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[GAME-OVER] Everyone Is Music Mafia; Congratulations Elieson, SB. and Mitsuki


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Announcement 5/28:

Due to unseen circumstances leading to delays, I've released aliases early.

In turn, expect a few more further delays due to school. Role PMs will be released very soon. Please sit tight! I'm trying my best!

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I need player info from Hannah, Slife, Ice, Elieson, BT., Zephias, King Gilgamesh, Redja12, ReturnofMCH, sayakrow, Reyison, and Izhuark. If you already sent it to Summer be a dear and either PM it to me or skype me at xbrooklyn99x.

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I need player info from Hannah, Slife, Ice, Elieson, BT., Zephias, King Gilgamesh, Redja12, ReturnofMCH, sayakrow, Reyison, and Izhuark. If you already sent it to Summer be a dear and either PM it to me or skype me at xbrooklyn99x.

Added you to the PM i sent to Jiac

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If anybody wants to sub in that would be stellar. One of the players has to leave for personal reasons. Otherwise, either a volunteer at game start to leave or someone who hasn't sent info will be kicked.


Edited by Lord Gaius
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At this pace, the game will start when Zelda WiiU is released :Kappa:

PD (I don't mind the waiting, though :3)

Edited by Ken Masters
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sending in info after the alias list has already been released would be suicide lol

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Thanks drumbeats, it's appreciated.

6/2/2016: Host fuck ups oh joy

So forgetting the alias list was revealed I called on Ice in a large lack of foresight. So here I stand, humbly asking you all to change your aliases. If Ice sent his info in, every body with a brain would eat him up. If we all change our aliases, he can slip back into the masses unseen. So, sorry once again but I ask you:


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