support. One of the largest problem with the magical powder incident in Corrrin x Soleil was that Corrin did it to Soleil without her advance consent to it.

Here Soleil tells Kana exactly what it is and does and Kana is enthusiastic about the idea of trying it out. Kana is consenting to it and is pretty excited about it.

And that makes a HUGE difference between the scenes.

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Can we wait for an official translation and some more information so we dont take this out of context again? The last time was blown out of proportion from a stupid fan translation from 4-chan and a person's account from tumblr. Please, lets wait for more information before we retrieve our pitchforks and torches.

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Really?...really? Haha! They really made a callback to the magic powder nonsense? I thought IS would have wanted everyone to forget about that one.

Now I wonder how to localize this one. A mother asking her daughter to wear a blindfold would carry some unfortunate implications as well. Mother daughter bondage :D:

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lol op, don't tell me you believe that gay conversion and rape nonsense.

If they don't decide to completely rewrite it, I think I know what the treehouse version will be.

Kanna: is that a blindfold?

Soleil: ye. With it, you can pretend guys are cute girls.

Kanna: Wow, that's not contrived at all.

Soleil: And you fully consent to putting this blindfold on, right?

Kanna: Of course fam. Rrrghg rawrgghh rrrh. That's dragon for "I'm 18."

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lol op, don't tell me you believe that gay conversion and rape nonsense.

If they don't decide to completely rewrite it, I think I know what the treehouse version will be.

Kanna: is that a blindfold?

Soleil: ye. With it, you can pretend guys are cute girls.

Kanna: Wow, that's not contrived at all.

Soleil: And you fully consent to putting this blindfold on, right?

Kanna: Of course fam. Rrrghg rawrgghh rrrh. That's dragon for "I'm 18."

This is fucking gold.

hope you don't mind if i steal this

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This thread should be renamed to "Hey guys you wanna get on Destructoid again"

I mean, this isn't even really anything bad, it's a reference to a (frankly ludicrous) previous support. That's actually pretty good and I wish IS would make more callbacks to previous supports in Parent/Child Supports

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Here's a thought, maybe you should wait until the whole thing has been translated before you make up your mind that it is a horrible conversation right off the bat.


The mere mention of the edited oiut and disgusting drugging alone means it'll be changed in the superior western version that's far more tolerant than that mess.

Drugging, brainwashing and sexual conversion will always be disgusting..

This thread should be renamed to "Hey guys you wanna get on Destructoid again"

I mean, this isn't even really anything bad, it's a reference to a (frankly ludicrous) previous support. That's actually pretty good and I wish IS would make more callbacks to previous supports in Parent/Child Supports

A support that no longer exists as it is still disgusting, homophobic, sexist and predatorial.


lol op, don't tell me you believe that gay conversion and rape nonsense.

If they don't decide to completely rewrite it, I think I know what the treehouse version will be.

Kanna: is that a blindfold?

Soleil: ye. With it, you can pretend guys are cute girls.

Kanna: Wow, that's not contrived at all.

Soleil: And you fully consent to putting this blindfold on, right?

Kanna: Of course fam. Rrrghg rawrgghh rrrh. That's dragon for "I'm 18."

This support is a direct continuation of the original disgusting Corrin x Soleil which no longer exists in our superior version of Soleil x Corrin.

It will be changed and it will be far better than this trash.

Typical Japan, typical Soleil.

Given that Soleil and Kamui's support were changed, of course this one is going to be changed. I didn't mind the original Japanese supports between Soleil and Kamui but I'm also alright with the English ones, one of the few localization changes to supports that I'm actually okay with.

I don't get how it's "disgusting" though. Wasn't the problem with the Soleil Kamui support that he used the powder on Soleil behind her back, so it was non-consensual drugging? If Kanna knows what it does and knowingly agrees to use, what's the deal? If anything Soleil doesn't seem to suggest it to Kanna, Kanna seems to decide on her own to want to try it.

You should as it shows how far Japan still has to go in regards to LGBT rights and representation. Not to mention it makes Corrin look like a sexual predator and Soleil as a victim who has been brainwashed into thinking what happened was okay when it never was. It's quite sad to even bring it up to her child who doesn't know any better. If they were older they may question the drugging thing more.

It was non-consensual, predatory, and extremely homophobic.

What's worse is that a lot of Soleil's convos in the scrambnle are her trying to "seal the deal" with girls yet she still cannot S Rank a single one. No, they want to have their cake, to fulfill 3 some fantasies, and eat it, Soleil is into girls but she saw the "light" of men - whom she has zero attraction to - after the "right guy" converted her from loving girls.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Drugging, brainwashing and sexual conversion will always be disgusting..

A support that no longer exists as it is still disgusting, homophobic, sexist and predatorial.


This support is a direct continuation of the original disgusting Corrin x Soleil which no longer exists in our superior version of Soleil x Corrin.

It will be changed and it will be far better than this trash.


We get it. You loathe the original JP support, but can you please for the love of God keep all that on the down low? Otherwise it feels as if this thread was made just for the sole purpose of venting steam.

/On topic, it's really too early to say what they'll change it to. You just don't know.

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Please Soleil was never been intended being a LGBT person in the first place. None of her support was intended to offend anybody either and yet people got offended for some misinformation and different culture values. Japanese people have a thing about "Cute girls" and the entire ordeal doesn't make make the character lesbian nor bisexual.

So please: sJe1VSz.png

And peace I'm out.1129e21a34830b63a0f62ef97e31667d.gif

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Just to throw in my two cents, while I get that the actual content of the support seems to have been misunderstood, I still think the writers of the game deserve full blame for making such a character to begin with.

There were multiple ways they could have handled Soleil's character but instead they just made her awkward to understand. It's why I can't even blame Treehouse for the change purely because of all the ruckus it caused.

Misunderstood or not, it's still a poor character trait. Hopefully Intelligent Systems will take better care in the future to actually THINK about the kinds of characters they're thinking up.

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Just to throw in my two cents, while I get that the actual content of the support seems to have been misunderstood, I still think the writers of the game deserve full blame for making such a character to begin with.

There were multiple ways they could have handled Soleil's character but instead they just made her awkward to understand. It's why I can't even blame Treehouse for the change purely because of all the ruckus it caused.

Misunderstood or not, it's still a poor character trait. Hopefully Intelligent Systems will take better care in the future to actually THINK about the kinds of characters they're thinking up.

It's not like it's something IS made up. It's a normal japanese trope that they wouldn't think twice about.The people in the west are just ignorant and the sjw movement just made it seem like something it isn't. I'll definitely blame treehouse for catering to clickbait journos and hypersensitive tumblr users. Nothing good can come from heading in that direction.

Also, it's more than obvious from that other post that op's a troll.

@AddictPunk nice sig

Edited by Glyth
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This thread quickly became garbage and was only going to get worse. I'm not hiding it because the TL snippet might be relevant enough to leave up, but we don't need more shitstorm arguments about the Soleil support, whether trolling or in good faith.

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