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[FE6 randomized] The one where you can snipe


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EDIT: Baldrick made a Arthurian legend joke without referring to Percival, 0/10.

I was totally going to reference him when I falcon picked him. Which is now.

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Dancer!Tate and Sage!Cecilia (A staves ftw, I think Dorothy will spend a while until she hits A even after the warp shows up since her base stf rank is D).

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Prove it!

Oh right she was your last Paladin too

but gotta go equal opportunity drafting, I don't have any either!

Edited by Gradivus.
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I begin!

Chapter 1 5/5


Name   Class  HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Ranks
Roy    Archer 19  5  5  5  0  8  3 D Bows
Marcus Sage   25 14  7  8  9  6 16 A Anima E Staves

Roy can steal a Ballista off Bors, but otherwise he's awful.
Marcus' stats are good, but that staff rank isn't.

A 5-turn was only possible because a Ballista shot altered the order the enemies move, so Roy could use his full movement turn 2 without being blocked. I don't know why, but I'm not complaining.
Damas was a female shaman, nothing interesting.

Chapter 2 7/12

Name  Class    HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Ranks
Ellen Cavalier 22  5  7  8  3  7  3 D Swords D Lances
Lot   Dancer  nobody cares

Ellen, it's all up to you.

I had Ellen take the lead because she will need the levels, and the shop doesn't sell tomes so Marcus needs to conserve his. Ward has an Al Sword which was surprisingly useful, especially since I don't have any Steel Swords yet.

Rude was a female myrmidon, dodgy as hell.

Chapter 3 and I still can't get any anima tomes. As if waiting until chapter 11 for my first flier isn't enough. Marcus only has a Bolting in reserve.

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Chapter 1, Chumps 1-3:




He comes with a poison bow and a vulnerary, which is meh but Iron Bows will come soon. Archer!Bors also brings a longbow for him for slightly better Mt and 3 range. During the earlygame, being an AI magnet that can't counter can hurt a bit (i.e. I shouldn't drop him into a pile of enemies, but otoh the high mov makes him less reliant on getting rescued), but he'll still have ferrying utility and okay offense and once he gets promoted to use swords and improve his stats, he'll probably be a solid unit. I reckon he'll be better than vanilla!Roy because he doesn't face WTD against lances, can promote earlier (duh) and is more mobile. Weapon ranks: D Bow.


Plssss get speed. His str and def are pretty solid and I'll probably find ways to feed him some of the squishier bosses. He brings a slim lance, a javelin and a vulnerary. Weapon ranks: D Lance.


Good bulk, doubles a fair number of earlygame enemies and can still bring enemies pretty low with his 17 mAtk if he doesn't double. I have enough units in my roster that bring flux tomes for him during the earlygame, and he also comes with two flux tomes and a torch staff. So yeah, pretty good unit for the earlygame. Also, weapon ranks: C Dark A Staff. Didn't notice that until now, but it seems Marcus might be a decent third staff user for mid- and lategame.


I'll make screenshot playlogs again only to stop when I'm halfway through.

C1 5/5 turns



Let's go! #Roy'sourboy


There was a handily available RN (just found it by trying around) that makes Marcus whiff his second flux at 86 disp hit, which I used to give Roy this Bandit kill with Bors' Longbow.


Lance attacks this fighter on PP to weaken him, 2HKOing with slim lance.


Start of turn 2. During the EP, the fighter Lance attacked on turn 1 suicided against him and another Fighter attacked him too.


Roy kills the Fighter Lance hit back on EP. Marcus kills the archer, putting him within range of 3 fighters, and Lance positions himself next to Roy to work on the support.


Start of turn 3. EP, Lance got attacked by the Fighter (probably thanks to low health, otherwise the target would've been Roy) and barely survived. Marcus got attacked by 3 axemen, ORKOing one back, failing to double the Brigand and missing a hit against a fighter.


Roy and Lance pick up the scraps, Marcus just kills the Brigand because I can't safely feed him to Roy or Lance anyway. EP, Marcus just ORKOes that fighter above him.


Turn 4 positioning. Lance just made his way towards the village since he can't really help with the bosskill anyway (plus money is important).


This is Damas, btw. He doesn't have the con to use steel swords, but he uses one. Sounds familiar?


Turn 5, Lance gets the gold.


Marcus kills the boss...


...and Roy seizes.

Roy      Nomad            1.91 16   7   6   6   4   4   3 D Bow
Marcus   Druid         xx/1.38 28   9  10   8   9   8   9 C Dark A Stf
Lance    Wyvern Rider     1.90 21   9   5   5   1   9   3 D Lnc


C2 7/12 turns



I could probably try to rescue Marcus, drop him east and then get Roy, but I don't think it would make things much, if any faster (Lance's starting position is inconvenient for a boss area drop too) that way, so I'm going the traditional way in this chapter, which also nets more exp for Roy and Lance. Wyvern!Ellen also packs an iron lance for Lance.


Roy and Lance ORKO the two soldiers at the start and get acceptable levels. Too bad for Lance not to proc spd but he doesn't need it an awful lot right now, he's fine doubling soldiers and it would take him multiple procs to start doubling other enemies. Roy getting some HP and def would be nice too, but I'm not complaining about str.


Start of turn 2, a soldier suicided against Lance on the EP and a a hand axe fighter attacked him.


Marcus kills a fighter and Roy feeds Lance another fighter kill. Not screencapped, Ellen buys 3 iron lances, 3 iron bows and 2 javelins and Merlinus gets the useless armorslayer.


EP, a fighter attacked Roy with hand axe and missed.


Roy kills this soldier. This puts him within range of a javelin soldier (2 range) and a fighter.


Lance has nothing to do except stand next to Roy, so he uses a vulnerary (I just did it instinctively, but I think it resulted in Lance not getting attacked by a fighter in the boss area), and Marcus positions himself on the forest tile to finish the hand axe fighter on EP.


EP, Roy gets hit by an iron axe fighter and counterkills a javelin soldier, dodging the latter.


Marcus kills this Fighter.


Roy and Lance rescue drop him into the bunch of enemies. Roy is placed on a fort, while Marcus is just within range of that archer.


EP4, Marcus counterkills a soldier, the archer, and two fighters due to doubling. One fighter rolled 5 spd so Marcus couldn't ORKO.


Turn 5, Roy takes that fighter kill. Lance ORKOes a soldier that attacked him with javelin on the EP and gets a decent level.


Positioning stuff.


Marcus got brought pretty low against the enemies he pulled (the archer just remained stationary).


End of turn 6. Roy and Lance picked up scraps from Marcus, Marcus killed the Archer in case he'd suddenly move and Roy also stands on the edge of a javelin soldier's range.


Thief!Ruud decides to move to take Roy his vulnerary away. The javelin soldier suicides on Roy.


Turn 7, Marcus feeds Lance the Ruud kill, him not having the gate bonuses came in handy.


Roy seizes turn 7. Also fullrouted the map, yay.

Roy      Nomad            3.87 17   9   6   6   5   4   4 D Bow
Marcus   Druid         xx/1.83 28   9  10   8   9   8   9 C Dark A Stf
Lance    Wyvern Rider     4.33 23   9   6   6   3  11   3 D Lnc
Merlinus Transporter      1.00 lol


I think the Roy-Lance support (20+2) has like 36 points already because they were next to each other the whole time in this chapter. Shaman!Lott also started out with 3 flux tomes, go town with those Marcus.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Theoretically completeable in 3 (or 4) but it was way too much rng abuse for my liking, and Allen and Roy got a lot more exp this way. Allen took Roy up north and they cleared everything out (Allen ORKO'd the archers thankfully) and Damas went down to two horseslayer hits from Allen (he was a mage, but he still had 6 defence). Marcus built some axerank down south, and Roy got a SHIT LEVEL


thankfully he's "bulky" because all his other stats are AWFUL


rolled lots of defence. WE TAKE THOSE


i swear the randomizer just gives everyone 0-2 base luck (unpromoted dudes anyway) He'll be like, one of my only good units

fml my wyvern lot has 12 base str/def, and rude is a 10 def nomad with a ballista, WHY MUST YOU IMPEDE MY FLYING OVER THE MOUNTAINS STRAT


Flew over the mountains anyway, and the horseslayer is so strong (11 MT OP) that I was able to 2RKO the boss with Alan. Marcus cleared out initial enemies (mostly) and Merlinus baited enemies away from Dieck's group. Dieck hilariously joined with 2 restore staves and nothing to heal with. I'm uh, almost out of flux too, so Roy will truely be deadweight.


Lott brought a Gant Lance last chapter, while allowed Allen to ORKO the cavaliers and 3HKO the Wyvern Boss. Zephiel was a Roy Lord in the cutscene, which was pretty funny. Got the Mend staff with Merlinus.

Can I hack Flux into the chapter 4 vendor? Roy literally can't fight until the prep screen and he's already so shit that he needs the levels

Also the pastebin lists my Barth as being a Wyvern, he's actually an archer. Maybe you mixed him up with someone else's Barth?

Edited by General Horace
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Cavalier!Saul. More horses, more better.

I considered Wyvern Rider!Rutger, but the 3 turn cost to recruit him probably isn't worth it.

And darn it, I wanted Swordmaster!Zealot as filler. He has 6 strength and 22 skill, it's hilarious.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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I considered Wyvern Rider!Rutger, but the 3 turn cost to recruit him probably isn't worth it.

You'll regret saying that when your Ward gets doubled by Zephiel!

I take Nomad!Noah and Dancer!Treck, so Baldrick gets Shaman!Astol.


Can I hack Flux into the chapter 4 vendor?

Go ahead, I always found it weird that the randomizer doesn't adjust it anyway. Everyone is now allowed to. (Also the prep shop doesn't sell flux either)

Edited by Gradivus.
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Is Warp actually a thing I should care about? I figured under the rules regarding Roy and Warp, it's only good for getting more treasure and hitting the switches in ch 22.

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I don't expect Warp to be that useful with the current restrictions on it in place either, but just in case there is something useful that having access to Warp lets me do, it would be nice to have someone who can actually use the thing. Even if Yuno's staff range is kind of lame.

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Is Warp actually a thing I should care about? I figured under the rules regarding Roy and Warp, it's only good for getting more treasure and hitting the switches in ch 22.

I actually don't know but I thought being able to warp Roy or units that carry him would be a bit too good, so I made a rule preventing it to see how that works out. I could see myself spending excess warps on combat units to make things more reliable, and warping a dancer/bard to refresh Roy is allowed (added this to the rules to make it more clear).

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I think a good rule of thumb is how much progress is made; if 2 or 3 people can't play any further because Clarine/Rutger haven't been drafted yet, and it's been their turn for more than a day, then the host should think about picking for them.

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