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Happiest and saddest epilogue?


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Hello everyone.

I think the title is pretty self-explanatory: who - or which pair - has the happiest and saddest epilogue that shows how their lives turned out after putting down Grima?

I think Virion and Henry have the worst single ones:

"Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. He never battled these claims, but history shows that he gave the rest of his life to the people." - The guy was always thinking about his home and how he failed his people during his time in the Shepherds, and when he comes back, he works thanklessly to do the best he can as a lord.

"After Grima's demise, Henry made a cold, clean break with history, never to stain its pages again." - Heavily implied to commit suicide. It's even more tragic when you consider his messed up childhood and how he doesn't know how to function as a normal person.

As for the best ones, I find it too hard to choose one since they can be good in so many different ways. For example, I enjoy most of Maribelle's since they involve her trying to make the law more equal, but I also like Donnel and Panne's for simply enjoying a quiet life together.

Which ones do you think are the best and worst epilogues?

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The unknown orange knight's single ending comes to mind, because that's kinda like. "Hey, have you guys seen what's his face? I need him to wash the floors. No? Funny, I swear he was here a few minutes ago. I'm sure he'll show up later." Yeah, try way later, like years from now. His paired ending isn't much better, because for the life of them, no bard can seem to remember his name. I sure can't. Also, Gangrel. If I suddenly came to terms with what I did, I would probably drink myself to death, too.

As for the best, Walhart's is probably the happiest, in a twisted way. Walhart manages to do both what he intended for Valm and what Ashnard failed to do in Path of Radiance without using a Blood Pact. Gregor paired is also kinda funny, especially if you pair him with Maribelle. Woe be unto the man who draws her ire.

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I'd say that one of the best epilogues is Chrom X F!Robin:

"Many wrote of Robin's legendary expoilts, but accounts of her origins and character varied. Scholars, poets and bards agreed on one thing alone- she loved her husband, Chrom, above all else"

Henry's is for me one of the sadest if he's not married so I always get him hitched if I can.

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I'd say that one of the best epilogues is Chrom X F!Robin:

"Many wrote of Robin's legendary expoilts, but accounts of her origins and character varied. Scholars, poets and bards agreed on one thing alone- she loved her husband, Chrom, above all else"

Henry's is for me one of the sadest if he's not married so I always get him hitched if I can.

Fuck your Chrom. Priam FTW!

Also, the saddest IMO is Vaike unmarried.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I'm just more accepting of death, but I never found Gangrel's ending all that sad. It's implied he's been wanting to die for a LONG time, even before you dethroned him. Now he can finally move on and leave his miserable life behind, AND he got to do some good in the world before kicking the bucket.

Of course, a female Robin can marry him and give him reason to live, but... eech. :P

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Robin's ending is literally the same regardless of who he/she is married to... :/ And yeah, fuck Chrom, Frederick is best hubby. <3

Anyway, yeah, I was glad I married Henry to someone (Sumia). His ending if he isn't married is pretty...yeah, disturbing.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd say that one of the best epilogues is Chrom X F!Robin:

"Many wrote of Robin's legendary expoilts, but accounts of her origins and character varied. Scholars, poets and bards agreed on one thing alone- she loved her husband, Chrom, above all else"

Henry's is for me one of the sadest if he's not married so I always get him hitched if I can.

Ya know, I don't know if you know, or if this has been pointed out, but that's robin's ending if robin marries anyone.

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Henry ? Commited suicide ? Ouch, did not see that one coming. Thanks for that, man. :p

I have to say, Virion and Gangrel's ending pulled my heartstrings. Gangrel deserved it of course but...
Kellam is just... ugh, this is why you don't put characters with anime gimmick in your games.

Edited by B.Leu
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I don't find Kellam's ending sad. Seriously, how many people die and aren't remember in history as a soldier without a high rank? Kellam's ending is pretty realistic and not at all terrible when he's single. It's all of his married endings that are horrible. Oh, we know "X" woman got married, but we can't remember her husband-- what a miserable creature he was. And really, if you marry Kellam to Robin, the problem is solved. People remember him through Robin.

Virion's and Henry's are by and large the worst single endings out there.

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