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Things you enjoyed about Fates story (spoilers)


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I just beat Nohr Chapter 25 and holy fuck Ryouma's chapter is awesome. I didn't even actually play it, I just yolo fought with Corrin until I won.

That cut scene afterwards is amazing.

Edited by Zerosabers
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Funny enough, I felt like, depending on the route, the opposite family got interesting development.

In Conquest, Camilla nearly falls to insanity, Leo is torn between how he truly feels, Elise wonders what she can do to stop all this, and Xander's fight has some real emotion behind it.

In Birthright, Hinoka is torn about all her thoughts of wanting her brother back, Sakura basically had to learn to fight because war was brought to her doorstep, Takumi honestly has legit reasons for his actions, and Ryoma's fight is all emotionally filled like Xander's.

Just.....if only Garon had been more like Arvis, or Travant, or even Lyon. That alone would have solved so many problems.

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Almost everything about Zola and Takumi.

The Birthright chapter 6 scene.

Corrin not siding with anyone in Revelation.

Elise stalling Xander in Birthright chapter 12.

Elise's and Laslow's deaths in Birthright were pretty sad.

Killing Xander and Peri was pretty satisfying.

Ryoma's grief after Scarlet's death in Revelation.

The speech Corrin gives in the Localization's Conquest chapter 26.

Laslow managing to fight Ryoma to a standstill in Conquest chapter 12.

Fighting the parents in Revelation.

Sakura actually fighting in the war in Conquest.

All of the Recollection of Bubbles DLC.

While I don't exactly like the Deeprealms, I do enjoy all the analyses that can be done about their effect on the children's psyche.

I'm not sure if it counts, but all the fanfiction potential for this game. The premise is pretty good, but the execution is not the best. This in turn invites a lot of people to try to make the already existing plot better, backstories for the characters who didn't have much of a chance to develop themselves (like Mikoto), different interpretations for each character, world-building, AUs with different circumstances but the same characters, etc..

Edited by Luankachu
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I'm not sure if it counts, but all the fanfiction potential for this game. The premise is pretty good, but the execution is not the best. This in turn invites a lot of people to try to make the already existing plot better, backstories for the characters who didn't have much of a chance to develop themselves (like Mikoto), different interpretations for each character, world-building, AUs with different circumstances but the same characters, etc..

This one of my favorite parts of Fates as well, if not my most favorite. Being able to witness all the headcanon and fanfictions of other users has to be one of the biggest things I look forward to

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Is there a difference between it and the JPN original?

There is.

In the localization it was:

"Do not expect me to hold back. Though I do not regret returning to Nohr…I will not stand idly by while you desecrate the kingdom I grew up in! If it’s a fight you want, Hans, it’s a fight you’re going to get. I always try to avoid needless violence… but there’s an exception to every rule.You want to see me act more like you? Like a merciless killer? Then watch this. You may be on the side of Nohr, but I will punish you all the same!"

In the japanese version it was:


Which was fan-translated to:

That’s right… It seems this fight was inevitable. I like to avoid senseless slaughter, and thought I may be able to continue to do so. But, [i feel] these guys are different. For the first time… I’m thinking more like a Nohrian Prince[ss] should. I’m thinking… that even though you two are fellow soldiers of Nohr, I want to kill both of you.

Source: https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2016/02/25/fe-fates-localization-conquest-ch-26-corrinkamui-dialogue-medium-change/

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There is.

In the localization it was:

"Do not expect me to hold back. Though I do not regret returning to Nohr…I will not stand idly by while you desecrate the kingdom I grew up in! If it’s a fight you want, Hans, it’s a fight you’re going to get. I always try to avoid needless violence… but there’s an exception to every rule.You want to see me act more like you? Like a merciless killer? Then watch this. You may be on the side of Nohr, but I will punish you all the same!"

In the japanese version it was:


Which was fan-translated to:

That’s right… It seems this fight was inevitable. I like to avoid senseless slaughter, and thought I may be able to continue to do so. But, [i feel] these guys are different. For the first time… I’m thinking more like a Nohrian Prince[ss] should. I’m thinking… that even though you two are fellow soldiers of Nohr, I want to kill both of you.

Source: https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2016/02/25/fe-fates-localization-conquest-ch-26-corrinkamui-dialogue-medium-change/

Huh...you're right. The localized one sounds a lot better.

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I actually enjoyed both games' stories (haven't played Revelations yet), despite all of their stupidities. I just wish they fleshed things out better, and that it wasn't so morally black and white. C'mon game, give Nohr more of leg to stand on.

Specifically, I really enjoyed the premise: Heartbreak. Heartbreak everywhere.

Xander's and Elise's deaths did bring a tear to my eye, and Ryoma's and Takumi's did make me feel.

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oh i gotta admit, i really like the way Anankos looks. Even the "human" part of him you see in Hidden Truths. (which would have been good if not for several reasons. :(: )

But im really into that spooky mask thing hes rocking for a good while, and then the Lovecraftian horror style thing with the eyeballs. Kinda reminds me of a spookier version of Yami from Okami. goodshit.txt

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I actually like the game's plot, overall. Yeah, it could have been so much more, and it definitely has its downfalls, and I do resent that, but there were more things I enjoyed than things I didn't, so I'm not going to let the negatives overshadow the positives. But my personal favorites:

The siblings, when they're on your opposite side, are really good. Leo's inner conflict, Camilla's depression, Takumi's descent into insanity, Ryoma and Xander slipping morally, Sakura's shaky courage, Hinoka and Elise's devastation, it was all really good. Birthright Chapter 18 and (as has been frequently mentioned) Conquest Chapter 25 are the absolute highlights, very emotional, very well-done.

The first 17 chapters of Revelation is basically Corrin scrambling to gain allies and figure out how to stop Anankos, while both countries think he's a madman and a traitor. I absolutely loved that premise and thought it was done solidly, alongside the whole "screw you BOTH" thing Corrin does at the beginning. I'll refrain from commenting about the rest of it, but it had a nice start at least IMO.

The sub-plots, ie Flora's betrayal and anguish over that, Takumi's insecurities and possession, Azura's curse in Birthright. They either didn't get a lot of screentime but worked the heck out of it, or had some good groundwork laid out in advance and built up an emotional connection by the time the plots came to fruition.

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I like all the blanks I can fill in for myself. While it means the story is weaker at face value, it lets my imagination take the wheel, which is part of why I seldom complain about the story, and why I actually like Conquest's story best, because there's more room for conflict than in Birthright.

I also like the contrast between the two families. Birthright really illustrates the value Corrin has to the Nohrian family, since they fall apart without him, while Conquest does the reverse, with Takumi being the only one to fall apart in an otherwise healthy family.

I also liked the Awakening trio on the Nohr side, since it allowed for a rare case of character development for non-central characters. Severa and Inigo particularly.

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There's some absolutely brilliant moments in all of the stories. Here's some from Birthright:

(and yes there's a ton of spoilers, no I'm not sorry, I edited that title for a reason)

- Camilla's lines in Cheve. . .that's a whole 'nother level of creepy, and it's glorious.

- Ryoma busting out of an armor in Cheve. Dude can't even reclass into General normally, and yet he was able to fight somewhat competently.

- Nestra, because that's a pretty cowardly attack IMO. Shows that Hoshido isn't all about being right.

- The Dragon Fort coming alive, along with the Faceless. Too bad it wasn't possible to capture the smell, because I'm sure that kind of fight is terrifying.

- Leo does some cool things after he disappears. I like how he's handled after that skirmish in the swamp.

- Garon, facing you down in Chapter 27. He doesn't run, which gives me a glimmer of respect for him.

And Conquest:

- The first time Corrin pulled the "don't kill people" thing in the Ice Tribe was really nice. I can see this being somewhat believable, because of the freezing temps (which would make it harder for someone who's wounded to fight).

- The Rainbow Sage keeling over was amusing, but mostly because Iago gets trolled (not 'cause I like seeing people die).

- I liked that crystal from Valla, because the number of paths the story could take was pretty amazing.

- I'm fine with no one recognizing Azura in the opera house, because her stunt put a lot of innocent people in danger. . .which is pretty morally ambiguous IMO.

- I would love to see an event similar to Shura's recruitment in a future FE game. Alas, his death is a lot more interesting than his recruitment. . .

- Sakura holing up after Chapter 22 is perfectly understandable - she just saw a whole bunch of her soldiers get butchered, and she couldn't do anything about it. Kinda wonder what happened to Yukimura afterwards, because seeing that scene probably wasn't good for his mental health.

- Camilla's time to shine is after Chapter 24. One of my favorite sibling interactions.

- The ending of Chapter 25 shows Corrin defying Garon to his face. It's a miracle that the latter didn't order an execution on the spot.

- Chapter 26 is pretty satisfying - we get to see how completely and utterly pathetic Iago is on his own.

- Cheese aside, I kinda liked the death's door scene in this route.

And Revelations. . .even if there's things I don't like about it, there's a lot that Revelations did right. So much so that it's getting a spoiler tag, for length.

- The first couple of chapters set the tone perfectly. We the player can see what Azura had up her metaphorical sleeve in the other two routes.

- I like this Zola best of all. He's unapologetic and cowardly.

- Saizo isn't recruited because of things like "but Corrin's eyes are pure!". He's a man of action, and he's recruited because Corrin bails his ass. This was a wonderful example of "show don't tell".

- I like Camilla's reasons for joining. Shows what kind of empire Garon runs. Even though Silas joins for the same reasons, I think it's still relevant.

- Azura gets to shine during Chapter 13. Instead of talking about mysterious things, she does something about it.

- Scarlet gets a lot more love in this route. Too bad about everything else, though.

- Meanwhile, Ryoma and Xander both react very logically to Corrin, who basically tells them "you're wrong and I won't tell you why".

- Also, I love the three-faction fight, even though they not really fighting each other during the chapter. I think it's a great idea, and would've loved to see more interference from Valla throughout the surface arc.

- Though I'm sad that Hinoka couldn't join earlier, her being out of action for so long fits perfectly with the story.

- Everyone meeting up to jump into the canyon was pretty cool. Of the three paths, I liked how the Hoshido/Nohr conflict was handled in this route, by far.

- Anthony may be a traitor, but it shows that perhaps there's more to Valla than a bunch of puppets.

- When Anthony went Faceless, it did two things. First, it raises the question of "were those Faceless we killed humans, once upon a time?" and second, it shows that Anankos is really cruel.

- The resurrected parents helped to fill in some back story. Though how Arete and Mikoto are related still baffles me, because they don't look like sisters at all.

- Seeing Sumeragi was pretty surprising. I think it also means that Garon was under Anankos' influence by then. . .so that's quite a few years!

- Anankos himself starts off with a face that really reminds me of the Stoneborn - perhaps those were exceptionally powerful humans, that he transformed in his likeness? Even though we're told that he needs to go, he still talks coherently.

- Anankos' best moment IMO is when he asks Corrin why humans get to roam around, while he's sealed away. Corrin doesn't answer. . .which can either be written off as bad writing, or seen as something Corrin couldn't answer. I like to think it's the latter.

- Lastly. . .Garon himself walked up to Anankos willingly. So perhaps Garon wasn't as crazy as I thought. . .or crazier than I could ever imagine. It also implies that Garon really did get orders from Anankos to keep Corrin alive in Conquest.

- And Garon's reward for his loyalty was death. Not as satisfying as offing him ourselves, but the point of the story wasn't to kill Garon. Which is a neat touch, since in both routes, he's the one featured in Chapter 27.

- Just how many humans were left in Valla, after all was said and done? And what happened to them? Perhaps we'll get a final resolution in a future DLC.

Edited by eclipse
I can do chapter numbers, I promise!
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Having both of the families together in Revelations is the best part of the third route, everything else can be "meh" territory, but the part of the story in which all the siblings stand together for the first time is one of my favorites... Also the ending cutscene is in my favorite moments too... Just the idea of them happy and safe together make me smile... Yes I'm very cheesy

I also liked Scarlett little story of her standing against her country. I think that part in the Hoshido route starts to show the hoshidans that there are people from Nohr that wants peace too and can fight with them for it (this falls in the sad side too when taking in account what happens to Scarlett in the other 2 routes). Leo's chapter in Hoshido is good for story too. Takumi's development and story is another thing I liked, but I would like to know if there was a reason for his insecurity or if he just became paranoid from nowhere

Edited by SniperGYS
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eclipse, I agree with every single thing you said about Revelations - there was quite a lot I loved! I especially loved how nearly all the deaths were handled in that route.

Having both of the families together in Revelations is the best part of the third route, everything else can be "meh" territory, but the part of the story in which all the siblings stand together for the first time is one of my favorites... Also the ending cutscene is in my favorite moments too... Just the idea of them happy and safe together make me smile... Yes I'm very cheesy

Ha, I'm cheesy, too. I understand that many consider it to have a lower emotional impact than Conquest/Birthright, that it's probably not realistic that everyone would get along together so well, and certainly the siblings don't get quite as much development, but I'm really happy Revelations exists. Real life is depressing enough as it is; I like my games when they come with an alternate happy story route.

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I mentioned it another thread, but I did really enjoy both Birthright and Revelations' stories, and Revelations still is probably one of my favorite FE plots. But then again I'm weak to SMT Neutral-style golden endings, even when it's focused on uniting rather than destroying the two opposing sides. On Conquest, I was genuinely upset over Ryoma and Takumi's fates. There honestly is a lot I really like about Fates' writing in general, especially some of the characters.

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I actually felt Conquest's story was the most interesting. It wasn't like Birthright, with the rehashed "go beat up bad guy" plot. I also like where I assume the story was going when Corrin acted like they were going to act more like Garon wanted (for show). I was a little disappointed with this, but I mentioned it because the thought gave me positive feelings.

I liked how in Revelation, you need to work for your siblings trust. I do wish they had it more where your siblings needed to have their own revelations about the truth before trusting you. Birthright siblings could have trusted you more quickly, but I wanted to see more of a struggle for Leo and Xander. Possibly Camilla too, but I actually liked how she surrendered completely to Corrin.

I really enjoyed Xander's struggles with being a Nohrian prince and wanting to do the right thing, and seeing more of this in Conquest. I played Birthright first, and Xander seemed black-and-white, but Conquest showed that he was much more complicated than he let on. In Birthright, I feel they missed the opportunity to truly show how Xander suffered with his destiny like they did with Leo. I know Xander had the whole "I am a prince of Nohr; I must stay with Nohr" thing, but I wanted to see how he struggled with it (he had to) and how he was made sure of his resolve.

Also, I know a lot of people said that Revelations was predictable with Gunter's "betrayal" at the end (quotes because he was actually controlled", but I'm autistic. Since I'm autistic, I find it really hard to predict what will happen in stories, even with cliches. So, because of this, the only thing I caught about this was the foreshadowing right after Scarlet died (Gunter mentioning the flower). I'm good at detail, so I figured there was significance to this and in the final chapter I was like "bitch no I was right".

Another positive thought: The parts I feel need expanded on give me really good fic ideas. :)

(Okay I guess not everything I mentioned was something I liked, but I just had tangent thoughts so I went with them.)

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Well OST is part of story delivery, so at least fates has that.

Despite what haters would say about conquest, I did enjoy how the majority of that route the feeling of torment on your decision weighs on corrin far more than birthright, where things seemed so... black and white (kinda hard for it to be anything else when you have the cartoonishly evil garon being a far clearer target for you).

Also, birthright is the one route that manages to make me hate xander so there's that.

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I loved pretty much everything about Birthright's story and it has my favorite ending because of how bittersweet it is.

Conquest......they tried something new is probably the most positive thing I could say about that mess.

Revealtions actually had the most interesting start of the 3 routes. Shame about the gameplay though

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I like the class variety. I like the fact that you can make really fun and crazy builds like Mechanist Takumi that actually work and are REALLY fun, and just versatile classes like Dread Fighter or Malig Knight. I think Bows are a bit too strong (especially after Point Blank scrolls become a thing) but otherwise I really like the weapon variety, the new Triangle and the fact that you can make an Iron Sword viable throughout the entire game should you choose to. And the stronger weapons still have their uses, but you have to be mindful of the downsides.

I don't like how you can get +7 Killer/Brave Weapons with enough patience or powersaving, that just trivializes everything. I kinda wish that different weapons had different forge caps too, but I suppose that's an unfortunate oversight on a good system.

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So, while I have a ton of problems with Fates, mostly about the story, since this isn't the thread to complain in, I'll leave you with only one gripe.

It really, REALLY, REALLY feels like you have to play Birthright before Conquest. A shame I started with Conquest, because when I got around to Birthright it felt like reading a book in reverse, none of the differences surprised me. Birthright teases a bunch of information, Conquest elaborates on the same information and Revelation answers everything else. Ugh, Nintendo gave us a choice between two games, but the actual story seems like it was supposed to be presented only one specific way...

Anyway, onto positive stuff!

Conquest is filled to the brim with great character development and character interactions. Because of this, Conquest's bland story doesn't bother me as much as the other routes. Most chapters have something great in them, but I'm especially fond of Yukimura absolutely losing it after the Fort Jinya battle. One of many moments in Conquest that hits me hard. Shout-out to Zola, especially Birthright Zola and the Nohrian siblings in Birthright.

The characters look a lot more distinct than the ones in Awakening.

While it has less tracks that truly stand out than Awakening, overall Fates has a much better soundtrack.

The game looks great. I could look at the world map all day. What program did they use to make it?

The gameplay, mechanics, etc., are really good.

The cutscenes are still great, bar a few.

Need to count sheep, saw some logs and catch some Zs, so I'll end it here. I'd like to go into more detail at some point.

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Story wise, I personally think that the last few chapters of Birthright are great.

The fight with Xander: arguably best Camus archetype situation in all of FE

Everyone helping Takumi break out from Iago's control was also great. It was a really big time for Sakura to shine in the story, and I'm a sucker for Shounen anime-esque "the power of friendship can break your mind control".

Also, end game for all three routes. "End of All" has to be one of the best endgame tracks there is.

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So, while I have a ton of problems with Fates, mostly about the story, since this isn't the thread to complain in, I'll leave you with only one gripe.

It really, REALLY, REALLY feels like you have to play Birthright before Conquest. A shame I started with Conquest, because when I got around to Birthright it felt like reading a book in reverse, none of the differences surprised me. Birthright teases a bunch of information, Conquest elaborates on the same information and Revelation answers everything else. Ugh, Nintendo gave us a choice between two games, but the actual story seems like it was supposed to be presented only one specific way...

Anyway, onto positive stuff!

Conquest is filled to the brim with great character development and character interactions. Because of this, Conquest's bland story doesn't bother me as much as the other routes. Most chapters have something great in them, but I'm especially fond of Yukimura absolutely losing it after the Fort Jinya battle. One of many moments in Conquest that hits me hard. Shout-out to Zola, especially Birthright Zola and the Nohrian siblings in Birthright.

The characters look a lot more distinct than the ones in Awakening.

While it has less tracks that truly stand out than Awakening, overall Fates has a much better soundtrack.

The game looks great. I could look at the world map all day. What program did they use to make it?

The gameplay, mechanics, etc., are really good.

The cutscenes are still great, bar a few.

Need to count sheep, saw some logs and catch some Zs, so I'll end it here. I'd like to go into more detail at some point.

Please read the topic title. This is about the good things in Fates' STORY.

Otherwise, that list I made in my post would be twice as long. We know the gameplay rocks.

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I really liked Chapter 6 in both Birthright and Conquest. I think the mood of those chapters is just about perfect.

Also, in terms on concept, I liked some of the ideas Conquest had.

I also think Xander's chapter in Birthright is pretty decent.

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