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Fire Emblem Fates, Beginner's Guide to Conquest, by Mangs


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Hi there ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to show you my newest Fire Emblem project that I call the Fire Emblem Beginner’s Guide to Conquest. The idea of this series is to help newer players tackle the challenges of Conquest, and give them, as well as players that are more experienced some helpful advice regarding the different maps and the tricks that lay ahead.

This guide is NOT meant to be a comprehensive, turn-by-turn walkthrough to show you the 100% most OPTIMAL way to play Conquest, nor is it meant to cater to Lunatic players. It is simply a handy little guide to show players what to watch out for, and give them an idea on how to tackle the various challenges this game has to offer.

If you find any big “errors” in my videos, feel free to point them out, but nitpicking such as “oh my god Mangs, blah blah, you forgot to talk about tiny detail X” will be wasted on me, as I have stated numerous times that this isn’t supposed to represent the most optimal way to play Conquest.

I have of course gained a lot of inspiration from ModelOmega’s newcomer's guide to Thracia 776, to the point where I have blatantly copied his format. I am not ashamed to admit that at all, as I consider myself a big fan of Mr.Omega and his work (and I have featured the hell out of his guide on my channel).

Anyway, let me hear what you guys think about this series. I will continually update this thread as I release new episodes. Feel free to ask me shit, or just talk shit. I hope this guide is helpful to the new people of Serenes, as well as maybe bring some enjoyment to the old, battle-hardened veterans.

Chapter List

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Edited by Mangs
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Looks good so far!

With Arthur you may wish to mention the various ways of covering for his weaknesses. If he's just facing one enemy who 4HKOs or worse (which certainly happens with his Def/HP), it's safe to tank the critical, but if you need to expose him to more punishment, a bronze weapon can go a long way to patching up his bad crit avoid. His son also has an amazing remedy for his luck woes, although you may not get him.

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Honestly I think bronze weapons need more hype in general. You can forge them (and if you have enough ore, you can make ones with similar power to iron/steel for equivalent cost), +10 dodge is a big deal, and sometimes you really want the extra hit when going against dodgy enemies. Maps like Chapter 19 are much easier if you have access to some bronze and I think a lot of people don't realise this, because bronze was such junk in some of the earlier games (especially RD).

Edited by Dark Holy Elf
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Yeah agreed, Bronze weapons deserve more love in Fates. The Bronze Axe in particular is useful due to Axes having lower hit rate in general. In addition, the fact that Bronze weapons can't critical hit or activates skill can actually be quite helpful if you want your stronger units to do large damage but not kill: this makes them good to have in the inventory if slots allow them or at least the Convoy, as this makes them useful for sharing EXP with other characters or damaging capturable bosses without killing them... (Too many times will units crit or activate skills when all you wanted them to do is just to chip their HP...)

With that aside, though, I really like how you take time with individual units with their growth rates and skills, particularly with skills as skill awareness comes across more important in Fates than any other previous FE titles so far.

Edited by Aggro Incarnate
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One thing that would have been useful to mention is the fact that Jakob joins you instead of Felicia if you have a female Avatar. While he shares many similarities to Felicia, there are enough differences between the two to deserve a mention of what roles you might want him to play in your army that are unavailable to Felicia, and visa-versa.

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Gotta second the bronze or bronze-equivalent hype. I haven't quite beaten the game yet (just reached 27 last night), but they've all been integral to giving some of my key units 90-100 displayed hit when I really needed them to land those kills. For example, Effie took hold of Mozu's old Brass Naginata and has continued carrying it the entire game. I think she's used it more than the rest of her weapons combined. Camilla has been carrying around a Frying Pan since something like C11 and she uses it almost as much as her Bolt Axe. Niles has had and used a Bronze Bow since around that time too. Master Ninja Xander (yes, this is a thing that happened) ruined a good portion of C25 using a Quill Pen (and Shurikenfaire >.>). For a period of time, Leo used Ember more than his legendary because it was more accurate. Silas and Selena both took turns wielding the Bottle. I probably would've had a bronze on Corrin too if her Dragonstone didn't already give +10 Dodge. I could go on and on, but I'm sure you all get the point.

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Yeah agreed, Bronze weapons deserve more love in Fates. The Bronze Axe in particular is useful due to Axes having lower hit rate in general. In addition, the fact that Bronze weapons can't critical hit or activates skill can actually be quite helpful if you want your stronger units to do large damage but not kill: this makes them good to have in the inventory if slots allow them or at least the Convoy, as this makes them useful for sharing EXP with other characters or damaging capturable bosses without killing them... (Too many times will units crit or activate skills when all you wanted them to do is just to chip their HP...)

With that aside, though, I really like how you take time with individual units with their growth rates and skills, particularly with skills as skill awareness comes across more important in Fates than any other previous FE titles so far.

On that note, one thing that'd really suck is to have to restart a chapter because your character got a critical hit and killed an enemy, thus allowing another enemy to attack them, and ultimately died because of it...

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With that aside, though, I really like how you take time with individual units with their growth rates and skills, particularly with skills as skill awareness comes across more important in Fates than any other previous FE titles so far.

Yeah, I'll second this. I like how you let the viewers look at the character's wiki page as you explain about the character. You don't need to spell out precisely what the growths are, but viewers can take a look at them.

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Nice video, Mangs. I always enjoy your LPs on YouTube. I'm almost wondering if difficulty affects growths. I did Conquests/Normal, Birthright/Hard, and Revelations/Lunatic in that order and while my Conquests Corrin was very blessed, while my Revelations Corrin has been screwed and needed every Dragon Herbs just to keep up.

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Nice video, Mangs. I always enjoy your LPs on YouTube. I'm almost wondering if difficulty affects growths. I did Conquests/Normal, Birthright/Hard, and Revelations/Lunatic in that order and while my Conquests Corrin was very blessed, while my Revelations Corrin has been screwed and needed every Dragon Herbs just to keep up.

Pretty sure growths actually become semi fixed on lunatic.

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Oh really? How so?

I know they are fixed, but apparently there's an unusual method behind the fixed growths to where they are still different each playthrough, but you can't battle save scum like you could in RD, Shadow Dragon, or Awakening to get perfect levels on Lunatic. Granted, this was something I heard when the Japanese version first released, so it may be different in the localized versions.

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Oh really? How so?

What I heard was that the rolls are all calculated the moment you recruit the character, and not rerolled fresh at the beginning of each chapter. So if you were to get a level-up early in a chapter and then died or restarted because you didn't like the level-up, in Lunatic, you'll get the same stats leveled up each time, whereas in Normal or Hard, it would give you a fresh RNG and you would get different stats to level-up on the second try.

Allegedly, you can change it a little bit, since different classes have different mods to the stat growths. So if you RNGed a 50 in speed, you might get a +1 as a Swordmaster, but not as a General.

All that being said, it's not supposed to nerf your overall growths, it just makes it so you can't save-scum to get better level ups.

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All level up stat-gain related Random Numbers are rolled upon recruitment of the character in Lunatic mode, that goes for the localisation as well. So post-recruitment, whether a character gains a stat upon on a given level-up will remain the same regardless of resets, unless you reclass that unit (since different classes give slightly different growth rates, or to be more precise, level-up RN threshold) or take on/off Aptitude.

This removes the possibility of resetting until you get good level-ups.

Edited by Aggro Incarnate
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All level up stat-gain related Random Numbers are rolled upon recruitment of the character in Lunatic mode, that goes for the localisation as well. So post-recruitment, whether a character gains a stat upon on a given level-up will remain the same regardless of resets, unless you reclass that unit (since different classes give slightly different growth rates, or to be more precise, level-up RN threshold) or take on/off Aptitude.

This removes the possibility of resetting until you get good level-ups.

It's kind of odd that they thought to make save scumming only be undoable on Lunatic, but if that's the trade-off for not having ambush reinforcements, I'll take it.

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I did not watch the whole video but I liked what I saw. I also like your voice. However, assuming you're planning on covering all of conquest with this much detail, I find it disingenuous to call it a "beginner's guide" :P

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I did not watch the whole video but I liked what I saw. I also like your voice. However, assuming you're planning on covering all of conquest with this much detail, I find it disingenuous to call it a "beginner's guide" :P

The beginner's need to be educated too!

Edited by Mangs
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Thanks Mangs for these vids. I will definitely use them, whenever Fates decides to arrive in Europe of coarse.

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Posting because misinformation is bad >.>

Despite his oddball growths Odin is actually the best mage in gen 1 by a hilarious margin simply due to vantage 1-2 range/Seal str to maximize his bulk/and LoD to give him huge damage in the closing chapters of the game. (45% def growth on a mage with inherent nos is way too good)

That's not to say he's a bad SM at all, hell he's flat better than the games real sword units. Nos/Horse spirit/Moljinor are just so good that SM Odin manages to be worse overall than Sorc Odin.

It's not as noticeable on hard/normal but on lunatic the gap between Odin (and his kid) and the other gen 1 mages is just laughable. Other mages (Leo included) need a degree of babying and careful use while odin/ophy are fully capable of soloing half/all of a map.

His bases are utter ass though.

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I always find it weird that people says Odin is bad because of Mag growth. Unless theres some benchmark i missed with it, i'm pretty certain by this point that Mag is surprisingly the least important stats for Nos diving and he had everything going for him for being used as a Mage, namely somewhat quick access on Vantage upon SM reclass, and solid SPD and DEF followed by access to Ophyum which gives Calamity Gale and Horse Spirit

I can see why Odin is mediocre overall though but i never used Mozu

Why is Mangs voice so gud lol

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I always find it weird that people says Odin is bad because of Mag growth. Unless theres some benchmark i missed with it, i'm PRETTY certain by this point that Mag is surprisingly the least important stats for Nos diving

Nah you're dead on. Def/hp/skill matter way more than mag here.

You want to either flat orko or be as close to an exact 2rko as possible with nos in fates.

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