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What's you're favourite sport?


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Maybe because I haven't really gone too far out of the FE section of the boards yet, but to most people, it's interested in pretty much everything if I'm ever given a reason to be. Football, baseball, basketball, and even hockey to a lesser extent. It's hard to get into soccer, though, because America is so apathetic about it.

That said, FAVORITE sport is american Football. I'm a big Steelers fan (although I also love me the Chargers and would have serious loyalty issues if they played each other). My fantasy football team this year is getting creamed, though.

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Volleyball. That's the sport I practice, and I'm also rather good at it and I like bragging about it.

But I also enjoy soccer, streetsoccer, beachsoccer, beachvolleyball and basketball (streetbasketball).

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