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Alison Rapp no longer with Nintendo Treehouse


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So, this is why she got fired:


Based on these tweets(http://imgur.com/a/uGLHz) and this article(http://archive.is/gW97F).

Nintendo is correct in firing her, they obviously don't want to be associated with these sort of views.

Frankly, she's quite a shitty person, so I won't weep for her.

inb4 "goblegoober stole my ice cream!" complaints.

Edited by Achelexus
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She committed the deadly sin of supporting feminist views so GamerGaters harrassed her and got Nintendo to fire her. And they claim that Nintendo is bowing down to the SJWs.

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She committed the deadly sin of supporting feminist views so GamerGaters harrassed her and got Nintendo to fire her. And they claim that Nintendo is bowing down to the SJWs.

death to the gloobergabbers

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Her views on children are slightly weird, but I'd say she brings up some interesting points otherwise. Such as feminists looking down on women who are sexy.

still, idk why she defended child porn specifically. That's like the worst thing a person can defend and expect credit for their opinions.

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She seems...awfully interest in the subject of child porn.

Why? She really is focused on that subject, which is kind of disturbing since the Treehouse sometimes like to focus on a younger audience.

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The thing that offends me the most are the links. Not the content, but the fact that there's a picture and two links that are broken.

There's a time and place for her advocacy, and "working at a game company that markets to children" is not the time or the place. I strongly disagree with her views, but this isn't the first time I've heard of them.

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what is gamergate?

why are they likening shit like this to watergate

It's a really long story, but in September 2014, a demon known as Zoe Quinn emerged from the depths of Cocytus to make a video game. She acquired the seed of five foolish mortal men and tricked them into advertising her game. One man, who grew attached to the succubus, revealed her true intentions on an Internet Blog. This angered the citizens of Righteous City of 4Chan, and so they decided to enact a holy crusade against the Semen Demon, Zoe Quinn and her capital city of Kotakureddit, who threatened ethics in video games journalism. However, Zoe was not without allies. She was backed by the Legion of Video Games Journalists-- experts in the art of the assassination of feelings --and the Darklord Feminist Matron Anita, who commanded a powerful order of knights known as the Social Justice Warriors. Though the aftermath of the crusade has long since passed, its effects can still be felt today in the form of a certain kind of pain that can be felt in one's rear.

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Yo she was fired for something that happen with her secondary job that she apparently had, look it up.

with that said she is a pretty bad person from those tweets.

EDIT: her second job was apparently being in porn, welp

Most of the stuff floating around doesn't specify get second job. Source?

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