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Opinion on Different HP and Luck Caps?


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What's everyone opinion of Fates having different HP and Luck caps for every class and character? I know recent games have had the Luck cap fluctuate recently, but especially HP seemed to always be a static cap uniformly. Luck never went up upon promotion in old games, and usually had that flat cap of 40, although hardly anyone ever reached it. HP usually had a flat cap across the board as well.

I'm probably just old school, but I kinda liked it the old way, not considering the seriously low HP we have in Fates.

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I actually didn't even know there were different HP caps in this game; I've never hit an HP cap with a single PC. Low HP emblem indeed.
Otherwise, we've seen varying HP/Luck caps before ever since FE10 at the very least, and FE10 is easily the FE where caps matter the most, at least that I've played.

Caps are generally cared about far more than they deserve either way (at least for normal gameplay, I don't care about PvP or link arena or whatever). They affect only a very small proportion of the game, and usually not that much even then.

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The HP stat cap is nice in Fates because you will find situations where you need to think as enemies can possibly best you. When you have a normal HP max stat that is shared with everyone (Awakening you somewhat failed there) then things don't really get interesting during missions where you have to face non-players since you will generally stomp enemies into the ground without having to worry about losing 50% HP as you generally will get a lot of HP Growths to offset that hazard whereas Fates returns the HP stat cap per class to balance out everything alongside the HP Growths which again, now vary per class. Having characters generally have lower HP growths and/or having lower HP stat caps might force you to reconsider how to use said units to maximize their utility but that isn't a bad thing. The Luck Stat however, hasn't changed much seeing how it generally has remained the same if you don't take modifiers into account seeing how Luck ranges from 30-40 in each game under normal situations.

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It makes each class even more different than before. And the change is sort of needed because of the Vengeance skill's damage being calculated by the difference between remaining HP and max HP -- having 80 max HP, which can be boosted to 85 or 90, in Awakening is pretty broken especially with the rather popular tactic of Vantage+Vengeance.

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It helps to differentiate units WRT durability and Hit/Avo/Dodge but neither is strictly necessary depending on the game. For GBAFE, 60 HP works fine and it's hard to vary at that range though very annoying with growth characters who can't naturally cap HP; but for higher stats, say 60-80 HP range it works better. Luck is pointless to vary if it has minimal impact.

That said, HP variation is rarely more interesting than higher HP = bulkier; I wouldn't mind seeing a unit with very high Def/Res and good Speed but the joint lowest HP cap and crap in the other defense stat.

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The luck cap is too little to matter.

The HP cap is a bit awkward, but I think it's ok of sorts.

I think it's mostly because how damage potential has gone up, hence while the HP cap remains about the sameish as FE10, damage has gone up, so the difference in HP isn't as prominent of sorts.

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The luck cap changing is a little weird to get used to considering they also nerfed luck to the ground by making it half luk = critical dodge. Berserkers having all that crit has made me reconsider life a few times...

But the hp cap is barely noticable. All of my units who end in lower HP classes don't even have all that high of HP growths anyways and hover around 35 hp at level 20/20, and my units who end in high hp classes aren't even close to hitting the cap at around 55-60 hp at level 20/20 or 20/30.

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The luck cap changing is a little weird to get used to considering they also nerfed luck to the ground by making it half luk = critical dodge. Berserkers having all that crit has made me reconsider life a few times...

But the hp cap is barely noticable. All of my units who end in lower HP classes don't even have all that high of HP growths anyways and hover around 35 hp at level 20/20, and my units who end in high hp classes aren't even close to hitting the cap at around 55-60 hp at level 20/20 or 20/30.

Did they nerf Luck? That seems weird, considering Luck is the weakest stat. They even made the Goddess Icons give +4 to Luck, when every other stat booster is only +2. This is compounding the durability of a sand castle, with the HP nerf.

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