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Oh yeah, totally forgot about Elie's vote lmao. Not worried about you anymore. Anyways, I'm sure like half of the game would still be easier to push than Prims at this point.

Yeah, that's true actually. I don't get why Elie'd vote you over Cam then (yeah not relevant but it seems like a dumb play), considering Cam would definitely be an easier person to lynch (at least, at that point in time). Dropping that point. Misunderstanding the Strawman thing doesn't make Prims scummy, it's the way he held onto it after that misunderstanding got cleared up that bothers me. I don't think voting Elieson is scummy in and of itself (I literally said that just makes it not telling), it's more the conviction behind it that bothers me considering the flip.

Re: Pedit- Oh, well fair enough then.

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My own reads:


Refa - strong and plays very similar to Kirby 2, where Refa was pretty much the leader of the town.

Eclipse - good at interrogation and has a good tone to her posts. I don't really understand why Blitz would say she scums lipped considering she hasn't done that much to seem scummy.

Gilgamesh - Cam played very loosely on D1 which makes sense to me. His questioning was strong for the small bit that he did. I'm kinda ehh on this read but Gilgamesh makes me a bit more confident in him being Town.

Prims - sat on Elie immediately and didn't really ever let up.


SB - I feel better about SB now because I highly doubt him and Elie would double bus so hard.

Blitz - honestly idk. I've talked to Blitz but I haven't really gotten any worthwhile content out of it. Could go either way.


Manix - I dislike Manix's amount of content

Dorian - where are you again? I don't think Dorian's really done anything.

What happened to Strawman's role PM again? I can't speak any Spanish but it probably means something.

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Ugh, I feel like I'm doing a really bad job conveying my point. Okay, so Prims is really convinced Elie is scum because of that post that I linked. Okay, that's not like unbelievable. But then despite this conviction, he votes Strawman over it for a relatively weaker case (based on a misunderstanding). Even after it got cleared up, he was still okay with voting Strawman. It comes across as not genuine because I don't see why Town Prims, convinced that Elie is scum, would switch to Strawman. I don't think his revote of Elie is scummy, just that it's not telling considering the circumstances.

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Refa, why assume SK over vig for the Strawman kill?

I don't see Prims holding onto the read, I see him still not getting him and asking more questions? Unless you're looking somewhere I'm not.


cveivd znu twg nggdxic zydh rm fbhd wmddb qbfcy uvjggiw j kbpc ced kb aliky
Pedit: I see Prims voting Strawman for one whole post so I have no idea what you're getting at here.
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I'm also confused by how someone would know YOLOSWAG was a reviver.


maybe if i put more question marks maybe my point will get across

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I definitely assumed vig. SK in this game would be dumb.

Wow, I thought there were more posts between Prims' Strawman vote and his Elie revote. I don't think that changes my basic issue though, which is the voteswap (for a relatively lame reason). Even if you're right about it just being a misunderstanding, it still doesn't make sense that he'd think "wow, this is a stronger vote than Elie for sure".

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that's the point u square

he didn't claim, someone wanted to kill him n1 when there's a literal zero information, barring something dumb like a daycop (which we have not had for a very very long time)

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Remember how I posted Blitz's reads without reasons? Yeah, I'm paraphrasing the reasons now because I didn't know how to before.


Ms. Bunch - do not agree with how he plays, but is fine with logic

Refa - Is scum hunting well and has good reasoning

Manix - plays like usual with the stubborn pushes and pushes on weak logic


Everyone else


Cam - early content isn't good

Prims, isn't playing his hardest and isn't trying

SB - Isn't playing optimally and Eclipse has a good case on him.

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##Vote: Refa

Do you mind explaining that vote?

I am quite curious on how Eclipse did a scum slip and why Blitz doesn't have her on his scum list if he thinks it is something worth pursuing.

##Vote: Dorian

I feel like he is trying to coast and be in the background and I agree with Refa on him not changing his vote to one of the wagons when there was less than 24 hours left. Dorian, what are your thoughts so far and what are your reads?

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how the fuck can people seriously consider me for scum right now when elie LITERALLY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN A WAGON without my vote

scum prims does not need to switch back to elie after switching to strawman over a gut read. there is literally no reason. if scum prims' game plan is to distance from elie from cred then this is the point where he goes "oh, this wagon isn't taking off, time to mislynch a townie" and nobody would blame him for it after elie flips because the wagon was dead anyway. i wasn't going to be around for deadline so it's not like this could have been scum me going "oh teehee i'll just change my vote to strawman when nobody piles on elie", this was committing to trying to get elie lynched

this isn't why refa is scum though he's scum because he used being "super confident" in his read on me to justify not voting elie and complained nobody wanted to lynch me but his push against me consisted of all of one question toward me. despite being so confident it was giving him reason not to vote flipped scum, to the point he outright said he'd lynch me over his main scumread that day, he never tried to get me lynched ever

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Dude, Elie was your only other scumread and you talked about how confident you were about it when I questioned you about it. Who else would you have voted without looking supicious?

There wasn't anything else I could have said about your content that I didn't already say (or anything else I could have pushed you on). I thought you and SB were scum, so I just went with SB despite having a stronger read on you.

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i think the remaining scum are in refa/dorian/blitz/bunch.

dorian had a net zero effect on the day

blitz has been a non-factor and needed to be prodded to vote

bunch's activity heavily cut down once he stopped being a target, consequently it's hard to read him since he wasn't really around to interact with the elie wagon. besides disappearing i don't find him overtly scummy but well, he needs to do more today

if elie was bussed then it's probably gilgamesh. cam's interactions with elie were not good.

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Like, I can't speak for anyone else but the reason I don't find your Elie vote telling is because he was incredibly unlikely to get lynched anyways.

Blitz said he was going to OC w/you. Did you guys do that?

Why were Cam's interactions w/Elie not good (haven't ISO'd Cam, so this is a genuine question)?

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Tbh both Refa and Prims are being town-read by me and I see both of their arguments having merits.

I'd actually call this a town argument. I don't feel that Prims' behavior was particularly telling in any direction.

There's a chancre that Dorian's scum because of the lack of activity. I couldn't make an informed decision in any direction, but I could get behind a policy lynch because lurkers are unhelpful in any capacity.

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Dude, Elie was your only other scumread and you talked about how confident you were about it when I questioned you about it. Who else would you have voted without looking supicious?

scum!prims can make shit up and doesn't need to switch off of strawman in the first place

There wasn't anything else I could have said about your content that I didn't already say (or anything else I could have pushed you on). I thought you and SB were scum, so I just went with SB despite having a stronger read on you.

this is not how town plays the game. you had most of the phase to convince people to vote me, how is "prims isn't being active / doesn't have conviction" or whatever not something you can push me on? it's a terrible reason to suspect me since i don't even have a consistent playstyle and have outright said i intentionally sit back D1 as town sometimes, but it's still something you can use to try to get others to lynch me, especially when yolo and dorian at least had had suspicions of me throughout the day. town wants to lynch scum, so this is not a good reason for town refa to not try to get his #1 scumread lynched. i can, however, imagine a scenario in which scum!refa doesn't think town will go with the push (you said as much yourself) and doesn't want to risk getting flak from pushing me
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scum!prims can make shit up and doesn't need to switch off of strawman in the first place

this is not how town plays the game. you had most of the phase to convince people to vote me, how is "prims isn't being active / doesn't have conviction" or whatever not something you can push me on? it's a terrible reason to suspect me since i don't even have a consistent playstyle and have outright said i intentionally sit back D1 as town sometimes, but it's still something you can use to try to get others to lynch me, especially when yolo and dorian at least had had suspicions of me throughout the day. town wants to lynch scum, so this is not a good reason for town refa to not try to get his #1 scumread lynched. i can, however, imagine a scenario in which scum!refa doesn't think town will go with the push (you said as much yourself) and doesn't want to risk getting flak from pushing me

This is...actually true? I'll need to think about that.

When I subbed in, there was less < 24 hours left in the phase (before the extension) and I was way more sure of my Strawman scumread than my scumread on you (so there was even less time after I got that cleared up). Man, I can throw that right back at you. As scum, there'd be no reason for me to not hold onto my Strawman scumread instead of dropping it as soon as it got support. Yeah, I probably could have put more /effort into lynching you but it didn't even seem like a thing to me. SB was scum, you were scum, why would I care which one of you got lynched?

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i can, however, imagine a scenario in which scum!refa doesn't think town will go with the push (you said as much yourself) and doesn't want to risk getting flak from pushing me

also if this was a thing then what does that make today

"man, i'd totally get flak from pushing prims YESTERDAY when he had nothing going for him but now that he was the first vote on a scum wagon, that makes him WAY MORE LYNCHABLE also i'll NK the guy who said he was going to vote prims w/me today just cause, i'm the best"

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SB was scum, you were scum, why would I care which one of you got lynched?

because you acted much more confident in your read on me, enough that you weren't willing to lynch Elie over it

but I will give you that at the time you subbed in SB was a wagon and I was not and you had no way to predict the extension, so that makes your priorities less suspicious. I don't know why you're bringing up the Strawman read though since Strawman wasn't the alternative to voting flipped scum for you.

idk who I want to lynch with this in mind. I'm re-reading Dorian's ISO and the content itself is fine it's just that he doesn't have much of an effect on the main wagons which makes him unmemorable.

Cam's Elie interactions were suspicious because they both act suspicious of each other but never pursue a case. Cam had this huge wall post with legit reasons to vote Elie and came out of it with no vote then later a vote on Freyjadour.

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But, like, I think scum!Gilgamesh would have just let a random lynch happen instead of lynching his buddy. So I'm not sure he's really a viable candidate.

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That's not telling because I wasn't scumreading Elieson on his own.

The Strawman read was a response to your first point (formatting is hard).

I basically have the same issue with Dorian. I'd feel better about him if he voted SB because it'd make sense to consolidate on his scumreads during the last <24 hours even if SB is town.

Okay, I'll ISO Cam. Why would Scum!Gilgamesh let a random lynch happen?

Legitimate question: Why do you think scum killed YOLOSWAG?

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