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Fire Emblem Fates did not meet expected sales, Nintendo decides to cancel the franchise

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If you'd been paying attention to the modern world, you would know.

So, having knowledge of current events means you automatically know the character limit on Twitter?

That's cute.

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i've never written a tweet in my life and even i know ballpark the twitter character limit (~150?)

like google or maybe wolfram alpha does all sorts of "write a program in less than a tweet length" shit

it's cultural

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one could also, unknowing of the character limit of twitter, look at the picture and go "by golly, i've sure seen a lot of tweets randomly on the internet because that's where i am and this one seems really long" were one predisposed to use logic

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also since i didn't weigh in on op it was the weakest, most predictable joke and then it was badly executed on top of that

hell, i'm impressed. reminds me of me.

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it's 140, taken from the sms limit of 160

they use 20 characters for a unique address i had to look that part up though

everyone just uses that twitlonger shit when they need to anyway and don't want to spam a novel over multiple tweets

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I just don't touch Twitter.

you don't have to use something to know about it peripherally by paying attention to people, lol

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you don't have to use something to know about it peripherally by paying attention to people, lol

Except AFAIK no one I have ever personally interacted with ever mentioned the character limit? :I

Tbh, if I saw a tweet that was 500 characters long even, I wouldn't question it, lol.

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