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Ballistican Blitz and Gift From Anna are Now Both Available


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Discuss both DLC here. Also, which item will you choose from Anna and who do you plan on reclassing?

*I should also note that Gift From Anna is a one-time only use per file. (Copied files of the same playthrough do not count however, meaning you would not be able to re-obtain Anna's gift on a copied file if you already did so on the original file)

also holy shit Anna's line in Gift From Anna "I look forward to your continued money- er, business"

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Since Ballistician Blitz guarantees infinite Sighting Lenses (one per chapter completion), I'm going for Witches Mark (you can only get one from this gift Chapter that disappears after being used on a save file) from the 'Gift from Anna' as we still have to wait a full week to get infinite Witches Marks.

Reclassing? Hm...for me, any female who has a modest Mag Growth as even those with a fairly high Magic Max Stat for their class won't make use of the class if their Magic Growth doesn't let them get enough Magic.

Now facing Streetpass Teams literally only composed of Witches or Females that have Warp will be frightening. One unit Warps and attacks an enemy, second unit Warps and initiates a Dual Strike...the chain of unending pain will not end...

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Sooooo can I only use A Gift from Anna once or once per file? (like Anna on the Run)

Once per file, yeah. Went ahead and reclassed Orochi to Witch on my Revelations file and Nyx to Witch in Conquest.

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Sooooo can I only use A Gift from Anna once or once per file? (like Anna on the Run)

Copied Save Files (such as you copied a file to make another of the same) count as two different files and are not treated as the same.

Any character or reward that has 'once per save file' is just like that, on that one particular save file just once, you can get the item/character as the reward. Once the reward is obtained, the chapter can be replayed but no reward is given (Anna on the Run) or the Chapter can't be replayed (Gift from Anna).

Prepare for Warp meta

Warp goes from something simple to something overused. Also, until Witches Mark becomes unlimited, imagine seeing full online teams of only Female characters with Warp as one of their skills. Hopefully the 'can use another standard action' ruling for those who just Warped is verified on what it means because if one can Warp after Warp...

Jakkun, Replicate + Warp users in online battles and in story, planning goes out the window pretty fast for anything relating to 'Seize' or 'Defeat the boss' for anything.

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I'll be getting the Witch's Mark, natch. As for the lucky gal who gets it... that'll be something for me to think of in the meantime.

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Well, it seems to only make sense to get the Witch's mark since they came at the same time (unless you really don't like/need Witch for some reason) so I guess that's what I'll be getting.

I'm excited to try out the classes though!

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I was thinking that Benny can be a good ballistician.

Any normal user of a Bow/Yumi can make use of it as well. Takumi has no need as his personal weapon essentially makes getting the Ballistician skill that allows you to transverse over any terrain to 1 movement point null. Of course, Wary Fighter Ballistician Benny will be absurdly great.

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@Emblem Blade: If I ever do PvP in this game, its gonna be against friends under a no warp setting.

Its a damn shame, since I really like the appeal of Witch. At least the class itself is fair game for me.

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Well, the terrain traversal for Takumi is null, but that just means he can free up that skill slot for something like Replicate or Life and Death. Fucking love my LoD Takumi he's so good

isn't that skill only usable in Ballistician anyway?

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@Emblem Blade: If I ever do PvP in this game, its gonna be against friends under a no warp setting.

Its a damn shame, since I really like the appeal of Witch. At least the class itself is fair game for me.

Warp is one thing by itself, it essentially makes most chapters in the story so much easier as Flyers with 9+ Movement with Pass (Falcon Knights with Rescue come to mind) allow other units with Warp and Rescue to send allies to targeted enemies to end anything that is objectively 'Seize' or 'Defeat the boss' by chain-moving units towards the objective of the mission. It also makes just about any chapter's difficulty go to Normal or Easy Hard Mode as you can teleport at ease while healing/attacking.

For PvP, Replicate + Warp become a monster of a nightmare to counter should enemies solely use that strategy only (most likely will happen now by using logbook units that have Warp equipped).

The ruling of Warp states that the user is allowed another action after using the 'Warp' command. If this ruling permits the same unit to Warp again after Warping (should they do nothing else), everyone could just Warp in chapters and do nothing else if said Chapters they were doing so had no Turn Limit. Now I'm gettting the urge to do chapters and just Warp around the place for 100+ turns before finishing the objective as long as the chapter I'm doing isn't TIme Limited or 'Route enemies before xxxxxxx happens'.

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Well, the terrain traversal for Takumi is null, but that just means he can free up that skill slot for something like Replicate or Life and Death. Fucking love my LoD Takumi he's so good

isn't that skill only usable in Ballistician anyway?

The skills learned by a Ballistician apparently only work if the unit is currently a Ballistician, otherwise the DLC skills of the class become useless to other classes. Which is a somewhat shame since some maps where there are so many wooded forests that reduce your movement speed and distance, this skill would be wonderful on any non-Flyer class unit.

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Do the Ballistas deal a flat amount of damage, or is it affected by Strength? I'm thinking of making my hubby Kaze a Ballistician, since he's kinda outclassed by everyone in my army otherwise.

I made Ophelia a Witch, since I like her, but don't really like her default outfit.

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Something to note: Ballisticians aren't actually tanks, stat wise, they are more like glass cannons in practice. They have 39 Str cap, 2nd only to Zerks by 1 point, and they have good skill, but their Spd and both defenses cap in the mid-20's. Also I'm not sure if they count as armoured units or not.

Just a fair warning for those thinking that Ballisticians would be unkillable as their appearance would suggest. I do suggest grabbing Wary Fighter for those that do use the class (like Takumi, who has a -2 Spd mod)

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Ok, in regards to F! Kamui having access to Witch (S-Rank Tome/Scroll user)...

Max Stats w/o Modifiers and no statues involved are: 50/25/36/27/34/28/26/29.

These stats are very impressive for a pure magical attacker however due to how modifiers affect max stats, and looking at the following:

*Offensive Stats are 36/27/34/28 (Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck). These stats are very solid for a class that can only attack due to lacking anything but tomes/scrolls. However looking at the Skill and Luck Caps without modifiers, those are max stats of 27/28. Hit Rates uses Weapon's Hit Stat, and both the user's Skill and Luck stats. Both of these stat caps are average, at best so you have a modest Hit Rate. However, Tomes unlike Scrolls trade off accuracy for power which means that even with 70+ Hit on a weapon, unless you bump up your Skill/Lck stats, your Hit Rate on very fast anti-mage units are going to be a bit low. Magic is sitting at a very high 36 while Speed is a dazzling 34 for a magic-only class.

*Defensive Stats are 50/34/28/26/29 (HP/Spd/Lck/Def/Res). Now first things first, the HP cap won't change, can't go above the max stat of 50 and this means that your ability to take a hit might affect your decision on staying in enemy territory with enemies in it still if they outnumber you. You're going to have a decent Avoid Rate thanks to having 34/28 Spd/Lck stats but you want to avoid being in the vicinity of any enemy that can achieve 80%+ Crit on you as 28 Lck isn't something to smile on. 26 Defense means that you're going to tank at least one blow from most physical classes. You might even tank a +7 Steel Axe to the face from one if you're lucky but that's it. 29 Res means that you're not directly safe from high-buffed Magical attackers such as Sorcerers or other Witches that run 55+ Magic Stats with Attack Power of 70+ which becomes common in online battles against high ranked players.

Now for her skills:

*Shadowgift (learned at Lvl 1): Returning from Awakening, this skill only works for classes that have access to Tomes/Scrolls and the only Dark-Tome right now is Nosferatsu. Useful if you want to run it on any magical attacking class.

*Witches Brew (learned at Lvl 10): If you have a decent Lck Stat, you can possibly get free potions whenever you end the Witch's turn (during the first 7 turns). Nice for beginners who struggle with getting gold to buy healing potions.

*WARP (learned at Lvl 25): Actually it's Warp not 'WARP', I did that because this skill alone makes any kind of a battle easier than easy granted you still play safe. Being able to teleport to another ally anywhere on the map (you'll warp to an adjacent tile next to the designated player-controlled unit you control) granted the Warp-User hasn't taken an action yet is one thing, however if that's not enough, that Command is a bonus, you still get to make another action afterwards. Who knows where this skill will lead players. Once 'Witch's Trial' comes out, even male characters and all female character can Warp, that's a huge mouthful.

*Toxic Brew (learned at Lvl 35): Debuffing the enemy using a skill that acts as the enemy-only skill and the useable Staff called Freeze. Now the thing is the debuff chance is based on your Skill% x 1.5 which is reasonably high yet it only works on enemies that you just battled that didn't outright die to you in that battle. It's nice for reducing pressure by weakening the enemy and preventing their movement for their next turn while another ally can Rescue you and heal you if you got hit.

Due to the shaky Skill and Luck and looking at Serenes Forest, Magic/Speed are logical Boons to increase your power in the former while the latter ensures that very fast enemies, namely Elite Ninjas can't double you because if they double you and debuff you, you're survival is looking grim if you're isolated from your other units. However, a Boon of Skill (modifier of +4 and your statue makes that +5) can help remedy that average skill stat and it doesn't really harm you as you lose one point in Strength (not needed for a Witch) and Defense (the loss is relatively minor). Banes would end up being a toss-up between Strength (-3 Str/-1 Skl/-1 Def) and Defense (-1 Lck/-3 Def/-1 Res). The former can be remedied with just a few statues to cover the point lost in Skill and Defense. The latter means that you'll want to stack some Defense Statues to make sure that you can at least tank one non-'Zerker attack should you somehow get hit.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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