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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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i had some thinking time, but basically if the mason claim is completely legit, there's an incredibly good (close to 100%) chance that we've already won

granted, i'm not sold on it being legit since sb is 110% playing to his scum meta and the FK/proto slot has literally nothing

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Don't masons need to be legitimately masons in order for the claim to be completely legit?

It's between yolo/makaze/sb/faerie. I'm kind of braindead at the moment, so I'll have to do some re-reading but I highly doubt it's yolo/makaze or sb/makaze.

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I believe you don't have a power role, at any rate.

I am Seth, Town Tracker.

I tracked:

N1: Yolo (failed)

N2: Prims visited no one

N3: Yolo visited no one

If I don't die tonight, I will track either Proto or SB since they are the most likely scum candidates.

I still think Yolo is up there as a candidate and SB has officially been boosted up to lynchable because there are too many clears to exonerate him without a full and credibly claim.

If I've got the clears right, here's the list:







Faerie Knight


SB > Crysta / Proto > Yolo

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he's skirting around basically everything, his tone is demotivated, and it just doesn't feel like he's trying to make an effort to find scum

You're right that I'm not motivated but thats just because this game is confusing and my attention span for mafia is a lot lower than it used to be.

Reskimmed and I don't think Omega would be scum with his Marth vote considering how terrible it was and he could've probably tried milking it for cred if he was maf? The rest of his content isn't very inspiring I think thats just Omega more than anything else. Crysta's Marth vote is a lot worse than I remember it (forgot it was from the first time the wagon formed and she didn't move it) and D2 onwards her suspicions aren't really clear e.g. inventing the Strawman scumread out of nowhere and didn't really have a lot of stances on anyone. Makaze still reads like scum for spending more time posturing than actually doing anything too. I'm kind of paranoid that FK was just trying to use our role to get cred on the reread and want Proto to actually get here.

Pedit: My role is literally Town Neighbour, not Mason. I don't /know/ Proto's alignment but it says that he is Eirika which is why I've been leaning towards him being town for most of the game.

Unless Crysta claims something similar Makaze is probably town after that claim? iirc Seraph Knight is protective and I can't see any info role stronger than Tracker fitting in the setup with a potential revive but flipped/claimed roles aren't enough.

##Vote: Crysta

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yeah okay i'll need to talk with the dead at some point but i would not lynch outside sb/proto today, and probably sb first since i'm pretty sure sb isn't dumb enough to work on just flavorspec after said flavor from the d1 lynch implied that the mafia looked like town that did not exist. get it together

hell, i'm up with offing them both at whatever point

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also want proto's slot gone since the only reason i ever gave FK a pass is because of a mason soft, and since it ain't a mason... you get the point.

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tl;dr i see a fuckload of backpedaling now that there are clears and a mason claim doesn't fit in the setup

and i'm not seeing the logic of "oh maybe we'll get killed over other players" to hold up at all

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Alright, I'm trying to read through the thread but I haven't been able to gather much from skimming through ~36 pages.

I'm still fairly confident that SB is Town, because he was essentially labeled as Ephraim in the role PM. It's not a hard clear, however, and I am suspicious of the fact that SB was never explicitly named in the role PM, as well as the fact that when the role PM emphasized (in bold) the bit about communication, the flavor on "pegasus couriers" was also bolded. Based on the flavor, I don't actually meet Ephraim face to face but I'm communicating with him through pegasi couriers. It's possible that I, Eirika, merely believe that I'm talking to my brother, but the communication is being intercepted and set by a Mafia member. I do still think it's quite a jerk move to have a neighbor duo where one of them is Town while the other is scum, especially given the flavor that strongly implies that it's Ephraim that I'm talking to, so I'm quite convinced that SB is Town, but as I said, it's not a hard clear.

I do consider Junko and Prims as hard clears though, because the flavor on sheltering the stone implies that the event would not have occurred if the stone was not protected, i.e., if it fell into enemy hands. Manix is also a hard clear for obvious reasons.

People seem to consider Clarinets as confirmed Town, but I'm not really sure why that's the case...? It would be great if somebody could explain that.

I'm not sure about Makaze, but his Town Tracker claim seems to be legit, I think. I'm more suspicious of the Vanilla claims at this point, because it sounds like a convenient fakeclaim.

Not sure what to think of YOLO and Crysta. YOLO claimed Vanilla, which is pretty suspicious now that two Vanillas have flipped. I would be okay with lynching YOLO.

No comments on content because I'm terrible at reading players based on behavior, and skimming through 30+ pages makes it even worse. The divided and shifting opinions on Clarinets do stand out for me though.

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tl;dr i see a fuckload of backpedaling now that there are clears and a mason claim doesn't fit in the setup

and i'm not seeing the logic of "oh maybe we'll get killed over other players" to hold up at all



##Vote: SB

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I prefer SB over Proto's slot because SB has been the most responsible for being super vague about the claim and I think that as a town neighbor he would know better.

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Well I agree with manix. Pretty much just waiting for crysta's claim and clarinets reads and don't want to get prodded lol. Clarinets you are confirmed since you couriers manix the night he died I believe.

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i'm the x1 cop, x1 rolecop

used my cop on shinori n2 and he is very dead

used the rolecop on makaze, who i can't really see being scumbuddies with sb or yolo. the rolecop only tells me the target's role. thinking it's probably sb/yolo at this point. or maybe even both 'masons'.

i'll be at work in about an hour.

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