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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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"If that's how you feel about it... just don't let it weigh you down. You're too kind to be plagued by these sorts of things, especially when so many people are there for you. Sometimes decisions don't need to be made alone." Sidney walked with the prince down the castle halls quietly together, following his lead. "A fine establishment? Are you asking me on a date in the town, prince?" she teased. "Well, I am rather hungry, so that would probably be a good first step anyway. After that, I think I should find out where I'll be staying during my time here. From there we can figure out what to do later," Sidney outlined. "That seems like a fair way to spend the day to me. Well, shall we get started?"

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The midget pointed to the city, laughing. "If you want mice an' rats, you don't have to look very hard." he chortled, somewhat amused by Emmet's request. "We don't keep 'em but you'll probably find some lurking about."

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The Circus

"We don't got no animals we're willin' to give away... unless yer'll be willing to pay for fer some of the badgers we use fer feed. I'll give you a trio of them fer 100 gold." the midget replied, putting his hand out for coins. "I figure we could spare a few."

The ringmaster seemed to give in to the situation, beckoning his ugly clowns back to the tend. "We'll have to figure something out, we'll be ruined if we can't get any shows done." he lamented. "I'd do almost anything to get my hands on a bear."

Tea Time

"That'll be thirty seven gold, miss!" he replied, pushing forward the tin. "Buyin' it in bulk makes things so much cheaper! I figure makin' it must be the same! If there's anything else you need, just let me know an' I'll see if I can get it!"

Adele acquires some tea?

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"Perfect, thank you." Adeltrudis replied, placing down the small amount of gold from her purse, before taking the tin of tea, giving the shopkeep a smile, and exiting the store.

"Well then, Sebastian. I do hope that you're the type of butler that makes a good cup of tea." Adele noted to the man as he exitted, before heading back to the town square, and towards the vendor.

"This will likely be the last stop... there are some more shops in the slums, but as expected... my kind aren't exactly welcome there. Although if you dressed down, you might be able to get away with being there..." The young Lady Herman noted, as she stepped into the vendor.

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100 Gold Emmet thought to himself. That seems obscene. Then again what do I know about catching live animals? This could be a pretty good deal. The chickens will probably be cheaper but I haven't actually eaten badger in a while and they could make a good meal if the experiment fails. Emmet put his hand out, or rather down, in order to reach the midget. "You've got a deal." Wow I'm kind of getting low on money. I wonder if that Claire girl could hook me up with some mercenary work. This has eaten into a large chunk of next week's rent.

Edited by Jotari
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Adele's shopping spree

"Of course, Lady Adeltrudis." he replied, grinning slightly. "I'm well versed in all sorts of... brews. If there's anywhere you require me to visit, I can do so discreetly."

The vendor's store was much like the herbalist, although lacking the unusual smells. A rather young attractive lady sat at the counter, idly flicking through the pages. "If it's spells and staves you're looking for, you're in the right place. Just don't wake up grandma, she gets awfully cranky when customers make too much noise." she yawned, turning back a page. "We have a few interesting items in stock, don't know how long they'll last."

Vendor inventory is revealed!

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Niko shook his head as Serge began to laugh. "You think of something funny there? And I think it might be best if we don't go anywhere else for alcohol right now Doug. Got us in enough trouble airway, don't you think?"

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Five days later

The following days passed surprisingly quickly, the hustle and bustle of Hull meant that everyone had kept busy. Having fully recovered from the wounds of the last battle, everyone was back at their best - hopefully they wouldn't need to fight any time soon. It was both the day of the diplomatic meeting between Raewald and Wyke, which had come as a surprise to most, and as well as the day of Dettard's execution... which had brewed several rumours around the noble courts.

The royal siblings, along with Duke Herman, Lionel and General Gringolet had all met in one of the formal meeting rooms, with heavily armed guards at the door. The King had been unable, or unwilling to attend, leaving Owen to deal with discussions.

They were met by a few of the Raewaldan diplomats, a mixture of minor nobles and their men. Traversing from their capital to Wyke was an arduous task, it was unsurprising after a request at this short notice. Their main spokesman was a young man, probably not too much older than Owen. Duke Herman and the General remained silent, waiting for their guests to introduce themselves.

Owen, Cass, Lionel and Alain are free to speak in this scene! The rest of the cast are still on free RP segment!

Angus' Bear Raising Minigame updates!

Sebastian has revealed wares from the Rusty Cutlass!

Larissa has revealed wares from the Voodoo Hut!

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The time in Hull went by quickly for Sidney- she had managed to adjust herself relatively well to the lifestyle, and seemed to be in the good graces of the king and queen- she even had a room in the castle. Though mostly uneventful so far, her days were enjoyable and she felt good about herself living honestly, as short a time as had passed by.

Less welcome to her was that there was to be a diplomatic meeting on this day- between Wyke and Raewald. That she hadn't been talked to about it seemed like a good sign, but still inwardly worried her. Just when I start being nice the world is out to get me! Still, it could be a coincidence- it'd be somewhat unlikely there would be enough time for her to be discovered and people sent after her. Besides, it hardly seemed like a full group like this would be necessary to get her into trouble.

Regardless, she decided that stressing herself out over it wouldn't help her either way. During her time in the town, she'd gotten a chance to buy some of her own clothing, some fancier than others. For the morning she opted for an aquamarine dress, plain and without sleeves, as well as a black headband adorned with a rose that Owen had remarked looked nice. Figuring she was ready for the day ahead, Sidney set out for the city hall. It was bound to be lively, and that was the sort of excitement she decided she was looking for today.

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[spoiler=Retro: Day three. A busy evening in Castle Gaffney]

"Knock knock~" Cass' voice rang through the hall as she rapped her knuckle against Owen's door. "Unless you're getting dressed, I'd like in to talk, Owen~" It was fairly early in the morning, Cass coming to bother her brother before he went off to his meetings and politics. She had to ask him about Dettard, still, and it was probably fair to tell him about Adele. Maybe not... Everything, about Adele, but, at least that I asked her. So she waited for him to open the door, tapping her foot lightly, not out of irritation-- yet.

"Hm?" Owen turned quickly as he heard the calling from outside the room --he recognized the voice readily, it was Cass alright. "Wait? Right now?" To the princess' convenience, Owen wasn't particularly busy, making it quickly for the door. "Uh, there should still be an hour until I have to leave, so it's fine." He opened the door, inviting his sister in. "What's the matter, Cass?"

"Ah, good. I'd not want to take your time if you were busy. I just wanted to talk about some things." Cass let herself in quickly, hopping over to his bed and taking a seat at the edge. "So! I've got news, and I want to hear some things from you, so I'll let you choose who goes first. If you go first, I'd like to hear about Dettard, though." She dropped her smile a bit. "I know he's been sentenced to death... Which I am entirely fine with, the wretch that he is. But, he talked to you when you fought him, and you said you'd tell me what he said late. So, go ahead and choose who is to speak first-- but you don't get to know my topic until I start~"

"...Some things?" Owen gave a puzzled look, wondering what kind of topic Cass would decide to bring up at such peculiar time. As she quickly made herself forward, Owen shut the door and walked a few steps. News? But we just got back, what did you do this time? If a bit too concerned, Owen's focus was broken the moment Cassandra brought up Dettard. "Ah..." He looked at her with a conflicted frown, it seemed she was okay with the verdict, but it truly slipped Owen's mind to tell Cass anything about the matter before.

"Well, I... hmm. It's complicated. I'd prefer to tell it first --I admit I forgot to tell you what happened, Cass, but I don't know if it'll damper your mood." Owen took a seat on the edge of his own bed, by his sister's side. "So, I guess this is a bad news and... whatever your news are. Should I go first?"

"I can handle it. It's just Dettard, it can't be that dire-- and I said, you pick who goes first! No weaseling out of it, brother."

"Tch." That strategy never did work too well with Cassandra, she knew Owen too well. "Fine, bad news first." Owen coughed, as if to clear his throat. "During our duel, Dettard claimed he was my older brother." Owen actually let that sink in, turning to face his sister, "I thought he was just trying to throw me off at first. Sure his hair has rosy streaks, but that much meant nothing. However... he struck me with our family's emerald sword technique during that fight, five swift strikes." Owen attempted to mimic the motions he remembered Dettard doing with his arms, at a much slower place, his memory of the event still quite fresh. "Father said that only our family would know how to use that technique. That's when I got a bit concerned."

Lowering his arms, Owen grasped the edge of his bed with a tight grip. "When we got home, once we were done reporting, father told me to go to the dungeons. Did you catch that? I think you left the room sooner." Owen's gaze stared blankly at the floor as his mind went through the unpleasant memories of the dungeon. "At the dungeon, I asked father why would Dettard know so much, and if he was related to us at all. Father deflected my question, he was very angry." Biting his lip, the prince tried his best to hold back a frown. "He prompted me to make a decision about Dettard right there... I was the one that sentenced him. I was afraid he'd just become too bitter and vengeful if he was given a chance. Father had no mercy in how he was treated when he got to the dungeon." Dropping his shoulders, Owen let out a sigh. "So... yeah, maybe Gewaint Dettard is related to us, somehow. Maybe dad fooled around and now he wants him gone as well. Dettard is no flower, but all this... sort of got to me."

"Excuse me?" was Cass' first reaction to such news. To think that Dettard was at all related to them was a disgusting thought that Cassandra wanted no part of. Owen's retelling of the tale felt a bit too strong to simply reject, though. It wasn't like anyone could perform something like that; not even Cass herself had the skill to perform it. If Dettard could perform the skill, that held some credence. She sighed as Owen clutched the bed, listening to him further. "I did, or at least I remember it, as furious as I was with Father." So... That's why you've been so out of sorts. Oh, poor, poor Owen... Cass leaned over and gave Owen a hug as he finished, running a hand gently through his hair and ruffling it ever so lightly.

"It's alright. If, by some mistake, Father gave Dettard life, he did not deserve to keep on living. If he had come to us to talk, to explain, perhaps we could have done something; perhaps Father would have listened to you... But, to go as far as to try and kill us, to take us out of the picture to claim something he has no right to? He does not deserve to breathe our air. He has made an enemy of the crown, and he must pay for it... I don't think your decision was wrong, Owen. And I don't think you should hold such a heavy gait over it. I've seen you, these past few days." She hugged him tighter, resting a head on his shoulder. "While I'm having fun prancing around the castle grounds, you've been hanging your head, nearly depressed. This should not trouble you. Do try to cheer up, Owen." Cass smiled for him, hoping it would help, a little bit. She really did think that Owen had made the right decision about Dettard.

"Now, I've got good news, so maybe that will help you cheer up a bit, hmm? How about it?"

Owen stood silent as he was hugged and Cass spoke her piece, he wasn't sure what to make of it after the heartache he imposed on himself. Maybe she is right... maybe I shouldn't worry so much, it was my father's mistake... Was it? With a drawn out sigh, Owen wrapped an arm around Cass, returning the hug. "...I'll try, Cass. I feel like father just put this whole responsibility on me, but... I guess I can't fix what he wasn't willing to claim broken. Not in the way I thought, at least." Owen strengthened the hug for a moment, patting Cass on the head, then releasing his grasp. "I'll be fine."

With a sigh and exhale, Owen attempted to mellow down, pushing the thoughts a bit more after speaking his mind. "Well, alright. I guess I could use some good news right now." A brief chuckle and weak smile came with the sentence, lasting a moment.

"Father makes a lot of mistakes," she nearly hissed, shaking her head, "so I can't wait until you're king and things are taken care of just a little bit better." Cassandra nodded. She had no real knowledge of how her father ran the rest of the country, but Owen was much nicer to her, and he seemed to care about the other countries more, from what she'd seen of his politics. He'd do just fine, much better than she could. Not that she wanted the throne, ruling was a huge mess.

"Alright! Here goes..." She let Owen go, cleared her throat, and smiled. "So I asked Adele to marry me," she said, flatly, "but she said no, due to all the politics of it... But she said we can still be together, so maybe we can get married one day~" Cass giggled, smiling wider. "I thought you'd be happy to know your little sister finally found someone she liked~ I know I've been a bit troublesome when it came to finding a suitor..."

Maybe... I hope I can be that good a king. One day. Cass words comforted Owen, himself trying to lift his spirit at that point. "I hope I can do more than a little bit better, personally." The prince mumbled, returning to a weak smile. Hearing what Cass had to say next was more of a surprise however. Owen nearly lost his composure as Cass put it so flatly. "What?!" He turned to look at his sister, as if to make sure she wasn't trying to pull his leg. She wasn't.

"O-of couse it's complicated, yeah. She's the eldest in her family, and you... well, you're the princess. It's... unfortunate, I couldn't begin to think of the opposition..." I thought she wasn't so aware of Adele's feelings... The bewilderment passed, Owen stared back at a wall, recalling his conversation with Adele. "So... she told you what she felt, right?" He started again, "It's... good, that you two came to an understanding. I was thinking she should just go to you and say it." It was a bit awkward to discuss this so casually for Owen, for some reason. Thoughtlessly, he scratched the back of his head, "I must say, that was fast. It wasn't that long ago that we talked."

That what wasn't good. Cass frowned. "Is there a problem?" Maybe Owen had intended to make a move first, but Cass wasn't having that~ Adele was hers and she was Adele's. That's all there was to it. But after his bewilderment, he seemed fine, almost encouraging~ That made things better, and Cass smiled again. "Well, we told each other we loved each other... Did she say something else to you? I don' think we talked about much else... Though we... Well, never mind." Cass had smiled again, almost giggling, but kept quiet. "I've always known I liked her, Owen. And Father never had anyone teach me about this 'Love' business. All I know is that when we hug; when we kiss, I feel warm and safe, and I want that feeling to stay. I am glad I have your support~ Perhaps once you are king, you can give us your blessing and we can actually be married." That was a welcome thought! Especially since Owen was so open to the idea~

"Ah... no, there's... that was just sudden." Owen shook his head quickly, "I didn't expect you'd have asked her hand for marriage already. Maybe telling me you had feelings for Adele or that she confessed to you." Cass was always a bit forceful once she wanted something, but Owen still couldn't believe she was speaking of marriage so suddenly --and so surely. "Well, she told me that she entertained the thought of... seeing you as more than a good friend. I just had a hunch she felt that way." Owen shrugged, but nodded as he kept listening to Cass over what she felt for Adele. The prince slowly turned his face away, with a faint blush. "That's nice. I'm glad you two have worked out that well, then. But..." Owen slowed down his speech, "Er, even if I become king, there's the chance you and Adele announcing a marriage, between two women, would cause a bit of an outrage. If the court and mass complain too much, I don't know what I'd be able to do to help." You leave me as the only one that can have a heir, too... Owen bit his lip, "Wouldn't it be easier to keep this between ourselves?"

Cass bit her lip and blushed a bit, fumbling over the words to say. "Well... W-Well, Adele is rather attractive, and her father keeps trying to marry her off... I was worried that someone would come and take her before I had the chance. Even the thought of a figure head just... Makes me angry, jealous... I know it's selfish, but that's why I rushed. I was rather scared. Even our Father is going to try and marry me off at some point." That's how it felt in her mind.

It was nice to hear that Adele had thought the same thing, even if not to the point of marriage. She even noticed Owen blushing, giggling a bit. "Perhaps I'm more mature than you thought, brother~ In more ways than you, even!" Cass folded her arms and smiled, losing a bit of it as Owen went on. "I figured you'd say that. Adele was worried about the same thing, worrying that it would cause people to tear us apart. And, having a cooler head now, I do suppose she's right. At the very least, I'm going to make it so neither of us marry, and definitely not bear children-- the thought alone makes me groan, honestly. Not that I think having a child would be awful, but... Putting myself out of commission for nine months, I couldn't even entertain that!" She shook her head, nodding after. "I'll definitely not be having a child. Perhaps I'll adopt. That would be nice..."

"But, yes," she said, sighing, "I can keep this between the three of us. If someone else finds out, though, well... I guess I should say, I won't be being entirely stealthy about my affection for Adele. If I wish to steal a kiss, I would hope no one in the group would object."

It was new to see Cass actually blush over anything, which made Owen need to hold back a chuckle. "I see... not even a figurehead? That's... it will eventually get complicated too, sister." Owen really didn't enjoy the idea of having other nobles pressuring him and his sister as she grew older and without children. Speaking of bearing children... "Well, nine months isn't much when you get older, I think. You shouldn't need to worry about it now, though. We're still fairly young." Owen nodded to himself. Come on, don't leave this all to me... "I... I guess, adopting would be passable if I become king and everything turns out okay."

One passing struck Owen a bit more like a sting in his honor. "More mature than me?" He raised an eyebrow, that might have not been exactly what Cass said, but it was close enough to tick the prince. "I like to think I don't try my hardest for nothing." He folded his arms as well, "But I should be glad you're maturing in some way sister. I'll help you for now. I can help seeing to it that you won't get married off, you know? Well, as long as father thinks it's too much a hassle to bother with his current health." Owen sighed, "Can't do the same for Adele, but I trust she'll find a way. She usually does." When Cass explained how stealthy she planned to be with their relationship, though, Owen couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Ah, yes, you'll keep it a secret until you don't feel like it anymore." He chuckled, "Well... I don't think our retainers would have a say about it. Maybe the lower nobles would be bothered... but I think I can handle that. If it gets to that." Please don't just jump and kiss Adele in front of all of our retainers... "Just. Be careful of who might be seeing it."

"It'll only get complicated if you can't produce a child. No one's going to bat an eye at the bratty princess not getting married as long as you can bring something new into the world. I'm not worried about it." She dismissed that as quickly as she could, only nodding at this suggestion for adoption. That's all she'd ever consider for having children. Babies were a hassle. Even she must have been a hassle, and she was royalty! Of course, her child would be too, but that was beside the point. She mentally sighed and ignored the line of thought.

"Yes, more mature than you~ Not that I'm at liberty to get into what I mean." She was having fun skirting around it, it was getting plenty of lovely reactions from Owen. "Thank you, brother~ I am sure Father will be bothering me less after the recent outburst, and I doubt he could actually force my hand into marriage anyway, but it's nice to know you have my back~ Adele's father has already let her off the hook, at least for a while. With Jeeves gone, it hit them all pretty hard. He must have been working for Tobias a long time. So she doesn't have to worry about that for a few months."

As for keeping it a secret. "Well, I can't help it! It's natural, or it feels like it. I'll... Try to keep it to only when we're out on the field, instead of in town or at the castle... I just..." Cass bit her lip again. "It feels so nice~ You'd never have thought something so simple could do so... When I kiss her... When she touched..." Cass hadn't noticed, but by the time she'd finished talking, her finger was at her lips and her hand was reaching towards her chest. Luckily the sensation on her lip brought her back to reality and she slapped her hands back onto the bed, flushing red. "Yes, w-well, it's just, really nice! I'm sure you'll understand one day!" Gods, what am I doing? Control yourself, Cassandra...

"Well, let's hope you're right on that, in that nobody will bat an eye." Owen had his doubts, especially since it wouldn't be Cass' burden alone. It would be Adele's as well, and she wouldn't have the same luck. Sighing, Owen continued with an raised eyebrow as Cass continued her claim of being more mature. "Suuure, and you won't tell me. Alright, Alright." There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "Well, at least Adele should have enough maturity to cover both of you." The prince smirked, but quickly digressed.

Being explained the situation with Adele was lifting, at least Adele and his sister would have some time for themselves now. "I see. It's good that Duke Herman has decided to give her a break." Owen nodded, "Father probably won't force your hand, and any noble that thinks of asking your hand... will receive some kind words from me." Another smirk formed as the prince brought a hand to this chin. "You have it set for now. That's pretty good, right?" Owen turned to face Cass and see her reaction... but the princess seemed to have gone on a tangent of her own. "Uh..." Owen was very confused, eyebrow raised again. Did you just... what? Hell, Cass. "Oh, it sounds like it was nice. Nice enough that you forgot you were in my chambers for a moment." Owen scoffed, "Am I missing something here? I don't think you're the kind to get that lovestruck. What spell did Adele cast on you?" He joked.

"I'll make sure of it if someone does. The worst I can see if Angus going on about furthering the line, or some nonsense. You've got that all covered." He did, right? He seemed the type to have a child for politics sake. How could she tell him about any of that, anyway? Sure, she was poking at him for it, but telling him flat out would probably ruin a few things, so saying anymore would bring trouble. Quiet up, Cass. She did stick her tongue out at him saying Adele had enough maturity to cover for her. "I'm plenty mature..." she said with an ironic pout.

As for her movements, she had actually forgotten for a moment that she was in Owen's room, but having clued back into reality, she was more than aware, now, that she was. "S-Sorry! I just... It's a nice thought. Maybe you'll understand, one day. I'm sure that Charlotte will show you, with how much she's hanging off of you." Well, that spells it out plainly, especially to Owen. She flushed red again and looked away from him, crossing her arms. "It was a nice spell, but I can't tell you about it. Far too private. I'm already ashamed from having lost myself to the memory of it so quickly. I apologize for bringing it up." Cass shrunk a bit as she apologized, trying to hide her shame, not exactly managing to. Oh, Gods...

"Hah! Angus would probably do something like that, and bug you a good while about it." A laugh escaped Owen as he pictured the scene, quickly shaking his head. "I'll see what I can do... I wish I could put that sort of thing for later too. I don't really want to look for a bride anytime soon. I hope father can last out for long, despite his sickness." Owen sighed, "It would be nice, if I could take things slowly, and maybe find someone that... is to me like Adele is to you, I guess. If it comes down to necessity, I'll get married, though." The prince tried to smile, but quickly returned to a blank expression. I wish it was that comfortable to think about it...

"...Oh." Owen quickly caught on as Cass continued to speak of what she felt, at least, he felt like he had a better idea. "I... don't know if I feel that way with Charlotte. She's pretty, it's nice to talk to her, but it's still been days since we first met. You and Adele are good friends since our early days." Owen looks away as well, staring at a wall. He blushed, but was nowhere as red as Cass. "I don't find her a bad person, I don't know about you... I think you and her are more agreeable lately? Still, it's a bit disconcerting to think of her that way, right now. That's a bit too intimate." Unlike Cass, Owen clasped his hands, twiddling his thumbs. "...That's fine, better to get the awkward out of the way now than to never figure it out. So... you two went a step further..." It was already awkward enough when Adele brought that tangent. Nice. Although... "...I've got to say, I have no idea how it works when it's two women." Owen blurted out his epiphany, "...Ah!" He brought a palm to his face in a quick motion, a light slap resounding. That wasn't really something he ought to ask of Cass. "I-It's nothing. Don't worry about it, sister."

"I'm sure you'll be able to find someone," she said quickly, still embarrassed that the conversation had went this far, of her own unfortunate accord. She sighed, trying to take her mind away from it. Surely Owen would change the subject and they'd be able to move away from--

No. No he was going to press it just a little bit further. Cass fidgeted. You hoisted yourself into this one, idiot. You have to get yourself out. She swallowed. "We did," she said quickly, not divulging any further, even as Owen made his next statement, which made her flush even further. Her face wasn't supposed to be that shade of red, yet it was going to stay that way for a while. "I'm not going to explain it to you!" she snapped, huffing. "H-Honestly! I can't even believe you said that! Stupid!" Cass kept her face turned away from him, not even wanting to think about Owen thinking about that.

"If you're so curious go ask Adele, I refuse to explain something like that, to my own brother! Wow, goodness... Idiot..." There had to be something she could turn this to, anything, just--

"How about that outing Angus is planning?" she blurted out, latching onto the quickest thing she could think of. "He wants to take the men out to the Lucky Goose, or whatever that place is. I think it'd be fun to have an outing, even if I must be snuck out. Maybe I could even try drinking for the first time? I don't know. I've never tried because I thought it a boorish past time but the others seem to really like it so, you know. Just one, give it a go. Or something." There. The topic had been swung! Nice save, Cass!

Yup. As soon as Cass raised her voice, Owen knew he blew it. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The prince quickly tried to apologize, face still turned away. "I didn't mean to actually ask you that, goodness! I just... said it thoughtlessly." Owen flinched, wondering whether he was fixing it or digging himself a deeper hole. "J-Just, forget it." I... I don't think I want to ask Adele about that. ...I'm pretty sure I should not ask Adele. Nope. He considered mentally, this time learning to keep his mouth shut.

"Ah, Angus is planning what?" Owen slowly turned his face back to look at Cassandra, just as eager to change the subject himself. "To the Lucky Goose? Hmm, that... I think that should be fine?" He juggled the thought in his mind. "Nobles go there all the time, so it wouldn't be strange to see the princess, they'd just assume you were given permission. I think." Owen nodded to himself, "Hmm, I don't know about drinking... I guess it's fine, but if it's just Angus and some men that fancy one too many drinks, I wouldn't let you go in good conscience. Who is he planning to take?"

Good, the subject had been changed, and she hoped it stayed that way. She also hoped her own mind would keep it away; she'd been pulled back into her fantasy far too easily. Self restraint. "He didn't specify. I believe he was going to ask... Well, everyone in our company. So Lionel, Claire, Adele, you, the mercenaries... Probably." She didn't actually know who Angus had planned on inviting, but he'd said a lot of people, yet no one specific, so she could only assume. "I can avoid drinking if you'd worry. If Adele was there, then there wouldn't be anything to worry about, anyway. She'd keep any hands off of me, if anyone tried-- not that I would simply allow anything to get far enough in the first place! I'm plenty strong enough to keep myself safe... Would you want to go, brother?"

She'd never known if Owen was the type to enjoy those sorta of social outings, as she'd never seen him go to one. But has anyone ever asked him? "I think it would do you good to get your mind off of things for a bit and simply go to a gathering. What do you say?"

"Oh. So, basically my little quest's entourage, huh?" Owen brought a hand to his chin again, "Eh, you should be fine. If Lionel or Adele are there, I'm sure you'll be safe, so drink if you want." He agreed, nodding to his sister. Though he hadn't expected to be asked if he wanted to go, "Me? I don't know..." He'd stopped himself to give it thought. I haven't actually... thought about much except the situation with Dettard, actually. Maybe it'd be a change of airs? What Cass suggested made some sense... "Hmm, I guess if I can find the free time, I don't see why not? You'd have to tell me when Angus plans to do it, though."

"Yes, that entourage," she replied, finally turning to look at him, just a bit. The blushing had receded, but only a little. "He hasn't said when, but he said he'd be asking people in a few days, yet he hasn't. You know how he is with his time; he's rather carefree, springing from one thing to the next. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd forgotten about it by now, but I'd just wait for him to say something. He said it right in front of me, so..." she smiled, "he probably meant for me to hear it. He knows too, how much I enjoy my time outside the castle." It was nice to have-- mostly --considerate retainers under Owen's rule.

"Somehow, I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot as well, but that's fine. Thanks for the invitation." Owen smiled back, "After these past few days, maybe I could enjoy some time in the city too." Cass still seemed a bit flustered, Owen reached his hand to pat her shoulder once. "Thanks, for the talk. I had to take my mind off of this... whole situation with Dettard, if only for a bit. And, I'm glad for you and Adele. I'm glad it makes you happy, honestly."

"That's Angus, though. Wouldn't change him for the world." Cass managed to get her blush far further under control, nodding at his agreement. She did flinch at the pat, but only for a moment, turning and hopping up straight into a tight hug. "She does make me happy. Thank you for understanding, brother. And you're welcome~ What's a little sister for, when her brother is so upset?" Cass giggled and let him go, taking a few steps back. "Get some rest for your weary mind, then. Try not to take today too seriously, alright? I'm off, then. I appreciated the talk~" Cass hopped a bit towards the door, and slowly left, giving him a wave before closing it. He'll be alright. He's strong. I'm glad he is.

The diplomatic meeting with Raewald was indeed a surprise, Owen himself seldom remembered such. He wondered for a moment if there'd been any message far prior to these diplomats' arrival, but that seemed too relevant of an event to miss, perhaps his father forgot to inform him? Well, it didn't matter now, anyways.

"Well met," Owen began, "It is of my understanding that you have come from Raewald on short notice, is that correct?" Owen glanced at each diplomat, turning to a young man at the forefront quickly. It seemed like this would be their spokesman, perhaps? "On behalf of King Oswald of Wyke, I, Lord Gaffney, welcome you." Owen extended his arm as a gesture, expecting their introduction. Please, speak your purpose... Owen mentally rehearsed the lines he would say as he now joined Duke Herman and General Gringolet in patience.

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[spoiler=Fatherly Duty]Cass paced outside of her Father's study. Did she really want to do this? It would mean playing daughter and running niceties to him... The thought almost made her groan, though she held it back in case he heard the noise. If you're to afford anything in town without dipping into the group's own resources, you have to. You just have to! You'll never find yourself a better weapon or a better staff if you don't, so... Just do it!

With a small knock and a slow enter, Cass popped her head into the study. "Father?"

Oswald coughed a few times, wiping his mouth as he read from a book. Cass had caught him by surprise, it was rare that his children visited him without being summoned nowadays... not that he could blame them. Turning slowly, he was rather moved by the sight of his daughter.

"Cassandra, my child?" he asked, closing his book and turning his chair. "Is there something that I can assist you with? If there's anything you need, let your father know..."

Oswald put his hand to his mouth again, doing his best to suppress his cough. It had grown more troublesome in recent weeks, something that he feared.

What I need is to be let free of this castle and given free roam of the kingdom, can you oblige? She bit her tongue before any slip of that could start, reminding herself once again of why she was here... Despite her selfish intentions, it did hurt to see her father this way. Even if he was an awful father, he was a good king, and someone who had been quite proud in his day. Watching illness slowly sap away at someone who had been that strong was terrible.

"I... Was wondering if you would be able to spare me some gold. This may be a bit out of the blue," she began, stepping into the study, "but, whether you wished for my engagement in the operation or not, I did manage to practice my healing quite a bit." as well as my swinging, but let's leave that out. "I'd hoped I would be able to go into town and purchase something with a bit more... Finesse, required of it. These heal staffs will run out of usefulness for my studies eventually. I can bring Adele, or Owen with me, if you're worried about me being out alone." She had to add that caveat, to try and convince him further. If it worked, though, that was fine. She liked the both of them.

Oswald paused for a few moments, considering his options carefully. It pained him, but it wasn't as if he would be able to get one for her. How many months had it been since he'd left the castle? Even the idea of stepping outside made him nervous. What had happened to his pride, his confidence? He was a feeble old man now, his own body was a prison. Even though he didn't like the idea of Cassandra leaving the castle, at least she was able to.

Lowering his head slightly, he finally responded.

"No... it's fine, Cassandra. Ask one of the servants to fetch you the coin, tell them that I have allowed it." he replied, looking over at a sword on the wall. "Just ensure that you do not draw attention to yourself... take one of the servants if you so wish."

"What?" she asked, without her polite tone and in dire surprise. "I mean, er... Are you... Sure?" This felt too easy. Was he going to send someone to watch her? Maybe he was just done arguing with her... That was... Sort of disappointing, if she thought about it. To win her freedom like this, without a roar, but with a small, defeated whisper... I don't like this.

"Are you alright?" she managed to ask, real concern in her voice. As much as she hated his barring her from leaving, it meant he had the fight left in him to do so, and if he didn't have that, then... "Should I fetch one of the maids?"

Oswald raised his hand, shaking his head. "I am as fine as I can be, Cassandra, I have said you may go if you wish." he sighed, looking down at the ground. "There's nothing that they would be able to help with, I just require some rest..."

There was something else that he needed to ask of her. It was unusual, he'd never really had any tasks for her in the past. Things had always been so dangerous, and she'd always been his little girl, he didn't want to put her in danger just yet.

"Cassandra, I need one more thing of you." he began, swallowing hesitantly. "In a few days time, we are to have diplomats from Raewald come speak to us... I fear that I will not be in a state to attend, and your brother is meeting them in my place. I would like you to be present with him, to offer him moral support. It would be his first meeting, he may need some additional help."

"If... You say so." She folded her arms and watched him, hoping he wouldn't just collapse in front of her. That would definitely set off more than necessary alarms. She was about to leave and go find one of the maids for her allowance, but he stopped her again-- with a task? What?

"Really? Really and truly?" she asked, eyes going a bit wide in surprise. He's asking me to do something for, for him, for the kingdom. Me. Really? Finally? It's not fighting, but... But...! She smiled, even gasped a bit, and jumped into a hug, making sure not to squeeze him too tightly to not hurt him. "Yes! Yes, of course I will! I'll make sure I support Owen as best I can, and that I do everything to make you proud!" She let him go and bounced back, arms behind her now. "I-Is that all? Do you need anything else?" She was still beaming, ear to ear.

A tear dropped from Oswald's eye. He hadn't been this close to Cass in years. Cass could feel how emaciated his body was, even beneath all his layers. Her father was not a well man, and both he and his daughter knew it. He would have given anything to return to his prime, just so that he could relieve the pressure from his children just for a little while longer.

"No, Cassandra, I'm sure you and Owen will be able to manage." he replied softly. "If there's any problems... you will have Duke Herman to rely on, as well as each other."

"No need to cry, Father. I'm not your little girl, anymore. I'm a full grown woman, and I'll do what I can to make you proud. I promise." She smiled, but, before leaving, leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, hoping he would think back on their positive times more than their fights. The fact that he was finally letting her do something, even if it was second fiddle to Owen, meant that she was at least improving in his eyes. "I'll see you later, Father."

She left as slowly as she'd entered, giving him a wave as she went. Time to find one of those maids...

Cass had curtsied for the group at their meeting, remaining quiet to let Owen speak first. Good show, brother! Show them that we can handle things just fine~ She looked among the faces of the people that had come to meet with them, holding back any reactions to their being there. It was interesting to see Raewald, so quickly after Sidney had made her announcement of being Charlotte. They aren't here for her, are they?

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Despite the immense preparations Alain had made for this day, he could still feel an ever tightening knot in his stomach. At first, he'd been a little offended that King Oswald had sent his children in his stead, but standing here, now, he was actually rather relieved. There were too many formalities involved as it was, dealing with too many high profile individuals at the same time could have proved rather troublesome. He took a deep breath, and smiled. "First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of the parties gathered here today. And I thank you, Lord Gaffney, it is an honor to meet you all," he said, giving a short bow.

"Your understanding would be correct, and I am Sir Alain Duhamel. I come to you on behalf of Queen Ethel of Raewald with a rather important matter to discuss concerning the future of our two great kingdoms. If you would allow me to begin," he said, waiting for the Prince's confirmation.

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It seemed he was right to assume the young man would be their spokesperson. Owen nodded as the man offered his gratitude and introduced himself. So, the Queen herself has sent these diplomats here... Owen grew a bit anxious, but held his composure, clasping his hands. It was his first meeting over foreign affairs on behalf of his father, and already he'd receive the word of another kingdom's ruler. Now, what could this mean? "I have no doubt it is of great importance. Please, go on." The prince granted.

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"Without delay," Alain nodded. "I will try to keep this succinct, so as to not take up too much of your time. No doubt those gathered here are aware of the famine that plagued the kingdom of Myrcia years ago? In their time of need, it was Deira they turned towards for assistance," he said, pausing to glance at all of the participating members of the meeting. "And it is Deira who now poisons the kingdom of Myrcia with their greed," he finally continued.

"Since the famine that struck Myrcia, Deira has imposed a heavy taxation on the kingdom as means of compensation. When does the compensation end, however?" he asked. "With such sanctions imposed on Myrcia, it would be nigh impossible for the kingdom to ever stand on its own two feet again. Even now, Deira seeks to annex more of Myrcia's land. As if the taxes were not enough! Raewald can no longer idly stand by while Deira's avarice continues to run rampant."

"War may be brewing, Lord Gaffney," Alain said, leveling his gaze. "It is my understanding that King Oswald has worked painstakingly to maintain amicable relations with his neighboring kingdoms, but make no mistake. Once Myrcia's lands are squarely under Deira's thumb, Deira will no doubt seek to appropriate further funds for it's kingdom's expansion. One need only to look at a map to understand where those funds might come from. Wyke's southern borders have been plagued by bandit attacks since the kingdom's establishment. With the bandits of Magonsaete to the south, and a newly empowered Deira assaulting from the north... Well, with all due respect, I don't believe your kingdom would be up to such a task."

"Queen Ethel recognizes Wyke's growing problem with Magonsaete, and her majesty is not without the means to helping you solve it. And so I implore those of you gathered here today! Lend Raewald your aid, that we may lend you ours in the time to come," he concluded.

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It would not be a far stretch to say that Cass had little to no understanding of the war politics outside of Wyke. While it was simple to go about, smashing bandits, when it came to countries, their economies, snatching up land and expanding, her input would have little significance. The only thing she felt she could mention, before Owen did, was about Sidney. So, waiting until this Alain was finished, she gathered up her thoughts as to how best to say this.

"I feel that, Wyke may already be in a position to lend Raewald aid, sir." She bowed slightly, taking a moment to note if anyone was to speak over her. No one started to, so off she went. "While we were dealing with a bandit incursion from Magonsaete," not to mention our own civil issue with Dettard, but they don't need to know that, "we happened to run into a noble from Raewald. One Charlotte of house Montana. Her name may not be familiar, for I do not know how prestigious her title is, but she had been more than helpful in dealing with these incursions alongside myself and my brother. She's on the grounds now, if you wish to have her brought here. It seems simple, to me, that we skip formalities and join arms, with your aid already having been lent." Would Sidney not want me mentioning any of this...? She didn't seem opposed, or at least, she didn't say anything. Ah, well. Too late. She smiled either way, hoping what she'd said was right.

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"Thank you, Princess Cassandra," Alain smiled. "It fills my heart with great joy knowing your stance on this matter, and no doubt, it will please Queen Ethel as well. It is my hope then, that the rest of you gathered here today might share the same sentiment as Princess Cassandra," he said, addressing the larger audience. "Furthermore, I am glad to hear of Lady Charlotte's enterprises, and I trust now that you can see firsthand that our promise is not an empty one," he said, turning back to the young princess. "If you would have it arranged, I would appreciate a small chat with her," he said simply.

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Owen very lightly nodded as he listened to Sir Alain. So, Raewald claims this is the true extent of Deira's influence on Myrcian affairs... and their intent as well. Owen knew of Deira as a very powerful country, and knew that the report on Myrcia's status wasn't far from the truth. Of the kingdoms that his father strove to keep amiable relations with, Myrcia always seemed struggling, not only suffering of said famine, but doubtlessly dwarfed by their neighbors. Sir Alain's words spoke a very sound case. That Deira could grow so powerful as to turn of our kindgom? Is that really true, though? A silent gulp. Though part of Owen hesitated the prospect of cutting a relation his father worked so hard for, it was true that the kingdom would be much worse off with Deira setting their sights on them, as well. And if they have spies on our lands, they might know of the civil issue surrounding Dettard...

Before Owen thought to raise his voice, however, his sister did. ...Cass? As Cassandra spoke, Owen's gaze turned to the ground. That's... that is true, but didn't Sidney have some issue over there? Biting his lip for a moment, Owen waited for Cass to speak her peace before adding his own, facing Sir Alain once more. "...That is true. We already had our hands fairly tied with Magonsaete, as we did not too long ago." Owen spoke, "If Deira is growing at such a pace, there will be a time were our position will become too frail. Sir Alain, you speak that Queen Ethel has recognized our problem with Magonsaete and has the means to help. Could you speak of it in further detail?"

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"Wonderful~" You're a natural, Cassandra! Look at how happy this diplomat is. And all you had to do was speak some positive words and mention how well Sidney was doing. Well, best to have her fetched, then. "One moment, please." Cass let Owen continue his talking, stepping back with a curtsy, and stepping up to one of the guards. "Would you be able to have someone send for Charlotte? She should be nearby, or at least, I would hope. It would be best to get her here before we finish talks." Hopefully, someone could track down Sidney, without having to make these people wait. Waiting tended to be one of the more annoying parts of meetings.

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"Indeed, and that is why we feel it would be best to halt Deira's advances before the situation gets out of hand. It is my Queen's firm belief that such a course of action can only be beneficial for both of our countries, and Myrcia as well," he explained. "Once Deira has been properly addressed and dealt with, Queen Ethel wishes to provide Wyke with additional funding, as well as additional men, to help secure her borders. Dealing with Deira now will ensure that the north remains safe. And we will see to it afterwards that the south becomes safe as well."

"I hope that will suffice as an explanation for now, as I am not at liberty to speak further on the matter. This is simply the extent of the knowledge the Queen has bestowed upon me," he admitted. "However," he added, raising his eyebrows ever so slightly, "The Queen has asked me to extend her personal invitation to you, Lord Owen Gaffney, Prince of Wyke. Queen Ethel is very intent on meeting with you, and I am sure she wishes to discuss further details with you in person. You need only say the word, and I will have a messenger sent out at once informing the Queen of your reply," he said.

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Jean had remained quiet in the audience of the Duke. At the same time, he had a rather somber mood at the loss of some comrades. Jean had lost enough in the past to know the necessity of it, yet it still would bother him. He almost snapped at that one's, Niko, he thought, insistence in hanging around, but restrained himself.

Caught in his own thoughts, when the Duke reminded him of his status, he only nodded. While he had no real ties to these people, he had to admit that he was interested in how it would turn out, and perhaps be able to keep some in order. He certainly couldn't currently return home, so he prepared for whatever was to come.

That said, he was rather light on the funds himself. Though he had picked up some trinkets from their last battle. A crude throwing axe, which Jean dropped to the ground when attempting to spin it much like his firearms he was more competent in using, and a strange tome. He was not familiar with most magics, so it seemed like it wouldn't be very useful to him. That Niko seemed to use tomes like this, but Jean didn't want to talk to him and decided to leave it in the army convoy for whoever would need it. While leaving, he notices a gleam in the corner of his eyes and turns around to find a unique jewel sitting in the corner of the resource pile. He imagined that there would be little monetary value in such a thing because it was left here, and he felt some special draw to it. Taking it, he left to rest his wounds for the following five days. He didn't see any dire need for restocking or exploring the city currently. Perhaps he might find something of interest.

Jean deposits Hand Axe and Razorwind to the Convoy, and takes the Bizarre Gem.

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Tobias nodded in agreement, twirling his mustache with a free hand. "I very much agree, Lady Montana would most likely be beneficial to discussion." he added, one of the servants taking the initiative from both his and Cass' suggestion. "An invite from the Queen? How interesting."

The General didn't seem particularly talkative, choosing instead to sit in the corner. From what little the siblings knew of him, he was never one of discussions and would likely complain about the terms and conditions in the future.


Sidney had prepared herself to leave for city hall, having reached the castle gate, and would have been able to do so if one of the maids hadn't come sprinting towards her, shouting her lungs out. "Lady Montana! Please wait!" she cried, nearly tripping over one of the shrubs lining the path. Approaching Sidney, the poor girl needed some time to catch her breath. "You've been summoned by Princess Cassandra, I have been asked to come and fetch you!"

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That's worrying... Sidney couldn't help but curse her timing, but at the same time it probably would be delaying the inevitable were she not to be present. "Oh, are you alright? Thank you for finding me- you did a good job. I would hate to see you hurt yourself over me, so take however much time you need to bring me to her."


Despite what Sidney had said, the maid was fairly expedient. The thief thought over things to say as she was lead to the meeting room, and felt she had something passable to say, but still wasn't a fan of the situation as she arrived. Sure enough, Cass and Owen were there, along with a few other Wykian authority figures and the Raewalden visitors. She identified one as Lionel, but everyone else was unfamiliar- to her, this was a good sign. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, or see you all again. To those who don't know me, I am Charlotte Sidney Montana of Raewald- and to what I know, many of you hail from Raewald as well." She bowed, pausing for a moment to find her breath. "I've spent much recent time traveling on my own, but recently I encountered Prince Owen and am proud to say I was of assistance in his dealing with the bandit struggles. You summoned me, Princess? Is there anything in particular that is needed of me- and if you don't mind my asking, may I be introduced to these visitors?"

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The Queen wishes to meet him personally? Cassandra tuned back into the conversation, wondering why she wished to meet him in person-- well, if she could confirm one thing. "When does she wish to meet with him?" She avoided saying we; she didn't want to include herself so hastily into these politics. But she could ask when, for Owen. She deserved to know that much, anyway. She'd probably end up going with him, either way.

And lo, Sidney had arrived~ Goodness, she should have spoken like that when we first met, it would've gone so much better~ She truly is a proper lady. Cassandra was quite impressed by the introduction, smiling a bit more, holding back a small clap. "Of course! This is Duke Herman, Adele's father, General Gringolet, and our wonderful ambassador from Raewald here, is Alain. I will say my calling for you was a bit preemptive, but I felt talks would go better were there to be a noble of Raewald present, one that has helped and been helped by us." Instead of grandstand to the room any further, Cass moved over to Sidney, keeping her voice down, but not a whisper.

"The long and short of it is, that the Queen wishes for an alliance for help with the ever expanding nation of Deira, in return for aid with Magonsaete. We can't have princes and princesses running about dealing with bandits forever, after all. I, personally, think this is a wonderful opportunity."

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"At the prince's earliest convenience, I might imagine," Alain responded. "The sooner the better," he added, as he brought his attention to the newest arrival. The name Montana did ring a bell, but having spent most of his adolescence studying in Wihtwar, the finer details of Raewald's nobility still escaped him. "A pleasure, Lady Charlotte," he nodded. "As Princess Cassandra has already pointed out, I am Sir Alain Duhamel. I have come here as an ambassador on behalf of Queen Ethel. It was brought to my attention in our earlier discussion, that a noblewoman from Raewald had provided her assistance to Wyke's royal family in dealing with a particular bandit attack. I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on this, for those of us who might not be privy to the greater details," he said simply. He was of course, talking about himself.

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