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What is going on with video game consoles lately?


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Not only are the generations getting shorter but newer versions of the consoles are being released and making the older models almost obsolete. The market is so odd. First the New 3DS and now the PS4 Neo. What is going to happen to the future of consoles? Will people just switch to PC?

Edited by AllAroundGamer
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I can play SNES games on Wii U, so I don't really need a N3DS. Federation Force looks mediocre, and aside from Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, I can't think of any other reason to get a N3DS. I wouldn't say current consoles are obsolete yet.

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The pundit Jim Sterling once did an episode saying that at the start of this gen the publishers had no faith in console gaming anymore and that its the reason for why this gen is so weird.

I wouldn't say the old consoles are getting obsolete. The current drive away from backwards compatibility makes it pretty important to keep them around.

I don't really know what Sony is thinking with the PS Neo. The Wii U's short lifespawn is there because the console just isn't doing to well but the PS4 is doing pretty fantastic. Maybe the development of the ps4 was so rushed that they were not able to insert all the features they wanted or even needed.

The pc master race did grow stronger in the past few years but I personally don't see myself joining it. PC gaming still lacks the ability to just pick up and play without jumping through hoops.

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I think consoles are slowly leaving the market. Even though I like the pick up and play that the consoles have, I have found myself not using said consoles often as I did a few years back because of all of the things I can do with a PC. But, I don't think portable consoles are going to leave at the rate of systems like the Wii U, PlayStation, and Xbox, where they aren't for grab and go gaming.

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Newer versions of consoles aren't really that new...I mean, there have been plenty already. The gameboy advance SP, a more portable version of the ps1, a more powerful version of the ps2 (I believe it was called the PSX even though the PS1 is often called that), the gameboy micro, and the DSi come to mind. There's the PS2 slim. I believe there were multiple PS3 versions made...though that might have been less publicized. Besides noting that, I don't really have any thoughts.

Edited by Togami Byakuga
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If the generations are getting shorter then it feels like the main advantage of consoles over PCs ("this can run every game for this many years at maximum graphics while PC owners will slowly degrade in quality before needing to upgrade") is being squandered.

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as far as i know, Sony is trying as hard as they can to make the PS4 Neo just a PS4 with better graphics/performance/whatever, that is, an OG PS4 will be able to run the same games as a PS4 Neo

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I think consoles are slowly leaving the market. Even though I like the pick up and play that the consoles have, I have found myself not using said consoles often as I did a few years back because of all of the things I can do with a PC. But, I don't think portable consoles are going to leave at the rate of systems like the Wii U, PlayStation, and Xbox, where they aren't for grab and go gaming.

Dedicated handheld gaming is seeing a steep decline, while two console brands are as strong as ever. Handhelds are much more likely to die out than consoles, because they have an actual competitor - mobile gaming. The PS4 has been outselling the 3DS 3:1 and its sales are only increasing as time goes on.

Anyway, I don't think the Neo is the same as the N3DS. For one, the Neo is not being allowed by Sony to have exclusives, whereas the N3DS was trying to push exclusive games to sell the system to 3DS owners (and it was ultimately never realized). It's an upgraded PS4 for 4k TV owners because it's too soon to release a new console that supports it, the slim re-release we're all used to with some added perks. I'd be more annoyed with the decision if it were going to have exclusive games, -that's- the slippery slope. It's a common business practice in electronics to release new models that support new tech and the confusing part is that it hasn't been done sooner.

Edited by Tangerine
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