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Unpopular FE opinions


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What unpopular opinions about FE do you guys hold? I thought it would be nice to share them in a relatively safe environment.

I'll start by sharing mine, and then everyone else can share their's.

I like Conquest's and Awakening's stories

Conquest!Corrin is my 3rd favorite lord

The Kaga era games are not the best in the series

I don't mind how Fates implemented the children plotwise, and I prefer it to Awakening's method

FE3 is the best of the Kaga era of FE games

Roy is not a bad lord unit wise

I ship Lyn x Eliwood and Roy x Sue

I like Garon as a villain, even if I feel he could have been written better

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What unpopular opinions about FE do you guys hold? I thought it would be nice to share them in a relatively safe environment.

I'll start by sharing mine, and then everyone else can share their's.

I like Conquest's and Awakening's stories

I like Garon as a villain, even if I feel he could have been written better

I also like time traveling kids in Awakening I also don't mind Radiant Dawn's Blood Pact.

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2 month break between the two topics, not half bad

Anyways, my short list of maybe somewhat unpopular opinions that are certainly more popular than I think:

- I like the assassin subplot in 12

- The GBA games are not the best in the series

- RNG based proc skills are bad

- Lunatic + and Lunatic Reverse are fine difficulties

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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Gaiden is a damn good game, and I believe everyone should give it a shot.

Also this, tbh. Gaiden is at least worth trying if one can, and if it doesn't click, then it's easy enough to drop.

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Eliwood/Hector mode is a bad game mode split beyond Lord perspective.

DS Reclassing is great for Tier 1 units but broken for Tier 2 units.

Thracia 776 Hot Potato Rescue is the best Rescue.

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- I like equipable staves in Radiant Dawn

- I like the Path of Radiance animations

- The option to reclass is horrible

- The worst thing about Awakening is that Pegasi fly by flapping their wings (instead of the series' previously established kicking air thing)

- Wyverns having 6 limbs ruins the wyvern riding classes

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  • Proc based skills should go away.

Thracia's trading is awesome and should come back.

I'd be fine with waifus returning if the gameplay was as good as Fates and I get to chose between at least two girls for lesbian relationships.

PoR is too slow for me to enjoy fully

Kids should be turned into 'recruits' that any two units can train and pass down stats/skills too.

My Castle is pretty awesome for the most part.

Lunatic+ is fun.

Losing is fun

I don't like FE7 and I feel meh towards FE4

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- FE7 is meh

- FE7's story is bad and I don't like its writing

- I prefer eliwood mode to hector mode because the hector mode specific maps are bad

- I don't like using and optimizing children

Edited by Gradivus.
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- I don't get all the praise Zephiel gets as a villain. His reason for villainy completely fail to convince me because its so firmly established that even if his father was a gigantic prick who tried to kill him, that his father was the only person in Bern, if not the world who didn't adore Zephiel. To me it just makes him a big drama lama.

- I find Nergal a pretty fantastic villain. He's got enough build up throughout the plot, has a clear presence and he is an incredible personal threat that the heroes must take down. I also appreciate in how his backstory was handled.

- I don't understand all the criticism that the story of 7 gets. Its a competent escalation of events from fighting bandits, corrupt nobles, a mercenary guild and finally a dark wizard and his army. Its got plenty of good heroes and villains too and the world is well developed.

- I find Akenaia a pretty ''meh' continent. As such the greater attention it gets compared to other continents does bother me.

-Tharja doesn't look like eyecandy, she looks like a neurotic, coffee addicted spaz in her sprite.

- Male Morgan is better then female Morgan. I like the both of them but to many people think F Morgan blows her counterpart out of the water. M Morgan has just as many funny moments and is more dorky and nice, and doesn't share his counterpart's moment of meanness.

- I dislike reclassing. A lot of units have their identity at least party tied to their class. Its just weird to see General Gerome talk about Minnykins when he doesn't even have her.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I find the Black Knight to be an overrated villain who is made much worse by the fact that he is Zelgius. I also think Ashnard is an amazing villain who doesn't get recognized as such enough.

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- FE7 Spoilers:

I feel that Ninian's death and revival is an incredibly insulting moment due to how badly it toys with the player's emotions. I hate how they make what's arguably the most emotional moment in the whole series when she dies, but then ruin it completely by reviving her out of nowhere. People can say whatever they want about FE13 and FE14 but I don't feel they ever insult the player the way FE7 does.

- I think that despite all of them being flawed, there is no such thing as a bad FE game.

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Let's see...

- I hate Chrom and Lucina. More so Lucina.

- FE7 is bad (by FE standards)

- Awakening is meh

- I like RD's bloodpact

- I hate Chrom x Female Robin

- Nohr's character designs are mostly god awful and ugly and the characters themselves are uninteresting, Camilla being the worst on both counts

Edited by Anacybele
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I love FE 7's Story to pieces and think it's only true weakness is that of conveyance (as it hides many plot details with things you will have to figure out yourself or support conversations). And yes this includes the ending which is a deep and meaningful conclusion to the hidden plot even as it stands to an insult to the apparent one (hence why this bothered me a lot until I figured it out).

Of the three fates path conquest has the best plot. Which is like saying of these three horrible stories Conquest actually tried to have an interesting plot where as birthright was written by the fire emblem plot bot and revelations exists as a lazy excuse to get the whole cast together.

I do not like a lot of features of my castle and think it's buried in way too much fat and nonsense and in subsequent playthoughs of fates my castle really started grading on me I just want to play the maps.

I hate Reclassing.

I like to use knights but only three of them (Owsin, Gatrie, and Conquest!Effie), and I generally always use at least a Archer.

I love FE 4 but I think the game is only good with the options of an emulator present, seriously without the speed up button and save states I would have hated that game. Chapters are way too long if you can't use save states after every seize, and traveling would have taken a decade without the speed up button.

The support everyone thing needs to be cut characters are becoming flater because of it. Not sure if this is actually controversial but other people are saying it and I agree.

Oh and I hate Shadow Dragon not really unpopular just wanted to say it.

Edited by Locke087
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I'm going to quote the things that aren't unpopular, because people think they are.

The Kaga era games are not the best in the series

FE3 is the best of the Kaga era of FE games

- The GBA games are not the best in the series

- RNG based proc skills are bad

Gaiden is a damn good game, and I believe everyone should give it a shot.

- I don't like the "everyone can support everyone" thing thats going on

- Lyn isn't a good unit

I don't like Severa very much. Other than that, I can't really think of much.

I'll point out more later.

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I was going to say that "Half the opinions in here don't qualify as unpopular", but it seems that Rey has that covered.

Now, for some actual unpopular/very little heard opinions:

-Having played every single localized handheld game in the series, I still prefer Shadow Dragon over other games in the series (and am an ardent defender against the factually incorrect notion that it jeopardized the series, when that dishonor goes to the borderline flops known as the Radiant Duelogy)

-Seal skills are cheap in Fates, and take away too much in the way of stats. They should behave like shurikens; only activate if the user hits an enemy (there's no reason that Niles should get defense sealed because he softened up a lance fighter from distance). Also, -6 is too much; -4 is more manageable. And lastly, the distribution of seal skills is blatantly done to make things easier for Hoshido and harder for Nohr; Hoshido gets defense/strength/speed/resistance, while Nohr solely gets seal magic.

-The "fandom" is nowhere near as bad as it's reputation among some seem to suggest; it's a multi-faceted entity (like most large groups of people) with differing opinions. As is the case with the internet, the worst are the most popular because people seem to masochistically crave disagreement and negativity.

(Probably more popular than my other opinions.)

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Oooh boy here we go.

- Seliph > Sigurd character wise. I didn't like Sigurd that much tbh.

- Sigurd and Deirdre's romance wasn't fleshed out nearly enough for me to be invested in their love story. People like to shit on the Chrom x Sumia supports but at least you can see them actually becoming closer.

- I feel like I missed something in FE4's plot because a lot of people seem to praise Eldigan but I found his actions really dumb. Chagall was blatantly evil so why did he follow his orders?

- As someone with a very short attention span FE4 was a chore to play through. The map sizes were overwhelming and taking a break after each captured castle just took me out of the story. FE5 did the whole story and gameplay integration thing better.

- Fatigue and a minimum deployment amount were great mechanics and I hope to see them back some day, especially fatigue.

- Eirika's usefulness is underestimated. She can carry herself in earlygame axeland and lategame she acquires Sieglinde. I admit her midgame isn't the greatest but she definitely isn't as bad as some people would like you to think. Then again I've never had a str screwed Eirika so perhaps I've just been lucky.

- Radiant Dawn is uglier than Path of Radiance.

- I don't know how prevalent this opinion is nowadays but Micaiah used to be seen as a Mary Sue, which is a notion I disagree with. She's one of the serie's most flawed protagonists imo. The saint persona that she was set up to be in part 1 falls apart as she succumbs under the pressure of protecting her country.

- I appreciated the minimalist approach of Shadow Dragon.

- While I can see why people would consider Lucina to be boring, I found her to be refreshingly down-to-earth in Awakening's gimmicky cast.

- The avatars should not have been able to marry the 2nd gen of their respective games. Especially in Fates, aren't most of them minors? Why can you conceive children with Percy or Kiragi or Midori?

- I want more gay characters in the next FE's, a lot more, maybe up to half of the romance options. And not just units that are gay for your avatar, but units that are gay for each other as well. Leo and Takumi have more chemistry with each other than with 90% of their marriage options, it's a crime they can't S-support.

- I'd also like to see more dark skinned characters. I honestly don't care for the 'muh realism' argument. Yes, most Fire Emblem games take place on continents based on Europe, doesn't mean they can't take some creative liberties. It's not like they're going for a historically accurate portayal of European history.

- Caeldori is a big improvement over Cordelia. The lack of a Chrom obsession makes her a lot more bearable.

- Camilla's cleavage doesn't bother me at all. It's her panty window thing that gets my jimmies rustled.

- Ryouma is more attractive than Xander.

- Children should be replaced by apprentices, which basically function like children except they're not related to their 'teachers', and prepromotes.

- Characters should be able to support a maximum of six characters, and no more. Due to the 'everyone-supports-everyone' support system many characters that lack chemistry are forced to interact with each other and you can tell the writers had no idea what to do with them.

- I wouldn't mind Kozaki staying as the character designer, his style is a bit more realistic than the previous styles FE has had, which is a positive for me. Just fire the guy that designs the armour.

- FE is better fit for portable consoles.

EDIT: I don't know how unpopular these opinions actually are but this is what came to mind.

Edited by glaucousdreamer
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- I feel like I missed something in FE4's plot because a lot of people seem to praise Eldigan but I found his actions really dumb. Chagall was blatantly evil so why did he follow his orders?

This so much, I think it also combines really poorly with how he's introduced in chapter 1, he's framed as the only Agustrian lord that isn't fucked up and somehow he doesn't get suspicious of Chagall even after a year to the extent of entering the castle in chapter 3 instead of telling Chagall of his retreat from the outside. The latter is even worse because he knows he might die in the convo with Raquesis.

That's ignoring he could probably just have slaughtered the executioners Chagall sent after him with the Mystletainn, but he chose not to defend himself which is legit dumb considering he knows him dying prevents peace from returning to Agustria.

Tbh him defending himself in chapter 3 (maybe killing Chagall) and taking lethal wounds during it would've made for a nice character arc for him without changing the overall plot.

Edited by Gradivus.
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After Rey made his comment, I feel like I should say that it isn't so much that these are unpopular, it is just not something I hear everyday. Personally, atleast.

I think there should be a bow-user as a lord.

I also like the idea of someone being a commander of an army being the "lord" of the game, but just not being a playable character (until maybe later game).

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The DS Archanea games have a great plot with very few holes (although I want Heroes of Light and Shadow to repair NM Marth's personality to SD standard and Elice's perception of him.)

Path of Radiance isn't that easy (admittedly, I am not the best FE player, so don't quote me on this)

Binding Blade is the hardest (Genealogy is long with OP characters, and Thracia is just user unfriendly if you go into it blind.)

I want Silent Protagonist to be an option in the West.

If and when FE7 is remade, I want playable Mark.

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  • Kids should be turned into 'recruits' that any two units can train and pass down stats/skills too.

This is genius,

I'd actually love to have this. It's a really brilliant compromise between people that like marriage/children and people that don't. It won't hurt the narrative with excuses to have grown-up, fight-ready kids too.

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- I want more gay characters in the next FE's, a lot more, maybe up to half of the romance options. And not just units that are gay for your avatar, but units that are gay for each other as well. Leo and Takumi have more chemistry with each other than with 90% of their marriage options, it's a crime they can't S support.

This would be awesome.

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