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Why's life pain


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>Interested in becoming a voice actor.

>Trying to do voices for different characters in Fates.
>Older Brother walks in without knocking, because apparently it's okay to move into your little brother's room without their permission and sleep there even though his little brother was so hyped to have his own room for the first time.
>Keeps door open so the rest of the family would hear me reciting FE Fates lines if I continued.
>Turns on loud ass fan so that when I would try to do a voiceover, the fan would be too fucking loud if I continued.
>Points it away from me so I'm still hot as shit.
>Goes to sleep, so even if I continued doing voices, he'd tell me to shut up because he's trying to sleep.
My brain hurts.
Edited by Nexas
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Your brother sounds like a big pain in the ass, consider investing in a lock?

Well even if I did, I still literally cannot kick him out now, because ever since he moved into my room without my permission, two people have officially moved into the house, giving him no more places to sleep except for maybe the living room couch.

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That being said I think to spite him, I'm gonna type really loudly so that he can't sleep, if anything I think that's a reasonable punishment for invading my personal space and then refusing to go away.

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Accept that he has elder brother privilege (and note that he also paid for part of the house so he even has a bit of a legal right to decide where he sleeps) and get the fuck over it. Try and be friends with him, he might actually listen to you if you do, rather than be passive-aggressive and antagonistic all the time.

Like, yeah, what he did was a dick move since you wanted your own room, but I think part of being a family is being forgiving of the small dick moves and helping each other out for the sake of being family. If you're ever in a place where you have no family, it really sucks. Being a drama queen helps no-one, except for attention seekers (which I'm not accusing you of as it stands, but I might later if nothing changes xD).

Edited by English Muffin
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