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[FE6 randomized] The one where you can snipe


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Well, I guess you could look at older FE6 drafts to confirm it more exactly.

He's a hard to rescue foot unit (I think 16 con as a zerker means NT is the only promoted class that can ferry him) and the maps after his recruitment have some longish, linear paths that make him more likely to lag behind and there isn't that much need for a dedicated axe user, lances and swords can get the job done against many mook types, and hand axes (so you have something to spam at javelin or other ranged enemies) are E rank. Plus Marcus can get to Armads for improved lategame combat if you want him to.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Marcus is a better axe user in all honesty.

Gonzales is just pretty superfluous given that if you really wanted a infantry unit with good combat, you'd just use Rutger or Dieck instead, who are most likely promoted by the time Gonzales is even recruited and have possible boss killing utility which Gonzales can't really do since he can't hit anything on a throne or gate unless all eight planets align on a leap-year. Also, he's too fat for most units to rescue-drop, unlike Rutger/Dieck.

EDIT: Oh, Gradivus ninja'd me this time. What a twist.

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They seem to get some version of their original weapon ranks (e.g. Pally!Percival has A, A, C ranks, randomizes into Sage and now has one A and one C rank, Sages seem to have higher staff rank often ftr), but idk how they're distributed. You can use nightmare to see all the weapon ranks of your units.

Wyvern!Lance and Priest!Dorothy

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Usually the weapon ranks will be similar to the unit's original weapon ranks, although my Marcus has A Swords and C Bows even though Vanilla!Marcus doesn't have a C Rank in any weapon type at base. Ellen also has D Swords as well as D Lances for me instead of E Swords like my other cavaliers because she joined with a Armorslayer, which is a D Rank sword.

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Yeah, I think C is just used as a filler on promoted units when it isn't clear what the second rank would be (like if the new class has more weapons than the original one).

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I'm not so sure. Klein and Cecilia got E Swords when they got changed into classes with more weapon types than their original class had instead of C Swords. I have no idea how new weapon ranks are determined to be honest. I'm glad Marcus got C Bows though since that means he might actually obtain S Bows before endgame.

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I recall seeing that too, actually. It probably depends on the class then, or there might be a random factor.

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The most irritating weapon rank flub I have is Druid!Yodel having S Dark and E Staves instead of A Staves. It makes him pretty much useless.

Apocalypse tho

Also, I feel like my Druid!Dieck will have the same problem of not being able to staffbot when he needs to

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Well, any promoted Shaman I could draft would have S Dark by the point Yodel shows up except Zeiss, so that's not really a point in Yodel's favor.

It takes too long for staff rank to be built up in FE6, so only units who start with the ability to use staves have any chance of using anything other than E rank staves. That's the reason why Warp is banned in normal FE6 drafts, since Saul is the only unit who can realistically have A Staves in the time between when you obtain the Warp Staff and when you recruit Niime, so everyone who didn't draft Saul would have no chance of catching up to the turncount of the person who drafted him.

EDIT: Baldrick made a Arthurian legend joke without referring to Percival, 0/10.

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Well, any promoted Shaman I could draft would have S Dark by the point Yodel shows up except Zeiss, so that's not really a point in Yodel's favor.

It takes too long for staff rank to be built up in FE6, so only units who start with the ability to use staves have any chance of using anything other than E rank staves. That's the reason why Warp is banned in normal FE6 drafts, since Saul is the only unit who can realistically have A Staves in the time between when you obtain the Warp Staff and when you recruit Niime, so everyone who didn't draft Saul would have no chance of catching up to the turncount of the person who drafted him.

EDIT: Baldrick made a Arthurian legend joke without referring to Percival, 0/10.

I'mma make that a challenge to have Deick get S Dark by Yodel, thanks

Also, why only Saul? What about Elen and her 4-chapter head start?

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Cool. Just wanted to know since Bors doesn't actually seem to save any turns in Chapter 1 (I'm fairly sure you would need a flying Marcus to finish Chapter 1 in less than 4 turns.), so I was going to have him dance my undrafted scrubs on the way to the village for exp.

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No, not Thany. My Thief!Thany could ORKO most of the right-hand side enemies in Chapter 2, unlike Ward.

Cleric!Chad, he'll be useful one day.

EDIT: Well, since everyone in the first two chapters has been drafted already, I just got Chapter 1 over with.


Cavalier!Roy: 21HP/6Str/5Skl/9Spd/3Lck/6Def/2Res E Swords D Lances

Inventory: Gant Lance, Vulnerary

Literally every problem Vanilla!Roy had has been fixed, bless RNGesus.

Nomadic Trooper!Marcus: 29HP/14Str/11Skl/11Spd/8Lck/8Def/10Res A Swords C Bows

Inventory: 2x Iron Sword

Hahaha, 14 strength wtf. Thankfully, my scrubby archers come with bows for Marcus to use, so that's nice.

Bard!Bors: 15HP/2Str/10Skl/9Spd/2Lck/1Def/3Res

Inventory: Iron Lance, Vulnerary

Yeah, that huge skill boost will be so helpful on a Bard. Otherwise, Dancer/10.

Cleric!Allen's Inventory: Tina's Staff, Unlock Staff

Archer!Wolt's Inventory: Iron Bow, Vulnerary

Archer!Lance's Inventory: Ballista, Longbow, Vulnerary

Their stats suck, but their inventories are greatly appreciated.

Cavalier!Damas: 21HP/8Str/5Skl/7Spd/4Lck/8Def/3Res

Inventory: Javelin

It's a good thing Lance brought along a ballista for Marcus, since Marcus can't ORKO this guy. Otherwise, this guy's pretty chump.

Chapter 1: 4/4

Bors doesn't actually help save any turns here since Roy and Marcus still have to go around the long way through all the fighters. If Marcus was in a flying class and could ORKO the boss, then Bors would have allowed a 2 turn clear, but alas, he is not. This is pretty similar to a standard clear, except Marcus doesn't need to rescue-drop Roy, which means that Roy can kill all the fighters for tons of delicious exp. Marcus hit the boss with the ballista on Turn 3 before finishing him off next turn with an Iron Bow. Bors got the village.


Lv. 3.70 Cavalier!Roy: 23HP/8Str/6Skl/10Spd/4Lck/7Def/2Res E Swords D Lances

Lv. --/1.25 Nomadic Trooper!Marcus: Base

Lv. 1.30 Bard!Bors: Base

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Chapter 2: 4/8


Wyvern Rider!Ward: 27HP/6Str/13Skl/5Spd/2Lck/8Def/0Res D Lances

Inventory: Horseslayer, Iron Lance, Vulnerary

Such skill. He's still really slow though, so he'll need to be fed kills until he can double consistently.

Cavalier!Ellen's Inventory: Armorslayer, Vulnerary

Soldier!Dieck's Inventory: Slim Lance, Steel Lance

Nomad!Lot's Inventory: Poison Bow, Longbow, Ballista

Thief!Thanny's Inventory: Slim Sword, Iron Sword, Lockpick, Vulnerary

Myrmidon!Rudd: 21HP/4Str/12Skl/13Spd/0Lck/2Def/0Res

Inventory: Iron Sword

Lol, Marcus can OHKO him with a Ballista and Ward takes 0 damage from his attacks. I didn't OHKO him with Marcus though, since Ward needs the exp.

Roy and Marcus kill the soldiers at the beginning. Roy is then danced by BORS, and Roy then parks himself on the fort and kills most of the southern enemies of enemy phase. On Turn 2, Roy kills one of the remaining hand axe fighters before being rescued by Marcus. BORS then dances Marcus, who gives Roy to Ward, who drops Roy in the middle of the eastern group of enemies and then hides on a mountain out of range of any enemies while Merlinus collects the Armorslayer village. Roy kills most of the enemies over there on enemy phase, reaching D Swords in the process. On Turn 3, Marcus kills one of the archers with a Longbow so that Ward won't die on enemy phase, and Roy kills the Mercenary. Roy kills a fighter on enemy phase and dodges several inaccurate javelins. On Turn 4, Marcus chips the boss with a Longbow before Ward finishes him off with an Iron Lance. Merlinus then buys 1 Iron Lance, 1 Iron Bow, and 7 Javelins before Roy seizes.


Lv. 6.16 Cavelier!Roy: 26HP/9Str/8Skl/12Spd/6Lck/8Def/3Res D Swords D Lances

Lv. --/1.41Nomadic Trooper!Marcus: Base

Lv. 1.72 Bard!Bors: Base

Lv. 2.81 Wyvern Rider!Ward: Base

Chapter 3: 5/13


Cleric!Chad: 16HP/2Mgc/5Skl/5Spd/0Lck/1Def/6Res D Staves

Inventory: Unlock Staff, Chest Key, Door Key

Staves will be helpful eventually.

Thief!Lugh: 16HP/5Str/5Skl/11Spd/4Lck/2Def/2Res E Swords

Inventory: Iron Sword, Lockpick, Vulnerary

He's pretty much the same as Vanilla!Chad. All the boots money he'll get me more than makes up for his lame combat.

The boss was a brigand with two Halberds. I forget his stats, but they were really lame and he got ORKOed by Iron Sword!Marcus.

Ward kills a soldier, Merlinus trades Ward a javelin, Chad takes a different javelin from Merlinus and heals Ward. Roy then takes the javelin from Chad and is then danced by Bors. Turn 2, Marcus kills a solider with a longbow and is then danced by Bors. Ward kills another soldier and Chad heals him again. Roy moves up. Turn 3, Marcus and Roy move ahead while Bors dances Ward so that Ward can go kill the soliders coming down the left-hand side and reach Lugh. Chad heals. Turn 4, Roy had to both proc strength and then hit a hand axe Fighter twice in a row with a javelin. It sucked, but it eventually worked out. Turn 5, Marcus kills the boss, Merlinus gets the Mend Staff, Ward gets Lugh, and Roy seizes.

EDIT: I drafted Lugh, which meant he chipped an archer on the last turn for a little bit of exp, which is the only thing that changed.

EDIT 2: I realized that I didn't need to use the ballista with Marcus in this chapter after all, so I did it over. Ward and Roy got a little bit more exp at the expense of Marcus and Lugh getting less.


Lv. 7.42 Cavalier!Roy: 27HP/10Str/8Skl/13Spd/6Lck/8Def/4Res D Swords D Lances

Lv. --/1.83 Nomadic Trooper!Marcus: Base

Lv. 2.24 Bard!Bors: 16HP/2Str/10Skl/10Spd/3Lck/1Def/3Res

Lv. 4.63 Wyvern Rider!Ward: 28HP/8Str/13Skl/7Spd/4Lck/9Def/0Res D Lances

Lv. 1.65 Cleric!Chad: Base

Lv. 1.00 Thief!Lugh: Base

Edited by Carmine Sword
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