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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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Okay, maybe playing The World Ends With You for the first time alongside this game has spoiled me in terms of story and writing, but it seriously feels like eating a delicious Doner Kebab and then going to McDonalds. Anyway, Chapter 16!

-So this chapter is called Invasion? Awesome! I bet Corrin and company will ruthlessly storm the beaches of Hoshido, cutting down all who resist! It'll be D-Day, Fire Emblem edition! It'll be awesome! It'll be...

-stopping some generic pirates from stealing money. God fucking dammit.

-So in all seriousness, while I would have preferred it if this was, you know, an actual invasion, instead of glorified Cops and Robbers, this is a cool concept for a Chapter. My question is this: how did Xander figure this out so fast? Wouldn't it be cool if you found this out yourself, rather than Xander the apparently Omnipotent just telling you? Maybe I've been watching too much Egoraptor lately, I don't know.

-What are the normal soldiers doing all this time? Why isn't the enemy attacking them? For that matter, why did the boss need to disguise himself in the first place?

-Where is this chest, and who is stealing from it?

-Xander says that Corrin is the leader. Why is Corrin the leader? Xander is the Crown Prince, he has more experience, and he is stronger. Why on earth isn't he the leader? Okay, I know it's because Corrin is the avatar, but an in story reason would be nice!

So that about does it! We have our first promoted enemies, so things are definitely heating up! Will we fight actual Hoshidan soldiers in this invasion? Ever? Find out next time on... blah the Prussian rips off Cinemasins!

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I wonder if you killed the pirate (honestly forgot his name, as I never used him) like me for his boots like a sensible person would

I would have loved if that was actually a thing.

Sadly you don't kill him and then run off with his boots, you kill him, get randomly angsty as fuck, and a boot falls from the sky into your inventory.

Edited by joshcja
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Wait what? You get boots if you kill him? Fuck!

He's way too useful to kill. Don't do it. You'll regret nothing having him if you don't get it him and Boosts only give one move in this game. His character also makes no sense for killing him. Killing him just makes you look bad, I wish it wasn't even an option like how Birthright!Silas joins automatically.

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Shura's actually a good unit, so there's need to kill him honestly.

You have a lot of good units (Read: the entire cast sans Nyx),and a large portion of them (the ones you used) are stronger than Shura, have better growths, and can actually support.

Boots > Shura

You do miss out on his...one line of boss dialogue though.

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You have a lot of good units (Read: the entire cast sans Nyx),and a large portion of them (the ones you used) are stronger than Shura, have better growths, and can actually support.

Boots > Shura

You do miss out on his...one line of boss dialogue though.

This means you miss out on his My Castle dialogue, my room quotes, battle quotes, critical quotes, his items, his staff/bow utility which means he can be plugged into any gap you need, and his supports with Corrin. If you love Boots, then just turn someone into a Wyvern Lord pair-up fodder and have them pair up with your intended recepient.

Killing playable units in any FE is decidedly a bad thing. Especially since Shura did nothing wrong. Just because you might could get something better does not give you the excuse to kill someone.

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This means you miss out on his My Castle dialogue, my room quotes, battle quotes, critical quotes, his items, his staff/bow utility which means he can be plugged into any gap you need, and his supports with Corrin. If you love Boots, then just turn someone into a Wyvern Lord pair-up fodder and have them pair up with your intended recepient.

Killing playable units in any FE is decidedly a bad thing. Especially since Shura did nothing wrong. Just because you might could get something better does not give you the excuse to kill someone.

Nah those are all in the records hall :p

He did nothing wrong, other than try to rob and murder you, and is a walking amber alert.

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Corrin is the leader because Garon is insane and trying to make Corrin make hard and brutal decisions. He clearly underestimated how much the siblings like Corrin and are willing to handhold to bail her/him out, despite Garon's questionable decision making.

As for Shura, I found him to be great low-effort utility for a blind run. With foreknowledge, I'd probably plan out my gold and EXP more efficiently to use other units, but I'd still heartily recommend giving him a chance in a first run.

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I also didn't know Corrin would steal Shura's magical boots after killing him. But to be honest, I actually needed Shura for extra healing/damage/lockpicking in my first playthrough as he comes promoted with reasonable stats.

Also, if nobody is leaving the ship, and we kill them all, and the leader either joins you or dies, why don't we get our money back? Did they throw it into the sea?

Edited by Lanko
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Yeah, based on the fact that now I don't have to rely on Saizo to not be a selfish son of a bitch to get the traps deactivated I no longer regret not killing Shura. I imagine that my vote of confidence is overwhelming, to quote the Princess Bride.

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Quick question: Paladin or GK for Silas?

I usually go Paladin for unique color palette but GK might fit his growths better. My Silas always has high STR and DEF but low SPE.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Draco/bowknight/Hero on Silias.

It's actually pretty common for me to go through all 3 in the same run x.x

(this game really hates non BK ponys from ch18 onwards, on lunatic even Xander gets off his fucking horse and rides a bird)

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I went with Paladin because he was with Effie on my run and I didn't want to stack up armour weakness on both units of the pair. However, he kind of underperformed (I think part of that is RNG, since he got rather poor levels for a while, but still) and it ended up making no difference because he was weak enough that he needed to backpack for Effie for a while until I could find some time to feed him some easy kills. So if you want to keep him in his base tree, I'd recommend going GK.

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What's a paladin?

Something that needed heavy nerfs in the beginning of the Burning Crusade.

*Flashbacks to getting one-shot by Divine Storm as a mage by another fucking Blood Elf*

Garithos was right, man...Grand Marshal Garithos was right.

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Something that needed heavy nerfs in the beginning of the Burning Crusade.

*Flashbacks to getting one-shot by Divine Storm as a mage by another fucking Blood Elf*

Garithos was right, man...Grand Marshal Garithos was right.

And here I was trying to make a stupid Ultima 9 reference
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Chapter 17! Corrin's stupidity is really starting to piss me off here. I had some trouble here because of some Ninja critting thrice in a row on Arthur, which is why this is a tad late. On with the snark!

-Well gee. I wonder who the boss of this chapter is going to be. They're really adding to the mystery of this. I'm on the edge of my seat, truly I am.

-So this Daimyo really built his castle in a cave? I mean, it might not be his castle, but it has a throne!

-Corrin, once again, fails strategy forever. He's seriously turning against a major Nohrian ally just because they took one fucking hostage who was an enemy combatant. Look, Corrin, if FDR tolerated the Gulags, and Wilhelm II tolerated the Armenian Genocide, I think you can tolerate this Daimyo (too lazy to remember his name) using slightly less than honorable tactics!

-For that matter, the game doesn't show Kagero getting captured, probably because in actuality, Kagero is too badass to get captured. This is a stupid plot point, no question.

-Ladies and gentlemen, the Hoshidan elections continue to be contentious. Particularly worthy of attention is the position of Minister of Kill Stealing. The Incumbant, Ryoma, was projected to win reelection easily, pointing to the excellent job he did stealing all the kills from local player blah the Prussian in Chapter 4. However, he has so far faced an unexpected challenge in the form of the firebrand newcomer, Saizo! Saizo wowed voters with the way he rushed ahead and sniped that one assassin, even though blah the Prussian was clearly saving that experience to give to Charlotte! In fact, the situation was so bad that blah the Prussian was forced to cleverly manipulate the AI to get Saizo killed, a clear sign of a truly great kill stealer. Whoever wins, it is clear that Hoshido will have a very strong Minister of Kill Stealing for many years to come!

-Am I the only one that finds it weird that in the two chapters since the invasion of Hoshido began, no actual Hoshidan soldiers were fought? First there were bandits, now there's just some asshole Daimyo. The Hoshidans didn't even oppose the Nohrian invasion! You'd think the invasion would be met with a fleet, but nope! Hell, you'd think the Noshidans would meet the Nohrian army on the beaches, but nope! I just described two chapter ideas that are better than "Defend the gold from generic bandits in a chapter that should probably be the prologue" and "fight an ally because Corrin got squeamish". I understand that the Devs are trying to have more variety, and have you not fight just Hoshido, but you'd think there would be a better place to put all the non Hoshido chapters than DURING THE INVASION OF HOSHIDO.

-So, uh, how's Corrin going to explain this one to Garon/demon? "So, sorry, dad, but you know our allied clan? You know, the one that was of key strategic importance? Yeah, they're all dead. Horrible, I tell you. It was a mass cave in." You know what? That actually sounds plausible, because whoever thought making the Royal Palace a cave is clearly an idiot. Don't do that shit, kids.

So there you have it, Chapter 17, a wholly unneeded chapter. Hopefully next time actual Hoshidan soldiers will be fought. *watches cutscene for next chapter* Son of a bitch!

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