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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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"No, you're not disturbing a thing, Cass." Owen quickly deflected, and followed Adele out of the room at the heiress' call. "Uh... I don't think Father knows, Cass. Either way, I think he'll be resign to the fact you're safer at my side, for now." It was the same point as he'd just spoke to Adele; he felt it was valid enough to impart with, and raised a finger for effect. "Either way, the dungeon accident wasn't good for him, but Father's not going to... go because of that, alright?" He was more reassuring himself at this point, without thinking. "The best medics are giving him attention, he just needs to respect his rest and not strain himself. You know how stubborn he can be." Sheesh. Maybe it was best to just drop it at that point.

"I mean, even if he finds out, it might be too late, we're leaving in a few days, sister." Now that was much more comfortable for Owen to speak of, "We've just got word from Queen Ethel, and by its looks, the war is going to start before I have any say, lest we prepare to leave no." He passed a glance between his sister and Adele. "...And, if that topic is too sensitive, I can go."

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Owen continued to skirt around the topic of the King, as expected... this was all coming so fast, that Adeltrudis herself was surprised that she had managed to keep so composed over the matter. Though when Cass said she wanted to discuss something they had talked about before, Adele couldn't help but wonder what exactly she was referring to... she hadn't given much to hint at the matter, after all.

"I don't know exactly what it is you want to discuss, Cassandra, so it's hard to say. I think that's a call the two of you will have to make." Adele replied, as they reached her room, the heiress resting her hand on the door handle.

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Cass swore Owen was tensing up over this... Maybe she was simply tense, herself, and was projecting the issue. There was no point in pressing him. "If he doesn't know, I must at least go and tell him before I leave... I owe him that much, as I know he can't stop me; he didn't before." Cass nodded, addressing Adele as they made it to her room. "No, it should be fine. Owen can listen. I'm sure he'd be concerned if he didn't."

Cass pushed past Adele into her own room, sitting herself on the edge of the bed before giving a moment to the nobles, so they could come in as well. "So! Who's up for a story? A story about my lead on who tried to kidnap me." She huffed quietly, leaning forwards. "Gewaint stopped by, before he left, and he told me to find Ratty; that small, scared man that led you to me that night, Adele. He said that Ratty could take me to the Thieves Guild, where I would be able to find information on who did this, or at least try to. What he didn't mention, was that you have to go alone, and blindfolded, I assume to hide the location of the place." She sighed. "I'd rather not get whisked away, this time by my own bidding, if things were to go wrong... And I know that if I'd gone, and you'd found out about it, Adele, you would have gone ballistic over me. I didn't want that-- more so, I didn't want to worry the two of you."

With a small flourish of her hair, Cass leaned back again. "And so here I am. What do we do? Who do we send? This is the only thing we can do for more information, unless both of you have something you're not sharing?"

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It's actually his name...? These clowns definitely didn't seem to be the smartest bunch. She wasn't sure what to do about Slappy though. A sick clown wasn't what she'd been looking for, but depending on the state he was in, maybe he wouldn't be too unwilling to try out a cure.

She hadn't really decided yet, but Claire headed around the back of the tent all the same. Seeing him at least couldn't hurt.

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"Absolutely not, I won't allow it." Adele replied flatly, as Cassandra said her piece. Even if she had no reason to distrust Ratty, the man having been helpful prior, she still wasn't anywhere near as trusting of Gewaint as the Gaffney siblings, and all of this was far too conveniently similar to Cassandra's earlier kidnapping.

"If you think this lead so important, then I will take it myself. I won't allow you to endanger yourself... or anyone else, over this nonsense. It's far too suspicious... even if Ratty's intentions are pure, who can say the others in this thieves guild hold the same?"

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Cass had expected a reaction like that, tempted to roll her eyes, but holding back to hopefully not escalate things. She understood Adele's worries, but it wouldn't hurt to trust someone who had already helped them so much. What Adele said next, though? Nuh uh. "It's not fine for me to endanger myself or anyone else over this nonsense, except you? I don't think so." She stood up, staring down Adele. "Everything you've just said applies to you, too. If it's too dangerous for me, then it is for you. Being honest, I came here to tell the two of you before I went off myself; you should be glad I did that much." She sighed, trying to back down some. "This is just... It's my mess. Someone did this to me because of how I've been acting, and what I've been doing. And I want to settle it, not... Not throw someone else in the way of my danger."

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"You're the one with the history of being kidnapped, Cass. If anything, anyone who knows of my history with suitors wouldn't even bother, all things considered." Adele replied, meeting Cassandra's gaze with a fierce glare of her own, not shifting or moving herself in the slightest.

"Regardless, I'm not budging on this, and I'll not allow you to let yourself be whisked away so soon after I managed to narrowly stop you from being defiled by a group of street urchins. If you're unwilling to allow me to go in your stead, then the information isn't worth having. Owen, back me up here." Adele continued, a scowl growing on her face, the grinding of her teeth openly audible by this point.

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"A 'history'? One time does not suddenly denote a history." Cass tried to stay calm, but Adele was running purely on emotion; not that she could entirely blame her, but even so! "That doesn't mean something wouldn't go wrong with you were someone to push one of your buttons. There are rules to follow, people who break them get into trouble; if someone came up to you with a jeer or an insult regarding me, would you hold back?"

"I am not your object to hide and keep safe from the world, Adele," Cass said with a slight bit of venom, biting it back and sighing again. "I know things went poorly, but this is all we have! Do you have anything else? Anything at all? If you do, tell me, and I will stop, but this is all I know about. It's something to go on which could lead me to finding a clue, another lead; anything, and sitting around with it waving itself in my face is just... It tests my patience." Cass truly hoped Owen would look at this from both sides, and not just jump in with Adele. She wouldn't be able to talk down both of them.

Edited by Melissa
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"To have no troubles... how wonderful that would be," Sidney agreed, thoughts almost drifting away before the queen asked a question- a rather sudden change in topic. It took her a few moments to register exactly what Eowa had said. "Sorry, I was just caught off-guard a bit by it... that would be a bit strange, wouldn't it? It breaks many traditions that we have about bearing children through marriage, especially of succession is a concern. That said, I guess it'd be unusual, but there's not really anything morally wrong with it, is there? It's not illegal for women or men to love others of their own sex. Things that are strange or unusual aren't always bad. It would be a non-traditional marriage, but if they loved each other, then maybe they could be happy together." She shifted a bit in her seat at the discussion of marriage, especially this unusual case. "Is there a pressing reason why it would be bothering you, Your Highness?" ... Cass?

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Oh dear. The argument between the two became heated very quickly, that was as good a sign as any for Owen to step in. "Well... let's consider our options again. Shall we?" With Cass' last words, things had a small chance to devolve further, Owen had to intrude and claim attention quickly. The young prince took a step forward, "You say that Gewaint recommended this 'Ratty" man, claiming that the answers we seek are in the Thieves' Guild... I do want to find out that information, sister." He reassured, but continued before any interruption could be made. "First, I don't find it likely that Gewaint was responsible for your kidnapping, he was stripped of his power and sat in a dungeon ever since he came here. The one possible dangerous position is that he is a pawn for someone with a greater influence. This is... not too unlikely." The prince readily admitted, frowning for a fraction of a moment.

"No matter, in the event that we have to send someone, they'll need to be aware of the events. Chances are they won't be able to pick up the information we need if they don't have a notion of what's happening behind the scenes, so that leaves..." Owen did a mental count, "One of us three, or Commander Niko of the Reliants. He's asked us an explanation of what was going on, and has had contact with Gewaint. I doubt he'd be thrilled to dig deeper in our business, though..." The prince digressed, but he was trying his most to be objective on the matter, which he thought was important at that moment. "If he's out of the matter, then... the thieves' guild is well hidden, if I were to send you and you didn't return... then I'd be in panic, sister." He stated, following an exasperated sigh. "Because that will bring whoever's behind this one step closer to their plans. It know it's rather cold to say it... but they can't use Adele like they would use you, if their plan is anything like we were thinking." Owen cringed briefly as he went through that train of logic, he knew Cass wouldn't like it. "Yet, Adele is important enough that they can't get rid of her without raising attention that something is amiss."

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Alain was somewhat aware of the sort of "experience" the man was talking about. The pure glee he felt after casting his first couple of spells was like no other. Though, at the time he had simply attributed it to the fact that he had made progress in a self learned field. They didn't teach dark magic at the college, or anywhere really, so the mystery of it all was really what had drawn him in.

"A wealth of power you say, hmm?" Alain considered the statement. It appeared as though he had only scratched the surface of what was truly being offered to him, but a man such as himself wasn't particularly in dire need of power. But the knowledge that it would come with, that was a different story. "You seem to be well acquainted with the power that the darkness is hiding, yes? You've certainly been at this longer than I have," he said. "If that's the case, would you care to show me some of this... power, you've come to obtain?" he said, standing up from his seat. A little fresh air would be good for the old man, and himself. More importantly than that, this was his chance to see someone else other than him performing dark magic.

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"So long as I know you're safe at home, I'd not be riled so easily." Adele replied, before Owen got his piece in. He seemed to have his head on straight at least, Adeltrudis nodding along with his points.

"We simply can't afford to risk you going alone, when you're the one who is being targeted. Owen going is out of the question as well, for obvious reasons. I understand that this information is important to you, but tossing you straight into the Lion's den with no way out is not worth obtaining it... it's because I know how important it is to you that I'm offering to go on your place at all."

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Eventually, after storing the money to be given to Count Perte, Angus makes his way back to the hall of comfortable discomfort: the training grounds. Chasing grunts and doing drills became a bore after awhile, though, and Hogan was too strong to meaningfully fight. [Where are all the strong blokes here?] Still, the bear baron chased down his fellow soldiers for a spar, hoping at least one would be a real challenge. Due diligence suggested that he make further preparations to visit his new territory, yet... he was truly at a loss. Claire would still be out shopping, and he didn't know to whom else to turn for advice. So, while he had a couple of hours, 'round and 'round he went.

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Cass grit her teeth as Owen did what she'd wished he wouldn't, sighing as they both made good points, not that it made her feel any better. One thing was still weighing on her though. "There's no way they can use Adele? Are you mad, Owen?" She bit her lip, stepping towards them. "They can use her to get to me. What am I to do if this was some elaborate trap, she's caught, and I am held with her life in the balance while they order me and you around. You say that her disappearance will raise alarm, but a ransom and a threat is enough to quiet even her father from making this public..." She stepped up to Adele finally, staring her down right close.

"So am I just to accept this? I cannot go because you forbid it, and instead I must sit here in torment waiting for you to return? Is that how it's going to be, Adele? This is still my mess and yet I cannot do anything about it? WELL?"

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"Yes, that's the gist of it, Cass. I can go, or you can decide it's not worth going after... unless you have a suggestion for a willing volunteer that would be able to get the job done, that's the end of it." Adele replied flatly, not backing down to Cassandra's aggressive tone or posturing.

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Cass grabbed Adele by the shirt, scowling her down, but she was right, and that... Cass started to cry a bit, gritting her teeth harder-- before pushing herself up and giving Adele a furious kiss, ignoring Owen for the moment. She let it sit a moment, before pulling back, letting her go. "Then you'd better be safe! Understand!? If you come back with so much as a scratch, you won't hear the end of it from me..." Cass was still upset, but they needed this information, lest the night of the Lucky Goose play itself out again-- with perhaps a worse ending.

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"I..." Owen dreaded to admit Cass had a point, but she wasn't wrong that they could use Adele to lure her, it wasn't beyond possibility. Right. It's not like Adele is expendable, I lost my train of thought for a moment... Catching himself on that left a pretty awful taste. During his short reflection, however, Adele had seemed to have forced Cass' hand into choosing between their option or not going. It seems that it'll be how it is... it's still safer than you going, Cass. With an exasperated sigh, as his sister grew more indignant, Owen opened his mouth to interject.

That is, until the moment she aggressively made a move to kiss Adele, completely ignoring his presence.

Uh... Owen had his finger raised, but words escaped him at the scene, Cass had said something about Adele staying safe, but his brain hasn't registered her resigning quite yet. Cass, I'm here... I was just talking to you... The prince bit his lip and lowered his hand, crossing his arms behind his back, and turning his head away from the two noblewomen. "So..." Owen finally brought himself to speak, "What are we to do now? Do we go find this 'Ratty' person, or..."

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This was such nonsense.

At the least, the Princess wasn't rushing off recklessly, which was about the best that could be hoped for- and at the Herman's, she would be safe. Her job all set for now, Freya headed to the barracks, which wasn't exactly relaxing either but beat running around Hull all day. With an exasperated sigh, she started to get to work on some sword practice, beating down dummies. Some people were running around or doing drills, but she dismissed company to train in solitude.

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"Heh... I'll do my best, Cass." Adele replied, giving Cassandra a light grin as the Princess pulled away from the abrupt kiss... it had taken some doing, but they had at least gotten her on side... Adele found herself far less worried, now. Of course, Owen soon made himself known once again, clearly a bit flustered by the unexpected development.

"Before any of that, Cass, Owen, I need to know everything that the both of you do, about all this. Any detail you can think of, as well as anything else Gewaint might have told you. If we're going to do this, we'd better damn well do it right, something tells me we won't get a chance for a re-do."

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"Sorry crowd today, innit Geoffrey?", Angus inquires of his pet. There really wasn't anyone present today who could offer him a challenge: just a smattering of weaklings and one man who's demonstrably tired of painting the floor with the contents of Angus' stomach. [He's too green, he's half my size, he's too old to train hard...] After rattling down the list of men about, a nearly masochistic eye chances upon someone he hasn't seen before. Judging by all that armor, she would probably be fine in a spar, so Angus tapped Freya's shoulder with his fist after a particularly heavy blow to the dummy.

"You mind goin' a round with me?", Angus asks with surprising politeness. "Bit disappointin' out here today, seems like there isn't a strong arm t'be found." Perhaps his perception was colored by the fact that nobody wanted to risk actually hitting the bear-toting loon, but regardless, today hadn't been the best day for him to flex his muscles! If he had to get his workout from a woman, that was how it would have to go, no matter if it was personally distasteful.

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Right. Owen was there. Cass flushed a bright, embarrassed shade of pink before turning away from the both of them, nodding furiously. "R-Right, yes..." Owen wanted to know what to do and Adele wanted to know everything. "R-Ratty is waiting downtown, near one of the small bridges; I'll show you both there... As for that, Adele, I suppose Owen and I can take some time to tell you all of what we know... It's a lot though, alright?" she said, finally turning back around, still rosy. "So make sure you're paying attention."

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[spoiler=In a galaxy far, far away, two kids play King and Counselor.(March 25th, mid-afternoon)]Owen's new Baron and advisor seeks his way to the Princely chambers, after having had maps and timetables foisted upon him. The poor man struggled to wrap his head around the pile of information, but understood that the Prince was going to Raewald (and soon!), and what the options were. With a warning knock, Angus pokes in, shooing Geoffrey's nose away from the tails of his papers.

"My Prince, I'm afraid I'll need your attention for a moment." He stakes out a table, spreading maps over it. He leans in with both hands, waiting for Owen to approach before continuing.

"Righ'. So you probably know we've got some options here, I'll try'n pass on what I could cram into me noggin." Angus scratches his chin--kept clean, lately. A very alien feeling to him. "We got three ways t'do it, mostly. Two of 'em go through West Kearney--one through Magonsaete, one 'round their coast. A third east, off Gringolett's port an' through Myrcia. Magonsaete's quickest by far, bit over a fortnight. Goin' 'round is only a few days shy of goin' to Myrcia, but... I'm thinkin' such a voyage would be in a lotta ways more dangerous than walkin' through." He rights himself, balling one hand into a confident fist. "Puttin' down some bandits is one thing, takin' a siege bolt through the ship is another, eh? Finally, we could go through Myrcia; decent route, but takes some time, an'... honestly, this isn't too much your problem, but..." Angus trails off for a moment before asserting himself. "It'd do some good for me an' Doug to check things out. The ol' Dettard lands are probably in a bit of a state, plus we gotta pass this off to Perte, right?" The baron still hesitated to call the lands his own; besides, Doug had some stake in what Dettard had, too!

A fairly hefty purse thumps onto the table. "Pulled a thousand fifty, so that'll be 'bout twice what his villagers gave me t'help. An' on th'war chest... I think you know what you should do, Your Highness", Angus remarks. "Fifteen grand is a helluva lot, an' we should stay equipped for some time on that. If anythin' I'd pass on it, but if we've gotta go on campaign up there properly we wouldn' wanna turn back for it!"


Taking a seat and having his gaze locked on the maps for the greater part of Angus' speech, Owen contemplated the options, most specifically the ones passing through Magonsaete, with a dark expression. "You and Doug aren't the only ones worried. I just turned regent. Engel forbid something happens to my father." There was an exasperated sigh, as Owen moved his hand to denote the Magonsaeten coast. "You suppose they'll have siege weaponry? I'd be more concerned about pirates myself." If they sink a ship... then that's truly the worst scenario. Too much of a risk. "...Say, if we go by land, how fast do you reckon we can pass through their worst territories? Assuming we keep the best pace we can, of course. As for how much we'll take... shouldn't we estimate how many supplies we'll need? I'm sure going at a fast pace will worn us out more, but at sea we'd need to stock up for about two months."


Angus leans in close over the table, drumming a finger on his skull. "Don't matter much how; there be ways t'do it. Can't speak too much for naval combat, but I know it ain't exactly our specialty, eh? An' timing..." Angus shuffles through the papers he was given for a few moments before chancing upon the route summary given to him by the cartographer. "Right, lessee here. Blah blah bandit infested, blah blah eminent danger... fortnight an' three days? An' I remember offhand he said goin' through Myrcia'd be a month, an' by sea's a tad shorter." The baron shrugs at the mention of supplies, though. "It's a bit more expensive t'pack for both ways; I'd go by how much I trust Raewald here."


"A fortnight and three days?" Owen raised an eyebrow, taking a time to reconsider. "That's undoubtedly the fastest road. We'd take the most risk but at least we'd be there early, very likely before the war starts." He put a finger to his chin, lost in thoughts very quickly. "Say, you're always erring on the side of my safety. Do you think we'd be prepared for this kind of campaign?" It was a very risky idea, but the prospect of coming back to Wyke sooner enticed Owen. "If not, then I guess the best option would be Myrcia..."


Angus eyes Owen honestly--that was the idea, even if Magonsaete did have its own inherent risks. "Th'way I see it, you're only in any danger if the bandits really organize--an' we're all pretty dead already on that day, eh?" He laughs off the idea before getting to the meat of the matter.

"I don't worry 'bout you to terribly much, honestly; you're smart enough t'stay outta trouble. Bandits can't get you, but th'big stuff might. We do this, I tear up anyone in the way, give you a bit more room to do what only you can." The baron rests a hand on Owen's. "We can handle any fightin' that needs t'be done. You've got enough duties as it stands."


The prince cringed at the idea of bandits making an organized attack. "Let's not joke about that..." With the past few event being potentially tied to some Magonsaeten faction, the thought of a chain of command for that thorn of a country finally rising didn't seem that implausible. Definitely not one bit encouraging, either. "I suppose we'd travel at a brisk enough pace to avoid any big risks in their territory, either way." The prince cleared his throat, "We're not a two-man army, so if we're travelling through Magonsaete then I'll definitely take an entourage. As for the war chest... I'll procure fifteen thousand with Earl Valter and Duke Herman. If things go too bad, then... I suppose I'll procure more in Raewald itself, but let's pray it does not get to that either way."


The baron grins, righting himself--the Prince had a good pair on him, no matter how well he hid it! "Righ' then. I'll let th'usual know, maybe hit up a few of th'more noble types who're good on the field." His mind drifted to Earl Valter's daughters; though they could be a bit of a handful, they would be presentable enough with a guiding hand... which namely meant "keep Nona away from the booze and keep a tight leash on Morta". Probably not a problem!

"I'll be gettin' on that, then." Angus snaps twice, beckoning his pet to depart with him. "You know where t'find me, Your Highness."


"More nobles? Now I really hope this won't go awry, wouldn't do Wyke any good if a noble massacre happened within its oldest enemy's lands." Owen added the observation, "Let's keep things tight about our route until we leave, hm? Tell whomever you find combat worthy to keep quiet about it, too."

"But very well," The prince stood up for his seat, "That should be it, thanks for your time, Baron Kearney."

"Right... we should get moving then." Owen figured it was best, now that they've been reminded of his presence. There wasn't much point in staying anyways. "You know where this Ratty is? Alright, please lead us, Cass." He turned to leave, when Cass touched the subject of telling Adele all they knew. ...Oh, of course. Owen turned around, a palm planted in his face. "Right, right. There is that." The embarrased prince took a step away from the door and cleared his throat, "Alright, I suppose I should start..."

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"Huh?" Freya's training was interrupted by an unfamiliar soldier tapping her soldier, already acting like the other soldiers weren't worth his time, some sort of animal following him around. What's the deal with all this today? "... Sure, I guess. Hope you're a quick thinker." She turned her training sword towards him, only checking to see he already had a weapon before taking a fast swing at him.

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Open Dialogue

Larissa leaned forwards curiously, amused by Serge's openness. "What's the next part, you know, the juicy stuff?" she teased, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "There's always Doug or Commander, they seem your type. They both probably have money too, I think you'd make a perfect housewife. You shouldn't think too much about these things, otherwise you'll just spend all your time wondering and never get anything done."

Pony Power

Thankfully Doug had managed to avoid trouble in the city, despite his large sack of money. The rider had been given a few funny looks here and there, but it was something he was very used to. The city became less dense as he progressed out towards the countryside.

It didn't take long, but Doug came across a fenced area, housing what appeared to be a good few dozen horses. A man in overalls and a straw hat, probably somewhere in his fifties, was standing near some stables. It appeared to be the right place, but there was no sign of anything like a wyvern or even a pegasus.

Clowning Around

The clowns followed after Claire, directing her to Slappy. She found him in a small tent, barely large enough for more than two people. His costume was torn, his eyes were bloodshot, Slappy was not a well clown. Coughing, the clown looked up feebly at Claire, baring his toothless grin as he struggled to breathe. One of the clowns whispered to another, Claire could just about make out something about a bucket.

"Yer not making me part of the freakshow, are you, guys?" he coughed, covering his mouth with a dirty rag. "Coughing clowns ain't exactly very interesting, miss. I'm far better when I'm well."

The other clowns looked at each other grimly, there was something they knew that Slappy didn't.

Troubled Queen

Eowa didn't seem terribly convinced by Sidney's reasoning. The Queen shook her head, looking across at a holy book on the table. "It might not be illegal, but it's certainly strange. If it were fine, wouldn't Engel not forbid it?" she replied, her hand slightly unsteady. "I have a few things I need to attend to, Charlotte. I do wonder how my husband is doing, perhaps I shall be allowed to speak to him."

The Queen rose quickly from her chair, not even putting her book away. There was a sense of urgency as she hurried past Sidney, not even wishing her a formal goodbye.

Dark Demonstration

The man grinned darkly, Alain had piqued his interest. "Probably longer than you've been alive, my child." he replied, standing himself up slowly, his joints cracking as he rose. "It's a little too crowded here for my tastes. Meet me at the sewers and I'll give you a full demonstration... don't bring any friends, it's an invite only event."

Limping towards the door, the man left the Codger. Almost nobody had paid attention to him, the rest of the patrons were far too caught up in their own business to notice his disappearance.


Hogan couldn't believe it, Angus had returned yet again. He was starting to wonder if he would ever be rid of him again. Another fight was about to start up, at least it would be remotely amusing to see Kearney get his rear handed to him. Beckoning Nelon over to watch, Hogan chortled. "My money's on the pipsqueak in the bucket, Kearney's far too soft to last too long." Hogan muttered, giving Nelon a nudge.

Nelon looked at the fight with curious eyes, his focus on Angus' arm. He'd seen Freya fight, and experienced it first hand, but this would be something new.

[spoiler=Snoresville: The Fight]


35 HP

3 Atk

65% Hit

0% Crit



35 HP

7 Atk

100% Hit

0% Crit

Angus attacks!

(26 41)

Angus deals 3 damage! (32/35 HP remaining)

Freya attacks!

(27 23)

Freya deals 7 damage! (28/35 HP remaining)

Angus can't charge!

Freya attacks!

(69 69)

Freya deals 7 damage! (21/35 HP remaining)

Angus counters!

(70 16)

Angus misses!

Angus attacks!

(15 94)

Angus deals 3 damage! (29/35 HP remaining)

Freya attacks!

(12 14)

Freya deals 7 damage! (14/35 HP remaining)

Freya attacks!

(95 51)

Freya deals 7 damage! (7/35 HP remaining)

Angus counters!

(87 33)

Angus misses!

Angus attacks!

(19 58)

Angus deals 3 damage! (26/35 HP remaining)

Freya attacks!

(38 99)

Freya deals 7 damage! (7/35 HP remaining)

Both units gain 5 XP!

Angus gains 4 WEXP!

Freya gains 5 WEXP!

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Serge sighed, ignoring the housewife comment. "Niko is more like...a father. Someone you don't want to disappoint. Doug...no. Just no." He sat up, again. They did have money, that was true. But marrying for money did not sound like the happiest relationship. "Alright, Larissa. What about you? What do you look for in a partner?"

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