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Worst personal skill?


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I suppose that's true, though I do have a couple of questions: Why do Spear Masters suffer the full brunt of the drop? Also, what's a Zurg?

Either way, I just don't see Arthur's as making him much of a liability (5 Dodge doesn't feel like all that much), at least not so much as his horrid Luck is.

Spear Masters are one of the few classes that has an innate boost to crit evade. Also, "Zurg" is just a term I primiarily use to refer to Big Bads and bosses (comes from a character from the Toy Story movies). Also, another strike against it is that crit evade is only half your luck. And the more I think about it, the more I think that it won't do jack nor shit ingame, EXCEPT against Arthur himself.

I don't know, Pegasus and Kinshi Knights are pretty common on the Nohr route and they tend to have enough speed to avoid being doubled/dodge bows. Also if they're left unchecked they can wreck havoc on your squishies.

I dunno about that - if they're fast enough to dodge bows, I'm sure they could just as easily avoid getting hit by a less accurate weapon used by a character who can't hit the broad side of a barn. And bows are another strike against Unmask - by the time Charlotte comes along, I've already got Niles, as well as potentially Mozu and Anna.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Spear Masters are one of the few classes that has an innate boost to crit evade. Also, "Zurg" is just a term I primiarily use to refer to Big Bads and bosses (comes from a character from the Toy Story movies). Also, another strike against it is that crit evade is only half your luck. And the more I think about it, the more I think that it won't do jack nor shit ingame, EXCEPT against Arthur himself.

It does? I honestly didn't know that. Do any other classes do that, to your knowledge?

Haha, I remember those movies!

And, well, I still don't think Arthur has the worst skill. You can work around it, and it does have some beneficial effect (even if it's not the best thing, being able to crit a bit more often is nice to have sometimes, especially if you're using a Killing Edge or something like that) so it's not the worst. At least, not to me.

After more thought, I'd say Izana's is the worst. Entirely because Sakura exists, and Quiet Strength is literally Peacebringer minus the part where enemies take less damage, so Peacebringer becomes completely pointless in Hoshido, and even in Nohr it's probably not that useful since enemies would be benefiting from it without positioning your units pretty well (if only it were adjacent allies/enemies...). Even Dwyer's is only nonexistent most of the time, as opposed to actively detrimental. It even makes Izana a lesser unit, since he's probably going to be attacking enemies who are inside of his Peacebringer aura, so he automatically deals less damage from the start.

But I never bothered with Izana, so I dunno, maybe he's secretly great somehow.

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Dwyer's skill is pretty lame, I'm gonna vote it for worse as well because it has no effect outside of castle battles, I wanna make my castle battles easy so that other players can take my skills man!

I agree that Selena's skill is bad too, it never triggered for me, if the unit you're supporting gets a crit then chances are the enemy's already dead, if not then at least he's so badly hurt that a normal attack is enough to kill.

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Spear Masters are one of the few classes that has an innate boost to crit evade. Also, "Zurg" is just a term I primiarily use to refer to Big Bads and bosses (comes from a character from the Toy Story movies). Also, another strike against it is that crit evade is only half your luck. And the more I think about it, the more I think that it won't do jack nor shit ingame, EXCEPT against Arthur himself.

I dunno about that - if they're fast enough to dodge bows, I'm sure they could just as easily avoid getting hit by a less accurate weapon used by a character who can't hit the broad side of a barn. And bows are another strike against Unmask - by the time Charlotte comes along, I've already got Niles, as well as potentially Mozu and Anna.

You actually need to calm down.

Crit evade cannot go below 0, misfortune and the double edged zerker hidden's have 0 effect on Arthur, his personal is all upside in-game and on lunatic it will actually hit it's full effect disgustingly often from ch17 onwards. (Sorc and MN both have passive C-evade, and everything starts packing high luck)

Unmask gives a whopping +20 hitrate boost as well as crit, it's not really "consistent" but it's a useful skill.

Worst personal in the game is probably Selena's for being completely worthless.

Edited by joshcja
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Honestly I don't like Kanas personal.

I like Kana, but that personal limits the classes they can be good in. I mean, they can be any class they want and be good in it, but if they want half a Renewal then they need to be a Hoshido/Nohr Noble.

Kinda like how I want Arthur to be a Berserker for extra crit, but if I want him to be using the Great Club I'm specifically forging for him and be able to hit with the dang thing, then he needs to be a Hero.

On that note though, I wonder what would be the worst skill that could be given to a bond unit...?

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You actually need to calm down.

Crit evade cannot go below 0, misfortune and the double edged zerker hidden's have 0 effect on Arthur, his personal is all upside in-game and on lunatic it will actually hit it's full effect disgustingly often from ch17 onwards. (Sorc and MN both have passive C-evade, and everything starts packing high luck)

Unmask gives a whopping +20 hitrate boost as well as crit, it's not really "consistent" but it's a useful skill.

Bold: Yeah, no. The site says it just boosts damage and crit rate - not that that matters if I can't rely on her to even hit whatever she's attacking. . .

The rest: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... no. You DO realize that by the time you get into lategame, most enemies are using B rank weapons that lower their crit evade? Either way, Misfortunate is enough to make Arthur a lesser unit in my book, as much as it's a pain to say because I kinda like him as a character.

It does? I honestly didn't know that. Do any other classes do that, to your knowledge?

Haha, I remember those movies!

And, well, I still don't think Arthur has the worst skill. You can work around it, and it does have some beneficial effect (even if it's not the best thing, being able to crit a bit more often is nice to have sometimes, especially if you're using a Killing Edge or something like that) so it's not the worst. At least, not to me.

The only other ones are Nine-Tails, Wolfssegner, Monk, Shrine Maiden, Troubadour, Sorcerer and Master Ninja (the former two are only relevant in one chapter each and use beaststones, which give crit evade, the latter two only get 5 crit evade, and the middle 3 are healers).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Bold: Yeah, no. The site says it just boosts damage and crit rate - not that that matters if I can't rely on her to even hit whatever she's attacking. . .

Huh, I could swear that shit gave hit, and I actually use her all the time in post so that's just embarrassing. Meh it's still one of the best post-game personals.

The rest: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... no. You DO realize that by the time you get into lategame, most enemies are using B rank weapons that lower their crit evade? Either way, it's enough to make Arthur a lesser unit in my book, as much as it's a pain to say because I kinda like him as a character.

Yes, luck is still high enough for misfortune to give significant boosts to crit rate. You just hate zerks in general and Arthur specifically to... a completely illogical extent at this point.

The only other ones are Nine-Tails, Wolfssegner, Monk, Shrine Maiden, Troubadour, Sorcerer and Master Ninja (the former two are only relevant in one chapter each and use beaststones, which give crit evade, the latter two only get 5 crit evade, and the middle 3 are healers).

I get the feeling that you've never actually used Zerk!Arthur on lunatic conquest. Just about any zerk is by default one of the best combat units in the game, and misfortune gives Arthut a very real edge over his zerk competition.

Edited by joshcja
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I get the feeling that you've never actually used Zerk!Arthur.

And never will, because Berserkers are my absolute least favorite class in the game :smug:

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I would have never guessed...

What a twist!

Obvious sarcasm aside, Arthur already has massive trust issues, and I think it's not worth making them even worse than they already are.

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you get a tiny amount of HP (like 5) for waiting. Cute, but why not just use a Vulnerary?

Dwyer's is at least useful somewhere. plus its a free boost in the place it does work in (I wish this was Lilith's personal tho). Asugi's is the definition of an afterthought.

Edited by Jakkun
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I'm surprised that no one mentioned Selkie's skill. Adjacent enemies lose 5HP at the start of your turn. Wow, it's nothing.

So who wants to play a game? Take a bad personal skill and give them a better one!

Selena: If this unit is the support unit and the lead unit does a followup attack, this unit will dual strike twice.

Dwyer: When this unit is the support unit, the lead unit gets +10 hit rate and avoid

Selkie: When you trigger combat with an adjacent enemy, +20 Avoid.

Asugi: When you select Wait, recover 10HP.

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you get a tiny amount of HP (like 5) for waiting. Cute, but why not just use a Vulnerary?

Dwyer's is at least useful somewhere. plus its a free boost in the place it does work in (I wish this was Lilith's personal tho). Asugi's is the definition of an afterthought.

How about Velouria?

Recover 10 hp at the start of every turn at a chance equal to the luck stat.

...10. not 10%, just flat out 10.

That's just a terrible version of Good fortune.

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How about Velouria?

Recover 10 hp at the start of every turn at a chance equal to the luck stat.

...10. not 10%, just flat out 10.

That's just a terrible version of Good fortune.

EDIT: Looking at the site, it says 10% HP. But is it wrong...?

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Selena's personal skill activated for me once during my whole playthrough of conquest lol It was before Felicia had the flame shuriken, so she was doing like 1 dmg per hit to an oni savage I think, but she managed to get a critical and then Selena's personal activated and she killed the enemy. Had Selena's personal not activated the oni savage wouldn't have died haha, but yeah, overall worthless

Charlotte's isn't that useful most of the time, but it's definitely not useless. Something about pushing 90% crit rates during endgame shenanigans is just really amusing. But yeah, most female enemies die easily, so the boost doesn't matter half the time.

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Selena's personal skill activated for me once during my whole playthrough of conquest lol It was before Felicia had the flame shuriken, so she was doing like 1 dmg per hit to an oni savage I think, but she managed to get a critical and then Selena's personal activated and she killed the enemy. Had Selena's personal not activated the oni savage wouldn't have died haha, but yeah, overall worthless

Charlotte's isn't that useful most of the time, but it's definitely not useless. Something about pushing 90% crit rates during endgame shenanigans is just really amusing. But yeah, most female enemies die easily, so the boost doesn't matter half the time.

Now that you mention it, Selena's personal might be helpful for shuriken users, who might not kill even with a crit depending on what they're attacking.

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Now that you mention it, Selena's personal might be helpful for shuriken users, who might not kill even with a crit depending on what they're attacking.

Barb Shuriken lead + Selena with Brave weapon... the question is (assuming the target lives both the lead's critical hit and Selena's first critical hit) would Selena's second hit automatically be a critical hit thanks to her personal skill?

And for more partner attack shenanigans, give Selena the Exalt Brand so she can pick up Dual Striker and, if you have a cheating device and absolutely don't care about Selena Dual Guarding you at all, give the lead unit Bold Stance.

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Barb Shuriken lead + Selena with Brave weapon... the question is (assuming the target lives both the lead's critical hit and Selena's first critical hit) would Selena's second hit automatically be a critical hit thanks to her personal skill?

Good question. A General should be an easy way to answer this.

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Barb Shuriken lead + Selena with Brave weapon... the question is (assuming the target lives both the lead's critical hit and Selena's first critical hit) would Selena's second hit automatically be a critical hit thanks to her personal skill?

And for more partner attack shenanigans, give Selena the Exalt Brand so she can pick up Dual Striker and, if you have a cheating device and absolutely don't care about Selena Dual Guarding you at all, give the lead unit Bold Stance.

Do brave weapons work in the back under the new system?

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